Musings on Digital Identity

Month: February 2015

JWK Thumbprint -03 draft incorporating additional feedback

IETF logoA new JWK Thumbprint draft has been posted that addresses additional review comments by James Manger and Jim Schaad. Changes included adding a discussion on the relationship of JWK Thumbprints to digests of X.509 values. No normative changes resulted.

The specification is available at:

An HTML formatted version is also available at:

JWK Thumbprint -02 draft incorporating WGLC feedback

IETF logoNat Sakimura and I have updated the JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint draft to incorporate feedback receiving during JOSE working group last call. Changes were:

  • No longer register the new JSON Web Signature (JWS) and JSON Web Encryption (JWE) Header Parameters and the new JSON Web Key (JWK) member name jkt (JWK SHA-256 Thumbprint) for holding these values.
  • Added security considerations about the measures needed to ensure that a unique JWK Thumbprint value is produced for a key.
  • Added text saying that a base64url encoded JWK Thumbprint value could be used as a kid (key ID) value.
  • Broke a sentence up that used to be way too long.

The specification is available at:

An HTML formatted version is also available at:

2015 OpenID Foundation Board Election Results

OpenID logoThanks to those of you who re-elected me to a two-year term on the OpenID Foundation board of directors. As I wrote in my candidate statement, while OpenID is having notable successes, our work is far from done. Taking it to the next level will involve both additional specifications and strategic initiatives by the foundation. I plan to continue taking an active role in making open identity solutions even more successful, valuable, and ubiquitous. Thanks for placing your trust in me!

I’d like to also take this opportunity to congratulate my fellow board members who were also re-elected: Torsten Lodderstedt, John Bradley, and George Fletcher. See the OpenID Foundation’s announcement of the 2015 election results for more information.

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