Musings on Digital Identity

Month: November 2011

OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Profiles Specification Draft -02

OAuth logoDraft 02 of the OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Profiles Specification has been published. It contains the following changes:

  • Removed remaining vestiges of normative text talking about SAML that remained from the SAML Profile draft.
  • Replaced all references where the reference is used as if it were part of the sentence (such as “defined by [I-D.whatever]”) with ones where the specification name is used, followed by the reference (such as “defined by Whatever [I-D.whatever]”).

The draft is available at these locations:

OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Specification Draft -14

OAuth logoDraft 14 of the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Specification has been published. It contains the following changes:

  • Changes made in response to review comments by Security Area Director Stephen Farrell. Specifically:
  • Strengthened warnings about passing an access token as a query parameter and more precisely described the limitations placed upon the use of this method.
  • Clarified that the realm attribute MAY included to indicate the scope of protection in the manner described in HTTP/1.1, Part 7 [I D.ietf httpbis p7 auth].
  • Normatively stated that “the token integrity protection MUST be sufficient to prevent the token from being modified”.
  • Added statement that “TLS is mandatory to implement and use with this specification” to the introduction.
  • Stated that TLS MUST be used with “a ciphersuite that provides confidentiality and integrity protection”.
  • Added “As a further defense against token disclosure, the client MUST validate the TLS certificate chain when making requests to protected resources” to the Threat Mitigation section.
  • Clarified that putting a validity time field inside the protected part of the token is one means, but not the only means, of limiting the lifetime of the token.
  • Dropped the confusing phrase “for instance, through the use of TLS” from the sentence about confidentiality protection of the exchanges.
  • Reference RFC 6125 for identity verification, rather than RFC 2818.
  • Stated that the token MUST be protected between front end and back end servers when the TLS connection terminates at a front end server that is distinct from the actual server that provides the resource.
  • Stated that bearer tokens MUST not be stored in cookies that can be sent in the clear in the Threat Mitigation section.
  • Replaced sole remaining reference to [RFC2616].
  • Replaced all references where the reference is used as if it were part of the sentence (such as “defined by [I-D.whatever]”) with ones where the specification name is used, followed by the reference (such as “defined by Whatever [I-D.whatever]”).
  • Other on-normative editorial improvements.

The draft is available at these locations:

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