Musings on Digital Identity

Month: July 2016

“amr” Values specification distinguishing between iris and retina scan biometrics

OAuth logoThis draft distinguishes between iris and retina scan biometrics, as requested by NIST, and adds a paragraph providing readers more context at the end of the introduction, which was requested by the chairs during the call for adoption. The OpenID Connect MODRNA Authentication Profile 1.0 specification, which uses “amr” values defined by this specification, is now also referenced.

The specification is available at:

An HTML formatted version is also available at:

OpenID Connect EAP ACR Values specification

OpenID logoThe OpenID Connect Extended Authentication Profile (EAP) ACR Values 1.0 specification has been submitted to the OpenID Enhanced Authentication Profile (EAP) working group. Per the abstract:

This specification enables OpenID Connect Relying Parties to request that specific authentication context classes be applied to authentications performed and for OpenID Providers to inform Relying Parties whether these requests were satisfied. Specifically, an authentication context class reference value is defined that requests that phishing-resistant authentication be performed and another is defined that requests that phishing-resistant authentication with a hardware-protected key be performed. These policies can be satisfied, for instance, by using W3C scoped credentials or FIDO authenticators.

The specification is glue that ties together OpenID Connect, W3C Web Authentication, and FIDO Authenticators, enabling them to be seamlessly used together.

The specification is available at:

Terminology updates in OAuth Mix-Up Mitigation specification

OAuth logoThe only change to the new draft is to use terminology more consistently. Specifically, it changes the terms “issuer URL” and “configuration information location” to “issuer identifier” so that consistent terminology is used for this. (This is the terminology used by OpenID Connect.)

This is being posted in preparation for discussions at the upcoming OAuth Security Workshop in Trier, Germany and the IETF 96 meeting in Berlin.

The specification is available at:

An HTML-formatted version is also available at:

IANA Considerations added to CBOR Web Token (CWT)

IETF logoThe CBOR Web Token (CWT) specification now establishes the IANA CWT Claims registry and registers the CWT claims defined by the specification. The application/cwt CoAP content type is now also registered.

This version adds Samuel Erdtman as an editor in recognition of his already significant contributions to the specification.

The specification is available at:

An HTML-formatted version is also available at:

Token Binding for Access Tokens, Refresh Tokens, and ID Tokens

IETF logoTwo new related specifications define syntax and semantics for applying Token Binding to OAuth Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens and to OpenID Connect ID Tokens. draft-jones-oauth-token-binding contains the OAuth portions. openid-connect-token-bound-authentication-1_0 contains the OpenID Connect portions.

These are being submitted now to hopefully enable end-to-end implementations and interop testing of Token Bound Access Tokens, Refresh Tokens, and ID Tokens across multiple platforms before the Token Binding specifications are finalized.

The OAuth specification is available at:

The OpenID Connect specification is available at:

Thanks to Andrei Popov, Yordan Rouskov, John Bradley, and Brian Campbell for reviews of earlier versions of these specifications and to Dirk Balfanz and William Denniss for some earlier discussions providing input to these specifications.

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