Musings on Digital Identity

Month: July 2008

Digital Identity Podcast for MySuccessGateway

MicrophoneKim Cameron and I recorded a podcast on digital identity for MySuccessGateway this week at the invitation of Jim Peake of SpeechRep Consulting. Jim was a gracious, informed, and enthusiastic host during our conversation, which covered a wide range of digital identity topics including identity theft, shared secrets, privacy, Information Cards and the Information Card Foundation, the value of verified claims, business models for identity providers, password fatigue, defeating phishing attacks, OpenID, why interoperability is essential and the interoperability testing the industry is doing together to make it a reality, some of the identity products that are shipping and forthcoming, and the Laws of Identity. He even asked us how we felt about Bill Gates’ retirement, as a kicker.

If that sounds interesting to you, give it a listen

CardSpace Consumer Website

Windows logoMicrosoft recently created a Consumer Website for CardSpace to educate end-users about Windows CardSpace and Information Cards. This complements the developer-focused information at the MSDN CardSpace site and the CardSpace Community Site.

No, it’s not the kind of content targeted at regular readers of this blog — especially the short video — but then, that’s kind of the point. :-)

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