Musings on Digital Identity

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Fully-Specified Algorithms Specification Addressing Working Group Last Call Comments

IETF logoOrie Steele and I have updated the “Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE” specification to incorporate working group last call (WGLC) feedback. Thanks to all who took the time to comment on the draft. Your feedback was exceptionally actionable and helped to substantially improve the specification. Responses to each WGLC comment thread were sent on the IETF JOSE working group mailing list.

The updated draft attempts to discuss the full range of the problems created by polymorphic algorithm identifiers. Guided by working group feedback, it strikes an engineering balance between which of these problems to fix immediately in the specification and which to describe how future specifications can fix later as the need arises.

I look forward to discussing next steps for the specification at IETF 120 in Vancouver.

The specification is available at:

OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata draft addressing shepherd comments

OAuth logoThe “OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata” specification has been updated to address feedback from our document shepherd Rifaat Shekh-Yusef in advance of IETF 120 in Vancouver. All changes were strictly editorial.

The specification is available at:

CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers is now RFC 9597

IETF logo The CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers specification has been published as RFC 9597! This closes a gap for COSE relative to JOSE, adding the ability to use CWT claims in COSE header parameters, just as JWT claims can be used in JOSE header parameters.

The specification abstract is:

This document describes how to include CBOR Web Token (CWT) claims in the header parameters of any CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) structure. This functionality helps to facilitate applications that wish to make use of CWT claims in encrypted COSE structures and/or COSE structures featuring detached signatures, while having some of those claims be available before decryption and/or without inspecting the detached payload. Another use case is using CWT claims with payloads that are not CWT Claims Sets, including payloads that are not CBOR at all.

Special thanks to my co-author Tobias Looker, who had a use case for this functionality and wrote an RFC with me defining it (his first!). It was a pleasure working with Tobias on the draft as we navigated the ins and outs of working group feedback and IETF processes. The spec was refined by the journey we took together. And as with CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) “typ” (type) Header Parameter (now RFC 9596) that immediately preceded it, I believe the CBOR and COSE ecosystems are better for it.

COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter is now RFC 9596

IETF logo The CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) “typ” (type) Header Parameter specification has been published as RFC 9596! This closes a gap for COSE relative to JOSE, adding the ability to use media types to declare the content of the complete COSE object.

The specification abstract is:

This specification adds the equivalent of the JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) “typ” (type) header parameter to CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE). This enables the benefits of explicit typing (as defined in RFC 8725, “JSON Web Token Best Current Practices”) to be brought to COSE objects. The syntax of the COSE type header parameter value is the same as the existing COSE content type header parameter.

Special thanks to my co-author Orie Steele, who pointed out the gap and proposed that we close it. He was an active participant and insightful partner in making this RFC happen (his first!). The CBOR and COSE ecosystems are better for it.

Standards are About Making Choices

EIC 2024 LogoI was honored to give the keynote presentation Standards are About Making Choices at the 2024 European Identity and Cloud Conference (PowerPoint) (PDF). The abstract was:

When building machines, we take for granted being able to use nuts, bolts, wires, light bulbs, and countless other parts made to industry standards. Standards contain choices about dimensions of screw threads, nut sizes, etc., enabling a marketplace of interoperable parts from multiple suppliers. Without these choices, every part would be custom manufactured. The same is true of the identity and security standards we use to build identity systems.

However, the identity and security standards at our disposal differ wildly in the degree to which they do and don’t make choices. Some consistently define ONE way to do things, resulting in everyone doing it that way (interoperability!). Others leave critical choices unmade, passing the buck to implementers and applications (your mileage may vary).

In this talk, I’ll name names and take prisoners, critiquing existing and emerging standards through the lens of the choices they made and failed to make. Hold on to your hats as we examine the pros and cons of the choices made by OAuth, SAML, X.509, OpenID Connect, Verifiable Credentials, DIDs, WebCrypto, JOSE, COSE, and many others through this lens!

I believe you’ll agree with me that making choices matters.

The conference keynote description includes a recording of the presentation.

Thanks to MATTR for providing a designer to work with me on the presentation, enabling the visual design to transcend my usual black-text-on-white-background design style!

Using Standards: Some Assembly Required

Identiverse LogoI gave the following presentation in the session Using Standards: Some Assembly Required at the 2024 Identiverse conference (PowerPoint) (PDF). The abstract was:

  • Standards are about making choices. When building machines, we take for granted being able to use nuts, bolts, wires, light bulbs, and countless other parts made to industry standards. Standards contain choices about dimensions of screw threads, nut sizes, etc., enabling a marketplace of interoperable parts from multiple suppliers. Without these choices, every part would be custom-manufactured. The same is true of the identity and security standards we use to build the Identity Engine. However, the identity and security standards at our disposal differ wildly in the degree to which they do and don’t make choices. Some consistently define ONE way to do things, resulting in everyone doing it that way (interoperability!). Others leave critical choices unmade, passing the buck to implementers and applications (your mileage may vary). In this talk, I’ll name names and take prisoners, critiquing existing and emerging standards through the lens of the choices they made and failed to make. Hold on to your hats as we examine the pros and cons of the choices made by OAuth, SAML, X.509, OpenID Connect, Verifiable Credentials, DIDs, WebCrypto, JOSE, COSE, and many others through this lens! I believe you’ll agree with me that making choices matters.

The audience was highly engaged by the process of giving existing and emerging standards letter grades based on the choices they made (or failed to make)!

Fully-Specified Algorithms Presentation at 2024 OAuth Security Workshop

OAuth Security WorkshopI gave a presentation on Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE at the 2024 OAuth Security Workshop in Rome. The slides used to update participants on the progress of the work are available as PowerPoint and PDF.

Thanks to the organizers for another great OAuth Security Workshop! And special thanks to the colleagues from Fondazione Bruno Kessler who did a great job with local arrangements in Rome!

COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter Specification in RFC Editor Queue

IETF logoI’m pleased to report that the COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter Specification has been approved by the IESG and is now in the RFC Editor queue.

The version approved by the IESG and sent to the RFC Editor is:

It joins CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers in the RFC Editor queue. Because of the reference to this spec by CWT Claims in Headers, they form a cluster, and therefore will become RFCs at the same time.

Eight Specifications Published in Preparation for IETF 119

IETF logoMy co-authors and I published updated versions of eight specifications in preparation for IETF 119 in Brisbane. The specifications span three working groups: JOSE, COSE, and OAuth. The updated specifications and outcomes when discussed at IETF 119 are as follows.

1, 2, & 3: JSON Web Proof, JSON Proof Algorithms, and JSON Proof Token. Updates were:

  • Normatively defined header parameters used
  • Populated IANA Considerations sections
  • Allowed proof representations to contain multiple base64url-encoded parts
  • Specified representation of zero-length disclosed payloads
  • Added Terminology sections
  • Updated to use draft-irtf-cfrg-bbs-signatures-05
  • Updated to use draft-ietf-cose-bls-key-representations-04
  • More and better examples
  • Improvements resulting from a full proofreading

Continued reviews and feedback from implementations are requested.

4: Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE. Updates were:

  • Published initial working group document following adoption
  • Added text on fully-specified computations using multiple algorithms
  • Added text on KEMs and encapsulated keys
  • Updated instructions to the designated experts

It was agreed during the JOSE meeting to describe what fully-specified algorithms for ECDH would look like, for consideration by the working group.

5: OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata. Updates were:

  • Switched from concatenating .well-known to the end of the resource identifier to inserting it between the host and path components of it
  • Have WWW-Authenticate return resource_metadata URL rather than resource identifier

It was decided to start working group last call during the OAuth meeting.

6: COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter. Updates were:

  • Added language about media type parameters
  • Addressed working group last call comments
  • Changed requested assignment from 14 to 16 due to conflict with a new assignment
  • Addressed GENART, OPSDIR, and SECDIR review comments

This document is scheduled for the April 4, 2024 IESG telechat.

7: Barreto-Lynn-Scott Elliptic Curve Key Representations for JOSE and COSE. Updates were:

  • Changed to use key type EC for JOSE and equivalent EC2 for COSE for uncompressed key representations
  • Changed identifier spellings from “Bls” to “BLS”, since these letters are people’s initials

We received feedback to not add compressed key representations to the draft.

8: Use of Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (HPKE) with JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE). Updates were:

It was decided to start a working group call for adoption during the JOSE meeting.

Thanks to all who contributed to the progress made on these specifications, both before and during IETF 119!

COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter Specification Addressing IETF Last Call Feedback

IETF logoOrie Steele and I have updated the COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter Specification to address feedback received during IETF Last Call. No normative changes were made.

Thanks to those that reviewed the specification!

The specification is available at:

Besides the spec being useful on its own, it’s worth noting that the CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers specification references this spec, and so won’t exit the RFC Editor queue as an RFC until this one also does.

Fully-Specified Algorithms adopted by JOSE working group

IETF logoThe “Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE” specification has been adopted by the JOSE working group. See my original post about the spec for why fully-specified algorithms matter. Thanks to all who supported adoption and also thanks to those who provided useful detailed feedback that we can address in future working group drafts.

The specification is available at:

Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) for JOSE

IETF logoThe new “Use of Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (HPKE) with Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)” specification has been published. Its abstract is:

This specification defines Hybrid public-key encryption (HPKE) for use with Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE). HPKE offers a variant of public-key encryption of arbitrary-sized plaintexts for a recipient public key.

HPKE works for any combination of an asymmetric key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), key derivation function (KDF), and authenticated encryption with additional data (AEAD) function. Authentication for HPKE in JOSE is provided by JOSE-native security mechanisms or by one of the authenticated variants of HPKE.

This document defines the use of the HPKE with JOSE.

Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) is defined by RFC 9180. There’s a whole new generation of specifications using it for encryption. The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol [RFC 9420] uses it. TLS Encrypted Client Hello uses it. Use of Hybrid Public-Key Encryption (HPKE) with CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) brings it to COSE. And this specification brings it to JOSE.

One of our goals for the JOSE HPKE specification is to keep it closely aligned with the COSE HPKE specification. That should be facilitated by having multiple authors in common, with Hannes Tschofenig and Orie Steele being authors of both, and me being a COSE co-chair.

Aritra Banerjee will be presenting the draft to the JOSE working group at IETF 118 in Prague. I’m hoping to see many of you there!

The specification is available at:

BLS Key Representations for JOSE and COSE updated for IETF 118

IETF logoTobias Looker and I have published an updated Barreto-Lynn-Scott Elliptic Curve Key Representations for JOSE and COSE specification in preparation for IETF 118 in Prague. This one of suite of IETF and IRTF specifications, including BLS Signatures and JSON Web Proofs that are coming together to enable standards for the use of JSON-based and CBOR-based tokens utilizing zero-knowledge proofs.

The specification is available at:

CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers Draft Addressing IETF Last Call Comments

IETF logoTobias Looker and I have published an updated CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers specification that addresses the IETF Last Call (WGLC) comments received. Changes made were:

  • Added Privacy Consideration about unencrypted claims in header parameters.
  • Added Security Consideration about detached content.
  • Added Security Consideration about claims that are present both in the payload and the header of a CWT.
  • Changed requested IANA COSE Header Parameter assignment number from 13 to 15 due to subsequent assignments of 13 and 14.
  • Acknowledged last call reviewers.

The specification is available at:

The specification is scheduled for the IESG telechat on November 30, 2023.

JSON Web Proofs specifications updated in preparation for IETF 118

IETF logoDavid Waite and I have updated the “JSON Web Proof”, “JSON Proof Algorithms”, and “JSON Proof Token” specifications in preparation for presentation and discussions in the JOSE working group at IETF 118 in Prague. The primary updates were to align the BBS algorithm text and examples with the current CFRG BBS Signature Scheme draft. We also applied improvements suggested by Brent Zundel and Alberto Solavagione.

The specifications are available at:

Thanks to David Waite for doing the heavy lifting to update the BBS content. Thanks to MATTR for publishing their Pairing Cryptography software, which was used to generate the examples. And thanks to Alberto Solavagione for validating the specifications with his implementation.

OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata updated in preparation for IETF 118

OAuth logoAaron Parecki and I have updated the “OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata” specification in preparation for presentation and discussions at IETF 118 in Prague. The updates address comments received during the discussions at IETF 117 and afterwards. As described in the History entry, the changes were:

  • Renamed scopes_provided to scopes_supported
  • Added security consideration for scopes_supported
  • Use BCP 195 for TLS recommendations
  • Clarified that resource metadata can be used by clients and authorization servers
  • Added security consideration recommending audience-restricted access tokens
  • Mention FAPI Message Signing as a use case for publishing signing keys
  • Updated references

The specification is available at:

Fully-Specified Algorithms updated in preparation for IETF 118

IETF logoOrie Steele and I have updated the “Fully-Specified Algorithms for JOSE and COSE” specification in preparation for presentation and discussions at IETF 118 in Prague. The updates address comments received during the discussions at IETF 117 and afterwards. Specifically, this draft adds descriptions of key representations and of algorithms not updated by the specification. See my original post about the spec for why fully-specified algorithms matter.

Hopefully working group adoption will be considered by the JOSE working group during IETF 118.

The specification is available at:

OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP) is now RFC 9449

OAuth logoThe OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP) specification has been published as RFC 9449! As Vittorio Bertocci wrote, “One of the specs with the highest potential for (positive) impact in recent years.” I couldn’t agree more!

The concise abstract says it all:

This document describes a mechanism for sender-constraining OAuth 2.0 tokens via a proof-of-possession mechanism on the application level. This mechanism allows for the detection of replay attacks with access and refresh tokens.

As I described in my 2022 Identiverse presentation on DPoP it’s been a Long and Winding Road to get here. Efforts at providing practical proof of possession protection for tokens have included:

  • SAML 2.0 Holder-of-Key Assertion Profile – Not exactly OAuth
  • OAuth 1.0 used PoP – But message signing too complicated
  • OAuth 2.0 MAC draft – Used similarly complicated signing
  • OAuth 2.0 HTTP Signing draft – Abandoned due to complexity
  • TLS Token Binding – Some browsers declined to ship it
  • OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS – Client certs notoriously difficult to use
  • OAuth 2.0 DPoP – Today’s RFC aimed at simply and practically solving this important problem

As they say, I think this one’s the one! Implement, deploy, and enjoy!

Adoption Time! And Lessons Learned…

IETF logoI’ve had two different IETF specifications adopted by two different working groups in the last two days – a pleasant coincidence! Yesterday, the COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter specification was adopted by the COSE working group. Today, the OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata specification was adopted by the OAuth working group. Their journeys from individual drafts to working group drafts couldn’t have been more different!

As I was musing with Phil Hunt, who wrote the original individual draft of OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata with me, I’m pretty sure that this is the longest time from writing an individual draft to it becoming a working group draft in my experience: August 3, 2016 to September 6, 2023 – seven years and a month!

Whereas, the time from the individual draft of COSE “typ” (type) Header Parameter to the first working group draft was only three months: July 8, 2023 to September 5, 2023. Which got me thinking… Is that the fastest progression I’ve had?

It turns out that my fastest time from individual draft to working group draft was for the JWK Thumbprint URI specification which I wrote with Kristina Yasuda. It went from individual draft to working group draft in only two months: November 24, 2021 to January 28, 2022. (And it became RFC 9278 on August 9, 2022 – less than nine months from start to finish, which I believe is also a personal record.)

Ironically, while OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata took over seven years from individual to working group drafts, a closely-related draft, OAuth 2.0 Discovery (which became RFC 8414) was previously my fastest from individual draft to working group draft: 2.5 months! (The journey to becoming an RFC took 2.5 years.)

The other relative speed demon was Proof-Of-Possession Semantics for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs): 3.5 months from individual draft to working group draft and two years from start to RFC 7800.

What are my takeaways from all these musings about starting things?

Multiformats Considered Harmful

IETF logoWhile I usually reserve my time and energy for advancing good ideas, I’m making an exception to publicly state the reasons why I believe “multiformats” should not be considered for standardization by the IETF.

1. Multiformats institutionalize the failure to make a choice, which is the opposite of what good standards do. Good standards make choices about representations of data structures resulting in interoperability, since every conforming implementation uses the same representation. In contrast, multiformats enable different implementations to use a multiplicity of different representations for the same data, harming interoperability. defines 23 equivalent and non-interoperable representations for the same data!

2. The stated purpose of “multibase” is “Unfortunately, it’s not always clear what base encoding is used; that’s where this specification comes in. It answers the question: Given data ‘d’ encoded into text ‘s’, what base is it encoded with?”, which is wholly unnecessary. Successful standards DEFINE what encoding is used where. For instance, defines that “x” is base64url encoded. No guesswork or prefixing is necessary or useful.

3. Standardization of multiformats would result in unnecessary and unhelpful duplication of functionality – especially of key representations. The primary use of multiformats is for “publicKeyMultibase” – a representation of public keys that are byte arrays. For instance, the only use of multiformats by the W3C DID spec is for publicKeyMultibase. The IETF already has several perfectly good key representations, including X.509, JSON Web Key (JWK), and COSE_Key. There’s not a compelling case for another one.

4. publicKeyMultibase can only represent a subset of the key types used in practice. Representing many kinds of keys requires multiple values – for instance, RSA keys require both an exponent and a modulus. By comparison, the X.509, JWK, and COSE_Key formats are flexible enough to represent all kinds of keys. It makes little to no sense to standardize a key format that limits implementations to only certain kinds of keys.

5. The “multihash” specification relies on a non-standard representation of integers called “Dwarf”. Indeed, the referenced Dwarf document lists itself as being at – a URL that no longer exists!

6. The “Multihash Identifier Registry” at duplicates the functionality of the IANA “Named Information Hash Algorithm Registry” at, in that both assign (different) numeric identifiers for hash functions. If multihash goes forward, it should use the existing registry.

7. It’s concerning that the draft charter states that “Changing current Multiformat header assignments in a way that breaks backward compatibility with production deployments” is out of scope. Normally IETF working groups are given free rein to make improvements during the standardization process.

8. Finally, as a member of the W3C DID and W3C Verifiable Credentials working groups, I will state that it is misleading for the draft charter to say that “The outputs from this Working Group are currently being used by … the W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group, W3C Decentralized Identifiers Working Group…”. The documents produced by these working groups intentionally contain no normative references to multiformats or any data structures derived from them. Where they are referenced, it is explicitly stated that the references are non-normative.

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