Musings on Digital Identity

Month: June 2020

SecEvent Delivery specs sent to the RFC Editor

IETF logoI’m pleased to report that the SecEvent delivery specifications are now stable, having been approved by the IESG, and will shortly become RFCs. Specifically, they have now progressed to the RFC Editor queue, meaning that the only remaining step before finalization is editorial due diligence. Thus, implementations can now utilize the draft specifications with confidence that that breaking changes will not occur as they are finalized.

The specifications are available at:

HTML-formatted versions are also available at:

Registrations for all WebAuthn algorithm identifiers completed

IETF logoWe wrote the specification COSE and JOSE Registrations for WebAuthn Algorithms to create and register COSE and JOSE algorithm and elliptic curve identifiers for algorithms used by WebAuthn and CTAP2 that didn’t yet exist. I’m happy to report that all these registrations are now complete and the specification has progressed to the RFC Editor. Thanks to the COSE working group for supporting this work.

Search for WebAuthn in the IANA COSE Registry and the IANA JOSE Registry to see the registrations. These are now stable and can be used by applications, both in the WebAuthn/FIDO2 space and for other application areas, including decentralized identity (where the secp256k1 “bitcoin curve” is in widespread use).

The algorithms registered are:

  • RS256 — RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256 — new for COSE
  • RS384 — RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384 — new for COSE
  • RS512 — RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512 — new for COSE
  • RS1 — RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-1 — new for COSE
  • ES256K — ECDSA using secp256k1 curve and SHA-256 — new for COSE and JOSE

The elliptic curves registered are:

  • secp256k1 — SECG secp256k1 curve — new for COSE and JOSE

SecEvent Delivery specs now unambiguously require TLS

IETF logoThe SecEvent delivery specifications have been revised to unambiguously require the use of TLS, while preserving descriptions of precautions needed for non-TLS use in non-normative appendices. Thanks to the Security Events and Shared Signals and Events working group members who weighed in on this decision. I believe these drafts are now ready to be scheduled for an IESG telechat.

The updated specifications are available at:

HTML-formatted versions are also available at:

CBOR Tags for Date Registered

IETF logoThe CBOR tags for the date representations defined by the “Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tags for Date” specification have been registered in the IANA Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tags registry. This means that they’re now ready for use by applications. In particular, the full-date tag requested for use by the ISO Mobile Driver’s License specification in the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17 “Cards and security devices for personal identification” working group is now good to go.

FYI, I also updated the spec to incorporate a few editorial suggestions by Carsten Bormann. The new draft changed “positive or negative” to “unsigned or negative” and added an implementation note about the relationship to Modified Julian Dates. Thanks Carsten, for the useful feedback, as always!

It’s my sense that the spec is now ready for working group last call in the CBOR Working Group.

The specification is available at:

An HTML-formatted version is also available at:

SecEvent Delivery Specs Addressing Directorate Reviews

IETF logoI’ve published updated SecEvent delivery specs addressing the directorate reviews received during IETF last call. Thanks to Joe Clarke, Vijay Gurbani, Mark Nottingham, Robert Sparks, and Valery Smyslov for your useful reviews.

The specifications are available at:

HTML-formatted versions are also available at:

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