CMU CS General Bboard Contents from 25-Nov-82 to 31-Dec-82

A dump of the CMU CS general bboard contents from the 1982 year-end g vax (cmu-780g) backup tape spanning the dates 25-Nov-82 to 31-Dec-82 is below.  This was retrieved by Jeff Baird on July 15, 2002 while searching for the original bboard post in which Scott Fahlman invented the smiley :-).

Notable on this tape was a thread about changing the Arpanet protocol over from NCP to TCP/IP as well as continued uses of the smiley :-) and its variants.

You can also view the full contents of the bboard from the October 1982 spice vax (cmu-750x) backup tape, which spans the dates 16-Sep-82 to 21-Oct-82.

25-Nov-82 18:41    Stephen Hancock              Keys => Operator
From: Stephen Hancock 
A set of keys was found on the Dover (Ruby).  The operator (x2607) now has
26-Nov-82 01:03    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Square Dance Tonight (11/26)
Larry Edelman will call to the music of the Chicago Barn Dance Company.
Details in SQUARE.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA.

26-Nov-82 07:37    Robert Thibadeau at CMU-10A  Volvo for sale
Volvo 164, Swedish built, Michelin X tires, lifetime (shocks, entire
muffler system, transmission), PS,PB, air, 5yr battery, leather
interior, and so forth.   I have had it since 1971 and never intended
to part with it,but...  The price is $1200.

26-Nov-82 13:57    Alex Rudnicky at CMU-10A     coffee cup
I seem to have lost track of my coffee cup.  It's large, yellow on 
the outside, light beige on the inside, and has a Polish trademark 
on the bottom.  No, it does not have any legs.

26-Nov-82 17:22    Thomas-Stobie-H              Chess
From: Thomas-Stobie-H at CMU-EE-AMPERE

I am interested in forming a CMU chess club. I would be interested to
know who is interested.  So far I have ten responses in over a week.
I know there are people out there who would be interested who have 
not mailed tp me that they are interested. Thus if interested please
mail to tas@EE-AMPERE.
                              Thomas A. Stobie
26-Nov-82 23:31    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    FINGER Scrabble
The FINGER program on CMUA, CMUB, and CMUC allows you to use abbreviations
for a person's first and last names.  Sometimes the two abbreviations, when
placed together, spell a word.  For instance, if I finger "ma sher" on CMUA
I get Mark Sherman, but I have also spelled the word "masher".  (This should
not be taken as having any reflection on Mark.)  If I had instead tried to
spell "mash" I would lose, because "ma sh" is ambiguous between Mark
Sherman and Mary Shaw.  (On the other hand, "marhsa", i.e.  "mar sha", can be
used to finger Mary.)  Here are a bunch of words I have FINGER-spelled on
CMUA.  See if you can figure out who they refer to.  Note:  some of the words,
if divided one way, refer to more than one person.  There is always another
way of dividing the word so that it refers to one person only.
eros            lush            baste           joust           bribe
robber          sugar           trod            sane            dash
visa            bills           wish            gust            wake
marvin          garb            grab            rune            rope
Here's an even neater problem.  Some people's first names can be divided
up to abbreviate their entire name.  For example, "gar y" is a unique
abbreviation for Gary York.  How many can you find besides these?
lee             mark            renee           steve (2 ways)

27-Nov-82 16:29    Steven Minton at CMU-10A     Symphony Tickets
I've got two (free) tickets to the symphony tommorrow (Sunday) for 
the 2:30 performance. Send me mail and they're yours. 

27-Nov-82 21:41    Mike Blackwell               Personal 370?
From: Mike Blackwell 
>From the December 'Byte' magazine (p. 502):

"IBM Aims To Fit A 370 Into A 68000: According to a technical paper that
appeared in a recent issue of IBM's 'Journal of Research and Development',
researchers at IBM's Endicott, New York, facility are attempting to recode
Motorola 68000 microprocessors to implement the functions of an IBM
System/370. The 16-bit 68000 microprocessor was selected because it is
microcoded and has seventeen 32-bit general-purpose registers. The full 370
would require about four times the microcode capability of the current
68000; however, the hope is that within a few years a 370 will be encoded
into one 68000. In the meantime, the research group intends to partition
the 370 architecture among a number of 68000s, which will communicate over
a local bus and share common local storage."

Hmm... didn't I hear something about using 68000s in the PC's?
28-Nov-82 08:02    Phil Miller at CMU-10A       lost mail
If you sent mail to me between 2:30 and 14:30
Fridy November 26 it was lost in a disk crash.
This is on CMUA only.

28-Nov-82 13:59    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      Personal 370
The IBM 5100 was a personal 370 (370/105 or some such low number).  That
is how it was able to run full APL.SV -- they simply transported the
machine code.  That is also why it had a 96K rom and ran like molasses.
The 360/370 line were all microcoded machines with tree structured micro-
code.  The design teams that built the various models just had microcode
specs and built whatever box they felt like to execute it.  [I think that
the 360/96 might not have been microcoded (it was a superfast 360) but it
was one of the few.]  So, IBM's been doing this since 1964 or so.  It's a
very good idea.  Now if they'd only enhanced the programmer's architecture
a little at a time it would be the best right now.  As is, it's not bad.

28-Nov-82 16:16    HTHOMPSON at PARC-MAXC       Job available in E'burgh
I have a year and a half's worth of money for a
research assistant for my GPSG parsing grant.
Please pass the following description to anyone who
you think might be interested.

The project supported by the grant in question is directed
at the construction of a parsing system for
Generalised Phrase Structure Grammar, an extended context-free
system developed by Gerald Gazdar and others.
Because of its context-free nature, it is suitable
for computational manipulation, and the first stage
of the project, now complete, has constructed an
active chart parser for the formalism.
This system is written in a local superset of

The research assistant would be responsible for three
areas of further development:

1) Continued liaison and training work with the
(computationally naive) linguists who are to use
the system for grammar research;

2) The incorporation into the system of GPSG's compositional

3) The development of a pilot database front end
using the system.

He or she would also participate in the normal
activities of the department, including research workshops
and, if so inclined, a small amount of teaching.

The salary is not large by American standards, around
7000 - 8000 pounds, and there is no provision
for moving expenses.  On the other side of the coin,
Edinburgh is an extrremely pleasant, culturally
rich city, and the department is active
and growing.  Although the appointment is for 17 months
in the first instance, there is a reasonable expectation
of follow on work.

Please reply to HThompson@PARC-MAXC

Henry Thompson
Artificial Intelligence
University of Edinburgh

28-Nov-82 16:30    Thomas Newton at CMU-CS-A    Need to borrow textbook
Does anybody have a copy of Garey and Johnson, "Computers and Intractability,"
that I could borrow for a week?  I didn't get a copy at the beginning of the
semester and when I went to get one recently the bookstore was out of stock.
28-Nov-82 16:35    Lee Hollaar                  Seventh Workshop on Computer Architecture for Non-Numeric Processing
From: Lee Hollaar 

                            NON-NUMERIC PROCESSING
                        Snowbird, Utah, March 6-9, 1983

Sponsored by:  ACM SIGARCH, SIGIR, and SIGMOD
               Computer Science Department, University of Utah

As the costs to design, implement, and maintain a large scale system change
from a situation where hardware costs predominate to one where software costs
do, it is reasonable to explore computer architectures which differ from the
classic numerically-oriented machine.  Front end processors, performing
protocol translations, are now common in data communications systems, and a
variety of backend processors for database and information retrieval
applications are available or currently under development.  New architectures
are being developed for robotics, image processing, searching and sorting,
artificial intelligence, highly available systems, workstations, and text

In the past, this workshop has been a primary avenue for those engaged in
research and development of a variety of specialized non-numeric systems to
discuss their current activities and future directions.  It has proved
invaluable to students conducting research in computer architecture, allowing
them to present preliminary results of their work, and to receive comments and
suggestions from others in the field.

                Workshop Location and Registration Information

The workshop will be held at the Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, located in
Little Cottonwood Canyon near Salt Lake City, Utah.  Transportation is
available from the Salt Lake airport.  The registration fee of $300 includes
double occupancy rooms for three nights, breakfast, and the workshop banquet.
The remaining meals and any skiing expenses are the responsibility of the
participants.  Rooms will be available for check-in at 3:00 PM Sunday, March
6, and the first workshop session will be held at 7:30 that evening.

Because of severely limited space, attendance at the workshop will be by
preregistration only.  Rooms have only been reserved for the workshop
participants.  If you wish to bring along family members, you should contact
the Workshop Chairman as soon as possible.  For those wishing to arrive on
Saturday, rather than Sunday, a limited number of rooms are available for an
additional $45.

To register for the workshop, write the Workshop General Chairman by January 1,
1983, indicating your name and affiliation, mailing address and telephone
number, your interest and background in computer architecture for non-numeric
processing, and whether you have submitted a paper.  Include the appropriate
registration fee ($300 normally, $345 for early arrival).  Acceptances will be
sent out on January 15, 1983, and registration checks for those we are unable
to accommodate will be returned.  Priority on registration will be given to
those submitting a paper for presentation.  We urge you to submit your request
for registration early.

                           Instructions for Authors

We invite papers on current or proposed work in all areas of specialized
computer architecture for non-numeric applications, such as: image processing
data communications, information management and retrieval, workstations, highly
available systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, searching and sorting,
and text processing.  Presentations will last from 30 to 45 minutes, with half
the time devoted to the presentation of the paper and half to discussion.  In
addition, a final session, to be organized at the workshop, will consist of a
number of short presentations for those wishing to present or discuss a
concept, but unable to prepare a full length paper.

The deadline for submission was November 15, 1982.  Since the program will be
determined by the end of December, if you wish to present a paper you should
contact the Program Chairman immediately to discuss your submission.  It is
anticipated that the workshop proceedings will be published as a special joint
issue of the newsletters of the sponsoring SIGs.

Workshop General Chairman:               Workshop Program Chairman:
Lee A. Hollaar                           Roger L. Haskin
Department of Computer Science           IBM Research Laboratories, K52/282
University of Utah                       5600 Cottle Road
Salt Lake City UT  84112                 San Jose CA  95193
(801) 581-3203                           (408) 256-6353
28-Nov-82 17:50    Monica Lam at CMU-10A        lights on.
The owner of CWU 617 (white Citation): your lights are on.

28-Nov-82 21:07    Edmund Clarke at CMU-10A     starting time for PS seminar
There was a mistake in the message announcing Anthony Wasserman's talk.
It will begin at 3:30 (as usual) instead of 4:00.  The location will
still be Wean Hall 5409.  For those of you who may have forgotten over
the holidays, the topic of Dr.  Wasserman's lecture will be "THE USER

29-Nov-82 01:44    Doug Philips at CMU-10A      HitchHiker's Guide to the...
According to this weeks TV Graphic, WQED (TV-Channel 13) will be airing
the ENTIRE series (all 7 episodes) of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Galaxy".   When? Saturday!   Times?  Starting at 3 *and* 11 pm.
                Share and Enjoy,

29-Nov-82 02:42    Moshe Lasry at CMU-CS-SPEECH buy racquet
  I am interested in buying a used racquetball racquet. If you
have one and would like to sell it please send me mail (mjl@s)
29-Nov-82 08:35    James Rinderle at CMU-RI-ISL 
Professor Neville Hogan (MIT) will speak at the Mechanical Engineering
Department Guest Lecturer Series on Wednesday, December 1, at 3:30 pm.
in the Scaife Hall Auditorium, SH125.  The title of his talk will be,
"Impedance Control: An Approach to Manipulation."  Coffee and Donuts
will be served at 3:00 pm. in SH322.
29-Nov-82 08:41    James Rinderle at CMU-RI-ISL Mech Eng Robotics Seminar
Professor Neville Hogan (MIT) will speak at the Mechanical Engineering
Department Guest Lecturer Series on Wednesday, December 1, at 3:30 pm.
in the Scaife Hall Auditorium, SH125.  The title of his talk will be,
"Impedance Control: An Approach to Manipulation."  Coffee and Donuts
will be served at 3:00 pm. in SH322.
29-Nov-82 09:50    Rob Woodbury at CMU-CS-CAD   Graphics terminals
Thanks to all who replied to my query about graphics terminals.
29-Nov-82 11:30    Karen Hensley at CMU-10A     Need old white tennis ball(s)
     My dog needs some old tennis balls to play with.  Dyes in colored ones
have been making dogs sick, so I need only white ones.  If you could donate
one (or two) I would be very grateful.

29-Nov-82 11:37    Roger Dannenberg at CMU-10A  free manuals
Interlisp, BBN-lisp, tenex, teco, macro-10, and pdp-10 system reference
manuals -- free for the asking.  I'm in 8020 now, x3827.

29-Nov-82 14:24    David Steier at CMU-10A      IBM summer job opening
Dr. Gerald Waldbaum of IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center wrote me
that he is looking for one or two people to do "ad-tech work on
a local area network of IBM Personal Computers with a gateway to
VM" this summer.  He can be contacted at:
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY  10598
I have no details about the job other than the above sentence, so
you'd probably be best off writing to him directly if you're

29-Nov-82 14:29    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A My mailbox too
        If you sent me mail early Friday, and I haven't answered you,
resend it.  The disk crash got my mailbox too.

29-Nov-82 15:24    Barbara Hays at CMU-10A      moving?
friend needs an apartment...see apartments bboard

29-Nov-82 15:32    Wilson Harvey at CMU-CS-IUS  Space bb problem
I need some help from anyone that reads the Space bb.  I don't know if
others have reported the same problem but the same message keeps making its
way into the list of bb messages.  It is Volume 3, # 49 which happens to be
dated 10-March-83 !!!  Is there any way of getting rid of this? 

29-Nov-82 15:36    Thomas Newton at CMU-CS-A    Have book

29-Nov-82 16:45    Matthew Lewis at CMU-10A     Moral Education in Schools
The Pitt Forum for Social Responsibility and Values is having an
open discussion with Prof. Edwin Fenton, of the History and Philosophy
department at CMU. The topic is:
        "Moral Education in the Schools"
Thursday, December 2nd, at 3:30
University of Pittsburgh, Honors Center
1209 Cathedral of Learning
        All interested people, regardless of their particular
discipline or educational level are invited to participate.

29-Nov-82 16:49    Philip Wadler                Shipping books & etc
From: Philip Wadler at CMU-CS-GANDALF
I need to ship many boxes of books, some framed pictures,
perhaps a stereo, and some other items to California.
Does anyone have a recommendation for the best way to do this?
(UPS, Greyhound, hire a mover, etc.)  As usual, responses forwarded
to Bovik.  Thanks.  --  Phil  (plw@y)
29-Nov-82 16:50    Kevin Weaver at CMU-RI-ISL   !FLAME! Over-automation
I'm afraid we've reached a level of over-automation.  I am refering to the
program 10bb (unix) which reads the bb's for you.  This program even
sends mail to the person posting the message, telling him that you object
to his message, all with the touch of a single button (M) and without
giving you a chance to insert any of your own text.  I have accidently
offended two people due to my sloppy typing.  I am sorry.  However, I
think that this much "automation" is over-doing it and 10bb should only
put you in a reply mode, rather than sending off its own opinion of a
bb post.

29-Nov-82 17:11    Randy Pausch at CMU-CS-G     Bentley beard poll results
7 for the beard, 1 for the cleanshaven face, and 2 votes undecided.
Sounds like a clear mandate to me ...
29-Nov-82 17:28    Lionel Galway                Math grad student needs LISP help
From: Lionel Galway at CMU-CS-GANDALF
I'm a first semester math grad student who is (trying) to teach
myself LISP.  I've made some progress, but I really need someone to
sit down with me for about 1/2 hour and clear up some points.  Can
anyone help?  If so, please call Margaret Ransom, X2547 and leave a
message.  Office: 6112 WeH.  Thanks.
29-Nov-82 18:14    Ht Kung at CMU-10A           Apartment needed for visitor
Titi Guerra just arrived from Italy for a one-year visit to CMU .  Any 
information on helping her to find an apartment will be appreciated.  Kung@cmua

29-Nov-82 18:44    Glynn Winskel at CMU-10A     Gordon Plotkin's visit
Gordon Plotkin will be visiting the department from tomorrow, Tuesday, 
till the end of the week.  Gordon's from Edinburgh and has done a lot
of the pioneering work in denotational semantics.  On Wednesday the
1st he'll be giving a talk---Countable non--determinism and continuity--
which shows how infinite non--determinism forces one to use functions
which aren't continuous in denotational semantics.  The talk's in
5409 from 3.00 till 4.00.  He'll present the talk in such a way that
you needn't know much about semantics.  Also if you'd like to meet him
send me mail so I can fix--up a schedule.  Mail me on the A.

30-Nov-82 11:33    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    One Peter, Paul, Mary ticket
No, not free, but for $15.00.  Its Saturday night at the Stanley
theater.  Send me mail at cmua.

30-Nov-82 11:48    Glynn Winskel at CMU-10A     Plotkin's visit
Gordon Plotkin is ill---sounds like some sort of flu.  Still
there is chance he will be coming tonight if he's feeling better.
I'll be finding out more this afternoon.  I'll post further 
information when I get it.

30-Nov-82 12:52    Mady Bauer at CMU-10A        Video Disc Interface
I am looking for somebody with knowledge about interfacing mini-
computers with video discs.  If you know something about this,
please read vdisc.txt[c410mb26] for further information.

30-Nov-82 13:39    Jim Crowley at CMU-10A       Robotics Seminar
                Getting a Grip on Friction
                       Matt Mason
                 C-MU Robotics Institute
                   Thursday, Dec 2 1982
                        3:30 pm
            4623 Wean Hall ( The Video Conference Room )
Matt Mason is a new member of the Robotics Institute faculty.
His talk is derived from his recent thesis concerning theoretical
analysis of partially constrained motion with friction.
An abstract will be posted on the 4th floor physical bulletin board.

30-Nov-82 13:46    CS EMERSON at UTEXAS-20      POPL83 hotel phone correction
The correct phone for the POPL83 hotel (the Best Western
Villa Capri) is 512-476-6171 NOT 512-476-6167 as listed in the
30-Nov-82 13:55    Paul Knueven at CMU-10A      Art Show
The Forbes Gallery (5200 Forbes Ave.) continues its series featuring
student art with a show including the work of Sarah Ratchye.  The
festive opening is tonight at 7pm; the show runs through December 4.
(For those who may not know, Ms. Ratchye is related by marriage to Ed

30-Nov-82 15:14    James Adams at CMU-10A       Goodbye
Contrary to my plan file I am still in town, but only
until this weekend.  Thank you all for making my time
in Pittsburgh wonderful.

30-Nov-82 15:30    Craig Everhart at CMU-10A    Thesis proposal: Robustness
I'll be presenting my thesis proposal, ``Categorizing Errors to Guide Robust
Programming,'' tomorrow, 1 December 1982, at 1:45 pm in 8220 ScH.
A copy of the companion document has been in the C.S. lounge since the 19th.
All are welcome to attend.

30-Nov-82 16:44    Roger Haskin                 Workshop on Non-Numeric Architecture - Deadline for submissions
From: Roger Haskin 
The call for papers for the Seventh Workshop on Computer Architecture
for Non-Numeric Processing recently sent out alluded to the fact
that the original deadline for submissions, which was to have been
November 15, has been extended.
Due to the late start we got organizing the conference, we did not
get a chance to publish the call for papers soon enough to give
potential authors sufficient time to prepare drafts. The deadline
has thereform been suspended, and we will continue to
accept submissions on an informal basis. I would appreciate notice
from potential authors as soon as possible regarding their intention
to submit a paper, accompanied by a reasonably detailed abstract.
To speed things up, we will accept these over the net. A draft
should follow as soon as possible (remember we have to referree
them!). I want to be as flexible as possible, but the end of the
1st week of January should be regarded as a fairly firm deadline.
My net address is HASKIN.IBM-SJ@UDEL-RELAY
                                    Roger Haskin
                                    Program Chairman
30-Nov-82 17:05    BUNDY    HPS                 How to reach Edinburgh by Net Mail
From: BUNDY    HPS (on ERCC DEC-10)  
It is now possible to reach many people in the UK via electronic mail.
Messages go to ISID and then, via satellite, to UCL-CS in London, and
hence via UK networks SERCnet and PSS.  For instance, to reach people in
Edinburgh you can type %EDXA%UCL-CS@ISID.  EDXA is the local
Edinburgh DEC10 and %s are converted to @s on route.  The return address
is %@UCL-CS.  Since there is no directory available I
include the address of some Edinburgh people.  Some of them have long
standing ARPAnet accounts and prefer mail to go there.


Bernard Silver         	B.SILVER%EDXA%UCL-CS@ISID


30-Nov-82 17:18    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Harris Corporation Recruiter
This is just a reminder that Howard Sprague, a
representative of Harris Corporation in Dallas, Texas, will
be in the department tomorrow to talk with anyone interested in
permanent employment at Harris.  He will give a presentation on the
work at Harris at 12:00 in room 4605.  If you are interested in talking with
Mr. Sprague, show up at the presentation.  He will make arrangements for
further talks at that time.

30-Nov-82 18:23    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Harris Corporation Recruiter
This is just a reminder that Howard Sprague, a
representative of Harris Corporation in Dallas, Texas, will
be in the department tomorrow to talk with anyone interested in
permanent employment at Harris.  He will give a presentation on the
work at Harris at 12:00 in room 4605.  If you are interested in talking with
Mr. Sprague, show up at the presentation.  He will make arrangements for
further talks at that time.

30-Nov-82 18:24    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Student Statements/BlackFrida
If you are a CS graduate student you should find in your mailbox a copy of
the "Student Statement for Black Friday".  Please fill it out WITH EITHER
A TYPEWRITER OR A BLACK PEN and return to my office by December 10.  If
you are a new student, or just can't figure out what to do with it, ask
someone -- don't throw it away!!  

30-Nov-82 18:38    Steve Vegdahl at CMU-10A     thesis oral on 8 December
My thesis oral is scheduled for Wednesday, 8 December at 3:30pm in
5409 Wean Hall.  The title of my dissertation is "Local Code Generation
and Compaction in Optimizing Microcode Compilers".  Copies of the thesis
summary are in the lounge.  An abstract may be found in
abstra.doc[c410sv30] on the /A or /usrg0/srv/abstract.doc on the GP.
Come see what life is like after three years of being "down in the bits".

30-Nov-82 21:24    Glynn Winskel at CMU-10A     Plotkin talk
Gordon Plotkin's talk for tomorrow, Wednesday, is postponed till
Friday.  I'll fix--up a precise time and place tomorrow.  Gordon 
will be in the department Thursday morning.  Send me mail on the
A if you'd like to meet him.  I guess he can't promise not to give
you 'flu.

30-Nov-82 21:26    Lars Ericson at CMU-10A      FIAT For Sale
1974 Fiat 128, ~79,000 miles.  Well maintained, new sticker, a little
finicky but the hardware is probably stable at this point.  Looking
for around $875, mail to Lars.Ericson@CMUA if you're interested.

30-Nov-82 21:58                RFC 800 Now Available
   One RFC Announcement

      A new RFC is now available from the Network Information Center in 
      the NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC.

      RFC 800:

         Title:   Requests for Comments Summary
         Author:  J. Postel & J. Vernon
         Pages :  10

            pathname: [SRI-NIC]RFC800.TXT

         This memo is an annotated listing of the RFCs from 700 through 
         799.  It is essentially a status report on the RFCs.

      Public access files may be copied from the NETINFO directory at 
      SRI-NIC via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.

      Submissions for RFCs should be sent to POSTEL@USC-ISIF.

      Requests to be added to or deleted from this distribution list 
      should be sent to NIC@SRI-NIC.

01-Dec-82 15:12    Peter Angeline at CMU-10A    Fractals in Graphics
I am looking for information on Fractals. I have a copy 
of Benoit Mandelbrot's book called "Fractals" but there 
are a few things I have questions about. If anyone out
there knows of other books on fractals or Fractional
Brownian Motion, please let me know. I can be reached via
CMU-A. Thanks all.
                                Pete Angeline

01-Dec-82 15:28    Allan Fisher at CMU-10A      CSNet/PhoneNet help
Does anybody recall the location of the user directory files on
UDel-Relay?  Thanks.

01-Dec-82 17:05    Jaime Carbonell at CMU-10A   Second 413 TA call
A couple of months ago I posted a call for TAs to the software 
engineering class. The primary responsibility of a TA is to serve as
a councilor to a semester-long group project. In my last call I got
two positive responses and several "maybes". I seem to have lost the
maybe list. If you were one of the respondants and are still interested,
or if you weren't and wish to participate in this unique experience, 
please send me mail. Graduate students, programming staff, etc are
welcomed. I need 3 or 4 additional group councilors.

01-Dec-82 17:46    Jon Webb at CMU-CS-SPICE     Request for Fall '76 Compcon
Does anyone have a copy of the Fall 1976 Compcon proceedings?  I need to
Xerox a couple articles.

01-Dec-82 18:52    Nathaniel Borenstein         Bboard complaints
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-CS-G
All complaints about the bboard system should be sent to bboard@cmua.  This 
can help you to avoid making a fool of yourself by complaining publicly
(i.e. on the bboard) about bugs that don't really exist.  And please don't
send me mail explaining that everyone has a right to make a fool of himself,
because your right to be an idiot ends when it begins wasting my time and
blackening what remains of my reputation.
01-Dec-82 21:23    Lydia Defilippo at CMU-10A   Richard Statman
Richard Statman of Rutgers University will speak Monday, December 6.
Time:   4:30 - 6:00 pm
Place:  54l5 WEH
Title:  Solving Functional Equations at Higher Types.
No Abstract

01-Dec-82 21:24    Glynn Winskel at CMU-10A     Plotkin talk rescheduled
Gordon Plotkin will be giving a talk on Friday the 3rd at 3.30pm
in room 5409.  The talk is on ``Countable nondeterminism and 
continuity'', bound up with the issue of how to extend denotational
semantics to handle ``fairness''.  The talk should be understandable
by the nonspecialist in semantics.
   Gordon will be available to meet people on Thursday and Friday.
Send me mail on the A if you'd like to meet him.

01-Dec-82 21:36    Ivor Durham at CMU-10A       ~= Three-Hole Punch
Will whoever STOLE the three-hole punch from the Dover room please bring it
back immediately, if not sooner?!  If it went AWOL for a good reason, the
responsible party might at least have left the rest of us a note!

02-Dec-82 09:13    Barbara Zayas                Theory Seminar today
From: Barbara Zayas at CMU-CS-SPICE
Larry Rudolph will speak at the Theory Seminar. The title of his talk
is:  "The Balanced Sorting Network".  Meet in room 4605 at 3:00 today.   
An abstract is posted on the physical bboards.
02-Dec-82 11:57    Doug Jensen at CMU-CS-G      Sony Watchman TV
Thinking that Neiman-Marcus would be the first kid on the block with the 
new Sony Watchman TV, I ordered one from their Christmas catalog. Much
to my surprise, I was able to find one elsewhere a week before the one
from N-M arrived. They are quite difficult to obtain, so before I return
the one from N-M, I want to see if anyone else would like it. It is a
FLAT TV (the first of its kind) with a 2" picture tube, about 3x7x1, very
high tech and cute. The price is $350. I will return it unopened to N-M
Monday if no one responds.
02-Dec-82 16:48    Gregg Lebovitz               Interlan 10 Mbit ethernet hardware seminar
From: Gregg Lebovitz at CMU-EE-AMPERE
Bill Henderson from Interlan will discuss Interlan's 10 Mbit
hardware interfaces for the Unibus, Qbus and Multibus.

Date: Tuesday, December 7
Time: 1:30 to 3:00
At:   Hamerschlage room 104

As a side note, The EE department is using Interlan hardware for its
10 Mbit ethernet. We have a vax driver compatible with the 3 Mbit driver
and tcp/ip software interfaces.
02-Dec-82 17:03    Gregg Lebovitz               Interlan 10 Mbit ethernet hardware seminar
From: Gregg Lebovitz at CMU-EE-AMPERE
Bill Henderson from Interlan will discuss Interlan's 10 Mbit
hardware interfaces for the Unibus, Qbus and Multibus.

Date: Tuesday, December 7
Time: 1:30 to 3:00
At:   Hamerschlage room 104

As a side note, The EE department is using Interlan hardware for its
10 Mbit ethernet. We have a vax driver compatible with the 3 Mbit driver
and tcp/ip software interfaces.
02-Dec-82 19:31    Mike Kazar at CMU-CS-G       lemon gateway down tonight
The lemon gateway (ethernet telnet service to CMU-10A) will be partially
unavailable from 11 PM or so tonight and tomorrow night.  Sorry for the late
notice, an earlier post failed somehow.  If this inconveniences you, let me
know; the times can be changed easily.
02-Dec-82 19:35    David Nason at CMU-10A       Perq Boot Floppies
Those who have borrowed the nine D265 Boot floppies from my office, 
please return them ASAP.  That's all there are, and others need to use them
(can't even make duplicates since someone took the last one without asking).
David Nason

02-Dec-82 21:37    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Sten Andler PS Seminar
On Monday, December 6, the Programming Systems Seminar speaker will be
Sten Andler, of IBM San Jose Research Center.  He will speak at 3:30 on
the topic of ROSIE: Research Office Systems Internetwork Environment.

02-Dec-82 21:40    Dalibor Vrsalovic at CMU-10A ACM Perf. eval. review
Has anyone ACM Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 11 No 1. April
1982.I need it for an hour to copy something. Please send me a
mail if you have it.


02-Dec-82 21:46    David McCarty at CMU-10A     Logic and Gluttony
Just reminder that Rich Thomason of Pitt's Philosophy Dept. will
be addressing the Joint Logic Seminar this Friday at 2.00pm in
220 Scaife Hall. Thomason's subject will be "Semantics for Ramified
Type Theory." As usual, a lunch will take place before the seminar
in the cafeteria of Carnegie Library. [You needn't attend the lunch
in order to attend the seminar. However, I do recommend it--most of
these lectures are greatly improved by being punctuated with 

03-Dec-82 01:23    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Square Dance Tonight
Larry Edelman will call to the music of Brad Leftwich and Linda Higgenbotham.
Details in SQUARE.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA.

03-Dec-82 02:22    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Order open!
        Closing to Nonshareholders Friday the 10th at 2 PM.
        Closing to Shareholders   Tuesday the 14th at 2 PM.
        Cheese party in CS lounge  Wednesday the 15th at 7 PM.
        Cheese Sales in CS lounge   Thursday the 16th at 9 AM.
        Last order this year, don't get left out!

03-Dec-82 06:18    Mel Siegel at CMU-10A        Touch Sensing in Robots
                   Touch Sensing in Robots
                     Prof. Leon D. Harmon
               Case Western Reserve University
                      Cleveland, Ohio
     As robotics technology matures, sensory perception is slowly evolving.
Vision systems are now commercially available and useful, although design
and performance are still relatively primitive.  Touch sensing, just start-
ing to reach some sophistication in research laboratories, is expected to 
appear much more potently in industrial manipulators in the near future.
     Aspects of the present state-of-the-art and outstanding problems in
touch-sensing technology will be discussed.  This includes materials and
transducer design, information processing, and system control considerations.
The distance from current knowhow to "smart skin" robots of the next decade
is considerable; however, the technological challenges are well matched by
the perceived payoff, especially in automated assembly.
                         3:00 PM
                    Friday, December 3
                         WeH 4623

03-Dec-82 09:40    Barbara Zayas                Floor mat box needed!
From: Barbara Zayas at CMU-CS-SPICE
I need a box, the kind that floor mats come packed in.  (Floor mats go 
under a desk to prevent the rug being torn to shreds.)  If you have one
of these boxes that I could have for keeps, please let me know.  I need
to wrap a Christmas gift.  (bjz@x, or x3779).  Thanks!!
03-Dec-82 10:58    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Spring in December
        I'd just like to point out that it is warmer today in
Pittsburgh than almost anywhere in California.  Let's hope it's a
climactic change.  If CMU won't go to the Sunbelt, the Sunbelt will come
to CMU.

03-Dec-82 11:28    Michael Mauldin at CMU-CS-G  Scribe Resume Format
Does anyone out there have any resume.mak that they're fond of? Any
pointers would be appreciated. I am willing to learn how to build one,
and will publish any results. Replies to mauldin@a (or mlm@g).   Fuzzy
03-Dec-82 12:52    Jan Zubkoff at CMU-10A       note pad
Someone left a note pad in Jon Bentley's office.  Phone numbers for Rick 
Mills and B. Molin are in this pad.  If this is yours, come and get it in
my office (WE 4117).

03-Dec-82 13:55    Marty Herman at CMU-CS-IUS   AI seminar on Dec 7
Steve Shafer, from CMU-CSD, will speak at the AI seminar on the topic of
"The theory of straight homogeneous generalized cylinders," on Tues
Dec 7, 5409 WeH. Abstracts posted on physical BBs and CogSci BB.
03-Dec-82 16:24    Edmund Clarke at CMU-10A     Programming Systems Seminar
The next meeting of the Programming Systems Seminar will be on Monday,
December 6 at 3:30 p.m. in 5409 Wean Hall Sten Andler of the IBM
Research Laboratory in San Jose, California will speak. A short
abstract of the lecture follows:
  ROSIE:  Research Office Systems Internetwork Environment
  ROSIE provides a framework for distributed applications in an
office systems environment.  It incorporates a communication subsystem,
a replicated nameserver, a networking plan with local networks and
gateways to external networks, and several utilities such as file
transfer, terminal conferencing, 3277 emulation, and performance
measurement.  The ROSIE communication subsystem (CSS) is a message-based
interprocess communication mechanism, providing a means of
communication between processes in ROSIE, located on the same or
different machines.  Written in Pascal for portability, it has been
implemented on VM/CMS using VMCF as a virtual network, and on Series/1
using the 2 Mbit/sec ring network.  CSS is being ported to the 925
Advanced Office Workstation, where it will support communication lines
and a high-speed local network.  The networking plan includes plans for
a prototype 4 Mbit/sec local ring network to be installed later this
year, and a gateway to the CSNET and ARPANET community.  We will also
describe some of the utilities that have been developed for ROSIE.  

03-Dec-82 23:40    CS EMERSON at UTEXAS-20      POPL83 hotel phone correction
The correct phone for the POPL83 hotel (the Best Western
Villa Capri) is 512-476-6171 NOT 512-476-6167 as listed in the

03-Dec-82 23:43    poggio at SRI-TSC            Motorola 68010 availability

The Motorola 68010 (the page-fault supporting version of the 68000) was
to be available 4th quarter, 82; I have heard that this deadline is
unlikely to be met.  Does anyone have any specific information on why
it is late or when it will be available?  Please reply directly to
"poggio at sri-tsc".  Thank you.

03-Dec-82 23:56    DAVE     FHL                 Lectureship at Edinburgh University
From: DAVE     FHL (on ERCC DEC-10)  

                        Universtity of Edinburgh

                             Lectureship in
                        Artificial Intelligence

Applications   are   invited  for  a  post  of  lecturer  in  Artificial
Intelligence.  The post has been funded by Systems Designers Ltd, and is
tenable for three years in the first instance.

The successful candidate will participate in the  department's  teaching
programme;  he  or she will liaise with the sponsoring company, and will
initiate and carry through research into the design  and  implementation
of   knowledge-based  systems,  preferably  in  collaboration  with  the

Starting salary at appropriate  point  on  the  scale  6375-9370  pounds
sterling, with placement according to qualifications and experience.

Applications  by  letter  (two  copies)  including  a  statement  of the
candidate's research experience, a curriculum vitae  and  the  names  of
three referees should be sent to:  

                    The Secretary
                    University of Edinburgh
                    Old College
                    South Bridge
                    Edinburgh EH8 9YL
                    United Kingdom

from whom further particulars may be obtained.

The closing date for applications is 31 January 1983.


04-Dec-82 14:23    Margaret Beard at CMU-10A    CSD & Robotics Directories
Now that the office changes are complete, we will be putting toether the
new directories and phone lists.  If you are associated with the
Computer Science Department and/or Robotics, please check your
directory entry and update it if necessary by Friday (December 10) at
the latest.  You can do this by typing "r csd" to CMUA and following the
Because of the large number of outdated directory entries, we have
marked everyone whose name does not appear in our lists of faculty,
students and staff as "Gone".  If the L field of your entry has been
changed to "Gone", it means we assumed you are no longer at CMU and
your name will not be included in the directory.  If we've made a
mistake, please don't be insulted; we don't know everyone's names and
our lists are probably not complete.  Just change your L field back to
the appropriate thing ("Staff", "Grad Student", etc.)  and your name
will appear in the directory.
If you have any questions or problems, send mail to Bovik@CMU-CS-A.
Thank you for your cooperation.
               Margaret Beard and Ed Zayas

05-Dec-82 09:50    Duane Williams at CMU-CS-IUS Papert resignation
An article in the Dec. 3, 1982, issue of Science (pp. 978-979) describes the
resignation of Seymour Papert from the Paris-based centre mondial pour la 
micro-informatique because of a dispute with Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber.
05-Dec-82 15:42    Ed Clune at CMU-10A          Ride
It being near break time, I would like to know if anyone is
heading to or from the Buffalo/Rochester area between about December
27 and January 3.  The dates are very flexible.  Im just trying to
get there, stay for a while, and get back (not necessarily with the
same ride).
    Ed Clune

05-Dec-82 16:06    Wayne-Bortman-H              HP-11c For Sale
From: Wayne-Bortman-H at CMU-EE-AMPERE
I have a new HP-11c slim-line scientific programmable
calculator for sale. Perfect Condition.

If interested send me mail and include a best offer.

05-Dec-82 16:54    Michael Leibensperge         L&M output rack is full!!!
From: Michael Leibensperge at CMU-10A

06-Dec-82 02:10    James Wright at CMU-RI-ISL   "Computer", Dec 1982

Can any one loan me this month's (Dec.) issue of "Computer" magazine for
a few hours?  The library's just will not come in.
          thanks in advance   jmw@CMU-RI-ISL
06-Dec-82 07:56    V  Ellen Golden              VDT Survey Result
From: V  Ellen Golden 
Blue Buttons, the Boston Globe "Chatter" who asked for a survey of VDT
users a while ago, has now responded with the results.  As many of you
might have predicted, the results were not exactly surprising.  She
decided in the end that a more scientific survey was required.  It is
my suspicion that the responses of the Arpanet community may have
respresented a majority of the "individual responses" she mentions.
This opens some interesting questions about OTHER sorts of VDT using
jobs.  In any case, her reply is available on MIT-MC as


and may be FTP'd.  And thank you from Blue Buttons to all of you who
took the time to reply.
06-Dec-82 08:44    Roger Dannenberg at CMU-10A  Atari computer info
I'm trying to get some information on interfacing hardware to an Atari 800
computer.  No computer stores know anything about this, but rumor has it that
a book called "De Re Atari" (or something like that) has hardware
documentation.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

06-Dec-82 09:46    Duane Williams at CMU-10A    VDT Survey Result
A copy of the file ELLEN;VDT RESP from MIT-MC is located on CMUA as

06-Dec-82 09:58    Mary Shaw at CMU-10A         E F G L M N O P
Please pick up output -- Dover racks are full.

06-Dec-82 10:15    Lydia Defilippo at CMU-10A   Richard Statman
Richard Statman, of Rutgers Univ., speaking today at 4:30, 54l5 WEH.
Title:  "Solving functional equations at higher types."

06-Dec-82 11:21    Jon Bentley at CMU-10A       Theory Task #3 Grades
Sharon will place the grades in student mailboxes shortly.
I will lead a review of the exam on Tuesday from 1:30 to 3:00 in
ScH 5409; try to attend if you possibly can.

06-Dec-82 11:22    Nathaniel Borenstein         Recycling Centers
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-CS-G
If you've been wondering where to take material to be recycled in
Pittsburgh, you can read the answers in the file /usrg0/nsb/nsb/recycling.
06-Dec-82 13:10    Jim Crowley at CMU-10A       Major Demo
The old Coal Research building is presently playing catch
with a wrecking ball. The ball seems to be winning.

06-Dec-82 16:53    Matthew Lewis at CMU-10A     Bucks for your bike?
I am in the market for a 10-speed, reasonalby nice bicycle. If you 
have a bike that matches that description hanging around, and need
some extra space in your garage/house plus some extra cash in your
pocket for the holidays, we might be able to work out something.
Please send mail to LEWIS @ CMUA or call my office:
- Matthew

06-Dec-82 17:21    Linda Bucciarelli at CMU-10A Speaker
Raj Reddy has invited Dr. Delorese Ambrose, Assistant Dean of SUPA
to give a presentation on How to Give an Effective Talk.  She will
be speaking on Tuesday, December 7 in Wean Hall, Room 7500 at 
3:30 p.m.  All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend.

06-Dec-82 17:45    Richard Stern at CMU-10A     Dead motorcycle for sale
I have a 1971 Honda CB-350 that I'd like to unload.  You get a
complete bike (minus one headlight) with two (nonfunctional)
engines (one seized, one dissected).  Best offer by December 9.
Please call me at x2535 or 362-8435 if interested.

06-Dec-82 19:13    Stephen Hancock at CMU-CS-G  Keys => Operator
A set of keys was found on Ruby (the old Dover), the operator now has them.
07-Dec-82 02:13                RFCs 824 & 826 Now Available
New RFCs are now available from the Network Information Center in the 
NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC.

These are two memos discuss the mapping between Internet Addresses and 
local network addresses.  This is a subject of current interest in the 
internet community, and it is intended that these memos stimulate 
further discussion of this topic.  These are not specifications of 
Internet Standards.

RFC 824:

   Title:   The CRONUS Virtual Local Network 
   Author:  W. MacGregor & D. Tappan
   Pages :  41

      pathname: [SRI-NIC]RFC824.TXT

   This memo presents the concept of a Virtual Local Network (VLN) that 
   can operate on several different types of Physical Local Networks 
   (PLNs), and the specific mechanisms for mapping between Internet 
   addresses and VLN addresses, and between VLN addresses and PLN 

RFC 826:

   Title:   An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol 
   Author:  D. Plummer
   Pages :  10

      pathname: [SRI-NIC]RFC826.TXT

   This memo presents a method of converting a Protocol Address (e.g., 
   an IP address) to a Local Network Address (e.g., an Ethernet 

Public access files may be copied from the NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC 
via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.

Submissions for RFCs should be sent to POSTEL@USC-ISIF.

Requests to be added to or deleted from this distribution list should be
sent to NIC@SRI-NIC.

07-Dec-82 08:43    Janet Asbury at CMU-10A      Chevette for Sale
My brother-in-law would like to sell a 1980 Chevy Chevette 4-speed.
Excellent condition.  Make offer.  You can call him at 325-4759.

07-Dec-82 09:24    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Borrow a copy of Allen?
Does anyone have a copy of Allen's book "Probability, Statistics,
and Queueing Theory..." that I could borrow for the duration of
the week

07-Dec-82 09:56    Phil Hayes at CMU-CS-CAD     tires for sale
Pair of almost unused (less than 1000 miles) Dunlop Gold Seal steel-belted
radials (Dunlop's top quality) size ER78-14 for sale.  They list for over $80
each, they cost me around $60 each.  Yours for $40 each or $75 the pair.
07-Dec-82 11:09    Steve Vegdahl at CMU-10A     thesis oral
Reminder: my thesis oral will be held tomorrow (Wednesday) at 3:30pm in 5409.
 "Local Code Generation and Compaction in Optimizing Microcode Compilers"

07-Dec-82 11:14    Linda Bucciarelli at CMU-10A Talk Postponed
Delorese Ambrose, Assistant Dean of SUPA will not be speaking today
in Wean Hall, 7500 as announced earlier.  No future date for the 
talk has been arranged.

07-Dec-82 11:31    Jim Crowley at CMU-10A       Westinghouse buys Unimation
Westinghouse Electric Corp  and Condec Inc. signed an agreement
yesterday in which Westinghouse will buy Condec's 78% interest
in Unimation for $21/share or $84 million. Unimation makes the
PUMA robots which are the most widely used robots in the 
Robotics Institute.

07-Dec-82 12:20    Gregg Lebovitz               Dont forget (Ethernet Hardware Seminar)
From: Gregg Lebovitz at CMU-EE-AMPERE
Brian Henderson from Interlan will discuss their 10Mbit Ethernet
Hardware. He will also answer technical questions concerning its

Where:	HH104 (main corridor Hamerschlag)

When:	1:30 today
07-Dec-82 12:35    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Have a copy of Allen. Thanx.

07-Dec-82 12:41    Vijay Saraswat at CMU-CS-A   want some printouts / card decks ...
From: Vijay Saraswat at CMU-CS-A (C410VS90)
Does anyone know if the stuff (cartons , printouts , manuals ) which has been
lying around in 8205 Weh for over a year (some of it marked 'Reidar Conradi ')
is of any use to anyone ? We seem to have inherited it alongwith the room . One
more week , that's all it gets . Identify it ( or even profess an interest in it) and it's yours !
07-Dec-82 13:05    James Muller                 computing @CMU
From: James Muller at CMU-CS-GANDALF
Someone is sitting in the comp center output room using a keypunch.
07-Dec-82 13:17    Neil Swartz at CMU-RI-FAS    TRS-80 Model III for sale (not mine!)
A person I know is selling a TRS-80 model III with two disk drives, TRSDOS,
and BASIC.  The system is six months old and little used.  If you are
interested send mail to nms@cmur
07-Dec-82 13:44    Barbara Zayas                Steve Fortune, IBM 
From: Barbara Zayas at CMU-CS-SPICE
Steve Fortune, IBM Yorktown, will lecture at the Theory Seminar on
Thursday, 9 December.  The title of his talk is:  "How to Add Quickly 
and Cheaply".  Meet in room 4605 at 3:00pm.  An abstract is posted on
the physical bboards.
07-Dec-82 14:33    Barbara Zayas at CMU-10A     Ravi Kannan, MIT
Ravi Kannan, MIT, will lecture this Friday at 11:00am in room 8220. The
title of his talk is: "Improved Algorithms for Integer Programming and
Related Lattice Problems".

07-Dec-82 15:12    Andrew Pilant                voice run world
From: Andrew Pilant at CMU-CS-SPEECH
*       This week's TIME magazine contains an article about Robby
*       Marince, someone who controls the telephone, TV, satellite
*       dish, computer terminal by voice, through an off-the-shelf
*       voice recognizer and an Apple computer.  If this interests
*       you, i'm sure Ron.Cole@CS-CMU-SPEECH would give more info.
07-Dec-82 15:30    Karen Hensley at CMU-10A     Need "Intro Op Sys" Habermann
     Can anyone loan me A.N. Habermann, "Introduction to Operating
System Design" for a few minutes (and I'll copy the part I need) or
a few hours (and I'll just read it) ?
     D.A.R. Hoare, "Monitors: An Operating System Structuring Concept",
in CACM, Vol 17 would also help, though it be much more rare.

07-Dec-82 15:59    Lydia Defilippo at CMU-10A   Joint Logic Seminar
Speaker:  Lars W. Ericson
          Carnegie-Mellon Computer Science Department
Title:    Computational Category Theory
Time:     2:00 pm, Tuesday, 14 December
Place:    220 Scaife Hall

07-Dec-82 16:04    Barbara Zayas at CMU-10A     Ed Smith Visiting
Ed Smith, Tandem Computers, Sunnyvale California, will be visiting the
department on Wednesday and Thursday, 8/9 December.  If you would like
to meet with him, please send mail to me, bjz@x or telephone, x3779.
He will also be lecturing on Thursday at 10:30am in room 5409.  The title
of his talk is: "Debugging Techniques for Communicating Loosely-Coupled

07-Dec-82 16:09    Karen Hensley at CMU-10A     Habermann Found

07-Dec-82 18:29    Jon Webb at CMU-CS-SPICE     Initial MX Missile funding killed
This was just on NPR.  The House of Representatives voted to kill funding
for the first five MX missiles.
07-Dec-82 18:41    Kevin Dowling at CMU-10A     Robot use
Actually, the PUMA's (three models) are tied in terms of quantity with
the three powerful microbots, and about as widely used.

07-Dec-82 18:42    Doug Jensen at CMU-10A       1" Panasonic TV for sale
I have retired my Panasonic TR1010P 1" TV virtually unused. It is
literally jacket pocket size--about 6 x 3 x 1.5 inches (even smaller
than the Sony Watchman, but also with a smaller screen). I paid $180
for it a few months ago, and would like $100 for it now.

07-Dec-82 19:43    Jayanth Rajan                Legal change of name
From: Jayanth Rajan at CMU-EE-AMPERE
I have legally changed my last name from Vasantharajan to Rajan.
07-Dec-82 21:51    John Anderson at CMU-10A     "Thinking" course
A description of my winter course is in sylabi.doc[a310ja0y].  It
is generally in the area of cognitive science.

07-Dec-82 22:23    Edmund Clarke at CMU-10A     Programming Systems Seminar
Lui Sha will speak at the Programming Systems Seminar on Monday,
December 13 at 3:30 p.m. in Wean Hall 5409. The title of his talk is
"Distributed Co-operating Processes and Transactions." An abstract is
posted on the physical BBoard.

07-Dec-82 23:46    BUNDY    HPS                 IJCAI-83 Deadline
From: BUNDY    HPS (on ERCC DEC-10)  
The deadline for IJCAI-83 is 1st February 1983, i.e.  submitted papers
must be in Edinburgh by then.  No mercy will be shown to late entries.
Allowing for Christmas and postal delays that makes about one month's
writing time.  I should stop hacking about with the BBOARDS and get on
with it, if I was you.
		Alan Bundy
		IJCAI-83 Programme Chairman


07-Dec-82 23:46    Don Walker                   ACL/NRL Applied Natural Language Conference
From: Don Walker 

1-3 February 1983      Miramar-Sheraton Hotel      Santa Monica, California

Sponsored by  the Association for Computational Linguistics  and the  Naval
Research Laboratory

This special conference  will focus on the use  of computational linguistic
techniques to solve real world problems.  The conference will be limited to
300 participants.   Technical papers  will  be  presented  in  sessions  on
domain-independent natural language interfaces, knowledge-based approaches,
handling  ill-formed input,  text  analysis,  machine  translation,  speech
interfaces.   A panel considering the  impact of natural language access on
database design and implementation will be featured.   There will be demon-
strations  of working systems  and exhibits  of special purpose processors,
tools,  and other materials  that support  natural language processing.   A
proceedings will be available after the conference.


31 January 1983       Miramar-Sheraton Hotel       Santa Monica, California

In conjunction with the conference,  a tutorial program will  be offered on 
Monday afternoon,  January 31,  covering the following topics: the computer
in language translation,  natural language  interfaces,  speech recognition
and synthesis,  text generation / text understanding;  the sessions will be
conducted in parallel, so only one tutorial can be attended.   A minimum of
20 participants must be registered  by 31 December  in order for a tutorial
to be held.

The program and  registration form flyer  has just been mailed  to ACL  and
AAAI members;  others should contact  either Don Walker,  SRI International
EJ278, Menlo Park, CA 94025  (415:859-3071; ARPANET address WALKER@SRI-AI);
or Beatrice Oshika,  System Development Corporation,  2500 Colorado Avenue,
MD 72-27, Santa Monica, CA 90406 (213:820-4111 x5239).

08-Dec-82 10:23    Douglass Locke at CMU-CS-G   Borrow your Ferrari?
Does anyone have a copy of "Computer Systems Performance Evaluation" by D.
Ferrari that I could borrow for a day or so?  Thanks in advance.
08-Dec-82 10:57    Rob Woodbury at CMU-CS-CAD   'Make' on VMS
Does anyone know of a way to get a capability similar to 
Unix 'make' on VAX/VMS.
-rob- (rw@CAD-VAX)

08-Dec-82 11:04    Sanford Ressler              Video Disk...68000 job
From: Sanford Ressler at CMU-CS-CAD

A new company in the Washington D.C. area is looking for 
some people to do low level 68000 work in connection with
a video disk project.  The video disk machine will be used for
a variety of education and training purposes.  There are full
benefits and a great environment.  For more info send mail
or call 421-4045.  This is a genuinly unique opportunity.
Serious inquiries only please...
08-Dec-82 11:27    Lynne Reder at CMU-10A       Porter Parking Available
for exchange with a parking space in Baker Hall lot.  Call
Bob Siegler at x2809 or 343-8582 if you know of someone in
the Baker lot who would prefer to be in the Porter lot.

08-Dec-82 11:41    Duvvuru Sriram at CMU-RI-ISL Apt for rent.(See apart bb)

08-Dec-82 12:15    David Lamb at CMU-10A        did you return a book?
Someone put a book in my mailbox for me this morning, but it isn't
mine -- I already have a copy.  You must have borrowed it from
someone else.  Name the book and it's all yours.

08-Dec-82 12:30    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Order still open, SO ORDER!
        The order closes to Non-shareholders on Friday at 2 PM
so don't be left out. Sales next Thursday the 16th.

08-Dec-82 19:06    Michael Mauldin              Bovik Publications
From: Michael Mauldin at CMU-CS-CAD
I am trying to locate a copy of H.Q. Bovik's publication list. As
Doctor Bovik is currently skiing in the Alps, I haven't been able to
reach him. Please mail me a copy if you have one. If not, could you
send me the Title and Journal/Book/Conference of your favorite
publications by him.						-- Fuzzy
08-Dec-82 20:46    Bboard Maintainer at CMU-10A New bboard feature
The Tops-10 and Unix Emacs bboard systems have a new command, 'c',
which may be used to quickly compose complaining mail when someone has
posted something that didn't belong on the bboard.  (Contrary to
unpopular opinion, you do get a chance to abort the mail.)  Most people
seem to feel that peer pressure is the ideal way to keep the bboards
useful; the new feature makes this pressure more easily applied.

08-Dec-82 23:22    Ken Wertz at CMU-10A         Building Evacuation Procedure
The University administration wishes to increase everyone's awareness of the
proper evacuation procedures for all campus buildings.  A suggested evacuation
route has been assigned to each room.  Also, for each cluster of rooms in the
vicinity of a given exit, an individual who normally works in that area has
been chosen as "floor marshall".  This person is responsible for alerting
people in his own area about an evacuation in progress, knowing the suggested
escape route and alternates, and assisting people in the evacuation procedures.
These procedures have been established by Robert Anderegg, Safety Coordinator,
and Linda Binstock, Manager of Federal Compliance.  Any questions you may have
should be directed to one of them, not to the Computer Science department.
The floor marshall in your area is expected to discuss evacuation procedures
with you in the very near future.  Also, now that these procedures are in
place, it is logical to assume that the University will soon conduct an
evacuation drill.  Such a drill was conducted in Warner Hall on Wednesday.
This department will cooperate fully with these efforts to improve safety, and
we will evacuate all labs, offices, and the terminal room in the event of a
drill or suspected emergency.  Your cooperation will help the Safety
Coordinator analyze the effectiveness of these procedures.

09-Dec-82 10:52    Edith Colmer at CMU-10A      Fire Drill
Very shortly there will be an evacuation fire drill.This is to deter-
mine how fast everyone can get out. Offices from 4111 to 4220 will 
be in our area of evaccuation. When you hear the fire alarm it will 
be for real. Leave your office immediately making sure you have 
your keys and be sure your door is locked. If you have any open 
windows, please close them before leaving. In an orderly fashio go 
to the exit near Dorothy Josephons' office, 4125, and exit to the 
parking lot near Hamerschlag Hall. Once you are outside move away
from the building and stay there until the all clear is sounded 
before entering the building. There is a diagram posted outside 
the lounge and also a list of the office numbers. Please do not 
ignore this alarm, it may save your life at some time. If you 
have any questions see Edith in the main office.

09-Dec-82 12:11    Gary Bradshaw at CMU-RI-ISL  Need a few good people
The volleyball group is looking for a few good people to play volleyball.
However, given the current situation, we will settle for a couple of warm
bodies.  We play every Thursday evening in the Women's gym in the Main Gym
at 8:00.  For those of you who have trouble binding variables, today is
Thursday and therefore we will be playing tonight.  Skill level is not
a factor, but a modest amount of seriousness about the game is.
						-- GB
09-Dec-82 13:47    Aaron Wohl at CMU-10A        Chinese banquet
I am organizing a Chinese banquet at Jimmy T'sangs resturant.
It is thursday dec 16 6:30pm-till ?  If you are comming
give me $20 cash or a check made out to 'Jimmy T'sangs resturant'.
If you haven't been there yet its a world class resturant on
the corner of negley and center (formerly the August Moon).
        Yum Yum

09-Dec-82 19:59    Zellich at OFFICE-3          List of mailing-lists updated
From: Zellich at OFFICE-3 (Rich Zellich)
OFFICE-3 file INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT has been updated and is ready for FTP.
 OFFICE-3 supports the net-standard "ANONYMOUS" Login within FTP, using any 

INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT is currently 1068 lines (or 43,112 characters). Please try 
to limit any weekday FTP jobs to before 0600-CDT and after 1600-CDT if 
possible, as the system is heavily loaded during most of the day.


      Moved from MIT-MC to MIT-OZ.
      Description of mailing-list purpose expanded.
      Moved from MIT-DMS to MIT-XX.
      New mailing list added.
      New mailing list added.
      Archive location and UNIX-TeX-Request address added.
09-Dec-82 21:42    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Time is running short........
        so get it in gear and order soon if you aren't a proud
        shareholder. You've only until 2:30 PM Friday to do IT.

09-Dec-82 22:30    Ravinder Chandhok            ho ho ho
From: Ravinder Chandhok at CMU-CS-GANDALF
The little elves present:

		An E.T. ChristmasBzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........


		Share and enjoy.
		Bring one home to mom.

10-Dec-82 08:35    Aaron Wohl at CMU-10A        Chinese banquet again
Peg Schafer (the daytime cs operator) has graciously offered to
collect for the banquet at the operator station between 8am-4pm.
If you are comming please let Peg know today so Jimmy
can plan a menu.  If you have requests for the chef for obscure
dishes also let us know today.

10-Dec-82 11:26    Howard Wactlar at CMU-10A    Mail service problems
As a result of the new ARPAnet protocols going into place by
January 1, many installations, including CMU, have been
extending and reimplementing their mail programs and servers.
Until adequately debugged, some of these will produce ill-formed,
truncated, and misdirected mail.  If you should be the recipient
of such you should inform both GRIPE and the individual who
is identified as the sender.  You should forward the message
without change as long as its content is not considered to be
confidential.  Your cooperation will help stabilize the network
in the minimum of time.

10-Dec-82 11:31    Ed Frank at CMU-CS-VLSI      Seminar by Monty Denneau from IBM, Yorktown Heights
The Yorktown Simulation Engine
Monty Denneau
IBM,  T.J. Watson Research Center

The Yorktown Simulation Engine (YSE) is a high speed special purpose
parallel processor designed and built at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
to simulate the logical operation of large digital networks. A full YSE
configuration simulates networks of up to two million gates at a rate
exceeding three billion gate computations per second, doing more
simulation in just eight hours than an IBM 370/168 does in an entire year.

This talk will review gate-level logic simulation and describe the
architecture and hardware implementation of the YSE.

The seminar will be on Monday, December 13th, at 1:30pm in 5409.
10-Dec-82 14:38    Mark Sherman at CMU-10A      Talk by IBM ITC head
Date: 9 Dec 1982 1258-EST
From: Association Computing-Machinery 
Subject: December Meeting - ACM Pgh. Chapter
The Pittsburgh Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery will hold
its next meeting on Thursday, December 16, 1982 at 7:45 PM in the Wherrett
room, Skibo Hall.  Our speaker will be: Dr. Michael Conners of IBM who is
currently in charge of the IBM side of the ITC project.  His talk will deal
with the IBM/C-MU Joint Venture.  Portions of the talk will discuss areas such
as: general background on the project and reasons for the IBM/C-MU agreement,
goals and major technical issues which must be dealt with, and speculation on
the overall effects of the project.
Admission is $1.00 for Non-Members.
For additional information regarding this month's meeting, or ACM in general,
please submit mail to AC00@TopsA@CMU-CS-C or contact Joyce Wineland at X3032.

10-Dec-82 16:33    Zellich at OFFICE-3          Missing mailing-list from Interest-Groups.TXT file
From: Zellich at OFFICE-3 (Rich Zellich)
For those of you who noticed that the new UNIX.EMACS mailing-list (not a
new list, really, but newly added to the list of lists) was missing from
the body of the file, here it is.  Sorry 'bout that.


   Used for new release announcements and general discussions of Gosling's UNIX

   Coordinator:  James Gosling 
10-Dec-82 18:18    Guy Jacobson at CMU-CS-G     Boggle Beaten!
The team of Appel, [name withheld by request], Cole, Jacobson, Wadler
and Wilber has outscored the "unbeatable" Boggle program on the Unix.  We
both found 20, it alone found 6, and we alone found 9.  A triumph for a
parallel implementation of Natural Intelligence!
10-Dec-82 20:38    Matt Mathis at CMU-EE-AMPERE rider wanted IL&WI
I plan to drive to Madison Wisconsin on the 18th and return on Jan 2nd.
Anybody interested in a ride to Madison, Chicago, or points enroute welcome.
Details negotiable.  mathis@ampere or x2561  Thanks
11-Dec-82 02:52    Brian Reid at CMU-10A        new BBoard feature!
A new autoflame command built into the bboard system.  Wow.  I put that in
the same general category as issuing pistols to Honest Citizens because
there are too many criminals on the streets.  Why not go all the way and
add options for automatic @i[ad hominem], and add a variable whose
value controls the strength of the automatically-generated insult.
Seriously though:  if the current CMU populace considers this feature to
be a step forward, then its implementation ought to at least force the
sender of the autoflame to read it before it is sent.  The current
implementation permits you to type "Mail" before you even see the
automatically-generated text.  Visions of an underground war room, with
Slim Pickens pushing the "C" key to launch intercontinental missiles at
an opponent who to him is just blips on a radar screen....

11-Dec-82 07:42    James Muller                 trick
From: James Muller at CMU-CS-GANDALF
Could someone who knows the M&M machine ``trick'' tell me what it is?
I won't use it, I'm just curious.

11-Dec-82 14:43    Rick Rashid at CMU-CS-SPICE  Autoflame
I agree with Brian.  I don't see how mindless criticism is any better
than mindless posting of bboard messages.  Assuming that this facility
was not simply added as a joke, lets get rid of it.  

11-Dec-82 17:02    Andy Hisgen at CMU-10A       Lounge NYTimes Sub. over Xmas
Our lounge subscription to the N.Y. Times (which is through the CMU
Bookstore) ran out for this semester on Friday (yesterday).  We have
already purchased the subscription for next semester, and it starts up
again on Monday, Jan. 17.  This leaves many days in between which the
subscription does not cover.  I would like to see us buy the paper
during some of this time, specifically, from Monday, Dec. 13 thru
Tuesday, Dec. 21, and from Wednesday, Jan. 5, through Fri, Jan. 14.
This comes to 15 weekdays.  Mark Stehlik has already agreed to pick up
the paper on those days, so all we need now is money: at 50 cents a day,
we need $7.50.  Anyone who would care to contribute should see me in
Wean Hall 4130.  Thanks.

11-Dec-82 18:31    Mary Shaw at CMU-10A         Software Metrics Bibliography
Several times in the last few months people have asked me for copies of
the annotated bibliography that appeared in "Software Metrics".  I have
now recovered the files from the archives and reconstructed the press
file.  If you still want a copy, send mail to Shaw@CMUA.

11-Dec-82 20:20    Dean Daniels at CMU-10A      Boot Repair
Could someone recommend a local shop which does hiking boot repair
Thanks very much.

11-Dec-82 22:18    Thomas Rodeheffer at CMU-10A Lost Proceedings
I seem to have lost track of my copy of the proceedings of the 5th
International Symposium on Programming (Turin, Italy, April, 1982).  As
I recall, it's a maroon and silver volume published by Springer-Verlag.
If you're the person I loaned it to or if you spot it kicking around
your office, I'd appreciate having it back.

11-Dec-82 22:19    David Shenton at CMU-10A     Umbrellas
Does anyone know of a place in Pittsburgh which repairs
umbrellas I was told at Kaufmans that their umbrella 
repairman died and they no longer have a spokesman in that field.

12-Dec-82 05:39    Ted Kowalski                 John Lions Visit
From: Ted Kowalski at CMU-EE-AMPERE
John Lions will be visiting Wednesday, December 15.  John is a professor
at the University of New South Wales in Australia.  He has authored
A Commentary on the UNIX Operating System and The Second Pass of the
Portable C Compiler.  He is interested in speaking with folks in the
systems area.  If you are interested in speaking with him send mail to
12-Dec-82 13:04    Sanford Ressler              apartment available
From: Sanford Ressler at CMU-CS-CAD
A terrific apartment is available for Jan 1.  The rent is 350/month not
including utilities.  This is a 2 bedroom plus living, dining and spare
room.  Utilities run about 40/month.  Very spacious easily accomodate 2 
people very comfortably.  Call 421-4045 (evening) or 644-6294.
12-Dec-82 16:05    Michael Greenberg            Scrabble program
From: Michael Greenberg at CMU-RI-ISL
Does anyone know of  a program that plays the game Scrabble?  
12-Dec-82 19:11    Richard Stern at CMU-10A     Jewelry repair needed
I'm looking for someone who can remove a link from a silver bracelet
decently and at reasonable cost.  All suggestions will be gratefully forwarded
to Bovik.

12-Dec-82 19:58    Rudy Nedved at CMU-10A       ArpaNet experiment 13-Dec-82
On Monday, 13-Dec-82, the ArpaNet Management will conduct a 48-hour
TCP-only (new protocol) experiment.  For the entire two days, NCP
packets (old protocol) will be rejected by the IMPs.  The standard
network communication services (mail, ftp, telnet) will be affected
as follows:  communication with NCP-only hosts will be completely
unavailable; communication with TCP hosts will continue to be
available from CMU-CS-A and CMU Unix sites only; communication
between the CMU sites will continue to be available via the local
Communication services on CMU-CS-A will be mail to and from TCP hosts
and TCP telnet from TCP hosts only.

12-Dec-82 23:55    Lee Brownston at CMU-10A     Scrabble
Are there any Scrabble enthusiasts out there?  If you are interested in
forming a group, maybe we can get something going.  Send messages to
me @CMUA.

13-Dec-82 01:36    Michael Jones                :-) Algorithm needed
From: Michael Jones at CMU-CS-SPICE
It is estimated that given any two people in the world, that there is over a
90% chance that they know (have talked to) at least one other person in
common.  Could anyone suggest a fast, efficient algorithm for generating all
of the pairs of people who do not share an acquaintance?
13-Dec-82 02:41    Ed Frank at CMU-CS-VLSI      Seminar Reminder
Monty Denneau of IBM Yorktown Heights will be talking about the
Yorktown Simulation Engine, today at 1:30pm in 5409.

13-Dec-82 09:05    Jayanth Rajan                Tailor recommendation
From: Jayanth Rajan at CMU-EE-AMPERE
I need to have a few dress shirts custom tailored.  Could someone please
recommend a good tailor whose prices are reasonable?  Will forward all
replies to Bovik.
13-Dec-82 10:17    Elaine Ross at CMU-10A       December pay
The monthly paydate for December has been changed to December 23.  
All regular monthly paychecks will be available, and dated, for
then.  Direct deposits will also be deposited on that date.
As always, checks and advices may be picked up in the Main Office.
If you receive a regular check and plan on leaving for the
holidays before then, you may leave an address with me and I
will mail the check to you.

13-Dec-82 10:22    Lee Brownston at CMU-10A     Foundation Trilogy
I will give away a paperback set of Isaac Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy" to
the first person from whom I receive mail requesting it.  Note that this
offer does not include Asimov's recent "Foundation's Edge," making it now a

13-Dec-82 11:04    Lee Brownston at CMU-10A     Foundation lives (books gone)

13-Dec-82 11:47    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Moving along, don't forget...
        we close the cheese order tomorrow at 2 PM or thereabouts to
        everyone so if you desire to acquire some cheese this year
        then move along.  Share and Enjoy.

13-Dec-82 14:05    Edward Zayas at CMU-CS-SPICE CSD update pages
We've placed copies of your current CSD/Robotics entries in your
physical mailboxes.  The purpose of these sheets is to allow you to
spot errors in your entries and correct them before we print the new
CSD directory.  If you find any errors, please run CSD and correct
them.  If you are unable to do this, please make the corrections on
the sheet itself and drop it off in the main office.  The deadline
for corrections is this Thursday (16 December).  If there are no
errors in your entry, there is no need to return the form.
   Ed. & Margaret
13-Dec-82 14:12    Marc Donner at CMU-10A       Donner .NE. Walking Machine
I thank the considerate persons who have several times filed output
labeled "WWWWW   Walking Machine   "  with my output, but I am not the
user of the Walking Machine account.  Please file Walking Machine
output under W.

13-Dec-82 17:30    Alex Waibel at CMU-CS-SPEECH cottages
We would like to spend a few days over christmas or new year in the
mountains somewhere here in the area for a change. Does anyone know of
nice little cottages/hotels/inns around that are for rent ? I am
told that the state parks are closed.  I know very little about
what's out there in the area. Any info appreciated.
14-Dec-82 02:01    Mike Kazar at CMU-CS-G       Lounge Rennovations
The lounge rennovation committee has just about finished its work, and is
ready to put in orders for furniture, etc.  Our plan is to buy or do the

* Buy 8 arm chairs and 5 armless chairs for the lounge (approx. cost $2000).

* Put in new carpeting in the lounge, except for a three foot area by the
  kitchen, which will be tiled to minimize damage from cooking disasters
  (approx. cost $1750).

* Paint the lounge walls white (approx. cost $300).

* Buy a vacuum cleaner for the lounge (approx. cost $150).

* Install new (wood) book shelves to replace the collapsing ones we have now.

* Get shelves for the kitchen area.

Pictures of the chairs, and samples of the carpet are available for
examination in Barbara Tomchik's office.

We need volunteers to help paint the lounge, and to help remove the old
furniture and other assorted junk before doing the actual rennovations.
There will be a later post with more details about when and how we hope to
do this.

If you have any comments about the planned lounge rennovations, please get
in touch with one of the committee members.  We are, by the way, Paul
Rosenbloom, Barbara Tomchik, and myself.
14-Dec-82 03:52    Mike Kazar at CMU-CS-G       ~= about :-)
I personally strongly disagree with the practice of "warning" people they
are about to be subjected to humor by putting :-), or any other funny facial
expressions, in the subject lines.  But, if you put a smiley face in a
post's subject line, then under the Federal Truth in Advertising laws, you
ought to put a joke in the message, n'est-ce pas?

Since this message has a smiley face, I should put in a joke, but since the
convention is so dumb, I won't.  So there.

No offense Scott; your idea was very funny, but the people who read it
forgot to notice that you had a smiley face in YOUR post.
14-Dec-82 09:19    James Morris at CMU-10A      Piano Player Needed play Christmas songs, tonight (12/14) from 6:30 to 9:30.
$50 + what you can drink and continue to play.

14-Dec-82 09:25    Doug Jensen at CMU-CS-G      Control theory consultant needed
Are you into control theory, or do you know someone who is? One of my
consulting clients needs some help and asked me to try to find someone.
14-Dec-82 10:51    David McCarty at CMU-10A     Logic Seminar
Lars Ericson will address the assembled introverts this afternoon
at 2.00 in 220 Scaife on the topic "Computational Category Theory."

14-Dec-82 11:41    Brad Allen at CMU-RI-ISL     looking for a book...
"Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding", D. Metzing (ed.), Berlin, 1979.
I'd like to borrow it for a moment for copying. Replies to bpa@isl; thanks
in advance.
14-Dec-82 12:14    Alfred Spector at CMU-10A    Give Talk for Software Club
Albert Wood of the Software Club of America wants someone to give
a talk on Future Communication and Home Computers on December 18th
at the Allegheny Center.  If you would like to help him out,
you can call him at 321-6975.  The talk need only be 20-30 minutes
long, and I guess that almost all department members are qualified.

14-Dec-82 12:57    Neil Swartz at CMU-RI-FAS    ~= about ~= about :-)
The convention of putting a symbol in a subject header to indicate a
joke was started because several people misunderstood a joke post about
elevators.  I suggested putting *'s in the headers so that people know not
to take a post seriously.   It is completely up to the person doing the
post, if there is any chance of being misunderstood he/she should use a :-).

And now, the joke...
How many IBM computers does it take to do a shift operation?
answer: 33 -- one to control the shift and 32 to hold the bits.

14-Dec-82 13:37    Joe Mohan at CMU-10A         UNICEF greeting cards
... can be purchased locally at 121 University Place, Suite K (near the
Sailors and Soldiers memorial).  The place is open daily 10:00 to 1:00;
however better call 681-4555 before embarking on the trek.  I have posted
their current catalog on the bboard next to the lounge.
(Profits fund charitable work all over the world.)

14-Dec-82 15:12    POSTEL at USC-ISIF           RFC 818 Now Available
A new RFC is now available from the Network Information Center in the 
NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC.

RFC 818:

   Title:   The Remote User Telnet Service
   Author:  J. Postel
   Pages :  2

      pathname: [SRI-NIC]RFC818.TXT

   This memo specifies the application service of User Telnet.  This is 
   an official protocol specification.

Public access files may be copied from the NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC 
via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.

Submissions for RFCs should be sent to POSTEL@USC-ISIF.

Requests to be added to or deleted from this distribution list should be
sent to NIC@SRI-NIC.

14-Dec-82 15:12    POSTEL at USC-ISIF           RFC 818 Now Available
A new RFC is now available from the Network Information Center in the 
NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC.

RFC 818:

   Title:   The Remote User Telnet Service
   Author:  J. Postel
   Pages :  2

      pathname: [SRI-NIC]RFC818.TXT

   This memo specifies the application service of User Telnet.  This is 
   an official protocol specification.

Public access files may be copied from the NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC 
via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.

Submissions for RFCs should be sent to POSTEL@USC-ISIF.

Requests to be added to or deleted from this distribution list should be
sent to NIC@SRI-NIC.

14-Dec-82 16:21    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Order Closed!
        But there's still the cheese cutting party and some
        fine wine on Wednesday PM at 7 in the CS lounge. Selling
        as usual at 9 AM in the CS lounge on Thursday. Bye...

14-Dec-82 21:11    PERVIN at CMU-CS-C           coffee mug
I seem to have lost my coffee mug.  It is white with yellow daisies on
it.  If anyone finds it, please return it to either the CS lounge, the
math lounge, or ScH 6324.  Thanks.
14-Dec-82 21:57    Mike Accetta at CMU-CS-G     bboard problems
Due to a mis-configuration of the Vax host name tables and post program,
messages posted on any of the "system-wide" bboards from the Vax
systems during the last 10 days have been generating errors during the
post process to CMU-CS-A and have not been posted there.  The problems
are now corrected but the error messages were rarely detected by the
postors and most messages posted from the Vax systems will be missing
from CMU-CS-A bboards.

Since the GENERAL bboard is so widely read, I have placed a copy of all
messages posted there from Vaxes during this time in the file
GENERA.BBD[S300MA33] on CMU-CS-A.  If you normally read other
"system-wide" bboards on CMU-CS-A, you might want to skim one of the
Vax or CMU-CS-C copies to see if there are any notices you may have
missed.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
14-Dec-82 23:28    Gary Strohm at CMU-RI-ISL    Stereo Components for sale
1: Kenwood KX-500 Stereo Cassette Tape deck , Normal ,Chrome, Ferro-Chrome,
and Metal. Dolby.  Fine Bias Adjustment.  ~~$150 or BO.
2: harmon/kardon hk770 Power amp. 65watts/channel. ~~$215 or BO.
				gary strohm  home : 661-3228 office : x3807
14-Dec-82 23:48    Mike Kazar at CMU-10A        Lounge renovations
The lounge rennovation committee has just about finished its work, and is
ready to put in orders for furniture, etc.  Our plan is to buy or do the
* Buy 8 arm chairs and 5 armless chairs for the lounge (approx. cost $2000).
* Put in new carpeting in the lounge, except for a three foot area by the
  kitchen, which will be tiled to minimize damage from cooking disasters
  (approx. cost $1750).
* Paint the lounge walls white (approx. cost $300).
* Buy a vacuum cleaner for the lounge (approx. cost $150).
* Install new (wood) book shelves to replace the collapsing ones we have now.
* Get shelves for the kitchen area.
Pictures of the chairs, and samples of the carpet are available for
examination in Barbara Tomchik's office.
We need volunteers to help paint the lounge, and to help remove the old
furniture and other assorted junk before doing the actual rennovations.
There will be a later post with more details about when and how we hope to
do this.
If you have any comments about the planned lounge rennovations, please get
in touch with one of the committee members.  We are, by the way, Paul
Rosenbloom, Barbara Tomchik, and myself.

15-Dec-82 01:14    SHELLEY@USC-ECLC             Job Oppportunities

A  developmental project sponsored jointly by the University of Southern
California and the International Business Machines Corporation  has  job
openings  for  programmers in the three categories explained below.  The
developmental environment is  an  IBM  4341  using  CMS  under  VM.    A
full-time  programmer  for  each opening is preferred, but two half-time
programmers are possible.  If you are  interested  in  applying  for  an
opening, please send a resume to:

                    Cecelia E. Henderson
                    Engineering Computer Laboratory\PHE 204
                    University Park
                    Los Angeles, CA 90089-0273

File System:

A  programmer  with  background  on  IBM 370 architecture machines and a
working knowledge of file systems similar to Tenex, Multics and Unix  is
needed  to write a file system for the operating system being developed.
It is assumed that VM support will be used for the first phase  of  file
system implementation.

Compiler Runtime Environments and Debuggers:

A  programmer  with  background  on  IBM 370 architecture machines and a
working  knowledge  of  compilers  is  needed  to  write   the   runtime
environment, input/output packages and debuggers for Pascal, Fortran and
Basic  compilers for the operating system being developed.  Existing IBM
compilers will be modified to use the new operating system in  place  of
VM support.


A  programmer with background on either IBM 370 architecture machines or
DECSystem 20 machines is needed to write  various  application  software
for  the  operating  system  being  developed.  Examples of applications
desired are a screen-oriented editor, a message handling system, a  file
manipulation system, and so forth.  Pascal is assumed to be the language
of choice for coding the applications.

USC is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
15-Dec-82 01:17    Karen R  Sollins             CALL FOR PAPERS 9th SOSP
From: Karen R  Sollins 
                       CALL FOR PAPERS
             9th Symposium on Operating System Principles
                       sponsored by ACM SIGOPS

                         10-13 October 1983
                       Mount Washington Hotel
                    Bretton Woods, New Hampshire

Rapid advances in digital technology continue to reshape the
operating systems field.  Design principles are evolving in
response to fundamental changes in the problems to be solved.
New hardware technologies and software applications force
reconsideration of the boundaries between operating systems
and such related fields as computer architecture, programming
languages, and communications.

We solicit papers on both the principles and the pragmatics of
operating systems, including insightful discussions of real,
commercial systems. Especially welcome are papers addressing
such topics as:

  distributed systems        communication & coordination of data
  personal computer systems  integrated hardware/software design
  system reliability         system structure and correctness
  protection and security    system evaluation methods
  storage organization       system construction and maintenance tools

Papers should be no longer than 5000 words -- about 20 double-spaced
typed pages.  The author should not be identified in the paper itself,
but the paper title and the author's name and address should appear on
a cover sheet accompanying the paper.  Blind reviewing will be done by
the program committee, assisted by outside referees.

          PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 15 January 1983 
            ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION: 1 April 1983

Please send SIX COPIES of a paper to be submitted to:

      Dr. Roy Levin
      Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
      3333 Coyote Hill Road
      Palo Alto, CA  94304

Authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign an ACM copyright
release form.

Proceedings will be distributed at the symposium and published as
a special issue of Operating Systems Review, the SIGOPS quarterly.
We expect papers of particular merit to appear in a special issue
of the ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. 
15-Dec-82 10:48    Robert Ellison               job opening
From: Robert Ellison at CMU-CS-GANDALF
David Loveman of Massachusetts Computer Associates will be visiting the
department on Monday, Dec 20. He has several positions to fill and
would like to meet with anyone interested in them.  I posted a notice on
the physcial bulletin board.  Send mail to me if you want an appointment.
15-Dec-82 10:52    Judy Rosenberg at CMU-10A    Time Cards for Part-Timers
Due to the Christmas Holiday, time cards will be due Tuesday,
December 21, by 12 noon.

15-Dec-82 13:04    Steven Minton at CMU-CS-A    Pointer needed
Does anyone know where I can find a copy of Pat Hayes' article "The
Logic of Frames" ??  Thanks.

15-Dec-82 14:39    William Sholar at CMU-CS-A   LA34 Ribbons are in . . .
For those who purchased LA34's from the Comp Center last month --
the LA34 ribbons are finally in.  See me in 5209 Wean Hall for your
free ribbon.

15-Dec-82 15:09    Mark Sherman at CMU-CS-A     Shopping bag give away
I have dozens of brown paper (grocery) bags. They must surely be
useful but not to me. If you would like them, drop me a note.

15-Dec-82 15:14    Michael Bushnell             NAMES
From: Michael Bushnell at CMU-EE-AMPERE
I would like to propose naming the new VAX after two engineers who wrote the
outstanding textbook on advanced Electrical Network Theory.  Specifically,
the VAX should be named after either Balabanian or Bickart.  These men, along
with Seshu, thoroughly described graph theory, analog circuit analysis, and
analog circuit synthesis.  I think that the previously offered name BOZO
would be most unfortunate, since visitors would attach the attributes
associated with BOZO to those of us who do work on the new machine.
I object most strenuously to naming the machine BONZO after a monkey, even
though that monkey managed to become President of the United States.
15-Dec-82 15:58    Malcolm McRoberts            Compiler Design
From: Malcolm McRoberts at CMU-RI-ISL
Is there anyone out there who is taking 15-411 next semester and is looking
for a partner?  I'm a senior and I've taken 311,312 and 451.  I'm willing to
work in any reasonable language.  Lisp, Snobol and Pascal are my preferences.

						Malcolm McRoberts
15-Dec-82 20:37    Steven Romig at CMU-CS-SPICE I AM DONE
I am done. Finished.  Note how I relish pronouncing the word "finished".
15-Dec-82 21:32    Andy Hisgen at CMU-CS-A      Lounge NYTimes over Break
I am still looking for contributors for buying the lounge NYTimes over
the break between semesters.  (The normal subscription does not resume
until Jan. 17.)  So far, $1 has been contributed.  We are getting the
paper from Monday, Dec. 13 thru Tuesday, Dec. 21, and from Wednesday,
Jan. 5 thru Friday, Jan. 14.  15 days, $7.50.  Please see me in Wean
4130 to make a contribution of 50 cents or a dollar.  Thanks.

15-Dec-82 23:37    Mark Sherman at CMU-CS-A     Bags Gone to Cheese Coop

16-Dec-82 07:54    SPICE at CMU-CS-SPICE        Lifestyle design
Is there anyone out there who is available next semester and is looking for
a partner?  I'm a senior and my measurements are 311,312 and 451.  I'm
willing to work in any reasonable environment.  Sex, drugs and IPC are my

16-Dec-82 09:12    Donna Auguste at CMU-CS-A    job available
A local company is looking for one or two programmers to write a
special-purpose accounting program.  Part-time or full-time, on their
PDP-11/44.  They asked me to let anyone interested know about it, so if
you're interested, read the file C:DSE.TXT[C410DA81] for more info.

16-Dec-82 10:38    Jon Webb at CMU-CS-SPICE     Aurora Borealis tonight
The aurora borealis may be visible tonight, if it's clear.  I heard on the
radio that there's been a lot of activity on the sun, so we should have a
lot of electrical activity here for the next couple of days.  Also,
according to the space bboard, the Geminid meteor shower is here.
16-Dec-82 11:23    Rick Rashid at CMU-CS-SPICE  Umbrella cover lost
Lost: Black cloth cover for foldup umbrella
General area: Terminal room or dover room
16-Dec-82 11:56    Jayanth Rajan                Wrong bboard posting
From: Jayanth Rajan at CMU-EE-AMPERE
I DID NOT post a notice asking for tailor recommendation on the AP News
bboard.  Will the bozo who sent me anonymous mail saying that I had done so
please identify himself?
16-Dec-82 11:57    Mike Horowitz                Extra ticket
From: Mike Horowitz at CMU-CS-SPICE
I have a friend with an extra ticket to tonight's performance of
Handel's Messiah at Heinz Hall.  The performance starts at 8pm.
The ticket cost $7.50, I believe.  If you are interested, contact
me (x3070, room 8122 ScH).  You'll definitely enjoy yourself!
16-Dec-82 12:13    Rick Rashid at CMU-CS-SPICE  umbrella cover found
16-Dec-82 13:37    Alex Rudnicky at CMU-CS-A    ride to NYC
I can take one or two riders, preferably someone who can share the
driving (though just your company would be fine ).  I am leaving
Monday evening.  If you are interested, please try to let me know by
Sunday.  Thanks.

16-Dec-82 14:44    Steve Miller at CMU-RI-ISL   At last,..a book
The Ayres/Miller book, "Robotics: Applicaitons and Social Implications",
is officially published!!
16-Dec-82 15:30    Ellen Borison at CMU-CS-A    LQ Job: become a TEX expert
Since TEX expertise is in short supply in the department, we've
created a new Liebermann Queue Job:  TEX consulting & maintenance.
Clearly, TEX expertise is not a prerequisite for the job.
In fact, since the job requires a certain investment in learning TEX,
I'm looking for someone who plans to be around for a while.
If you're interested in volunteering, send me mail.
I plan to assign more than one person to the job, and as long as you
keep the job, you should be out of the queue for additional jobs.

16-Dec-82 15:42    Lisa Cobb      Position Openings


Applications are solicited for positions at the associate, and
assistant professor level in all areas of computer science.  We are
especially interested in operating systems, distributed systems,
programming languages, software engineering, VLSI design, artificial
intelligence, numerical analysis, scientific computing, theoretical
computer science, and concrete complexity.  Duties will include
teaching graduate and undergraduate courses.  Since teaching loads are
light, applicants are expected to engage in a vigorous research

Candidates should hold a Ph.D.  in Computer Science or related
discipline.  Applicants must have an outstanding record of research
achievement and demonstrated competence in teaching.

Applications for the fall of 1983 should be submitted prior to
March 1, 1983.  Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.
Yale is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Send vitae to:

        Professor Roger Schank
        Chairman, Department of Computer Science
        Yale University
        Box 2158 Yale Station
        New Haven, CT  06520

16-Dec-82 15:58    "Hi there!  Music Fans"      New List:  INFO-MUSIC
From: "Hi there!  Music Fans" 
There is a new mailing list:
	Info-Music @ BRL (or MC)
For discussion of music, both performed and written, live and recorded.
This is a mail reflector, which may change depending on quantity and
quality of traffic.  Articles from the USENET will be forwarded
to the list manually when appropriate.  Requests for additions/deletions
should be sent to Info-Music-Request @ BRL.

				The Moderator,
				Ron Natalie (Ron @ BRL)
16-Dec-82 16:03    Dave Stoffel                 Critical Path Method programs for Unix?
From: Dave Stoffel 
	Does anyone know of any?
16-Dec-82 16:19    Lisa Cobb      Position Openings


Applications are solicited for positions at the associate, and
assistant professor level in all areas of computer science.  We are
especially interested in operating systems, distributed systems,
programming languages, software engineering, VLSI design, artificial
intelligence, numerical analysis, scientific computing, theoretical
computer science, and concrete complexity.  Duties will include
teaching graduate and undergraduate courses.  Since teaching loads are
light, applicants are expected to engage in a vigorous research

Candidates should hold a Ph.D.  in Computer Science or related
discipline.  Applicants must have an outstanding record of research
achievement and demonstrated competence in teaching.

Applications for the fall of 1983 should be submitted prior to
March 1, 1983.  Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.
Yale is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Send vitae to:

        Professor Roger Schank
        Chairman, Department of Computer Science
        Yale University
        Box 2158 Yale Station
        New Haven, CT  06520

16-Dec-82 22:42    Cheese Coop at CMU-CS-A      Bad Cheese?
There may be some slightly bad cheese going around.  We don't know what
it is but some people reported being ill after the cutting party.  The
only suspect that we know of is Grueyer and it's probably not all bad
(e.g., mine is fine).  If you identify anything bad please return it to
us for a refund and so that we can warn others.  Thanks.

16-Dec-82 23:49    Alfred Spector at CMU-CS-A   Taking Dist. Systems Course??
        I will be teaching a new course on Distributed Systems
(15-811), next semester.  The course will meet on Mondays from 10:30 to
Noon and on Wednesdays from 12:00 to 1:30.  This times should not
conflict with CS department 700 level courses.
        If you think you will be either taking or sitting in on 15-811,
I'd appreciate it if you'd send me mail (Spector@cmua) indicating:
        (a) your name
        (b) your status (CS Grad Student, etc.)
        (c) whether you will be taking the course for a grade.

16-Dec-82 23:57    Alfred Spector at CMU-CS-A   TA for 15-811
        As mentioned in a preceding announcement, I'll be teaching 15-811
- a course in distributed systems.  I still need a teaching assistant
for the course.  If you would be taking the course anyway, or if you
would like to pass an area qual in the field of distributed systems,
you might want the job.  Send me mail if you are interested.

17-Dec-82 01:03    James Saxe at CMU-CS-A       Square Dance Tonight
Dolores Heagy & the Coal Country Cloggers Band.  7:30 @ Wightman.
Details in SQUARE.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA.

17-Dec-82 05:40    Leonard N  Zubkoff           Concept-LNZ
From: Leonard N  Zubkoff 
Concept-LNZ Terminal Command Summaries are again available from Betty Brannick
in WeH 3204.
17-Dec-82 09:09    Roy Taylor at CMU-CS-A       Chocolate fix
It turned out that when I moved to Pittsburgh, one of the vices 
I gave up was a chocolatier par execellence.  Can anyone point me 
to a source, local or mail order, of that sinful substance?  
I confess a mild addiction to the dark, semisweet variety and I 
seek quality (but not necessarily price) on the order of Godiva.  

17-Dec-82 09:43    Nathaniel Borenstein         NEW SF Radio Series
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-CS-G
Part One of "A Canticle for Leibowitz" airs Monday at 7 PM on WDUQ (90.5 FM).
17-Dec-82 12:55    Hook at CMU-CS-A             Chain Saw / Axe
I would like to borrow a chain saw (preferably) or an axe for the
weekend.  I know this is a bad time of the year to need one, but does
anyone have one they could lend me?

17-Dec-82 13:29    Hook at CMU-CS-A             Got Chain Saw, Thanks

17-Dec-82 14:42    David Cunnius                FICA tax query
From: David Cunnius at CMU-CS-SPEECH
	Can anyone tell me whether the FICA (Social Security) tax is
graduated or fixed rate, and if fixed, what the percentage is?
						Thanks, dac@s
17-Dec-82 15:31    David Cunnius                Tax query answered, thanks
From: David Cunnius at CMU-CS-SPEECH
	The FICA tax is 6.15% on the first $32000 of earned income.
17-Dec-82 16:34    Suzanna Garreau at CMU-CS-A  Allusions
Could someone help me out?  There is an allusion in a text that
I'm reading and I'm not familiar with this one.  The allusion is
"the duck-rabbit of Vienna."  I can figure out its immediate
signification from the surrounding text: "Its [Watteau's book,
@i(L'Embarquement a Cythere)] ambiguity occupies a limbo of
indeterminancy of the sort epitomized by the duck-rabbit of
Vienna," but I would like a little more detail on the
Any info on this Viennese anomaly would be appreciated.  Send
mail to me on the A.

17-Dec-82 17:48    Suzanna Garreau at CMU-CS-A  Duck-Rabbit of Vienna
Thanks to those who responded.  
By the way, "L'Embarquement a Cythere" is a painting, not a 

17-Dec-82 19:54    Joe White at CMU-CS-A        parking lights on
Yellow Ford Fiesta license GLY-609 (i think) parked on Fruh St.

18-Dec-82 03:28    Postel@USC-ISIF              RFC 829 Now Available
A new RFC is now available from the Network Information Center in the 
NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC.

RFC 829:

   Title:   Packet Satellite Technology Reference Sources
   Author:  V. Cerf
   Pages :  5

      pathname: [SRI-NIC]RFC829.TXT

   This memo briefly describes the packet satellite technology developed
   by DARPA and other participating organizations, and provides a 
   bibliography of papers on this work.  This is, in a sense, a status 
   report on the packet satellite work.

Public access files may be copied from the NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC 
via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.

Submissions for RFCs should be sent to POSTEL@USC-ISIF.

Requests to be added to or deleted from this distribution list should be
sent to NIC@SRI-NIC.

18-Dec-82 13:41    Doug Jensen at CMU-CS-G      5 inch color TV sold

18-Dec-82 13:50    Doug Jensen at CMU-CS-G      add 'hold' to your phones
I have a little gadget that plugs into any modular phone jack in your
house and provides the ability for you to put a call on hold from any
phone while you go to another phone, bring someone else to the phone,
etc. You activate hold by pushing the hangup button briefly twice--a
tone confirms that the call has been put on hold. It is a GTI 200.
It was used  only briefly and is in perfect shape. I paid $50 and would
like $30.
18-Dec-82 13:57    Doug Jensen at CMU-CS-G      Sony microcassette dictating machine
For sale: a Sony 520 microcassette pocket-size dictating machine. It has
electronic indexing for use with Sony office size transcribers, auto shutoff 
with alarm, two speeds, one hand operation. It is hardly used, in perfect
condition. I paid $295, and would like $150.
18-Dec-82 16:11    Scott Fahlman at CMU-CS-A    Advanced AI course
There will be a seven week advanced course on "Massively parallel models
of natural intelligence" given by Geoff Hinton, Scott Fahlman, &
Richard Goldschmidt.  Seminars on Mon & Fri at 12.00 in WeH 5409
starting Jan 17.  No credit will be given.  All graduate students
welcome.  For more details see physical bboards on 3rd 4th or 8th floor
of WeH.

18-Dec-82 18:48    Marc Donner at CMU-CS-VLSI   FICA correction
Actually, the numbers that were posted are soon to be out of date.  The
numbers that will be in effect for 1983 are 6.7% of the first $35,700 of
earned income.
18-Dec-82 19:59    Operator at CMU-CS-A         Key Found near elevator...
If you lost a key, check operator station, must give the 
number on it to claim it.

	Using DEC EDT screen editor with keypad on VT100s, under vms3.0, and wish
we could do as well with some of our other existing terminals.
	Does anyone have/know of either generalized drivers, or specific stuff
for ADM42, HP2644A/2648A terminals, or Televideo 925/950 up w/modem programs,
that would let VAX treat them like screens?
	Appreciate any help.
19-Dec-82 01:42    Stephen Hancock              Lost Cat
From: Stephen Hancock 
A black & white cat, about 6-8 months has been wondering around the 4th
floor loading area.  The cat will be in my office until I leave.  Unfortunately
I have other pets at home so I can't put the cat up for the night, so I will
have to put him back by the loading area 4500/4600 corridor when I leave.

It's a delightful cat, very personable and affectionate.  If anyone is able
to provide an overnight home for him.  I'm sure that his owner (if he has one)
would be very appreciative.  I know I wouldn't want to loose such a nice  cat.
19-Dec-82 03:12    Stephen Hancock              Lost Cat
From: Stephen Hancock 
The lost cat (as per my previous message) has been returned to the 4th floor
loading area, the 4500 corridor.
19-Dec-82 14:41    Lee Hollaar                  Non-Numeric Workshop registration reminder
From: Lee Hollaar 
Because of the excellent snow received this year (ahead of last year's), we
have been asked by Snowbird Ski Resort to let them know as soon as possible
how many people plan to attend the Seventh Workshop on Computer Architecture
for Non-Numeric Processing, to be held March 6-9, 1983.  We also have to pay
for the rooms by January 5th in order for them to be held.  Because of this,
it is important that, if you are interested in attending, you send in your
registration request NOW.

To register for the workshop, write the Workshop General Chairman by January 1,
1983, indicating your name and affiliation, mailing address and telephone
number, your interest and background in computer architecture for non-numeric
processing, and whether you have submitted a paper.  Include the appropriate
registration fee ($300 normally, $345 for early arrival).  The registration fee
includes double-occupancy rooms for either three or four nights.  Acceptances
will be sent out on January 15, 1983, and registration checks for those we are
unable to accommodate will be returned.

For additional information on the workshop, contact Hollaar@Utah-20.  Send
registration requests to:
          Lee A. Hollaar, Workshop Chairman
          Department of Computer Science
          3l60 Merrill Engineering Building
          University of Utah
          Salt Lake City UT  84112

See you in March!
19-Dec-82 17:54    Michael Shamos at CMU-CS-A   Woodpecker Records
The first release by Brian Reid's record company is out and it is
terrific.  See MUSIC BBOARD for details.

19-Dec-82 19:41    Indira Subramanian           Lecture.Notes on Dist.Systems
From: Indira Subramanian at CMU-CS-A
May I borrow a copy of the following book ...
     Title: Distributed Systems - Architecture and Implementation
     Eds  : G. Goos & J. Hartmanis
     Pub. : Springer - Verlag [1980]
... for a few weeks?  Thanks very much.       -- Indira [IS70@CMUA]

19-Dec-82 20:45    Elaine Kant at CMU-CS-A      Ride wanted to Michigan
My brother would like to get a ride to the Detroit/Ann Arbor area
(Fowlerville) this Wednesday.  Will share driving and expenses.
Send mail or call 441-4820 if you are headed in that general direction
and could help out.  

20-Dec-82 10:55    Sylvia Hoy at CMU-CS-A       Grade reports
Are due 12-22-82, which is Wednsday, 9:00 in the morning.  Someone will
be carring them over from the main office so get yours in or carry it

20-Dec-82 11:49    Judy Rosenberg at CMU-CS-A   Time Cards for Part-Timers
Due to the Christmas holiday, time cards for hourly employees will
be due by noon tomorrow.  Payday will be 12/29.
This only applies to hourly employees.

20-Dec-82 14:45    Sylvia Hoy at CMU-CS-A       there is FOOD in the lounge

20-Dec-82 14:54    Sylvia Hoy at CMU-CS-A       Hi folks
I just wanted to wish the Department and everyone involved
Kisses available in the main office under the mistletoe.  Your choice of
girls to kiss.

20-Dec-82 16:25    Kesav Nori at CMU-CS-A       MODULA-2 implementation?
Does anyone know of an accessible implementation of MODULA-2 that can 
run under UNIX (preferably), or under RST-11 I received a call from 
a friend who is trying to locate one desparately. He needs it for a
first level operating system course he will teach soon at U. of 
Washington, Pullman, Wa.. Send me mail @A. And thanks in 

20-Dec-82 20:20    Kesav Nori at CMU-CS-A       MODULA-2 implementations?

I would appreciate help in locating an implementation for MODULA-2 that runs 
either under Unix or RTS-11. A Unix implementation is preferable. A colleague
who teaches courses on Operating Systems at IIT/K in India is interested in
acquiring the implementation. Please send mail to Nori@cmu-cs-a. Thanks.
20-Dec-82 21:22    Philip Wadler                FOR SALE
From: Philip Wadler at CMU-CS-GANDALF
I am selling the following, to lessen moving costs.
Prices are as listed or BEST OFFER (I want to sell this stuff!).
Reply to plw@y, or call x3828 or 521-0842.

Bicycle, 10 speed.  Needs redded up.  $25.
Lamp, for bed-table, like new.  (I paid $40.)  $20.
High-intensity lamp, for desk or drafting.  $15.
Kitchen table.  $15.
Ice-cream maker, electric, almost unused.  $15.
Crock-pot (anyone who doesn't own a crock-pot, should).  $15.

Semantic Information Processing, Minsky.  $8.
Computer Models of Thought and Language, Colby.  $8.
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Horowitz and Sahni.  $8.
A practical intro to Pascal, Wilson and Addyman.  $2.
Programming in Pascal, Grogono.  $2.
20-Dec-82 21:25    Elaine Kant at CMU-CS-A      Michigan ride found, thanks

20-Dec-82 21:36    Philip Wadler                Antiques
From: Philip Wadler at CMU-CS-GANDALF
I also have a few antiques to sell.  Best offer.

HP 35.  The world's first electric pocket calculator.
Cost a mere $400 new.

Byte, issues number 1 and 2.  (Profits from this go to DEC-5.)

Reply to plw@y, or call x3828 or 521-0842.
20-Dec-82 22:58    Lynne Reder at CMU-CS-A      Free Canned Escargot avail.
I have 3 cans of imported escargot that I can not use.  My haute
cuisine cooking began to vanish in grad school, and as a faculty/
parent, I no longer have illusions of future free time for such 
endeavors.  Take them before they go bad.  

21-Dec-82 01:26    Postel@USC-ISIF              RFC 830 Now Available
A new RFC is now available from the Network Information Center in the 
NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC.

RFC 830:

   Title:   A Distributed System for Internet Name Service
   Author:  Z. Su
   Pages :  16

      pathname: [SRI-NIC]RFC830.TXT

   This memo proposes an internet name resolution service based on a 
   distributed set of domain relative name servers, and includes 
   features for determining the availability of compatible application 
   protocols.  This is a suggestion for a service which may lead to a 
   internet standard.  The intention is to stimulate discussion of this 
   and similar ideas.  This is not the specification of an internet 

Public access files may be copied from the NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC 
via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.

Submissions for RFCs should be sent to POSTEL@USC-ISIF.

Requests to be added to or deleted from this distribution list should be
sent to NIC@SRI-NIC.

21-Dec-82 07:19    Kesav Nori at CMU-CS-A       modula-2
thanks to all those who responded. the help is greatly appreciated.
kesav nori

21-Dec-82 11:06    Dyane Harris at CMU-CS-A     Grade Reports Due
Attention, all instructors!!!   If you have not signed and turned
in your grade reports, please do so immediately!  I will be taking
them over to registrars this afternoon.  If I do not have yours 
by this afternoon, then you will have to make arrangements to get
them to registrars yourself.             Dyane

21-Dec-82 11:38    Dorothy Josephson            Position Available
From: Dorothy Josephson at CMU-CS-A
There is an immediate opening in Component Engineering at Digital
Equipment Corporation for a BSEE.  The position includes
responsibilities for identifying component needs in future DEC
designs, introducing new components into DEC, and assisting
manufacturing in resolving component related problems.  For more
information contact:
                Saeed Siddiqui
                140 Locke Dr.
                Marlboro, MA  01752

21-Dec-82 12:07    Andreas Nowatzyk at CMU-CS-A Issue of "Electronic Design"
Does anyone have the March 1981 issue of "Electronic Design" Vol. 6 -
or a copy of Galloway's article on "64K Dynamic Ram ..." page 221-225 ?
Any pointers appreciated.

21-Dec-82 13:25    Janet Asbury at CMU-CS-A     Missing SigArch Issue
If you are the person who borrowed the September 1982 issue of SigArch
from me, would you please return it?  I can't remember who borrowed it.

21-Dec-82 15:09    Edward Zayas at CMU-CS-SPICE Old copies of Time & Science
I've left a large stack of Time magazines and Science magazines outside
my office door (4201 WeH).  Please help yourselves to as many copies of
them as your want!
21-Dec-82 17:00    Hiroyuki Nitta at CMU-RI-FAS DWL
	I am trying to use DWL to produce a wirelist of a DP file. Is there
Anyone out there who has experience using this program. 

		Thank You,
21-Dec-82 17:05    Lee Brownston at CMU-CS-A    Need to borrow graphics book
"Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics" by David Rogers,
McGraw-Hill, 1976.
Do you have a copy I could borrow just long enough to read it and
copy a few sections?

21-Dec-82 17:11    CS EMERSON at UTEXAS-20      Imagen fonts?
I am looking for some additional fonts for use with our Imagen Imprint10.
We already have a set of fonts for TEX (the ComputerModernRoman family)
but its symbol fonts, eg., lack the double right turnstile symbol (|=).
Are there available Imagen versions of the fonts in the old SAIL
"Find-a-Font" catalog? I would particularly like to have the MATH30
font from there and the Nonie fonts. Any information about who might
have and be willing to share copies of such fonts would be greatly
21-Dec-82 17:30    James Morris at CMU-CS-A     Project Xanadu
If you know anything about this and/or Ted Nelson, author of
"Literary Machines" and inventor  of hyper-text, please
tell me about it.

21-Dec-82 19:39    CS EMERSON at UTEXAS-20      Imagen Fonts?
I am looking for some additional fonts for use with our Imagen Imprint10.
We already have a set of fonts for TEX (the ComputerModernRoman family)
but its symbol fonts, eg., lack the double right turnstile symbol (|=).
Are there available Imagen versions of the fonts in the old SAIL
"Find-a-Font" catalog? I would particularly like to have the MATH30
font from there and the Nonie fonts. Any information about who might
have and be willing to share copies of such fonts would be greatly
21-Dec-82 20:18    Phil Hayes at CMU-CS-CAD     Norman on Unix?
I have an draft copy of a paper by Don Norman of UCSD called "The truth about
Unix: the user interface is horrid" and dated March 1981.  I believe the paper
was subsequently published in a journal.  Can anyone give me a citation?
22-Dec-82 09:12    Robin Jeffries at CMU-CS-A   tubes in ears
Does anyone out there have a child who has had tubes put in
his/her ears recently in a Pittsburgh hospital?  My 3 year
old is having this done at Eye and Ear Hospital next week, and
I would like to talk about the hospital experience itself
with someone who has been through this recently.  If you can
provide me with some information/reassurance, call me
at x2793.

22-Dec-82 10:41    Nora Lederle at CMU-CS-A     Ride needed to the Airport
I need to find a ride to the airport on Dec 23 before 10:30 a.m.
If anybody is going that way and can give me a ride it would be much

22-Dec-82 10:55    Roy Taylor at CMU-CS-A       Sweet sin
Chocolate seems to be a popular vice:  about a dozen people had 
a preferred dealer to recommend.  See Temp:choc.txt[c930rt70], 
which will go to Harry along with my comments soon after the 
New Year.  Thanks for all the help.  

22-Dec-82 10:59    Michael Leibensperge         Chains (but no whips)
From: Michael Leibensperge at CMU-CS-A
Anybody out there have a set of tire chains they would like to
sell?  Also, does anyone know if there are any Pennsylvania
laws that deal with tire chains (I think in some states you aren't

allowed to drive with them unless there's snow on the ground)?
                Thanks!         -mjl

22-Dec-82 11:39    Brian MacWhinney at CMU-CS-A Items for Sale
For Sale:
Pair of Andirons, solid brass, very heavy, worth around $250, sell for
4 Firestone Steel-belted radial tires 1.65-13 tubeless, about
   2/3 tread left   $18/tire
Black and Decker Jig Saw $10 new, $3 now.
Munari Ski Boots, size 9 mens, $120 new, $40 now.
Call Brian MacWhinney at 578-3793 or 823-2051.

22-Dec-82 11:58    David Hornig at CMU-CS-A     Free junk
I've left a stack of prehistoric tech reports and a bottle of aftershave outsid
my office (4207).  Take them or I'll toss them.

22-Dec-82 12:01    David Hornig at CMU-CS-A     and a woolly hat

22-Dec-82 12:04    Dyane Harris at CMU-CS-A     Office Closings
The main office will be closed on Friday, Dec 24, Monday, Dec 27,
Thursday, Dec 30 and Friday, Dec 31.  Merry Xmas Everyone, from
the girls in the main office.         

22-Dec-82 14:25    Phil Hayes at CMU-CS-CAD     Norman on Unix reference found
It ended up being called "The trouble with Unix" and was published in
Datamation, November 1981, pp 139-150.  Thanks for all the pointers.
22-Dec-82 15:09    James Saxe at CMU-CS-A       Contradance Tonight
Holiday Dress Ball with Marlin Whitaker calling to the music of Contradition
[sic].  Last dance of 1982.  Details in CONTRA.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA.

22-Dec-82 16:15    Steven Elkind at CMU-CS-A    Hobby computers for sale
I have a Radio Shack color computer (16k extended basic) along with three
software cartridges, joysticks; also a Heath H14 line printer.  Finally, I
have an assembled but undebugged SS-50C bus system (or the kernel of one),
with a Smoke Signal 2 MHz 6809 processor card, etc.  The printer I would
prefer to sell with one or the other of the systems, and thus I will sell
it for considerably less with either system.  361-3788 (home) or x8706

22-Dec-82 23:21    Marc Donner at CMU-CS-VLSI   IEEE Number Crunching Tape
A year or two ago the IEEE published a magnetic tape containing the
public-domain source code to a bunch of FORTRAN programs for all sorts
of number smashing things like FFTs, eigenvalue/eigenvector computations,
and so on.  Do we have a copy of that tape?  If you have a reference
to its publication I would appreciate mail, since I am trying to locate
a copy.
23-Dec-82 11:34    Philip Wadler                transporting floppies
From: Philip Wadler at CMU-CS-GANDALF
I have to bring some floppy disks to England.  Does anyone know about:
1.  Precautions to take in airports to avoid erasing floppy disks.
2.  Getting floppy disks through customs.  (Are they going to worry that I
am trying to export restricted software?)
Please reply to plw@y asap.  Thanks.  -- Phil
23-Dec-82 11:56    Randy Gobbel at CMU-CS-VLSI  Free stuff
Yours for the schlepping, in 8203 Wean:

- a polished wood record cabinet

- a small wooden stepladder/stool

- two somewhat undernourished but basically nice plants - need attention
  from someone who knows more than I do about caring for them.

23-Dec-82 12:13    Kamesh Ramakrishna           Transferring files on etherne
From: Kamesh Ramakrishna at CMU-CS-A
Could somebody tell me how to transfer a file from the CMU-SPICE Vax (
to the A  I cant seem to find any documentation.

23-Dec-82 13:14    Kamesh Ramakrishna           Transferring files
From: Kamesh Ramakrishna at CMU-CS-A
Thanks for the messages.  Unfortunately, I am coming in over the
Arpanet to the Cmu-A, and none of the Vaxes are on the Arpanet.
So I cannot use the "man" command to find out about cmuftp on the Vaxes.
(Nor can I find a way to use the Vaxes).  Is there any way
to transfer a fuile from CMUS-SPICE to Rutgers without being
on a Vax is the question I really needed to ask.

23-Dec-82 13:18    Fil Alleva at CMU-CS-G       6P4-015 Lights On
Silver/Grey Chevy Chevette parked on Frew St.
23-Dec-82 14:22    Mel Siegel at CMU-CS-A       Bike in WeH 5320
If you are the owner of the bike and backpack in WeH 5320 please
come claim them.  As the end of the year approaches, I am increasing
tempted to donate them to GoodWill and claim a tax deduction.  Help
keep me honest.
                                        -- Mel Siegel, x8802, WeH 5311

23-Dec-82 15:29    Philip Wadler at CMU-CS-A    Bye!!
Thanks to everyone for an incredible 5.5 years.  I'll miss you all.
I'm off to England (with a visit to family in CA for two weeks).
New address is in my plan file.  If you're on my side of the Atlantic,
stop by.  -- Phil

23-Dec-82 18:49    Howard Wactlar at CMU-CS-A   CMU IP/TCP Status
As of January 1, 1982, a new Internet and Transmission Control Protocol
(IP/TCP) will go into effect on the ARPAnet as a replacement for the
Network Control Protocol (NCP) currently in use.  After this date any
hosts not yet implementing the new protocol will effectively go off of
the network.  The result of adopting the new protocols, however, is the
formation of a new ARPA Internet consisting of many current ARPAnet
hosts along with a large number of new systems on local networks at the
various ARPA sites.  The local CMU-CS/RI 3Mb ethernet is attached to
the ARPA Internet via a PDP-11/40 "gateway" system (CMU-GATEWAY) which
is connected to both our ethernet and the ARPAnet and which routes
packets back and forth between the two.
The state of IP/TCP support on the various CS/RI operating systems
is as follows:
Vax/UNIX:  Fully supported using IP/TCP software imported from BBN.  This
includes MAIL, TELNET and FTP service.
TOPS-10:   Partially supported.  MAIL and incoming TELNET service is
available via a "protocol translation" Vax which pretends to be
CMU-CS-A (and eventually CMU-CS-B when it is converted to a KI-10
processor) to the outside world and performs the appropriate
conversions to function across the local network.  FTP service is
available only by using a Vax as an intermediate relay host to/from
which files may be shipped before/after sending/retrieving them via the
Internet.  Outgoing TELNET service will not be supported until the full
IP/TCP implementation which is under development elsewhere for TOPS-10
is made available for use.  At the present time we are the only TOPS-10
site supporting any type of TCP access.
TOPS-20:   Not yet supported.  A joint DEC/BBN IP/TCP implementation
was released by DEC on December 15.  It has been imported and is
currently awaiting installation into our system.  We expect this to be
completed by the end of January.
Vax/VMS:   Not yet supported.  An implementation is being imported from
Tektronix but we expect that it may need a moderate amount of effort to
convert for our ethernet environment.  There is currently no estimate
of when this software will be available for use.
CAVEATS:  Although the ARPAnet protocol translation effort has been
underway for many years and January 1, 1983 deadline is almost upon us,
the conversion effort is far from complete at all sites.  We expect a
significant degradation in ARPAnet communication lasting for several months
as the new protocols go into use in a production enviroment network-wide
and the various implementations are "shaken down" with respect to
each other.
As of today, we have reasonably stable communication with only a
handful of sites (BBN, ISI, PURDUE, RUTGERS, NPRDC) largely as a result
of the as yet apparent inability of most of the others to communicate
via the new protocols.  We do expect that as the January 1st deadline
approaches many additional sites will come on-line with the new
protocol support, but we have no way of knowing how many sites this will
involve.  We are extremely interested in hearing about any and all
communications problems encountered with accessing other sites after
January 1st.  Please report any problems to Gripe and we will attempt
to resolve them as best we can.

24-Dec-82 17:52    Michael Mauldin at CMU-CS-G  New Rogue
The new CMU official Rogue 5.2 is now available in /usr/mlm/bin/newrogue.
The game plays the same, but has the following new features:

	1) The save and score files are now more secure.
	2) You have 60 seconds to save a game rather than 15.

The old score file has been transported, and will be the official
scoreboard from now on.  You may play out old Rogue games using
/usr/mlm/bin/rogue for the next 2 days, after which that version
will be banished into the mists.

Fuzzy the Ratlisper.
24-Dec-82 18:44    Ravishankar Mosur            linking pascal and fortran
From: Ravishankar Mosur at CMU-CS-A
Has anyone tried to link fortran subroutines into pascal programs on the 
vaxes?  I am encountering problems with external name compatibility and
name resolution.  Is there some special library file that should be used
while linking the two?    -- Ravi.

25-Dec-82 14:24    Ravishankar Mosur            more on pascal and fortran
From: Ravishankar Mosur at CMU-CS-A
Forgot to mention in my previous message that I'm using unix, not vms.
Specifically, the problem is that for a subroutine XYZ, the fortran
compiler creates an external name _XYZ_, while the pascal compiler (pc)
creates _XYZ for an external name.      -- Ravi.

26-Dec-82 01:41    Zellich at OFFICE-3          List of mailing-lists updated
From: Zellich at OFFICE-3 (Rich Zellich)
OFFICE-3 file INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT has been updated and is ready for FTP.
OFFICE-3 supports the net-standard "ANONYMOUS" Login within FTP, using any 

INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT is currently 1138 lines (or 45,773 characters). Please try 
to limit any weekday FTP jobs to before 0600-CDT and after 1600-CDT if 
possible, as the system is heavily loaded during most of the day.


      New mailing-list added.
      Note added that the mailing-list may temporarily be off the air A/O 1 Jan
      83 due to lack of a working TCP/IP ARPANET interface.
      New mailing-list added.
      New mailing-list added.
      New mailing-list added.
      Mailing-list re-added to file (it had accidentally been deleted prior to 
      publishing the last update-notice).
      UNIX-TeX-REQUEST host address corrected.
27-Dec-82 04:51    Mike Kazar at CMU-CS-G       New Emacs package: ARPANET (IP) telnet
Do you ever wish you could order cheese without ever leaving Emacs?  Or for
that matter, telnet anywhere in the continental United States, Hawaii,
London or Norway?  Well, now you're in luck.  "/usr/mlk/maclib/",
on the Game Playing vax, provides a telnet command that will open an ARPANET
connection in a buffer to the host of your choice.  It also supports
multiple connections to the same host in a similar manner to the ethernet
front end (just give it a host name and a unique identifier instead of just
a host name).

Coming some day:  Concept-100 support:  you'll be able to login to a vax,
connect to cmua in an Emacs buffer and run FINE!
27-Dec-82 10:31    James Morris at CMU-CS-A     Garage needed
I would like to rent a garage for my car.  I live near St. James and
Westminster in Shadyside, and would like it to be within a few blocks of

27-Dec-82 11:26    David Nason at CMU-CS-A      Wedding Announcement (Quail)
    Robert Joseph White Jr. and Jane Margaret Hanrahan were married
today (Sunday December 27, 1982) at 1:30pm.  The couple leaves this
evening for their new home - 
       Apt 204
       1901 Lake View Circle
       Lewisville, TX  75067

27-Dec-82 11:53    Andreas Nowatzyk at CMU-CS-A MATHLM on new SCRIBE
The file /usr/agn/math/mathln.fon on the G or VLSI - VAX can be used
(Thanx to M. Kazar) to run Louis Monier's MATHLM - packet with the
new Scribe version.

27-Dec-82 13:19    Gary Feldman at CMU-CS-A     Time's Man of the Year is
"the Computer."  While I suppose as computer professionals we should be
flattered, I am disappointed at the anthropomorphism.  Perhaps the editors
thought it premature to honor the artificial heart team, or maybe it was 
just a bad year for us organic types.

27-Dec-82 15:56    Rafael Bracho at CMU-RI-FAS  Sunday 27th 1982??

27-Dec-82 17:48    David Nason at CMU-CS-A      Oops..that's Monday, Dec 27
The wedding announcement was supposed to read "Monday, December 27", 
not "Sunday, December 27".

28-Dec-82 00:14    Alex Waibel at CMU-CS-SPEECH piano
I am considering buying a piano (second hand or new). Is there anybody out
there who sells one or knows where to get one?  Also I am looking for
any advise about what to watch out for, prices and any other useful info.
thanks in advance

28-Dec-82 08:52    Steve Hoffmann               rowing machine?
From: Steve Hoffmann at CMU-CS-SPICE
I'm seeking to purchase a rowing (excercise) machine.  Does anyone know of
a used one for sale or a good (inexpensive) place to buy a new one?  Thanks.
28-Dec-82 10:42    Rafael Bracho at CMU-RI-FAS  Welcome!
According to the USA-Today (Tue Dec 28th), we are in "the paperless
university". In an article (page 3-B) by John Hillkirk, the USA-Today talks
about CMU's deal with IBM. In addition to being on the paperless university,
we are also in "the first wired city of the future" (quote from Dr. Doug Van
Houweling) since both Warner Communications, Inc. and Bell Telephone of
Pennsylvania have expressed interest in expanding the net to all Pittsburgh.
According to the article, 25 major universities are forming a consortium to
monitor the project. The article also mentions that DEC is planning similar
enterprises (possibly smaller in scope) with a few universities as well as
28-Dec-82 10:48    Robert Frederking            Doonesbury from 12/22, 12/23
From: Robert Frederking at CMU-CS-A
        I'm collecting the Doonesbury episode on Rev. Sloan's
word-processor for a friend, and need Wednesday and Thursday of last
week.  Wednesday is on the Doonesbury hall wall, but I'd rather not use
xeroxes [sic] if I can help it.  Any old Post-Gazettes out there?  Thanks.

28-Dec-82 10:53    Mary Shaw at CMU-CS-A        Congratulations
Congratulations to the winner of ACM's first annual awards 
for the best recent PhD dissertations:
Grand Prize:
    Charles Leiserson, from Carnegie-Mellon, now at MIT
Runners-Up (alphabetically):
    Paul Hilfinger, from Carnegie-Mellon, now at Berkeley
    William Mallgren, from U. Washington, now at Xerox
    Ehud Shapiro, from Yale, now at Weizman Institute

28-Dec-82 10:55    Donald Schmitz at CMU-RI-FAS 68000 D/A board
Can anyone give me a few pointers on using an Intersil ST-800 D/A Multibus
board?   Nothing fancy, just what to shove in which register.   Thanks in
				Don Schmitz
28-Dec-82 12:03    HT Kung at CMU-CS-VLSI       talk today
Dr. John Darringer, manager of a hardware group in IBM Watson Research
Center, will give a talk on automatic logic synthesis today at 2:00 pm in
room 8220.  He happens to be in Pittsburgh visiting relatives during the 
28-Dec-82 16:09    Rafael Bracho at CMU-RI-FAS  Doonesbury
Garry Trudeau, creator of Doonesbury, is quiting drawing the comic strip. He
says he will return after a 20-month respite but his friend Roland Hedley
says we shouldn't expect him back. This is the last week for Doonesbury,
28-Dec-82 16:12    Ann Westine                  RFC831 Now Available
From: Ann Westine 
A new RFC is now available from the Network Information Center in the 
NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC.

RFC 831:

   Title:   Backup Access to the European Side of SATNET
   Author:  Robert Braden
   Pages :  5

      pathname: [SRI-NIC]RFC831.TXT

   The purpose of this RFC is to focus discussion on a particular 
   Internet problem:  a backup path for software maintenance of the 
   European sector of the Internet, for use when SATNET is partitioned. 
   We propose a mechanism, based upon the Source Routing option of IP, 
   to reach European Internet sites via the VAN Gateway and UCL.  This 
   proposal is not intended as a standard at this time.

Public access files may be copied from the NETINFO directory at SRI-NIC 
via FTP with username ANONYMOUS and password GUEST.

Submissions for RFCs should be sent to POSTEL@USC-ISIF.

Requests to be added to or deleted from this distribution list should be
sent to NIC@SRI-NIC.


29-Dec-82 10:42    Robert Frederking            Re: USA-Today and PCs
From: Robert Frederking at CMU-CS-A
        According to the article, these amazing machines will
communicate with the user in English.  In that case, I want one, too.

29-Dec-82 11:08    Gary Feldman at CMU-CS-A     Abandoned dog??
Does anyone know who belongs to the black and white dog tied up outside
Science Hall by the large air vent?  Is it an abandoned dog?

29-Dec-82 12:05    Judy Rosenberg at CMU-CS-A   Gas shut-off in Wean Hall
The gas in Wean Hall will be shut off all day January 4 & 5.
This is just for your information, since it will not really affect us.

30-Dec-82 00:19    Daniel Leivant at CMU-CS-A   a home for guinea pigs
I have taken Phil Wadler's pets when he left, but my new baby daughter
makes it hard to find the time and space to enjoy them.
If you feel like taking home two cuddly guinea pigs, one dark the other
white, call (x2625, 422-1049) or mail (@a).  Of course, they are free,
with cage and supply.

30-Dec-82 12:16    Ellen Borison at CMU-CS-A    Book Recommendation Wanted
A lay-person friend would like to learn about computers, programming and ...
everything.  Does anyone know of a good introductory book?
I'll forward replies to Bovik.

30-Dec-82 18:05    Greg Toto at CMU-RI-ISL      need assembler for 8 bit micro
Can anyone tell me what (and where) any assembler/linkers reside on the 
vaxes for 8 bit microprocessors (Z80, 650x, 680x, etc.). Thanks.

				Greg Toto (gmt@cmud)
30-Dec-82 20:53    Carl Ebeling at CMU-CS-VLSI  Quartz radiant heaters info?
Can someone tell me the difference between quartz radiant heaters and the
more ordinary electric heaters?  Just more directional?
31-Dec-82 21:56    Operator at CMU-CS-A         keys with brown keycase found
If you lost a brown saclike keycase with 2 keys on the 
key chain we may have them, they were turned in about a
half hour age,  In the Operator's Room

31-Dec-82 22:01    Robert Kosakowski            misspelling ...
From: Robert Kosakowski at CMU-CS-A
the last line of the previous message should read:
half-hour AGO, To the operator's Station.
Kos -oper.

31-Dec-82 23:11    Ken Wertz at CMU-CS-A        TCP reminder
This is a reminder that the ArpaNet will begin using IP/TCP exclusively
effective 1-Jan-83 00:01.  You should re-read Howard Wactlar's bboard message
of 23-Dec-82 for details about CMU's network status and likely side-effects of
this transition.
