Musings on Digital Identity

Month: July 2023

Yes, I’m an independent consultant now

Michael B. JonesAs many of you know, three months ago I decided to hang out my own shingle and become an independent consultant. I couldn’t be happier! I have a great initial set of clients I’m working with to create things they and I believe in and I have room for a few more.

For all the changes in my life, some things have remained constant: I’m still motivated by Kim Cameron‘s quest to build the Internet’s missing identity layer. I’m still mentoring smart new contributors to the identity space. I’m still contributing to specifications that will get used and make a difference. I’m still thinking about the big picture – especially everything it will take to grow interoperable ecosystems that enable everyday people to get useful things done. I’m still collaborating with fantastic people!

I named my business Self-Issued Consulting. Special thanks to Heather Flanagan, who clearly explained to me why I want to be a consultant at this juncture in my career, and who told me to write a Standards CV before I launched my professional Web site.

Yes, I’m grateful for the 30½ years I had at Microsoft. My career wouldn’t be remotely the same without them. But at the same time, soon after 30 years, I realized that it was time for a change. I’m grateful for all my friends who have helped me chart this next course on my identity journey. You know who you are!

I can’t resist but end with a few musical phrases that have been running through my head during this transition:

  • All things must pass – George Harrison
  • After changes upon changes / We are more or less the same – Simon and Garfunkel
  • Getting so much better all the time – The Beatles

COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter Specification

IETF logoOrie Steele and I have created a specification to add a typ header parameter to COSE – something increasingly widely used in JOSE but currently missing in COSE. The introduction to the spec tells the story:

CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) [RFC9052] defines header parameters that parallel many of those defined by the JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) [RFC7515] [RFC7516] specifications. However, one way in which COSE does not provide equivalent functionality to JOSE is that it does not define an equivalent of the typ (type) header parameter, which is used for declaring the type of the entire JOSE data structure. The security benefits of having typ (type) are described in the JSON Web Token Best Current Practices [RFC8725], which recommends its use for “explicit typing” — using typ values to distinguish between different kinds of objects.

This specification adds the equivalent of the JOSE typ (type) header parameter to COSE so that the benefits of explicit typing can be brought to COSE objects. The syntax of the COSE type header parameter value is the same as the existing COSE content type header parameter, allowing both integer CoAP Content-Formats [IANA.CoAP.ContentFormats] values and string Media Type [IANA.MediaTypes] values to be used.

The specification is available at:

We plan to socialize this specification at IETF 117 in San Francisco later this month.

OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata now with WWW-Authenticate

OAuth logoIn collaboration with Aaron Parecki, the ability for OAuth 2.0 protected resource servers to return their resource identifiers via WWW-Authenticate has been added to the OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata specification. This enables clients to dynamically learn about and use protected resources they may have no prior knowledge of, including learning what authorization servers can be used with them.

This incorporates functionality originally incubated in draft-parecki-oauth-authorization-server-discovery-00. Aaron and I had been asked to merge the functionality of our two drafts during an OAuth working group session at IETF 116. We’re both happy with the result!

The specification is available at:

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