Musings on Digital Identity

Category: Cryptography Page 1 of 11

Proposed Second Candidate Recommendation for Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE

W3C logoThe W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group published the Snapshot Second Candidate Recommendation of the Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE specification just before the holidays. This was one of five Candidate Recommendation Snapshots published by the working group at the same time, including for the Verifiable Credentials Data Model 2.0, which I’m also an editor of. A W3C Candidate Recommendation Snapshot is intended to become a W3C Candidate Recommendation after required review and approval steps.

As I wrote about the First Candidate Recommendation, VC-JOSE-COSE secures VC Data Model payloads with JOSE, SD-JWT, or COSE signatures. And while I’m admittedly not a fan of JSON-LD, to the extent that Verifiable Credentials using the JSON-LD-based VC Data Model are in use, I’m committed to there being a solid VC-JOSE-COSE specification so there is a simple, secure, standards-based way to sign these credentials.

One significant change since the First Candidate Recommendation was splitting the Controller Document text out into its own specification called Controlled Identifier Document 1.0. Publishing a Candidate Recommendation Snapshot for it is planned for next week. Part of why it became its own specification is so that it can be referenced by the planned update to the W3C DID specification.

Thanks to my co-editor Gabe Cohen and working group chair Brent Zundel for the significant work they both put in to help us reach this point!

Fully-Specified Algorithms Specification Addressing Feedback from IETF 120

IETF logoOrie Steele and I have updated the “Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE” specification to incorporate feedback from IETF 120 in Vancouver. Specifically, the registrations for fully-specified Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) algorithms in draft 03 were removed, along with the previously proposed fully-specified ECDH algorithm identifiers, while continuing to describe how to create fully-specified ECDH algorithms in the future, if needed.

The specification is available at:

Fully-Specified Algorithms Specification Addressing Working Group Last Call Comments

IETF logoOrie Steele and I have updated the “Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE” specification to incorporate working group last call (WGLC) feedback. Thanks to all who took the time to comment on the draft. Your feedback was exceptionally actionable and helped to substantially improve the specification. Responses to each WGLC comment thread were sent on the IETF JOSE working group mailing list.

The updated draft attempts to discuss the full range of the problems created by polymorphic algorithm identifiers. Guided by working group feedback, it strikes an engineering balance between which of these problems to fix immediately in the specification and which to describe how future specifications can fix later as the need arises.

I look forward to discussing next steps for the specification at IETF 120 in Vancouver.

The specification is available at:

Standards are About Making Choices

EIC 2024 LogoI was honored to give the keynote presentation Standards are About Making Choices at the 2024 European Identity and Cloud Conference (PowerPoint) (PDF). The abstract was:

When building machines, we take for granted being able to use nuts, bolts, wires, light bulbs, and countless other parts made to industry standards. Standards contain choices about dimensions of screw threads, nut sizes, etc., enabling a marketplace of interoperable parts from multiple suppliers. Without these choices, every part would be custom manufactured. The same is true of the identity and security standards we use to build identity systems.

However, the identity and security standards at our disposal differ wildly in the degree to which they do and don’t make choices. Some consistently define ONE way to do things, resulting in everyone doing it that way (interoperability!). Others leave critical choices unmade, passing the buck to implementers and applications (your mileage may vary).

In this talk, I’ll name names and take prisoners, critiquing existing and emerging standards through the lens of the choices they made and failed to make. Hold on to your hats as we examine the pros and cons of the choices made by OAuth, SAML, X.509, OpenID Connect, Verifiable Credentials, DIDs, WebCrypto, JOSE, COSE, and many others through this lens!

I believe you’ll agree with me that making choices matters.

The conference keynote description includes a recording of the presentation.

Thanks to MATTR for providing a designer to work with me on the presentation, enabling the visual design to transcend my usual black-text-on-white-background design style!

Using Standards: Some Assembly Required

Identiverse LogoI gave the following presentation in the session Using Standards: Some Assembly Required at the 2024 Identiverse conference (PowerPoint) (PDF). The abstract was:

  • Standards are about making choices. When building machines, we take for granted being able to use nuts, bolts, wires, light bulbs, and countless other parts made to industry standards. Standards contain choices about dimensions of screw threads, nut sizes, etc., enabling a marketplace of interoperable parts from multiple suppliers. Without these choices, every part would be custom-manufactured. The same is true of the identity and security standards we use to build the Identity Engine. However, the identity and security standards at our disposal differ wildly in the degree to which they do and don’t make choices. Some consistently define ONE way to do things, resulting in everyone doing it that way (interoperability!). Others leave critical choices unmade, passing the buck to implementers and applications (your mileage may vary). In this talk, I’ll name names and take prisoners, critiquing existing and emerging standards through the lens of the choices they made and failed to make. Hold on to your hats as we examine the pros and cons of the choices made by OAuth, SAML, X.509, OpenID Connect, Verifiable Credentials, DIDs, WebCrypto, JOSE, COSE, and many others through this lens! I believe you’ll agree with me that making choices matters.

The audience was highly engaged by the process of giving existing and emerging standards letter grades based on the choices they made (or failed to make)!

Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE is now a W3C Candidate Recommendation

W3C logoThe Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE specification (a.k.a. VC-JOSE-COSE) has reached W3C Candidate Recommendation status. The Candidate Recommendation milestone is described in the W3C Process document. Please review the Candidate Recommendation of VC-JOSE-COSE. Thanks especially to Gabe Cohen, Orie Steele, and Brent Zundel for doing the hard work of getting us to this point!

Since I last wrote about this work, the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model (VCDM), which is also at Candidate Recommendation stage, has been narrowed to only use JSON-LD to represent credentials. VC-JOSE-COSE secures VCDM payloads with JOSE, SD-JWT, or COSE signatures. While I’m admittedly not a fan of JSON-LD, to the extent that Verifiable Credentials using the VCDM are in use, I’m committed to finishing a solid VC-JOSE-COSE specification so there is a simple, secure, standards-based way to sign these credentials.

Of course, there are lots of Verifiable Credential formats to choose from, and more on the way. Choices already existing include ISO mDoc, IETF SD-JWT, IETF JSON Web Proof (JWP), and W3C VCDM. The IETF is also planning to create a CBOR-based selective disclosure representation in the newly formed SPICE working group. It will be interesting to see how these all shake out in the marketplace!

Fully-Specified Algorithms Presentation at 2024 OAuth Security Workshop

OAuth Security WorkshopI gave a presentation on Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE at the 2024 OAuth Security Workshop in Rome. The slides used to update participants on the progress of the work are available as PowerPoint and PDF.

Thanks to the organizers for another great OAuth Security Workshop! And special thanks to the colleagues from Fondazione Bruno Kessler who did a great job with local arrangements in Rome!

Eight Specifications Published in Preparation for IETF 119

IETF logoMy co-authors and I published updated versions of eight specifications in preparation for IETF 119 in Brisbane. The specifications span three working groups: JOSE, COSE, and OAuth. The updated specifications and outcomes when discussed at IETF 119 are as follows.

1, 2, & 3: JSON Web Proof, JSON Proof Algorithms, and JSON Proof Token. Updates were:

  • Normatively defined header parameters used
  • Populated IANA Considerations sections
  • Allowed proof representations to contain multiple base64url-encoded parts
  • Specified representation of zero-length disclosed payloads
  • Added Terminology sections
  • Updated to use draft-irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures-05
  • Updated to use draft-ietf-cose-bls-key-representations-04
  • More and better examples
  • Improvements resulting from a full proofreading

Continued reviews and feedback from implementations are requested.

4: Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE. Updates were:

  • Published initial working group document following adoption
  • Added text on fully-specified computations using multiple algorithms
  • Added text on KEMs and encapsulated keys
  • Updated instructions to the designated experts

It was agreed during the JOSE meeting to describe what fully-specified algorithms for ECDH would look like, for consideration by the working group.

5: OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata. Updates were:

  • Switched from concatenating .well-known to the end of the resource identifier to inserting it between the host and path components of it
  • Have WWW-Authenticate return resource_metadata URL rather than resource identifier

It was decided to start working group last call during the OAuth meeting.

6: COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter. Updates were:

  • Added language about media type parameters
  • Addressed working group last call comments
  • Changed requested assignment from 14 to 16 due to conflict with a new assignment
  • Addressed GENART, OPSDIR, and SECDIR review comments

This document is scheduled for the April 4, 2024 IESG telechat.

7: Barreto-Lynn-Scott Elliptic Curve Key Representations for JOSE and COSE. Updates were:

  • Changed to use key type EC for JOSE and equivalent EC2 for COSE for uncompressed key representations
  • Changed identifier spellings from “Bls” to “BLS”, since these letters are people’s initials

We received feedback to not add compressed key representations to the draft.

8: Use of Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (HPKE) with JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE). Updates were:

It was decided to start a working group call for adoption during the JOSE meeting.

Thanks to all who contributed to the progress made on these specifications, both before and during IETF 119!

Fully-Specified Algorithms adopted by JOSE working group

IETF logoThe “Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE” specification has been adopted by the JOSE working group. See my original post about the spec for why fully-specified algorithms matter. Thanks to all who supported adoption and also thanks to those who provided useful detailed feedback that we can address in future working group drafts.

The specification is available at:

Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) for JOSE

IETF logoThe new “Use of Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (HPKE) with Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)” specification has been published. Its abstract is:

This specification defines Hybrid public-key encryption (HPKE) for use with Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE). HPKE offers a variant of public-key encryption of arbitrary-sized plaintexts for a recipient public key.

HPKE works for any combination of an asymmetric key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), key derivation function (KDF), and authenticated encryption with additional data (AEAD) function. Authentication for HPKE in JOSE is provided by JOSE-native security mechanisms or by one of the authenticated variants of HPKE.

This document defines the use of the HPKE with JOSE.

Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) is defined by RFC 9180. There’s a whole new generation of specifications using it for encryption. The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol [RFC 9420] uses it. TLS Encrypted Client Hello uses it. Use of Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (HPKE) with CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) brings it to COSE. And this specification brings it to JOSE.

One of our goals for the JOSE HPKE specification is to keep it closely aligned with the COSE HPKE specification. That should be facilitated by having multiple authors in common, with Hannes Tschofenig and Orie Steele being authors of both, and me being a COSE co-chair.

Aritra Banerjee will be presenting the draft to the JOSE working group at IETF 118 in Prague. I’m hoping to see many of you there!

The specification is available at:

JSON Web Proofs specifications updated in preparation for IETF 118

IETF logoDavid Waite and I have updated the “JSON Web Proof”, “JSON Proof Algorithms”, and “JSON Proof Token” specifications in preparation for presentation and discussions in the JOSE working group at IETF 118 in Prague. The primary updates were to align the BBS algorithm text and examples with the current CFRG BBS Signature Scheme draft. We also applied improvements suggested by Brent Zundel and Alberto Solavagione.

The specifications are available at:

Thanks to David Waite for doing the heavy lifting to update the BBS content. Thanks to MATTR for publishing their Pairing Cryptography software, which was used to generate the examples. And thanks to Alberto Solavagione for validating the specifications with his implementation.

Fully-Specified Algorithms updated in preparation for IETF 118

IETF logoOrie Steele and I have updated the “Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE” specification in preparation for presentation and discussions at IETF 118 in Prague. The updates address comments received during the discussions at IETF 117 and afterwards. Specifically, this draft adds descriptions of key representations and of algorithms not updated by the specification. See my original post about the spec for why fully-specified algorithms matter.

Hopefully working group adoption will be considered by the JOSE working group during IETF 118.

The specification is available at:

Public Drafts of Third W3C WebAuthn and FIDO2 CTAP Specifications

W3C logoFIDO logoThe W3C WebAuthn and FIDO2 working groups have been actively creating third versions of the W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) and FIDO2 Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP) specifications. While remaining compatible with the original and second standards, these third versions add features that have been motivated by experience with deployments of the previous versions. Additions include Cross-Origin Authentication within an iFrame, Credential Backup State, the isPasskeyPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable method, Conditional Mediation, Device-Bound Public Keys (since renamed Supplemental Public Keys), requesting Attestations during authenticatorGetAssertion, the Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) extension, the Hybrid Transport, and Third-Party Payment Authentication.

I often tell people that I use my blog as my external memory. I thought I’d post references to these drafts to help me and others find them. They are:

Thanks to John Bradley for helping me compile the list of deltas!

Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE

IETF logoOrie Steele and I have written a new specification creating algorithm identifiers for JOSE and COSE that fully specify the cryptographic operations to be performed – something we’d promised to do during our presentation to the JOSE working group at IETF 117. The introduction to the specification (quoted below) describes why this matters.

The IANA algorithm registries for JOSE [IANA.JOSE.Algorithms] and COSE [IANA.COSE.Algorithms] contain two kinds of algorithm identifiers:

  • Fully Specified: Those that fully determine the cryptographic operations to be performed, including any curve, key derivation function (KDF), hash functions, etc. Examples are RS256 and ES256K in both JOSE and COSE and ES256 in JOSE.
  • Polymorphic: Those requiring information beyond the algorithm identifier to determine the cryptographic operations to be performed. Such additional information could include the actual key value and a curve that it uses. Examples are EdDSA in both JOSE and COSE and ES256 in COSE.

This matters because many protocols negotiate supported operations using only algorithm identifiers. For instance, OAuth Authorization Server Metadata [RFC8414] uses negotiation parameters like these (from an example in the specification):

"token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported": ["RS256", "ES256"]

OpenID Connect Discovery [OpenID.Discovery] likewise negotiates supported algorithms using alg and enc values. W3C Web Authentication [WebAuthn] and FIDO Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP) [FIDO2] negotiate using COSE alg numbers.

This does not work for polymorphic algorithms. For instance, with EdDSA, you do not know which of the curves Ed25519 and/or Ed448 are supported! This causes real problems in practice.

WebAuthn contains this de-facto algorithm definition to work around this problem:

-8 (EdDSA), where crv is 6 (Ed25519)

This redefines the COSE EdDSA algorithm identifier for the purposes of WebAuthn to restrict it to using the Ed25519 curve – making it non-polymorphic so that algorithm negotiation can succeed, but also effectively eliminating the possibility of using Ed448. Other similar workarounds for polymorphic algorithm identifiers are used in practice.

This specification creates fully-specified algorithm identifiers for all registered polymorphic JOSE and COSE algorithms and their parameters, enabling applications to use only fully-specified algorithm identifiers. It furthermore deprecates the practice of registering polymorphic algorithm identifiers.

The specification is available at:

Touchstones Along My Identity Journey

EIC 2023 LogoI had the distinct honor of being invited to give a keynote talk at EIC 2023. The result was Touchstones Along My Identity Journey. My talk abstract was:

In 2005, Kim Cameron excitedly told me about digital identity and set my life on a course to “Build the Internet’s missing identity layer”. In this talk I’ll tell key stories from my identity journey — stories of the people, ideas, and lessons learned along the way. I’ll speak of technology and collaboration, usability and business models, solving problems people actually have, and building new ecosystems. Come with me on this journey of exploration, trials, triumphs, and humor as I recount touchstones of the human endeavor that is digital identity.

Kuppinger Cole has posted a video of my keynote on YouTube. I was pleased with how well it went. After the first few sentences, I was in the zone! I hope many of you find the messages in the talk useful.

My slides are also available in (PowerPoint) and PDF.

Special thanks go to the OpenID Foundation for supporting my trip to EIC this year and to designer Alistair Kincaid at MATTR for helping me transcend my usual black-bulleted-text-on-a-white-background presentation style!

EIC 2023 Keynote Photo

EIC 2023 Keynote Photo with Kim Cameron

EIC 2023 Keynote Photo for OAuth

Current Work and Future Trends in Selective Disclosure

EIC 2023 LogoThe session Current Work and Future Trends in Selective Disclosure at EIC 2023 covered a lot of foundational work happening in the space of Selective Disclosure right now. Selective Disclosure enables you to have a token with many claims (say, an ISO Mobile Drivers’ License (mDL)), and only release the claims necessary for the interaction — for instance, your birthdate but not your home address. Selective Disclosure enables Minimal Disclosure. This is sometimes realized using Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) but that’s not always necessary.

The agenda for the session was:

Our presentations are available in (PowerPoint) and PDF.

EIC 2023 Disclosure Issuer Holder Verifier Model

Initial Reanimiated JOSE Working Group Specifications Published

IETF logoFollowing a call for adoption by the restarted JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Working Group, I’m pleased to report that the three initial working group specifications have been published. They are:

JSON Web Proof, with abstract:

This document defines a new container format similar in purpose and design to JSON Web Signature (JWS) called a JSON Web Proof (JWP). Unlike JWS, which integrity-protects only a single payload, JWP can integrity-protect multiple payloads in one message. It also specifies a new presentation form that supports selective disclosure of individual payloads, enables additional proof computation, and adds a protected header to prevent replay and support binding mechanisms.

JSON Proof Algorithms, with abstract:

The JSON Proof Algorithms (JPA) specification registers cryptographic algorithms and identifiers to be used with the JSON Web Proof (JWP) and JSON Web Key (JWK) specifications. It defines several IANA registries for these identifiers.

JSON Proof Token, with abstract:

JSON Proof Token (JPT) is a compact, URL-safe, privacy-preserving representation of claims to be transferred between three parties. The claims in a JPT are encoded as base64url-encoded JSON objects that are used as the payloads of a JSON Web Proof (JWP) structure, enabling them to be digitally signed and selectively disclosed. JPTs also support reusability and unlinkability when using Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs).

Thanks to Jeremie Miller and David Waite for helping us get there!

JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Working Group Reanimated

IETF logoI’m thrilled that the IETF has restarted the JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Working Group. It’s chartered to work on JSON- and CBOR-based representations for Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), selective disclosure enabling minimal disclosure, and non-correlatable presentation. The representations are planned to use the three-party model of Issuer, Holder, and Verifier utilized by Verifiable Credentials.

See the newly approved JOSE charter at The working group will be chaired by Karen O’Donoghue, John Bradley, and John Mattsson, with the assigned area director being Roman Danyliw.

I believe this is a great outcome because the JOSE working group participants already have expertise creating simple, widely-adopted JSON-based cryptographic formats, such as JSON Web Signature (JWS), JSON Web Encryption (JWE), and JSON Web Key (JWK). The new formats will be peers to JWS, JWE, and COSE, reusing elements that make sense, while enabling use of new cryptographic algorithms whose inputs and outputs are not representable in the existing JOSE and COSE formats.

If you’re interested in the work, please join the JOSE mailing list at if you’re not already a member. Also, plan to participate in IETF 116 Yokohama, where we should be able to have the first meeting of the reconstituted working group. I hope to see you there!

As background, the first step in the JOSE rechartering was the JSON Web Proofs (JWP) BoF at IETF 114 in Philadelphia sponsored by Security Area Director Roman Danyliw and chaired by Karen O’Donoghue and John Bradley, during which Jeremie Miller, Kristina Yasuda, Tobias Looker, and I presented. That was follwed by a Virtual Interim JWP BoF in October, 2022, review on the ietf-announce mailing list, and multiple IESG discussions.

All of which brings us back to the (now recurring!) question: “What Would JOSE Do?” Join us and be part of answering it!

What Would Jose Do?

JWK Thumbprint URI is now RFC 9278

IETF logoThe JWK Thumbprint URI specification has been published as RFC 9278. Congratulations to my co-author, Kristina Yasuda, on the publication of her first RFC!

The abstract of the RFC is:

This specification registers a kind of URI that represents a JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint value. JWK Thumbprints are defined in RFC 7638. This enables JWK Thumbprints to be used, for instance, as key identifiers in contexts requiring URIs.

The need for this arose during specification work in the OpenID Connect working group. In particular, JWK Thumbprint URIs are used as key identifiers that can be syntactically distinguished from other kinds of identifiers also expressed as URIs in the Self-Issued OpenID Provider v2 specification.

JWK Thumbprint URI Draft Addressing IETF Last Call Comments

OAuth logoKristina Yasuda and I have published a new JWK Thumbprint URI draft that addresses the IETF Last Call comments received. Changes made were:

  • Clarified the requirement to use registered hash algorithm identifiers.
  • Acknowledged IETF Last Call reviewers.

The specification is available at:

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