Musings on Digital Identity

Month: February 2013

An update on our war against account hijackers

I recommend reading Google’s post An update on our war against account hijackers. It describes the kinds of measures taken by professionally-run Identity Providers to defend against account takeover.

A message not stated but implied is that consumers and Web sites are far better off depending upon identities provided by organizations with the resources and dedication to successfully fight takeover attempts. Sites with their own username/password login systems without these defenses are vulnerable, and would be better off using federated identities from professionally-run Identity Providers.

Thanks for Voting in the OpenID Board Election

OpenID logoAs you may have seen, the results of the 2013 OpenID Board Election have been announced. Thanks to all of you who participated and thank you for entrusting me with a seat on the board for the next two years. My congratulations to my fellow board community members as well. I intend to make the most of this opportunity to continue making people’s online interactions more seamless, secure, and valuable.

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