Musings on Digital Identity

Month: October 2024

OpenID Presentations at October 2024 OpenID Workshop and IIW plus New Specifications

OpenID logoI gave the following presentation on work in the OpenID Connect working group at the Monday, October 28, 2024 OpenID Workshop at Microsoft:

I also gave this invited “101” session presentation at the Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) on Tuesday, October 29, 2024:

There’s more happening in the OpenID Connect working group than at any other time since we started the OpenID Connect work. In fact, two new specifications were adopted today!

Thanks to all who helped us get there!

OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata Specification in RFC Editor Queue

OAuth logoI’m pleased to report that the “OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata” specification has been approved by the IESG and is now in the RFC Editor queue.

The version approved by the IESG and sent to the RFC Editor is:

It joins OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice and JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection, which are also both currently there.

Thanks to the IETF directorate reviewers and IESG members for their feedback that resulted in improvements to the specification!

OpenID Connect specifications published as ISO standards

OpenID logoI’m thrilled to report that the OpenID Connect specifications have now been published as ISO/IEC standards. They are:

I submitted the OpenID Connect specifications for publication by ISO as Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) for the OpenID Foundation in December 2023. Following the ISO approval vote, they are now published. This should foster even broader adoption of OpenID Connect by enabling deployments in jurisdictions around the world that have legal requirements to use specifications from standards bodies recognized by international treaties, of which ISO is one.

Before submitting the specifications, the OpenID Connect working group diligently worked through the process of applying errata corrections to the specifications, so that the ISO versions would have all known corrections incorporated.

Having successfully gone through the ISO PAS submission process once, the OpenID Foundation now plans to submit additional families of final specifications for publication by ISO. These include the FAPI 1.0 specifications, and once they’re final, the eKYC-IDA specifications and FAPI 2.0 specifications.

Thanks to all who helped us achieve this significant accomplishment!

ISO/IEC 26131:2024 Cover Page

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