Musings on Digital Identity

Month: April 2009

Now Appearing in Coral and Lava on Hawaii

On the Kona coast of Hawaii, there’s a tradition of writing messages on the black lava flows using the white coral that washes up on the beaches. On a whim, we added a message of our own. You’ll find it about 12 miles north of the Kona Airport on the west side of the Queen Kaahumanu highway at 19°53.6759’N × 155°53.6407’W.

Kona InfoCard Icon Close-Up

Kona InfoCard Icon Artists
My co-conspirators with their artwork

Kona InfoCard Icon Overview
In context

Kona InfoCard Icon Mike
And me

PPID, ClientPseudonym, and Signing Key Computation Examples

Information Card IconMicrosoft published a knowledge base article today giving examples of intermediate data values produced when generating actual PPID, ClientPseudonym, and Signing Key values. These examples use the algorithms specified in ISIP 1.5 to go behind the scenes of specific OSIS interop computations.

In particular, the article shows how to correctly generate the PPID and Signing Key values for the test Selector_Constructs_Site-Specific_Identifiers_for_Self-Issued_Cards and how to generate the ClientPseudonym value for the test Selector_Support_for_Non-Auditing_Cards. These examples are also highly relevant to the tests Selector_PPID_Construction_for_RP_using_EV_SSL, Selector_Support_for_Auditing-Optional_Cards, and Selector_Support_for_Auditing_Cards.

Thanks to Toland Hon of the “Geneva” test team for writing this useful article.

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