Musings on Digital Identity

Month: October 2008

Even More News from the PDC: First Look at the Next Version of CardSpace

CardSpace IconI’m excited that the first beta of the next version of CardSpace — Windows CardSpace “Geneva” — is now available. You can download the bits for this and the other “Geneva” betas at the “Geneva” Connect site. The team posted a detailed introductory piece about the new version on the team blog, so I won’t repeat that here.

This version of CardSpace is a rewrite on a new code base designed to be much smaller, faster, and easier to use. While it’s an early build and far from feature-complete, we nonetheless wanted to get it out now so you can see the directions we’re headed and give us feedback early in the development cycle. This build runs on Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit), Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7.

We’ll be writing more about the key features of CardSpace “Geneva” soon, and as well as the rest of the “Geneva” family that enables claims-aware applications, so watch this space and the team blog. It’s great to now be able to show and discuss the work the team has been doing. I’m looking forward to the ensuing conversation…

More News from the PDC: Beta Releases of “Geneva” Platform Components

As just announced on the “Geneva” Team Blog (formerly known as the CardSpace Team Blog), beta releases of all three components of Microsoft’s “Geneva” identity platform are now available at the “Geneva” Connect site. The components are:

  • “Geneva” Framework: Previously called “Zermatt“, the Geneva Framework helps developers build claims-aware .NET applications that externalize user authentication from the application and helps them build custom Security Token Services (STSs). It supports WS-Federation, WS-Trust, and SAML 2.0.
  • “Geneva” Server: Geneva Server is an STS that issues and transforms security tokens and claims, manages user access, and enables easy federation. Based on the “Geneva” framework, it also supports WS-Federation, WS-Trust, and SAML 2.0.
  • Windows CardSpace “Geneva”: CardSpace “Geneva” will be the next version of Windows CardSpace. It has a much smaller download footprint, starts fast, and has some innovative user interface improvements made in response to feedback from the first version.

All are early betas that are works in progress, but I highly encourage those of you who are interested in claims-based identity to download them and let us know what you think. Also, be sure to check out the “Introducing ‘Geneva’” whitepaper by David Chappell.

Next News from the PDC: SAML 2.0 Protocol Support in “Geneva” Server

As Don Schmidt wrote this morning, Microsoft’s “Geneva” Identity Server product will support the SAML 2.0 protocol. Specifically, we will be supporting the SAML 2.0 IdP Lite and SP Lite profiles and the US Government GSA profile. Customers had told us that these SAML profiles are important to them and we’re responding to that feedback by implementing them in “Geneva” Server. Those of you who were at Kim Cameron’s “Identity Roadmap for Software + Services” presentation at the PDC got to see Vittorio Bertocci demonstrate SAML federation with “Geneva” Server to a site running IBM’s Tivoli Federated Identity Manager.

The “Geneva” Server is the successor to Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). It will, of course, interoperate with existing ADFS and other federation implementations using the WS-Federation protocol. In addition, it adds WS-Trust support for issuing Information Cards, letting it work with Windows CardSpace and other Identity Selectors.

I’ll add that the SAML 2.0 support doesn’t stop with the server. SAML 2.0 is also supported by the “Geneva” Identity Framework — a .NET application development framework formerly known as “Zermatt” and “IDFX”, which likewise also supports WS-Federation and WS-Trust. In short, the same identity development framework components that are being used to build “Geneva” Server will be available to all .NET developers as the “Geneva” Identity Framework.

Finally, I’ll close by thanking the folks on the Internet 2 Shibboleth project, IBM, and Ping Identity who helped us with early interop testing of our code. You have been valuable and responsive partners in this effort, helping us make sure that what we’re building truly interoperates with other SAML 2.0 implementations deployed in the wild.

First News from the PDC: Windows LiveID Becoming an OpenID Provider

Today at the Microsoft Professional Developer Conference (PDC), the Windows LiveID team announced that anyone with a LiveID will soon be able to establish an OpenID for their LiveID. Furthermore, they have established a testing environment where you can try out LiveID’s OpenID support and an e-mail address for you to provide feedback to the team.

One feature of the OpenID 2.0 implementation that I’d like to call your attention to is that they give users a choice, on a per-relying party basis, whether to use a site-specific OpenID URL at the site for privacy reasons, or whether to use a public identifier for yourself — explicitly enabling correlation of your identity interactions on different sites. Here’s what that experience looks like in the preview release:

LiveID OpenID choice

Read more about the preview release here.

PAPE Specification Entering Public Review Period

OpenID logoThe OpenID Provider Authentication Policy Extension (PAPE) specification enables an OpenID Relying Party to request that the OpenID Provider satisfy a set of policies specified by the RP when the OP logs the user in. And it likewise enables the OP to reply to the RP saying which of the policies it satisfied.

One of these policies lets the RP request that the OP perform phishing-resistant authentication, the need for which has been discussed here and elsewhere. Another capability I’m a fan of is the ability for the RP to “freshness date” the login, requiring that the OP actively authenticate the user if the current authentication was performed longer ago than an RP-specified number of seconds.

The PAPE Working Group just recommended that the OpenID Foundation members approve the current draft (Draft 7) as an OpenID specification. Today starts a 60 day review period required as part of the OpenID specification process, which occurs prior to an approval vote by the members. PAPE is the first new specification to be produced under this process, and I’m pleased as an OpenID board member to report we now have an existence proof that the process works (or more precisely, we will once this specification is approved).

There are already four implementations of this spec in existence and even better, there are public testing endpoints for these implementations where you can kick the tires. You can try the DotNetOpenId and JanRain implementations at these sites:

You should also be able to test the relying parties with and, which currently implement earlier drafts, since the authentication policy syntax didn’t change.

This spec was a collaborative effort among a number of people. David Recordon wrote the initial drafts last year, with input from the people thanked in Draft 2. Since then, Nat Sakimura was responsible for the generalization of the authentication levels to enable levels other than just those defined by NIST be used. Ben Laurie was an ardent and practical security advocate (as always). Allen Tom was a proponent of the strong “level 0” description. Andrew Arnott of the DotNetOpenId project shared his experiences building an independent implementation with the working group, helping improve the specification. And John Bradley was a never-ending source of common sense, although he would deny it to your face if asked.

Online Identity Theft and Digital Playgrounds Whitepapers

I wanted to bring your attention to two whitepapers covering important Internet identity topics that were published by members of Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing and Privacy teams, both announced on the blog The Data Privacy Imperative.

The first is “Online Identity Theft: Changing the Game — Protecting Personal Information on the Internet” by Jules Cohen, Brendon Lynch, and other members of Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing team. Per the announcement, the paper:

… for the first time describes in detail Microsoft’s comprehensive strategy for curbing online identity theft. In addition to describing current Microsoft initiatives, the paper outlines long-term solutions for “changing the game” by ending reliance on “shared secrets” for authentication.

Relying on “shared secrets,” such as usernames, passwords, birthdates and government ID numbers to establish the right to do something online, creates security problems because they are relatively easy to steal and can be difficult to remember, update and manage. We need to employ new identity practices online that are just as reliable but better protect against fraud and abuse, and that’s where Information Cards come in …

The paper has been greeted by favorable reviews, including an Information Week article that also describes the role that the Information Card Foundation can play and a NetworkWorld article by Dave Kearns that concludes “Download this important paper, read it, then act on it.”

The second is “Digital Playgrounds: Creating Safer Online Environments for Children” by Jules Cohen of Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing team and Chuck Cosson, Policy Counsel on privacy and safety issues, with some input from me. The paper was presented to the Internet Safety Technical Task Force (ISTTF) by Jules and submitted by Microsoft as input to the task force. As Jules wrote about the approach:

The Digital Playgrounds paper outlines a framework that would enable the creation of optional online “walled gardens,” specifically for children and trusted adults. These online sites would only be accessible by folks with trusted and age verified ‘digital identities.’ This framework suggests achieving this by allowing trusted offline parties, who have the ability to meet with a parent and child in real life, examine the appropriate documents and then issue extremely secure digital identities based on these in in-person proofing moments. The framework we have outlined is largely a technical solution to the age verification challenge, but we believe that the nontechnical aspects of the problem will be as difficult to solve as the technical ones, if not more so. For example, government and industry will need to work together on designing the necessary criteria for in-person proofing events as well as the subsequent issuing, auditing and revoking of these digital identity cards.

I especially encourage people to consider the possibility that existing offline identity proofing ceremonies might be leveraged to enhance safety online as well.

I’m going to the Internet Identity Workshop

iiw2008bIt’s more than a conference or meeting. It’s the place where people building the Internet’s identity layer collaborate and get things done.

Hope to see you there: November 10-12, Mountain View, CA. Register now!

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