Musings on Digital Identity

Month: November 2014

A JSON-Based Identity Protocol Suite

quillMy article A JSON-Based Identity Protocol Suite has been published in the Fall 2014 issue of Information Standards Quarterly, with this citation page. This issue on Identity Management was guest-edited by Andy Dale. The article’s abstract is:

Achieving interoperable digital identity systems requires agreement on data representations and protocols among the participants. While there are several suites of successful interoperable identity data representations and protocols, including Kerberos, X.509, SAML 2.0, WS-*, and OpenID 2.0, they have used data representations that have limited or no support in browsers, mobile devices, and modern Web development environments, such as ASN.1, XML, or custom data representations. A new set of open digital identity standards have emerged that utilize JSON data representations and simple REST-based communication patterns. These protocols and data formats are intentionally designed to be easy to use in browsers, mobile devices, and modern Web development environments, which typically include native JSON support. This paper surveys a number of these open JSON-based digital identity protocols and discusses how they are being used to provide practical interoperable digital identity solutions.

This article is actually a follow-on progress report to my April 2011 position paper The Emerging JSON-Based Identity Protocol Suite. While standards can seem to progress slowly at times, comparing the two makes clear just how much has been accomplished in this time and shows that what was a prediction in 2011 is now a reality in widespread use.

JOSE -37 and JWT -31 drafts addressing remaining IESG review comments

IETF logoThese JOSE and JWT drafts contain updates intended to address the remaining outstanding IESG review comments by Pete Resnick, Stephen Farrell, and Richard Barnes, other than one that Pete may still provide text for. Algorithm names are now restricted to using only ASCII characters, the TLS requirements language has been refined, the language about integrity protecting header parameters used in trust decisions has been augmented, we now say what to do when an RSA private key with “oth” is encountered but not supported, and we now talk about JWSs with invalid signatures being considered invalid, rather than them being rejected. Also, added the CRT parameter values to example JWK RSA private key representations.

The specifications are available at:

HTML formatted versions are available at:

JWK Thumbprint spec adopted by JOSE working group

IETF logoThe JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint specification was adopted by the JOSE working group during IETF 91. The initial working group version is identical to the individual submission version incorporating feedback from IETF 90, other than the dates and document identifier.

JWK Thumbprints are used by the recently approved OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 1 spec. JOSE working group co-chair Jim Schaad said during the working group meeting that he would move the document along fast.

The specification is available at:

An HTML formatted version is also available at:

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