Musings on Digital Identity

Month: February 2012

OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Specification Draft -17

OAuth logoDraft 17 of the OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Specification has been published. This version changes the RFCs referenced for certificate chain verification. The wording was proposed by Alexey Melnikov as part of the Gen-ART review.

It contains the following changes:

  • Restore RFC 2818 reference for server identity verification and add RFC 5280 reference for certificate revocation lists, per Gen-ART review comments.

The draft is available at:

An HTML-formatted version is available at:

OpenID Connect Interop in Progress

OSIS logoOpenID logoThe Third OpenID Connect Interop is currently under way — this time based upon approved Implementer’s Drafts. Currently 7 implementations are being tested, with I believe more to be added. The interop is designed to enable people to test the implementations they’ve built against other implementations and verify that specific features that they’ve built are working correctly. This has several benefits: it helps debug implementations, it helps debug the specifications, and it results in greater interoperability among OpenID Connect implementations.

As background, like the other OSIS interops, the OpenID Connect interop is an opportunity for implementers to try their code against one another’s in a systematic way. It is not a conformance test; participants do not “pass” or “fail”. There is no requirement that you must support particular features to participate or that you must participate in all aspects of the interop.

If you’d like to participate in the interop, join the OpenID Connect Interop mailing list and send us a note there saying who your interop contact person will be, the name of your organization (can be an individual), the name of your implementation (can be your name), and a list of the online testing endpoints for your implementation. Testing is performed online on your schedule, with results recorded on the interop wiki. That being said, an in-person meeting of interop participants will also be held on Friday, March 2 in San Francisco (the week of RSA) for those who are able to attend.

OpenID Connect Implementer’s Drafts Approved

OpenID logoThe OpenID Foundation members have overwhelmingly voted to approve the OpenID Connect specifications as Implementer’s Drafts. This is an important milestone in the process of completing the OpenID Connect specifications.

Implementer’s Drafts are stable versions of specifications intended for trial implementations and deployments that provide specific IPR protections to those using them. Implementers and deployers are encouraged to continue to provide timely feedback to the working group on the specifications based upon their experiences with them.

Greg Keegstra and Axel Nennker Elected to OpenID Board

OpenID logoMy congratulations to Greg Keegstra and Axel Nennker for their election to the OpenID Board of Directors. Greg brings strong marketing chops and his can-do spirit to the board. Axel returns with his mix of deep technical expertise and common sense. I’m looking forward to serving with both of you!

Vote to Approve OpenID Connect Implementer’s Drafts Under Way

OpenID logoThe vote to approve six OpenID Connect specification drafts as OpenID Foundation Implementer’s Drafts is under way. To vote, go to and log in using your OpenID by the morning of Wednesday, February 15th. For more information about OpenID Connect, visit

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