Complete Bboard Post Sequence in which the :-) Was Invented

A dump of the CMU CS general bboard contents that includes the post in which Scott Fahlman invented the smiley :-) is below.  This was retrieved from the spice vax oct-82 backup tape by Jeff Baird on September 10, 2002.

You can read just the "joke" thread on the bboard that led to the invention of the smiley.  A short description of the computing archaeology work behind this can be found in a summary note with the original post and thanks to those who helped retrieve it.  Also, see Scott's page about the smiley.

For more bboard history, see the full contents of the bboard from the 1982 year-end g vax (cmu-780g) backup tape, which spanned the dates 25-Nov-82 to 31-Dec-82, including a thread about changing the Arpanet protocol over from NCP to TCP/IP.

16-Sep-82 09:32    Joe Mohan at CMU-10A         My thesis proposal...
... is scheduled for 10:30 tomorrow, Friday, Sep 17, in WeH 4605.
The title is "The Effect of Program Characteristics on Parallel
Performance".  I have left drafts of the proposal in the lounge.

16-Sep-82 11:51    James Wright at CMU-780D     Related question
Of equal interest is how the birds cheeping will
sound after they have inhaled the Helium.
16-Sep-82 12:09    Neil Swartz at CMU-750R      Pigeon type question
This question does not involve pigeons, but is similar:
There is a lit candle in an elevator mounted on a bracket attached to 
the middle of one wall (say, 2" from the wall).  A drop of mercury
is on the floor.  The cable snaps and the elevator falls.
What happens to the candle and the mercury?
16-Sep-82 13:24    Roger Dannenberg at CMU-10A  "Seven Visions",
a concert-length composition of mine will be performed next Thurs. and Fri.
The work is dedicated to Soviet computer scientist and dissident Anatoly
Shcharansky.  Details are on Music BBoard.

16-Sep-82 14:54    Ed Frank at CMU-VLSI         potential graphics/ai job
Prof. Eckartsberg of the Duquesne Univ, Psychology Dept. called me
to ask if someone would be interested  in  working with him on the following:

"To create a multi-dimensional dynamic consciousness-model capable of tracking
and displaying a person's stream of consciousness in real time.
Based on ongoing work to integrate psychological theories and maps of 
personality and consiousness"

>From my brief conversation with him, it sounds as if the "display" part
would involved using 2/3-D color graphics. Anyway, if you
interested call him at 434-6511 or 687-5044. Also see a one page blurb
from him that I posted on the physical bboard.

Disclaimer: I know nothing about this except that someone gave him my
name as a person to ask about graphics. Call him, not me.

16-Sep-82 16:15    Anders Ardo at CMU-10A       Help with lodging during visi
I will visit CMU a couple of days from Oct 8 and forward.
Are there anyone, with a spare bed, kind enough to give
me a place to stay during my visit?
I would appriciate your help very much.
Please reply to Anders.Ardo@cmua

16-Sep-82 16:51    Mike Blackwell               Mail to Mellon Institute
From: Mike Blackwell <Blackwell at CMU-20C>

  How does one go about sending mail to Mellon Institute CEC (it's mi-cec
on Usenet). Is it possible to transfer files over Usenet to any CMU

  Any pointers will be much appreciated.
16-Sep-82 16:54    PERVIN at CMU-20C            house-mate needed
We need one or two more people for a house on 1025 Murray Hill Ave., in
Squirrel Hill.  The house is huge, and includes 4 bedrooms, living rm.,
dining rm., kitchen, basement, and 4 bathrooms.  Everything is furnished
except your room.  Rent is $175/mo., and well worth it.  Better yet,
a couple could share the largest bedroom for $280.  But we must find
someone soon.  Call one of us (Ed, Helen, or Craig) at 362-6422, or
me (Ed Pervin) at X2741, or send me mail at Pervin@CmuC.
  (p.s. the house has a microwave oven, too.)
16-Sep-82 16:57    Aaron Wohl at CMU-10A        Farewell
I would like to say goodbye to the CMU CS community after a stay with many
enjoyable moments.  I will be going to work nearby (at the CMU Computation
Center) and so will still be seen wandering around CS occasionally.
If you have been sending CMUC problem reports to me rather than gripe now
would be a wonderful time to repent.

16-Sep-82 17:15    Linda Bucciarelli at CMU-10A missing keys
{Will the person who walked off with my keys please return them 
to me in 4630 wean.

16-Sep-82 17:21    Howard Gayle at CMU-780G     WARNING!
Because of a recent physics experiment, the leftmost elevator has been
contaminated with mercury.  There is also some slight fire damage.
Decontamination should be complete by 08:00 Friday.
16-Sep-82 17:34    Cynthia Elm at CMU-10A       Sale
An acquaintance of mine has a RCA XL-100, 17" color t.v. and
stand he'd like to sell for $250 complete.  He would also like
to sell his plants.  If you're interested, please call Bijan
(pronounced "Beeshan") at 361-7116.

16-Sep-82 18:01    Mark Stehlik at CMU-10A      Pretty Good Race T shirts
I have been volunteered to sell the official 'Pretty Good Race' t shirts
once again this year.  For those of you who don't know, the Pretty Good
Race is a 3 mile fun run (as if a 3 mile run can be fun) on one of the
Schenley Park trails.  It is open to anyone in the department.
As to the Tshirts, they are available on a first-come, first-served
basis from me in my office (8122).  You can come by and pick yours up
anytime (virtually) during the day.  However, you must pay me upon
receipt ($2.00 for runners, $3.00 for non-runners).  
The shirts are powder blue with dark blue lettering, and look very nice.
Supplies are limited (100 shirts:  20 small, 35 medium, 35 large, 10 Xlarge),
so make your purchase soon if you want to be sure and get the right size.

16-Sep-82 19:18    Paul Birkel at CMU-10A       Prin. of Database Systems
        Is anyone interested in selling their copy of:
                Principles of Database Systems
                        Jeffrey D. Ullman    (?)
        If so please send mail to PB80 @ CMU-10A. Thanks.

16-Sep-82 19:18    Carolyn Councill at CMU-10A  One man's trash
The Computation Center has no more use for 6 1/2 boxes of yellow
paper tape (in rolls) - perfect for a teletype with a paper tape
punch.  If you would like some (or all) of these, please send mail to
me or stop by ScH 3410.

16-Sep-82 21:34    Rudy Nedved at CMU-10A       Re: WARNING!!
The previous bboard message about mercury is related to the comment
by Neil Swartz about Physics experiments. It is not an actual
Last year parts of Doherty Hall were closed off because of spilled
mercury. My high school closed down a lab because of a dropped bottle
of mercury.
My apology for spoiling the joke but people were upset and yelling
fire in a crowded theatre is bad are jokes on day old

16-Sep-82 23:52    Carolyn Councill at CMU-10A  Paper tape gone
More Computation Center trash specials in the future, though...

17-Sep-82 00:46    William Birmingham           Tutorial on Databases
From: William Birmingham at CMU-10A
Does anyone have a copy of the IEEE tutorial on Databases, or
know where I can borrow a copy ? Thanks !!

17-Sep-82 06:34    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Sq. Dances Tonight & Saturday
Larry Edelman will call tonight at the Squirrel Hill Community Services Center
(formerly Wightman School).  Dolores Heagy will call tomorrow at the "Sewickley
Celebrates the Arts" Festival.  Details are in SQUARE.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA.

17-Sep-82 09:07    Ros Joobbani at CMU-10A      $99.95 personal computer
In response to the question about the Timex $99.95 personal computer
if it is not late. There is an advertisement in the July issue of 
DISCOVER on pages 7, 8, and 9. I post page 9 which has the information
on physical bboard.

17-Sep-82 09:25    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Foreign Student Check-in!!
Just a reminder that if you are a new foreign student you must check
in with the Foreign Student Advisor, Millie Russell, in Skibo 56.  This
should have been done as soon as you arrived -- for insurance, etc. --
so if you haven't done it you are already late!!

17-Sep-82 10:35    Neil Swartz at CMU-750R      Answer to elevator question
The answer is that the candle goes out due to lack of oxygen. (There are no
longer any convection currents to keep feeding it)  The mercury forms into
an ellipsoid due to surface tension.  In balling up it exerts a force on the
floor which sends it towards the ceiling.  It will bounce back and forth
between ceiling and floor until the elevator hits the ground.  All of this
neglects the friction on the guide rails, vibrations, etc.

Any resemblance of this problem to any real situation is
purely coincidence, or in the mind of an operations staff person.
17-Sep-82 10:58    Neil Swartz at CMU-750R      Elevator posts
Apparently there has been some confusion about elevators and such.  After
talking to Rudy, I have discovered that there is no mercury spill in any of
the Wean hall elevators.  Many people seem to have taken the notice about
the physics department seriously.

Maybe we should adopt a convention of putting a star (*) in the subject
field of any notice which is to be taken as a joke.

17-Sep-82 11:37    Sesh Murthy at CMU-10A       Hitchhikers guide ... timings
The timings of Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy are 
Starting Sat 23
Saturdays 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. 
(repeat day) Sunday 11:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
there are seven episodes and the show is WQED-tv channel 13.
WQED is in fundraising mode right now and you may want to contribute.

17-Sep-82 11:51    David Cunnius at CMU-IUS     Today is Citizenship Day
	Are you registered to vote? The deadline for registration is in Oct.
(I'm not sure of the exact date.)
17-Sep-82 11:52    Lydia Defilippo at CMU-10A   Logic Lunch
The first Logic Lunch of the Season will take place at 12:45 p.m. on
Friday, 24 September, in the cafeteria of the Carnegie Library.  The
schedule and format of this year's Logic Seminar will be up for
discussion.  All logically-inclined individuals are invited to attend.
For more information see either David McCarty X3062 or Peter Andrews

17-Sep-82 13:04    Scott Fahlman at CMU-10A     Elevators (*)
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the elevator...
Unfortunately, the center elevator now contains what seems to be the
remains of 40,000 two-pound pigeons in an advanced state of
decomposition and the right elevator contains a bear of indeterminate
color.  The left elevator appears to be safe, but when you stand in it
for too long, your voice gets squeaky and you start running into the
walls, causing the elevator to rise.
Despite the * in the header of this message, this is not a joke and
should be taken quite literallly.  Do not panic -- taking the stairs is
good for you.

17-Sep-82 13:08    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Bantu, anyone?
        If anyone out there happens to know a Bantu language, please
let me know.  There is an allegedly African song that I'd like you to
listen to.  I've already tried Mssrs. Thorpe and Ebeling.  Thanks.

17-Sep-82 13:43    Fil Alleva at CMU-IUS        Time setting on CLNZ terminals
If you want your UNIX login profile to set the time automatically on clnz
terminals try putting [IUS]/usr/faa/bin/clnztime into your profile after you
determine that you have a clnz terminal. 	- Share and Enjoy.
17-Sep-82 14:43    Thomas Rodeheffer at CMU-10A Candles in Zero-G
I seem to recall hearing about an experiment with burning candles in
zero-G (skylab?) in which the result was that the candle did NOT go
out, even though, as has been noted, you don't get convection
currents without gravity.  According to what I recall, a candle
burning in zero-G doesn't have a real flame, just a globular glowing
area around the wick.  Supposedly the explanation was that oxygen
diffuses towards the wick (and carbon dioxide and water vapor diffuse
away) fast enough to keep combustion going.  Does anybody remember
anything more about this?

17-Sep-82 14:47    Paul Hilfinger at CMU-10A    Missing books
If you still have my copy of John Barnes' book on Ada, please
mail it to me at the address given in my plan file.  Thanks.

17-Sep-82 14:52    Bob Chansler at CMU-10A      Corporate Animals
Far be it from me to predict the future of academic computer science,
but there can be no doubt that the business aspects of the field will
affect the lives of all who read this.  So you've passed the PS qual:
can you recognize the opportunities for arbitrage in surplus paper
tape?  Where in your thesis proposal did you discuss the impact of your
proof that P=NP will have on June pork belly futures?  I wish to
commend to your attention "The Official MBA Handbook" by Fisk and
Barron.  In this one book is everything you'll need to know about
business that is not on the AI syllabus.  Read it before you prove
another theorem or fix another bug.  You'll be glad you did.

17-Sep-82 14:59    Joseph Ginder at CMU-10A     (*%)
I believe that the joke character should be % rather than *.

17-Sep-82 15:15    Anthony Stentz at CMU-780G   (*%)
How about using * for good jokes and % for bad jokes?
We could even use *% for jokes that are so bad,
they're funny.

17-Sep-82 15:48    James Muller at CMU-750Y     clnz time
And if you want to ascertain what type of terminal you are on, you can

If you want to determine whether your terminal is a clnz, you can do so
by using [Y]/usr/intro/bin/isaclnz:
if ($status) then
setenv TERM clnz
#or whatever
17-Sep-82 16:45    Paul Rosenbloom at CMU-10A   Missing spiral notebook?
If you are missing a spiral notebook with notes on a class in Human
Factors Engineering, it is in the Alto cubicle next to the Edpac (with
the no smoking sign on it).

17-Sep-82 17:21    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      More on Foreign Students.....
it seems that Ms. Russell has moved to Warner Hall rather than Skibo.
An additional note - she should tell you that all foreign students
are required to purchase health insur5ance, and the deadline for doing
so is September 24.  If you haven't done so, please see her.

17-Sep-82 17:40    David McCarty at CMU-10A     Logically speaking...
If you're new around here and are at all interested in logic in
any of its many-splendored aspects. In other words, if you're the
kind of person who can only find true happiness doing eta-reductions
oryou want to find out if iterated forcing will really put hair on
the palms of your hands, then you should know that there will
be a regular logic seminar running throughout the year and various
informal logic events occurring from time to time. You may
send me mail if you would like to know more, or be put on our
mailing list.

17-Sep-82 17:40    Keith Wright at CMU-10A      *%&#$ Jokes!
No, no, no!  Surely everyone will agree that "&" is the funniest
character on the keyboard.  It looks funny (like a jolly fat man
in convulsions of laughter).  It sounds funny (say it loud and
fast three times).  I just know if I could get my nose into the
vacuum of the CRT it would even smell funny!

17-Sep-82 17:42    Leonard Hamey at CMU-10A     {#} (previously *)
A detailed (i.e. > 1 minute) study of the aesthetic and pictographic
effects of the characters available in the ASCII set has led to
the following suggestion:
I think that the joke character should be the sequence {#}
because it looks like two lips with teeth showing between them.
This is the expected result if someone actually laughs their head off.
An obvious abbreviation of this sequence would be the hash character
itself (which can also be read as the sharp character and suggests
a quality which may be lacking in those too obtuse to appreciate
the joke.)

17-Sep-82 17:45    Rudy Nedved at CMU-10A       Major work of literature
If anyone knows of a computer readbale version of some major work of
literatue like Moby Disk or the Bible, please send me a pointer to
it. A friend of mine needs it for demo puposes. Thanks.

17-Sep-82 18:52    Jim Crowley at CMU-10A       BB Jokes
BB jokes are fine and should not require a marker.
But jokes should not be malicious, obscene, or such that they
appear to resemble real warnings to all but a few.
Last nights elevator hoax was a borderline case of this last 

18-Sep-82 02:33    Ralph Emmerich at CMU-10A    Sale on Stereo Equipment
        Mark Levinson preamp, model ML-1  $1300.00.
        Klipschorn speakers, $1600.00.
        Van Alstine power amp, 200 watts/channel  $650.00.
        Luxman tuner, model T-110  $400.00.
All equipment is three years old or less, and all prices are 
negotiable.  Call Ralph Emmerich at 682-6901 or 682-8526.

18-Sep-82 03:34    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      Newspaper preservation
I have a very rare newspaper that I would like to preserve.  Does
anyone know how (or where) to laminate such a thing  Where can I
get it microfilmed   

18-Sep-82 14:38    Rudy Nedved at CMU-10A       Major work of literature
Thanks to all the people that responded. Apparently several places
have computer readable material but SU-AI seems to have the easiest
to access material (easily accessed via anonymous FTP).

18-Sep-82 15:04    Monica Lam at CMU-10A        telenet info
Thanks to all those who provided the info and pointers.  I have sent
a summary of the information to Bovik since I have received several
pieces of mail expressing interest in the subject.

18-Sep-82 15:18    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    a note to new TOPS-10 users
If you are new to CMU-10A, here's a suggestion for keeping your directory
clean.  Make a file called CLEAN.MIC that contains the following line:
Now, whenever you type /CLEAN to the monitor, it will execute the command
in CLEAN.MIC and erase all your garbage files.  A good time to do this is
just before you log off, as it will help get your directory under quota.
For more information on MIC, type HELP MIC.
PS:  This message really belongs on the LOCAL bboard rather than on GENERAL,
but I was afraid that new users wouldn't have gotten around to adding 
/READ:LOCAL to the BBOARD line in their SWITCH.INI files.

18-Sep-82 15:19    Gregg Lebovitz at CMU-EE1    carpeting for sale
large piece of W to W carpeting ~ ( 17' by 21'), brown-orange (burnt orange?)
in color and in pretty good condition.  Price: free to a good home.
18-Sep-82 15:55    Michael Mauldin at CMU-780G  Free Concert
That's right, FREE, gratis, without price. Sunday Afternoon in Point State
Park T.G. Sheppard will be giving a free concert (sponsered by WDSY radio)
after the Steeler game. Best bet is to show up around five. 

I will be going, and can give rides to three people. If you are interested,
CALL me at 421-2648 (I may not read mail by tomorrow afternoon).

Sorry about the short notice, but that's how it goes. I just heard today.

N.B. T.G. Sheppard is an accomplished C&W singer with several hit songs.
18-Sep-82 16:23    Catherine Cole at CMU-10A    Free Bus Rides
I have a pass for unlimited bus rides for two adults and two children
this weekend. It lasts until 4:00 A.M. Monday. I'm putting it on
the physical BBoard by the lounge door. Tour Pgh. for Free!

18-Sep-82 16:53    Robert Thibadeau at CMU-10A  Carpet for Sale
10X10 Approximately -- Shag yellow and white -- I would probably
never buy it myself, but I lived in an entire house of it in
Charlottesville for one year and found a room of it in my present
house.  I'm letting it go for 10 big ones.  Anyone using "Banner"
and sending ten big "1"s to me will be anticipated.

18-Sep-82 17:30    Theresa M Donahoe at CMU-EE1 CRT terminals
I am about to purchase a CRT terminal and 1200 baud modem.
I would like to buy a "smart" terminal (i.e. one with some
basic editing functions, but no programming), preferrably
with a detachable keyboard, adjustable viewing angle, and
both an RS232 port and an auxiliary port (for future printer).
I hope to spend $1000-$1500.  The purpose of this notice is
to solicit "advice" based on experience others have had with
CRT terminals so that I can avoid buying something that's
unreliable or otherwise undesirable.  Any information you'd
like to share with me would be greatly appreciated.  Send
me mail (tmd43) on the eevax or (td97) at TopsC.  Thanks!
18-Sep-82 17:48    James Muller at CMU-750Y     mispost
My apologies for the rather random, misplaced, misformatted page which
I somehow allowed to arrive on the general bb yesterday.

18-Sep-82 20:40    Guy Steele at CMU-10A        ! Joke markers again
I hope everyone realized that my previous remark about non-use
of joke markers was a joke, and was flagged as such by the
absence of a marker.  This message is not a joke, as indicated
by the exclamation point.

18-Sep-82 21:58    Feng-Hsiung Hsu at CMU-10A   Trek Game Document
I accidentally printed out a copy of the Trek game document in a
attempt to read the document on the ALTO. When I went to the Dover
room, I found one Trek Document on the Dover, another coming out,
and more copies on the Guest rack. Maybe some other people have
printed them without knowing it. If you are interested in the game,
perhaps you should go to the Dover room first and find out if there
is any Trek Document left.

18-Sep-82 22:06    Lee Brownston at CMU-10A     Books for Sale
My book collection has grown to unmanageable size, so I am forced to
sell hundreds of books.  The list, which will be kept up to date, can
be found in the file books.txt[a780lb90] on CMU-10A.  At the moment,
the vast majority of the books in the list are in Cognitive Psychology,
with an especially good selection of books from Erlbaum.  Sorry, my
sale books do NOT include anything from Computer Science, Artificial
Intelligence, or Mathematics.  Examine the file for further details.

18-Sep-82 23:49    Leonard N  Zubkoff           Kerosene Heaters
From: Leonard N  Zubkoff <Zubkoff at Cmu-20c>
Jan and I are considering purchasing a Kerosene heater to ease heating bills
this winter, but we are concerned about any problems of Kerosene fumes.  Would
anyone having any information on the current breed of such heaters please get
in touch with us.  Replies to Zubkoff @ CMUC.  Thanks.
19-Sep-82 11:44    Scott E  Fahlman             :-)
From: Scott E  Fahlman <Fahlman at Cmu-20c>

I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:
Read it sideways.  Actually, it is probably more economical to mark
things that are NOT jokes, given current trends.  For this, use
19-Sep-82 13:46    Pat Langley at CMU-10A       house for sale
Our house in Squirrel Hill is for sale. For details, see house.txt[a310pl20].

19-Sep-82 17:16    Mike Blackwell               Biking
From: Mike Blackwell <Blackwell at CMU-20C>
Well, Nivek, Pat and I made to Ohio and back on Saturday, and lived to
tell about it! Highlites were: wild cows and ducks, twenty five thousand
Coke machines, a direct correlation between dead 'possums and Corvettes
on the road, some really great hills, the best apples we've ever had,
and Stubenville.

Anyway, Nivek and I know of lots of good and bad biking roads in the
area, and would like to share the knowledge. If you are ever inclined
on taking a trip, we may be able to give you pointers on a good route.
Better yet, if you want to go on a medium (~50 miles) to long (~100
miles) trip, you can probably twist our arms into going with you.

So if you are at all interested in bike touring the western PA area, let
me know. If I get enough (any?) response, I will try to organize
something (me, organized? ha!).

19-Sep-82 18:20    Matthew Lewis at CMU-10A     Things we shouldn't know?
Herb Simon will be giving a lecture entitled:
        "Are there things we should not know?
                Social responsibility and science"
 - Thursday, 23 September, at 3:30
 - Frick Fine Arts Auditorium
(The building to the left after you go over the bridge towards Pitt)
        This event is the first in a series sponsored by the
Pitt Forum for Social Responsibility and Values.

19-Sep-82 18:56    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      38521,03,9(6),9(9),1(5),0
Just signifying that a message is a joke is certainly not sufficient.  
One can develop a taxonomy of bboard message types along several different
dimensions.  Also, where a continuum is preferable to a taxonomy (such as
where humor value is at issue) one can similarly use a scale to indicate
where along that scale this message lies.  Suppose that all dimensions are
refered to by a ten point scale (we'll use all integers here although one
can certainly imagine reals in the case of fine grain continuous scales).
Some dimensions will be bitwise encoded as well.
Here is a sample of a coding scheme:
COMMUNITY: (this is a binary scale with a bit position for
            each department totalling about 32 bits)
TOPIC: (two digits 00-99)
        (00) Political, (01) Scientific, (02) Computer, (03) Meta, etc
FLAME VALUE: (continuous 0.0-10.0)
HUMOR VALUE: (0.0-10.0)
BORDOM VALUE: (0.0-10.0)
INFORMATIONAL CONTENT: (-10.0 (for queries) to 10.0 (for their answers))
Note that some of these scales are purely according to the opinion
of the author.  Thus, we provide, also, a confidence scale: to go along
with each continuous scale (to be enclosed in parens after the value).

20-Sep-82 08:34    Jaime Carbonell at CMU-10A   & # % :-) ...
To resolve ambiguity, how about a JOKE BB? We can hook up some of that
highly-touted write-only memory just for this purpose.  While I'm at it,
how about a flame BB using the latest cryogenic junction memory (to cool
down the contents of the memory, of course).

20-Sep-82 09:03    Hans Burgstaller at CMU-750Y Looking for dentist
 Yesterday when I was eating a candy I was suddenly surprised to
find the crown of a tooth in this candy. As I don't know how to fix
it by myself and as I don't know any good dentist in this area
I need your advice for a good dentist. The sooner I can get an appointment
the better. If you know a good dentist , please send mail to hxb@cmuy.
                                         -- T H A N K S 
20-Sep-82 09:43    Jill Fain at CMU-10A         ROGUE addicts
I feel that the current condition of the top score file is
sadly prohibitive of ROGUE playing in the true spirit of the
game and offer the following suggestion: The current file be zeroed
and the file be re-zeroed each time the #10 score exceeds 5000.
One implication of this is that people that insist on exploiting
the arrow trap bug will simply fill up the file and get it
zeroed out. I get a lot less out of playing if I don't at least
have a fighting chance to get on the high score list. If I get
a consensus, I will take the actions outlined above, mail to
Fain on CMUA.

20-Sep-82 12:52    Jan Zubkoff at CMU-10A       Spring 82 15-211
I have graded homework assignments from last semester's 15-211 class.
If you haven't picked these up and want them, come and get 'm.  I
will throw them out in one week.  Thanks

20-Sep-82 12:56    Jaime Carbonell at CMU-10A   IC Prog. contest update
   We need a rough tally of the number of entrants in each category of
the IC contest so that we may allocate our resources accordingly. 
Please send me mail if you intend to enter; this is a non-binding
declaration of intent only.  
   On a related note, I had at least three people tell me that they
either already have a working program or are almost there but plan not
submit their entry "because it probably won't win". Now, if everyone
thinks this way, some turkey might steal the prize by being the
only entrant. If you go to the trouble of producing a program, by all 
means submit it!  You have nothing to loose but your pride (not even that,
we'll only publicize the winners, and promise not to give booby prizes).

20-Sep-82 13:23    Paul Birkel at CMU-10A       Now don't forget.............
                to order your cheese soon. The order closes Friday at
        2 PM to non-shareholders and the following Tuesday at 2 PM to
        shareholders. So don't say we didn't tell you so!

20-Sep-82 13:32    Anoop Gupta at CMU-10A       Parking Permit
I am interested in purchasing a parking permit for any (preferably 
Morewood) of the university parking lots. Warner hall has sold out
all parking lots completely, so if there is anybody out there who
does not use his/her parking permit, and is willing to sell it, please
let me know. Mail to AG70 @ CMUA. Thanks.

20-Sep-82 13:54    Wilson Harvey at CMU-IUS     Scribe includes ...
I am having a problem.  Does anyone know how to get rid of the default
extension ".mss" on UNIX scribe when doing an include?  If so, PLEASE drop
me a message. 
                        Your help is much appreciated,

20-Sep-82 15:35    Phil Miller at CMU-10A       PGR and TG
The Pretty Good Race will begin promptly at 5pm.
The following TG will be in honor of the people who
helped build the 5419 introductory programming lab.

20-Sep-82 16:23    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    (-: bboard software change
As of October 1st, the General bboard will be renamed the Jokes bboard.
Please update your SWITCH.INI file.  In the event of a serious notice,
we will post it under the name "Sharon Burks".  When the bboard contains
messages whose total bogosity score exceeds 5000 microLenats, the file
will be zeroed so novice bboard players can have a chance to score.

20-Sep-82 16:43    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Car for picnic
I need a volunteer to pick up supplies at Victoria's Sunday
morning for the picnic.  There will be ice, a keg, and
soft drinks, so one person with a big vehicle or two with
small cars will be needed.  Thanks in advance for your help.
Don't forget, sign-up for the picnic is in the CS main office.

20-Sep-82 17:16    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Re: new TOPS-10 users
        Actually, you might not want to delete the FTP.LOG file, since
it tells you whether mail you've sent has been mailed yet or not.  This
is what generally gets printed at you when you log in.  If you aren't
terribly concerned, you can delete it (the mailer will tell you if it
gives up).

20-Sep-82 17:33    Michael Mauldin at CMU-780G  Picnic Sports
Hi. I'm Fuzzy your Sports Director. 

If you're going to the CSD Picnic, I would appreciate some help in assuring
that we have a minimum of sports equipment available so all S/HE-wo/men can
show off those muscles built during the summer. We need the following

	Volleyball/Net (1)
	Soccer (1)
	Football (1)
	Softball (1)
	Frisbee (???)

If you are bringing any of these items and/or would like to coordinate one of
these sports, please send me mail (on the A or G).

20-Sep-82 17:39    Jill Fain at CMU-10A         ROGUE Revisited
Ok, except for one response of "no", those of you who bothered
to address the question in my bboard message said "yes" to zeroing
out the file along the guidelines proposed. The rest of you merely
expressed your opinion on the utility of the arrow bug. So, three
orders of business:
1. unless someone mugs me in the hall in the next few days or
   deluges me with mail to the contrary, I will probably zero the
   file on Wednesday or Thursday.
2. If people want I can set up an "All-time Top Ten" file, so that
   those of you with wins in the past can still point to them with
3. There is a new and order(s) of magnitude more difficult version
   of ROGUE out there -- I'd be willing to try to get a hold of it
   if people are interested (the arrow bug has been fixed in it).
--> For those of you who don't know what the arrow bug is: sometimes
    when the arrow from an arrow trap misses you the value of the
    arrow as a weapon has been initialized to a negative (hence a VERY
    big positive) number. Consequently, if you wield that arrow as a weapon
    it will kill anything with a few hits. (well, that's a sort of general
    explanation, anyway).
--> To those of you who mentioned the "haste self" bug, it is a dubious one.
    I have heard from those who say they've used it and from others who
    claimed to have uttered all appropriate incantations with no effect.
--> and are you all familiar with the "ghost ring" bug??????

20-Sep-82 17:39    Ron Cole at CMU-IUS          Computer Disk Jockey
The following news release was issued today by WDVE:

This Friday,  September 24, WDVE 102 FM, Pittsburgh, will experiment
with a computer-operated completely synthesized voice.  The voice,
affectionately known as "Hal", will be introduced at 6:30 A.M.
"Hal" will assume a role as a new member of the Jimmy and Steve morning team.

The human-like voice is generated in a text-to-speech converter
which was developed by the California based Telesensory Speech 
Systems, Inc.

The introduction of "Hal" to the morning show is part of ongoing
speech recognition and sysnthesis research sponsored by nearby
Carnegie-Mellon University.

Use of computer generated voice as a radio personality is unprecedented.
"Hal" will tell jokes, give time checks and weather.  He or "it" will
also read preprogrammed news and take telephone calls on-the-air.  The
speech generator can accept typed strings of text and immediately
provide intelligible voice from an unlimited vocabulary.  The blanket
program from which "Hal" will speak was done by Robert Marince on an
Apple 2+ microcomputer.

Following his 'DVE debut "Hal" will be interviewed by KQV news coordinator,
Mark Schreiber.
20-Sep-82 17:49    Richard Cohn at CMU-10A      Missing Coffee Cup
Have you seen a lonely coffee cup lately  It says "I NJ" on the side,
perhaps in reference to the well-known NY advertising campaign.
Send mail or call x3067 if you have any info.

20-Sep-82 17:56    15-1xx Labs at CMU-750Y      jokes \__/
We on the gandalf vax have our own code word for a joke. The above symbol
is universally known as a smile.

Also, perhaps Jeff could include in his scale a "length to humor ratio", 
as we seem to notice that the relation between some post's lengths are 
inversely proportional to their length.

		Not Sharon Burks,
		'ob and 'im
20-Sep-82 18:47    Feng-Hsiung Hsu at CMU-10A   GO meeting...
The GO meeting this week will be held 5pm Tuesday as usual. But I am
proposing to change the time for the meetings after this one to 6pm
Monday. I am also proposing that we start a weekly one-hour teaching
session. The advanced players can serve as the teacher in rotation.
The time for this session is proposed to be 6pm Thursday, subject to
occasional change by the teacher. Please send mail to me to express
your opinion, and please include your mailing address in the mail--
I am establishing a mailing list.

20-Sep-82 18:58    Leonard Hamey at CMU-10A     Mail to TOPS-E
Is it possible to get mail through to TOPS-E?
If so, could someone please give details.
                                Thanks, Leonard Hamey

20-Sep-82 19:25    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Brevity is the soul of wit.

20-Sep-82 19:44    KING at KESTREL              "free" credit cards - do they still exist?
	Many banks are charging consumers for bank credit cards.  I'd
like to avoid this if I could, and I understand many banks still offer
free cards.  Is anyone out there using a bank that still offers "free"
cards?  If not a California bank, would they be willing to offer out
of state?

	I will compile a list of responses and mail it to anyone
interested - send me a request.

	Requests and responses to KING@KESTREL, please.

20-Sep-82 19:59    Brady J  Michael             Robot hackers wanted at MIT
From: Brady J  Michael <BRADY at MIT-OZ>
The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology invites applications for the following positions:

RESEARCH SPECIALIST:  Individual will develop and maintain PDP11 and VAX
software supporting exotic peripherals; will determine the nature of and localize hardware failures; will assist researchers in the development of system-
software interfaces; and will perform picture and sensor input and output operations for the computer robotics and vision groups.  Individual will report to
the Laboratory's Robotic Systems Coordinator and will assist approximately 15
research scientists and graduate students.  Individual must have experience
with PDP11 Assembly language, PDP10 Assembly language, and DOS operating system.  Person must have considerable knowledge of PDP11 and VAX architecture,
UNIBUS, process-control computer methods, and photographic techniques.  This
position requires a bachelor's degree in a related field or a combination of
related education and substantial experience.  Interest in computer vision and
robotics and eagerness to collaborate with researchers is essential.  The annual salary is $20,000.

RESEARCH SCIENTIST:  The Laboratory has a new program that requires several 
kinds of creative people, such as the following:  imaginative mechanical designers to work on new arms and hands featuring dexterity and speed coupled with
force and touch sensors; experts in manipulator control to work on new control
ideas; experts in vision to apply ideas about two and three-dimensional perception to inspection, parts acquisition, and assembly; specialists in high-level
programming languages, with a thorough understanding of LISP and artificial-
intelligence work on programming languages, to work on languages, problem-solvers, and spatial-reasoning packages.  Applicants in these areas must be strongly motivated to work on problems with practical importance, such as the problem of locating, identifying, retrieving, and installing parts.
Position requires a minimum of a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence, or a field closely related to robotics, in addition to at least two years of
directly related experience doing high-level research in Robotics for a university or industrial research laboratory.  The yearly salary is $24,000.

Contact Michael Brady at (617) 253-5868 or (617) 646-6815 or Brady@MIT-AI.
20-Sep-82 22:33    James Driscoll at CMU-10A    IC After Dark
The first meeting of the (unofficial) IC mini-course ``Pittsburgh After
Dark'' will be this Thursday at 9:00 PM in the CS lounge.  The first
lecture will be ``Shadyside Bars:  Taxonomy, Characteristics, and
Examples.''  Lab follows lecture.  Participants should bring proof of
age.  New students are encouraged to attend.
|-: (This is not a joke)

20-Sep-82 22:43    Bob Chansler at CMU-10A      Bicycle to CSD picnic
I plan to bicycle to (and from) the picnic, and would welcome the
company of anyone who would care to join me.  The trip requires 
about 1.5-2 hours each way and is suitable for anyone who rides a
bicycle for recreation.  Send a message if you are interested or have

20-Sep-82 23:15    Louis Monier at CMU-10A      Le Car for sale
For sale: Renault Le Car 1978, 40K miles, new inspection, good
condition, $2000/best offer.
Call Joe (NOT ME!!!) 9-5: 261-1732
Evenings and week-end: 362-4651.
It's a nice orange small thing that I rode a couple of times, but I am
not the owner, so don't call me. The owner is moving to Europe, so
he is in a hurry to sell.

20-Sep-82 23:37    Norm Pleszkoch at CMU-10A    WHO concert tickets
For sale: Four tickets for the final tour of the WHO concert.
Sept 28, Civic Arena. Best offer. Call Jill Brown at 683-1878
evenings only. Don't call me.

21-Sep-82 00:19    GWILSON at USC-ECL           VLDB refunds -- update
As the treasurer for VLDB-82 let me set a couple of things straight
about the refunds, of which I have seen a couple of messages now.

(1) Only people who paid for the entire package (air and hotel) through
    Almaden Travel should expect any refunds.  The remainder of you
    have already received a refund in the form of a reduced hotel rate
    if your reservation was made through Almaden.

(2) Checks for those owed refunds should be going out within the next
    week or so.  These will be handled by Almaden, but please give
    them a chance to get things wrapped up.  If anyone has a problem,
    you can reach me through my Net mailbox, or by Ma Bell at
    (415) 941-3912.  Please give us a little time to get caught up
    before you get frustrated and call.

I am also interested in comments from all of you regarding the organization
of the conference, technical content, etc.  For those who have not heard,
the official decision is to hold the next conference in Italy. Specific date
and location are still being worked out.

21-Sep-82 10:30    Mario Barbacci at CMU-10A    Computer Systems Qualifier
                Computer Systems Qualifier
Students interested in taking the Computer Systems Qualifier this
semester should read DSKB:POST.PRE[L410MB25]@CMUA.  That document
describes the new qualifier format and as a free bonus it includes a
description of the task topics (but not the actual assignment, of

21-Sep-82 12:43    David Lamb at CMU-10A        Brian Reid wins award
According to the Score BBoard, Brian has won the Grace Hopper award.
This is awarded annually by ACM for the "best young computer
scientist", and is based on work done by the recipient when under 30
years of age.

21-Sep-82 13:29    Mario Barbacci at CMU-10A    Comp.Systems. Qualifier
After I posted my previous notice, several students pointed out that
POST.PRE was clobbered. I apologize for the problem.
DSKB:POST.PRE[L410MB25]@CMUA has been recreated.

21-Sep-82 13:59    John Schlag at CMU-750R      polarizers

    I'm looking for sheets of polarizing glass or plastic about one foot
square. Is there anyone who can give me pointers to optical bench component
suppliers or large photography places that have these? Thanx.

21-Sep-82 14:27    Wilson Harvey at CMU-IUS     (-:  Dramatic bb posts  :-)
could be flagged with the above notation.  Things like ...

    "I was a Teen-age Hacker"


    "I won't write that subroutine for you.  I won't because every part of
     me wants to."

    Seriously, I have found someone's pen in the CS Supply Room.  Send me
    mail to get it back.
21-Sep-82 17:15    Gregg Podnar at CMU-10A      Happy Autumnal Equinox

21-Sep-82 17:29    David Lamb at CMU-10A        Office Automation survey
Professor Treu of the University of Pittsburgh is conducting a survey
of computer scientists interested in Office Automation, in connection
with ACM SIGOA.  I have posted the cover letter and sample
questionnaire on the physical BBoard outside the fourth floor lounge.
Please consider filling out this form if your current work has
something to do with OA.

21-Sep-82 17:35    Neal Feinberg at CMU-10A     Bales of Hay?
Does anyone know of a good place to buy bales of hay or
straw from This place should be willing to deliver the bales
as I do not own anything suitable for moving them.

21-Sep-82 18:30    Michael Shamos at CMU-10A    Congratulations to Brian Reid
It's official.  ACM in New York verifies that Brian Reid won the Grace 
Murray Hopper award for work in text processing and computerized
typesetting, specifically Scribe.  The award will be presented at the
ACM meeting in Dallas on October 25.  This is terrific news for Brian
and for CMU.  UNILOGIC is planning appropriate commemorative festivities.

21-Sep-82 18:38    Peg Schafer at CMU-10A       did you ever hear of popple?
I am posting this for Pete Konicheck.  
Has anyone ever heard of a bio statistical/medical/applications
package called POPPLE ?  If so, please call Pete Konicheck collect
206-575-5049.  He would be grateful for any help.

21-Sep-82 18:56    Jim Crowley at CMU-10A       Robotics Seminar
This year we are reviving the weekly Robotics Seminar Series.
After considerable search we have found a room ( Ph 21 ) and 
a time ( Tues 3:30 to 5:00 ). So now we need speakers.
The purpose of the series is to provide exposure for the
robotics related research activities of both C-MU people
and visitors. If you have a favorite scientist or project
about which you would like to hear, an outside visitor
who would be willing to make a presentation, or are ready 
to expose your own robotics-related work to public scrutiny,
please send me mail. The speaker schedule is still wide open,
so now is the time to act.

21-Sep-82 19:02    Jim Crowley at CMU-10A       Robotics Seminar
Due to a conflict with the AI seminar, the robotics seminar
will NOT be held on Tuesdays at 3:30 as previously stated.
The time and place will be announced when an available room 
is found.

21-Sep-82 19:41    Phil Hayes at CMU-10A        Any more reception receipts?
If you brought food to the Departmental reception on September 11, would
like reimbursement, but have not yet been reimbursed, you should send
receipts for your expenses to me before the end of the week when I plan to
close the books.  If you have already submitted receipts, but have not
received reimbursement, please let me know immediately.  This does not 
apply if you submitted the receipts today.

21-Sep-82 20:36    Phil Miller at CMU-10A       Run With The Boss
Don't forget the Pretty Good Race at 5PM Wednesday.
I'm  happy to say that Nico Habermann will be running with us
(and finishing ahead of most of us) this year!
Also don't forget the following TG.  Text of my thank you to
the Department cn be found in thank.doc[c316pm50] on cmua.

21-Sep-82 21:41    Philip Lehman at CMU-10A     Autumnal Equinox
According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, autumn begins Thursday morning:
    ``Fall arrives at 4:46 am EDT [1:46 am PDT] on the 23rd, the
autumnal equinox, when the sun crosses the celestial equator....''

21-Sep-82 22:12    Mark Stehlik at CMU-10A      Pretty Good Race T shirts
There are still T shirts to be had in my office.  Come by anytime tomorrow
to pick yours up.  Anytime from 9 to 4 (before the race) in 8122.

21-Sep-82 22:39    Nathaniel Borenstein         Roddenberry at CMU Weds.
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
Gene Roddenberry will be speaking at CMU at 7:30 Wednesday 9/22.  He'll
also be showing a reel of Star Trek outtakes (bloopers, etc.) and the
original version of the pilot for the series.  Tickets are available in
Skibo and are apparently going fast.  Only one ticket may be purchased
at student rates for each student ID.  This is a must for serious trekkies.
21-Sep-82 23:04    Immigration Course           Changes to IC schedule
From: Immigration Course at CMU-10A
The IC research talk on SPICE has been moved to 10:00, 9/30.
The SCRIBE talk has been moved to 10:00, 9/28.

21-Sep-82 23:17    Matt Reilly at CMU-10A       cross assemblers/compilers
Does anyone out there know of a PLM/86 cross compiler or 
an 8086 cross assembler running on the CSD machines? 
Any other development software for 8086/88's around?
++ tnx for any help.

21-Sep-82 23:30    Frankie Ferguson at CMU-10A  Lost Keys
I lost a keyring (probably in Porter or 3rd floor Science Hall).
It has an X 1 key and an IE 11 key plus about 8 others.  If you find
it I'll be in Porter Hall 18A most of the night.  I'll also be periodically
checking my mail on the A.

22-Sep-82 01:00    Roger Dannenberg at CMU-10A  RT11 wizard sought
If you know anything about RT11, especially the XM (extended memory)
monitor, I would be grateful if you could help me with the problem
described in all:rt11.txt[c410rd60]@cmua.  Thanks.

22-Sep-82 12:09    Mike Kazar at CMU-10A        Israeli peace rally in Pgh.
Here is a verbatim reproduction of a recent flyer,
followed by a few comments.
Flyer Start -----------------------------
Dan Gordon is an official representative of Peace Now.
Peace Now, an organization formed after the 1973 war by
Israeli veterans and army reservists, held a demonstration
in March 1982 to protest the government's policies towards
settlements in the Golan Heights and the West Bank.
26 Knesset members, including Abba Eban, supported the
More recently, they sponsored a demonstration in Tel-Aviv
where 200,000 people voiced their opposition to the Israeli
invasion of Lebanon.
Clearly not all Israelis support Begin's militaristic policies;
as American Jews, we don't have to either.
Dan Gordon will present a view rarely heard in the organized Jewish
COLFAX SCHOOL (Beechwood & Phillips)
Donation requested
Sponsored by Jews for Peace and Justice
Flyer End  ------------------------------------
A few comments:
POLITICAL BACKGROUND:  Peace now is often linked with the 
dovish half of the Labor opposition party.
It is by no means the most radically dovish group in the Israeli
political establishment.
The late Messrs Goldman, Sharet and Lavon, respectively
President of the World Jewish Congress, Prime Minister and Defense
Minister, argued for a practically complete withdrawal from the 
occupied territories.
General Mati Peled, chief of military intelligence in the 1967 war,
has been calling for talks with the PLO and the establishment of 
a Palestinian state.  Uri Avneri, MP, has been arguing for a confederation
linking a Palestinian state with Israel, with Jerusalem as common capital.
Most commentators in the Israeli press believe that the success of
Begin's annexionist policies will be decided by the attitude of
the US Jewish community.
The opposition in Israel, widely supported as it may be,
has little if any real power.
Jewish opposition to Begin in the US, however, would affect the financial,
diplomatic and moral postures of Begin's Likud government.

22-Sep-82 12:18    Lydia Stepita at CMU-10A     T-Shirt For Sale
T-Shirts with the Robotics logo are still available for purchase.
They are black with a  yellow logo in the upper right hand corner.  
The cost is $3.50/each.  If you are interested, please see Lydia in
                                        Thank you!

22-Sep-82 12:21    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Order Still Open
        But the order still closes to non-shareholders on Friday
        the 24th at 2 PM, so if you don't yet have shares order!

22-Sep-82 12:34    Mike Kazar at CMU-10A        Lounge rennovation
As some of you may remember, a lounge rennovation committee was formed
last spring to suggest improvements to the CS lounge.  Our budget is
approximately $3000.  Here is a list of our suggested improvements.  We
would like to hear any comments people have on the subject (by Friday
if possible) so as to be able to finalize our plans soon.  Some of these
items require some voluntary effort on the part of the department; if
you'd like to volunteer, please send me mail.  In addition, we could use
some volunteers to handle the actual implementation of the plan.
Anyway, here is the plan:
1) Paint the walls some shade of white.  This includes spreading a
filler compound over the cinder blocks and concrete to smooth the
surface, and then painting.  This should cost about $250, not including
labor.  Instead of painting the walls, putting wood panels or some form
of carpet on the walls is also being looked at, if we can get a good
enough price.
2) Replace the current lounge chairs and sofas with 6 to 8 new chairs,
at a cost of about $1500.  The current furniture is in sad shape.  The
proposal is to acquire chairs only (no sofas).  The perception is that
people prefer to sit in chairs; with the current sofas primarily being
employed as beds.  The question is open to debate, but we find it
reasonable that people should find a less public place to sleep (such
as their office).
3) There is a major need for more bookshelf space, so it is proposed
that the entire wall now dedicated to darts (and a small bookcase)
should be made into floor to ceiling bookshelves.  This could be either
shelves attached to the wall or floor-standing bookcases.
4) Remove the vinyl room partitions (by the kitchen area and the middle
of the room).  These consume space for no function and can be removed
for no cost by a small amount of voluntary labor.
5) Shelves on which kitchen utensils can be stored will be installed in
the upper half of the area freed by removing the vinyl room partitions.
This should help relieve the clutter on the counters.
6) Remove the two coat racks (the one with the dart board, and the one
next ot the blackboard).  These racks consume space without purpose.
Dart playing has reach such a low ebb that dedicating a whole wall to
that purpose no longer seems justified.  There is no cost attached to
this, as it can be accomplished by a small amount of voluntary labor.
7) Acquire an electric broom that can be stored in the lounge, for
small spur of the moment cleanup jobs.  It will be stored in the bottom
half of the space freed up by removing the vinyl partitions next ot the
kitchen area.
8) Get the carpet cleaned.
9) The table currently making the one window inaccessible will be moved
to where the sofas currently are.  The window, and an additional chair
space can then be integrated into the area in which most people tend to
10) A number of magazine racks will be acquired for the loose magazines
and tech reports that currently clutter up the tables.

22-Sep-82 12:38    Sylvia Hoy at CMU-10A        Official '82-'83....
Campus calendars are available in the main office. Come and get it!!!!!

22-Sep-82 12:43    Robert Thibadeau at CMU-10A  Pittsburgh Zoo Options
The zoo is a worthwhile place to visit, but in my three years 
in Pittsburgh I have watched it deteriorate for lack of funds.
Fortunately they have this wonderful 'adopt an animal' program.
The adoption can be a day or month.  Orangutanns eat light at
$.75 a day or $22.50 a month, and for $15 a day or $450 a month
you get yourself an entire elephant.  Double that and you can
probably have his name changed to Clyde.  Triple it and I bet
they will let you dye him pink.  Visitation rights come with any
adoption.  The flyer is on my office door -- 5321.

22-Sep-82 12:50    Marco Annaratone at CMU-IUS  proceedings wanted
I need two proceedings:

1) Digest of Papers Spring Compcon 82

2) Proc. of the 1981 Custom Integrated Circuits Conf.

If someone has this stuff, please let me know. Thank you very much.
22-Sep-82 13:00    Immigration Course           IC Schedule Change
From: Immigration Course at CMU-10A
There will be no Distinguished Lecture tomorrow.

22-Sep-82 13:03    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Bottle opener found
        An unusual bottle opener was found amongst the Coke crates
today.  Identify it (in detail) and it is yours.

22-Sep-82 13:06    Wanda Keppler at CMU-10A     PGR RACE TODAY!
That's Right!  Today's the day of the Pretty Good Race, Rain or
Shine.  Surely the sun will shine on our Race!!!
For those unsure of where the race officially starts, there will
be a "guide" leaving from the CSD Lounge promptly at 4:40 to walk with
a group to the official starting line.
Remember, T-shirts still available in WEH 8122.

22-Sep-82 14:14    John Schlag at CMU-750R      :-) AI Elephant (-:
I think all the members of the CMU AI community should pitch together
to adopt an elephant at the Zoo. Of course, Thibadeau's suggestion of
tripling the price should be taken.
22-Sep-82 16:28    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Solution Sets
Copies of the solution set for Merrick Furst's Regular Sets IC minicourse 
are available in my office, 4117 ScH.  Come 'n get 'em.

22-Sep-82 16:36    Neil Swartz at CMU-750R      PLOT10 Documentation
I have a program which uses the original Tektronix PLOT10 package.  I have
been able to fake most of the routines, but I am not sure how some of them
really work.  Does anybody have a PLOT10 user's manual or anything on PLOT10?
22-Sep-82 17:10    Nathaniel Borenstein         Clean Air Act endangered
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
The Clean Air Act is in its most difficult hours in the U.S. Senate.  In the 
face of overwhelming public support for cleaner air, opponents of stronger 
legislation have introduced three alternative "Clean Air Act" bills that
pretend to be clean air bills while actually gutting the existing laws.
Some more information is contained in /usrg0/nsb/cleanair.mss, which is a
sample letter to our Senators, both of whom are considered crucial swing
votes on this issue.  Further information is available from me.  Feel free
to copy the sample letter, change the name and address, and mail it out
22-Sep-82 17:44    Benjamin Atlas at CMU-10A    MOVING SALE
CALL DAN PELED 578-2274 or 422-9733
Bedroom set: full bed& maching chest  with mirror
Dinning table with 6 chairs
Sofa setsend hirsh yes,how are  you
End table
Chest of drawers
Setb of dishes
Steel file cabinet
Chairs (2)
Bricks & Shelves
Portable large BBQ grill
Small appliances

22-Sep-82 17:47    Leonard Hamey at CMU-10A     Popcorn in the lounge?
Attention all POPCORN ADDICTS:
Hot air popcorn poppers are available for under $25. They are
clean, easy to operate and orders of magnitude cheaper per serving
of popcorn than the machine on level 2. So, why don't we get one for
the lounge! We could run a popcorn club along the lines of the
coffee club to supply the corn.
This message is intended to drum up support for the idea. So, if
you support it, please send me mail saying so. (If, for some
strange reason you have absolutely NO interest in popcorn, then
that's your loss)
                        Leonard Hamey

22-Sep-82 19:04    Mark Stehlik at CMU-10A      Pretty Good Race results
The top 11 finishers (all those with times under 20 minutes) are the following:
 1    16:48    Peter Highnam
 2    17:24    John Pane
 3    17:33    Rich Korf
 4    17:39    Greg Pakela
 5    18:13    Paul Clifford
 6    18:23    Larry Matthies
 7    18:58    Joel Ferguson
 8    19:09    Steve Minton
 9    19:20    Bill Karnavas
10    19:46    Regis Hoffman
11    19:48    James Staszewski
In all, a total of 81 runners ran in the Second Annual Pretty Good Race (as 
compared with 50 last year).  Thanks to all helped make it a success, and 
congratulations to those of you who ran.  See you next year!

22-Sep-82 19:38    Jin Kim at CMU-10A           2nd CalTech Conf. Proceedings
Does anyone have a copy of the proceedings of the 2nd CalTech 
Conf. on VLSI  I would like to copy few of the articles..
Please send mail..

22-Sep-82 20:51    Rebecca Freeland at CMU-10A  GSO Happy Hour
Relax and socialize with other grads at the GSO Happy Hour this
Friday at 4:30 in the Skibo Ballroom.  Beer, soda, and munchies
courtesy of the Grad Student Organization and your activities fees.

22-Sep-82 21:23    Peter Highnam at CMU-10A     Inmac modems.
I'm looking for information on Inmac 1200 baud modems.  In
particular their performance as compared with their Vadic
Replies will be summarised and sent to Bovik.

22-Sep-82 21:26    Masaru Tomita at CMU-10A     (:-O) missing picture
The picture of me on the picture board in the CS lounge is missing.
One of the members of Tommy's fan club must have taken it.
Please note that I have a wife.

22-Sep-82 21:31    James Muller at CMU-750Y     ?
I propose that the above character be placed in the subject field of all
posts which ask questions.

22-Sep-82 22:18    Gary Bradshaw at CMU-10A     Night Volleyball
The joint CS/Psych volleyball games are moving to evening times, starting
this week.  We will be meeting over at 8:00 p.m. in the Women's gym
every Thursday until intramurals kicks us out.  Avoid the new television
season: play volleyball instead.  For regular updates, send me a note and
I'll add you onto our mailing list.  (Note: I do NOT sell this list to
Publisher's Clearing House!)
                                        Gary Bradshaw

22-Sep-82 23:29    Ravinder Chandhok            :-( (-:
From: Ravinder Chandhok at CMU-750Y
Perhaps what we really need is a 'bb notation' bboard for such posts
that relate to notation and signals.
23-Sep-82 10:28    Nathaniel Borenstein         Popcorn poppers
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
Hot air poppers dry out the corn and produce inferior quality popcorn.  This
is not simply a personal prejudice; experts from Orville Redenbacker (sic?)
to Consumers Union agree.  How about an equally cheap oil-based popcorn
popper for the lounge?

23-Sep-82 10:40    Stephen Hancock              Jokes
From: Stephen Hancock <SFH at CMU-20C>
With all of this talk about jokes on the BBoard, perhaps we should create a
jokes BBoard.  This would remove any doubt about whether or not the message
is a joke or not.  Additionally this would spare us from being forced to 
page through many jokes when we don't have the time to spare.  It would
also be nice to be able to decide to read through a number of hopefully
good or alteast original jokes on demand.

P.S. My reference to us/we, was how I feel about the topic.  However, I
     believe many other people feel the same way.
23-Sep-82 10:41    SFH at CMU-20C               Jokes........

With all of this talk about jokes on the BBoard, perhaps we should create a
jokes BBoard.  This would remove any doubt about whether or not the message
is a joke or not.  Additionally this would spare us from being forced to 
page through many jokes when we don't have the time to spare.  It would
also be nice to be able to read through a number of hopefully good or
alteast original jokes on demand.

P.S. My reference to us/we, was how I feel about the topic.  However, I
     believe many other people feel the same way.
23-Sep-82 10:59    Leonard Hamey at CMU-10A     Thankyou
Thankyou all those people who responded to my query about mail
to topse.
                                Leonard Hamey

23-Sep-82 12:15    Michael Fryd at CMU-10A      More Popcorn
of course, with no additional investment in capital equipment we could
have microwaved popcorn.
Don Cohen once did a study of Microwaved popcorn and I believe that
his results indicated that good popcorn could be obtained by placing
the kernels in a brown paper bag, with a minimum of oil.

23-Sep-82 12:27    Leonard Hamey at CMU-10A     Popcorn poll
So far, I have received 10 messages. 7 express support. 2
are concerned about spilt popcorn. 1 suggests buying microwave
                        Leonard Hamey

23-Sep-82 12:45    Suzanna Garreau at CMU-10A   Meeting of MCS Faculty
All faculty are invited to attend the fall meeting of the Mellon
College of Science on
                    Tuesday, October 19
                    Wean Hall 7500
Refreshments will be served at 3:45 and the meeting will follow at 4:15.
Dean Sekerka will present the MCS Teaching Award and will discuss his
views of the College.

23-Sep-82 13:15    Rob MacLachlan at CMU-750X   Lost Clip-Board

   I seem to have lost it either in the spice-rack or the terminal room.

23-Sep-82 14:06    Ravinder Chandhok            bb
From: Ravinder Chandhok at CMU-750Y
Perhaps what we really need is a duplicates bb'd for 2 posts of the same

23-Sep-82 17:40    Suzanna Garreau at CMU-10A   Sohio funding
 I have put a one paged article in the mailboxes of the
CSD faculty which describes a technical symposium that was conducted
by Sohio.  Sohio is looking for projects to support.  There are some
restrictions on the kind of research they are willing to finance,
but some of the research in the CSD may fall within their area.
If you feel that you have research of likely interest
to Sohio, please inform Nico ASAP and give him a one page
proposal before October 12.

23-Sep-82 17:59    Jan Zubkoff at CMU-10A       recipe
For those of you that found the spinich balls at the reception as delightful 
as I did, the recipe can be found in recipe.txt[c420mh60]@a  compliments
of Marty Herman.

23-Sep-82 18:02    Jan Zubkoff at CMU-10A       recipe again
Sorry, that's recipe.txt[x420mh60]

23-Sep-82 18:07    Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A    LILLITH
Does anyone have a copy of N.Wirth's ETH Tech. Rep. (Nr. 30 ?)
'LILLITH : a Personal Computing System ', April , 1981(circa) ?
I need to xerox a few pages from it .... pl. mail @A

23-Sep-82 18:34    Takeo Kanade at CMU-10A      AI seminars 82-83
The AI seminar series of 82-83 will be held on Tuedays at 3:30 in 5409
WeH, starting  on Tueday Oc 12, 1982 with
Professor John Y. Luh of Purdue as the first speaker.  The schedules
coming up are:
Date    Speaker                 Title
Oct 12  John Y. Luh (Purdue)    Alternative optinum control scheme for
                                industrial robots
Oct 19  John Laird (CMU)        A universal weak method
Oct 26  Eric Grimson (MIT)      TBA
Nov 2   James Allen (Rochester) TBA
Nov 9   TBA                     TBA
Nov 16  J. Traub (Columbia)     TBA
The abstracts will be posted on the AI bb and the physical bb.

23-Sep-82 18:38    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Picnic maps are available...
in the CS main office.  Once again, everyone is welcome,
the cost is two dollars per adult, and a sign-up sheet is
in the CS office.  If you aren't sure about coming, pick up a map
anywayso you know how to find us.  See you at noon
Sunday in Mars Grove, North Park.

23-Sep-82 18:40    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Rides for picnic
If you need a ride to the picnic, check the sign-up list for
people who said they could give rides.  If that fails, call
me and I'll match you up with someone with a car.

23-Sep-82 18:43    Matthew Lewis at CMU-10A     Things we should not know...
A reminder:
        Herb Simon will be lecturing TODAY at 3:30 on:
"Are there things we should not know?
        Social Resonsibility and Science"
Frick Fine Arts Auditorium
(The building to the left, just over the bridge towards Pitt.)
This is the first in a series of events sponsored by the 
Pitt Forum for Social Responsibility and Values.

23-Sep-82 18:51    Masaru Tomita at CMU-10A     Books for quals needed
Does anyone have any of the following books which I can borrow
during this accademic year?  Thanks  --Tommy
 -Principles of Compiler Design, Aho & Ullman
 -Operating Systems, Haberman, SRA76
 -Multiprocessors, Satyanarayanan

23-Sep-82 18:57    Elizabeth Grgurich           Mike Lea talk
From: Elizabeth Grgurich at CMU-10A
On Monday, September 27, Mike Lea, of Brunel University, will be giving a 
talk at 1:00 in 4605 Wean Hall.  His talk is entitled "Micro-APPs: VLSI 
Associative Parallel Processors for Vector and Text Processing Applications".
An abstract is posted on the fourth floor physical bulletin board.  If you 
are interested in meeting with him, please respond to me @cmua or x3853.

23-Sep-82 19:04    Robert Wilber at CMU-10A     Popcorn
Some time ago my parents sent me a hot air popcorn popper which I
never use.  If enough people express an interest (eg., at least one
mail message) I will be happy to sell it to the CSD community for
the unbeatable price of $0.00.

23-Sep-82 19:11    Leonard Hamey at CMU-10A     Comments on popcorn
are available in mail file POPCORN.MSG[C410LH90] @ CMUA
                        Leonard Hamey

23-Sep-82 19:39    Jon Bentley at CMU-10A       Programming Systems Tutorial
The P.S. tutorial lecture on Friday (9/24) will be in ScH 5409
from 10:00 to 11:15 (rather than from 11:30 to 12:45).  Tomorrow's
lecture will be on the specification and verification of heaps;
if you plan on attending the Discrete Algorithms course this
semester, you should probably attend this lecture.

23-Sep-82 21:41    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Folk Dance File Updated
The file FOLK.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA now contains current information about
where to find various sorts of folk dancing in Pittsburgh.  Entries for
American, English, International (mostly Balkan & Israeli), Israeli, and
Scottish dancing are included.  Corrections and contributions (especially
information about dancing of any of the hundred or so nationalities not listed
above) should be mailed to Saxe @ CMUA.

23-Sep-82 22:56    Roger Dannenberg at CMU-10A  Help wanted.
I would be grateful if someone could spare about 45 minutes at 4:30 PM
on Friday to help me move some electronics equipment to the Fine Arts
Building for the @i(Seven Visions) concert.

23-Sep-82 23:19    Ivor Durham at CMU-10A       I need an L.L.Bean catalogue.
Does anyone have a recent L.L. Bean catalogue that I may borrow? Thanks

24-Sep-82 00:16    Michael Mauldin at CMU-780G  Picnic
This is Mike, you sports director, again.

Okay all of you fat slobs (and the thin slobs too), we almost have this
athletic &*(*&&% all together now. Just one reminder: if you want to
play softball, at least bring your own mitt. We still need a bat, or two,
and the best offer we have so far for a ball is not promising. So, if
you think you must pass over football, frisbee, and soccer for softball,
you better get to it.				Fuzzy.
24-Sep-82 09:48    Jill Fain at CMU-10A         ROGUE file zeroed
As promised, campers, the high score file has been zeroed. RUSH TO YOUR
TERMINALS -- now ANYONE can get on the top-ten (well, at least for  a
while). FYI: haste self bug -- quaff two haste self potions in a row
and you are permanently self-hastened; ghost ring bug -- got on a cursed
ring (piece of armour) and no remove curse scroll? drop everything and
attack the nearest nymph! It'll steal your remaining object. Only one
problem -- ROGUE still thinks you have the ring/armour on and won't
let you put on another.

24-Sep-82 09:59    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Time is running out!
        Remember to order before 2 PM if you do NOT have shares, and
        You MUST leave a deposit in the Cheese mailbox before then.

24-Sep-82 10:07    Jerry Agin at CMU-750R       evolution evidence
Some years back I remember reading a report that a particular strain of
laboratory animals (rats or mice) had been found to be unable to interbreed
with members of the species from which the animals had originally come.
A new species had thus arisen due to the genetic isolation of these animals.
I am now involved in an extended dialog with a friend with Creationist
leanings, and I am unable to locate any reference to this event.  Can any
one help me out?
24-Sep-82 10:15    Dorothy Josephson at CMU-10A Workshop
The IEEE Computer Society VLSI Technical Committee is sponsoring a
workshop as follows:
             First Call for Participation
                 DESIGNING WITH VLSI
              Clearwater Beach, Florida
                 February 6-9, 1983
  Stimulating technical interaction - Florida in mid-winter.
Seven sessions are being organized relating to:
     VLSI Limits and Directions, Technologies and Systems
     Pushing VLSI for Performance:  NMOS, CMOS, GaAs, Bipolar
     Constraints of Design and Packaging
     Tools for Custom Design
     System and System Design with VLSI, Conventional and Special
We will highlight interaction of disciplines, system, design and
technology, and focus on system implementations realizable in the
Attendance is open to participants in the above areas.  To indicate
your interest, forms to be filled out and returned can be obtained
in Wean Hall 4125.
Workshop Co-Chairmen:  Michael Kovac
                       University of South Florida
                       Merlin Smith
                       IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

24-Sep-82 10:52    Richard Cohn at CMU-10A      DRC Election
Attn:  CS Grad Students
You will find in your mailbox a ballot for the election of a
student to fill the vacancy on the Departmental Review Committee.
There is a ballot box on top of the filing cabinets on the right
side of the main office.  You can drop your ballot in there anytime
before Thursday, September 30, at 3 pm.  Vote early, but vote once!

24-Sep-82 11:06    Ivor Durham at CMU-10A       I have the catalogue. Thanks.

24-Sep-82 11:13    Kamila Robertson at CMU-ZOG  User Studies open house today
Please come take a peek into the User Studies Lab in Wean 3215 today
1300-1530, just before the IC User Interfaces session (at which
you'll hear about ZOG and user studies among other things). Try out
perq ZOG!  Let us put you on TV (tape, that is, guinea pig style). 
24-Sep-82 11:51    Lyle McGeoch at CMU-10A      Circumglobal Road Rally
I've posted information about the "Great Maltese Circumglobal
Trophy Dash" on the physical bboard.  It's basically a road
rally on maps.  It costs $15 and they supply the maps.  You have
the month of October to complete it.  Last year participants
averaged about nine hours work on it, according to the brochure.
They also claim that almost all of those people say they will enter
again.  It sounds like fun.

24-Sep-82 12:39    Bruce Lucas at CMU-IUS       USENET help
I am attempting to send mail to a west-coast USENET address that begins
"ucbvax!...".  Can anyone help me?  Thanks in advance.
24-Sep-82 13:27    Judy Rosenberg at CMU-10A    Car For Sale (NOT MINE)
I am posting this for someone else, so please don't ask me about it.
FOR SALE - one owner, 1966 Chevy Impala, 56,200 miles, power steering,
air cond., am radio, new front tires, new snow treads, 2 extra rims.
Call Dave Griffiths after 6:00 pm.  793-9349

24-Sep-82 16:22    Jonathan Dwork at CMU-10A    chicken recipe
The recipe for the chicken I brought to the department reception is
now in a dover ready file called chicken.pre[r110jd71].  Enjoy.

24-Sep-82 16:55    Jerry Agin at CMU-750R       evolution
Responses to my inquiry about evolution, and some related correspondence,
are in the file /usrr0/agin/temp/evolution.
24-Sep-82 16:57    Brad Allen at CMU-10A        S,T,E,F,G,C and D...
... your dover racks are full and are spilling out onto the Dover.

24-Sep-82 18:14    Robert Wilber at CMU-10A     popcorn
Okay, I'll bring in the popper.

24-Sep-82 19:01    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Square Dance Saturday, 9/25
Larry Edelman will call to the music of the Moonshine Dreamers.  Details are in
SQUARE.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA.

24-Sep-82 20:01    King at KESTREL (Dick King)  a banking & EFT group
	Would anyone be interested in a group to discuss the banking industry,
including but not limited to EFT?  I can't afford the time to moderate such
a group, but I sense an interest out there.

24-Sep-82 21:05    Gene Hastings                Old oscilloscope for sale
From: Gene Hastings <HASTINGS at CMU-20C>

	Hickok model 670; no trigger, single trace, 5" dia. crt.
	Goes to best offer. Call x3803, or come by 5307.

25-Sep-82 02:02    Blatz Borenstein             Look Out, World!
From: Blatz Borenstein <Blatz Dandelion Borenstein at SHADYSIDE-HOSPITAL>
Daddy's-net-address: nsb@g
Mommy's-net-address: TRINA@CMUC

Well, ready or not, the world has another Borenstein.  I was born at
10:25 PM on Friday, September 24, and my parents immediately saddled me
with this ridiculous name.  Fortunately, they decided to make up another
name for the birth certificate, where I'm Shana Nova Borenstein.  I
weigh 7 lb. & 6 oz., which makes the doctors who were worried that I'd be
too small look pretty silly.  I'm fine, Mommy's fine, and Daddy'll be
fine if he can ever calm down enough to go to sleep.  Yes, I'm a girl.
25-Sep-82 10:55    Donald Kaiser at CMU-10A     Haircuts
Can anyone highly recommend a haircutter for both men and
women, who charges less than $20 and is located in this
general vicinity Send mail to dlk@cmuc.  Thanks.

25-Sep-82 12:09    Feng-Hsiung Hsu at CMU-10A   GO Meeting Schedule
The weekly GO meeting is now scheduled at 6pm Monday, starting next Monday.
The place is still CS Lounge. There will be a weekly teaching session
every Thursday evening. The details will be posted later. People with GO
board are urged to bring their boards along. Scoring sheets are now
available by dovering GO.PRESS[c410fh90] on CMUA. The sheets can be used
to play the game if you don't have any board.

25-Sep-82 12:22    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Picnic maps
There are maps to tomorrow's picnic posted on the IC bulletin
board and in the CS lounge.

25-Sep-82 12:55    Maria Wadlow at CMU-10A      IBM Company Song (?)
I vaguely seem to recall seeing the lyrics and music to the IBM
Company song posted on the 4th floor physical bboard.  Does 
anyone know where I can get a copy  Reply to mw38@cmua. Thanks!

25-Sep-82 13:16    Rudy Nedved at CMU-10A       ARPANET down on October 1st.
On Saturday October 1st, from 12:00 to 16:00 EDT, the entire ARPANET
will not forward NCP traffic and will only forward TCP traffic.
In other words, the ARPANET service for CMUC, CMUA and CMUB will not
work during this short four hour time period.
ARPANET connections established before this time period will either
timeout or be aborted.  EtherNet, DECNet and Front End service will
be unaffected. ARPANET mail service will be delayed for at least four

25-Sep-82 14:12    Rudy Nedved at CMU-10A       ARPANET down.
Correction: October 1st is a Friday. I thought the ARPANET people
were going to be nice about it and disable NCP during the weekend.

25-Sep-82 14:22    Kesav Nori at CMU-10A        cheap terminal and modem
A friend of mine, a student at Pitt, is in the market for a cheap
used dumb terminal and a 300 baud modem. I'd appreciate any help
regarding where he should look/shop and how much he would have to
pay for them. Please mail to Nori@A. Thanks.

25-Sep-82 17:34    Victor Milenkovic at CMU-10A Lisp Init File
Could someone with a nice Maclisp initialization file on CMUA
please send me a pointer to it?  Also, I am pretty sure I can
FTP compiled programs from the C to the A, but what should the
extension of such a file be?  Thanks.

25-Sep-82 17:56    Lee Brownston at CMU-10A     Books for Sale
I have included prices in my list of books for sale.  There are now
only (!) 117 items on the list.  Hard copies have been posted on the
physical bulletin board by the lounge, on the third floor of Baker
Hall, and on the fourth floor of Langley Hall at Pitt.  The version
most likely to be up-to-the-minute is in the file books.txt[a780lb90]
on CMU-10A.

25-Sep-82 20:01    David Dill at CMU-10A        new help list

26-Sep-82 02:07    James Muller at CMU-750Y     yes, its time again
To ask everyone (again) to please look at the letters on the upper left
of the dover cover sheet, and file in that rack. Everyone loves to file my
output under M, even though it says

	J J J J J J		James Muller

on it, and I'm not willing to have it just say

	J J J J J J		James

on it, because that would look stupid.
26-Sep-82 14:01    Maria Wadlow at CMU-10A      Found song...Thanks!

26-Sep-82 18:08    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Picnic leftovers in lounge
Most of the keg, some hamburgers, etc. are free for the taking
in the lounge.  Come'n'git it!

26-Sep-82 18:27    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Articles left at picnic
Two frisbees and a child's ball were left at the picnic.  They
are in my office (WeH 4105) if you wish to claim them.

26-Sep-82 20:19    Andreas Nowatzyk at CMU-10A  Election in Germany
After the recent crash of Germans ruling coalition of
the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Free Democratic Party (FDP, Liberals),
the election in Hessen (a state of Germany) became an important indicator
for the future trend of the German politics. Here is the result:
CDU (Christian Democratic Union, Conservatives)   45.6% = 52 seats
SPD (Social Democrats, a moderate left party)     42.8% = 49 seats
FDP (Free Democratic Party, Liberals)              3.1% =  0 seats (1)
Green Party (2)                                    8.0% =  9 seats
1: In Germany, a party must have at least 5% of the votes in order to
   be represented in the parliament.
2: The Green Party is a very heterogeneous collection of peace, anti-nuclear,
   civil rights, christian, women's rights and environment preservation
   movements (to name only a few of several hundreds). Founded in the
   mid 70's, it has received continuously rising support in all recent election
Note: this is the second (of 11) german state that has been forced to form a
      Government with some kind of green support!

26-Sep-82 21:18    Victor Milenkovic at CMU-10A Maclisp Question Answered

26-Sep-82 22:12    Bulletin Board at CMU-10B    CMUB goes xenophobic
CMUB is being withdrawn from the system-wide bboard system.
This removal is probably temporary, but is open-ended.
It was done both to reduce the load on the B and to reduce
the load on the CMUA mail system.  CMUB will continue to have
a local bboard, and will continue to receive the TOPS10,
SYSTEM, and SAILIB bboards.
If this change constitutes a hardship for you, please send
mail to GRIPE explaining your problem.

26-Sep-82 22:48    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      $10 to hack a robot aloud!
If you've never heard of a Big Trak you can make $10 by being a subject
in a psychology experiment.  All you'll have to do is to learn how to 
make it work and tell me what you're doing as you play with it.  The Big
Trak is a toy tank that can be programmed.  I will also be interested in
the future in people who have never used an HP (or similar) calculator
(and don't plan on doing so in the near future).  Big bucks for hacking
out loud!  Let me know if you're interested.  I can't promise to be able
to use all respondents.

27-Sep-82 02:00    Kim fateman@Berkeley         Mathematical Representation and Manipulation

 Representation and Manipulation of Mathematical Knowledge

                      Richard Fateman
        Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
          Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics
             University of California, Berkeley

     We are starting a newly-funded multi-year research pro-
ject   to  study  the  representation  and  manipulation  of
mathematical knowledge, and related research areas.  In par-
ticular,  we  will be addressing problems which arise natur-
ally in building computer programs  to  deal  with  symbolic
mathematical  notation  and  algorithms, and establishing an
advanced environment for scientific computation.

     Positions are open for

(1)  several  full-time   distinguished   researchers   with
     records  of  high productivity in the field of symbolic
     and algebraic computation.

(2)  a number of short-term visitors (1 to 6 months) who are
     expert  in applied mathematics, mathematical physics or
     other existing or potential applications areas of  com-
     puters  to symbolic computation.  These visitors should
     have a strong desire to learn more about such  systems,
     and  should  be  willing  to  contribute  to the design
     phases of a new system.  Some  visitors  will  be  con-
     sidered  whose  major  expertise  is  in the design and
     implementation of algebraic manipulation algorithms and

     We  will  also  consider  support  or  other   research
     involvement  for participants located outside Berkeley,
     especially those who have initially participated in the
     visitor program.

(3)  support staff who would assist in maintaining  existing
     equipment  and  software, and specify and configure new
     hardware.  Current facilities at UC Berkeley include  a
     large  number  of  DEC  VAX 11/780 and 11/750 computers
     running the UNIX  operating  system  in  a  distributed
     (Ethernet)  environment,  joined to a variety of 68000-
     based graphics and computation workstations.  We expect
     that  most work in the future would be on (more) power-
     ful networked personal scientific  workstation  comput-

     The objective of this research is  to  provide  insight
into  the basic information science problems in mathematical
representation and algorithms that have emerged in the  past
15  years  of  work  on such systems as Macsyma, Scratchpad,
Reduce, etc.

     We expect to produce, as a consequence of this work,  a
system or systems which are

(a)  explicitly suited for further research  in  mathematics
     and knowledge representation,

(b)  coordinated with pedagogical  and  reference  material,

(c)  engineered to provide clean and  convenient  access  to
     graphics and numeric facilities.

     We are developing further details on project plans, and
will  provide  these  to  interested  parties on request. We
expect that researchers will have  considerable  flexibility
in  establishing priorities within a broad range of research

Salaries will be commensurate with experience.

We will carry out our research principally at the University
of  California,  Berkeley.  It will involve interaction with
students, faculty, visitors, and short-term  consultants  in
computer  science,  mathematics,  physics, and perhaps other
disciplines.  We will be supporting a number of new and con-
tinuing  graduate  students  and distinguished undergraduate
students in mathematics, programming languages and  systems,
algebraic manipulation systems, algorithms, graphics, numer-
ical analysis, and artificial intelligence.

     If you are considering applying for graduate school  in
computer  science  or  mathematics,  have interests in these
areas, and appropriate credentials to warrant  admission  to
UC  Berkeley,  please  get in touch with us regarding assis-
tantship support.

Some visitors may wish to plan their first visit as soon  as
winter  quarter  (Jan. 1983) at Berkeley, when Prof. Fateman
will be teaching a graduate course on Algebraic Computation.
Spring and Summer quarters should also be considered.

Major funding for this effort is being provided by the  Sys-
tem  Development Foundation, and is expected to continue for
at least five years.  Additional funding is  being  provided
by the U.S. Dept. of Energy.

If you wish to apply for any of the above positions,  please
forward a resume and brief statement of interest to:

Prof. Richard Fateman
Computer Science Division, EECS
573 Evans Hall
University of Calif.
Berkeley, CA 94720.

(arpanet: fateman@berkeley, uucp: ucbvax!fateman, phone (415) 642-1879)
27-Sep-82 08:00    David Lamb at CMU-10A        Yet more CS dept ratings
Found on SCORE bboard.  Gene Golub is the chairman of the CS department
at Stanford.

- - - - Begin forwarded message - - - -
26-Sep-82 14:41:43-PDT,775;000000000000
Mail-From: CSD.GOLUB created at 26-Sep-82 14:41:10
Date: 26 Sep 1982 1441-PDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Gene Golub <CSD.GOLUB at SU-SCORE>
Subject: Ratings of CS departments
To: faculty at SU-SCORE
cc: su-bboards at SU-SCORE, quate at SU-SCORE, na.pool at SU-SCORE,
    na.austin at SU-SCORE, na.barnes at SU-SCORE, na.cybenko at SU-SCORE

A  national survey of graduate education has just been completed
and here are the ratings of the leading CS departments.
MIT		4.9
CMU		4.8
YALE		3.5

No  other mathematical science department received a rating of 5!
I think we should be pleased by this but we should also recognize
that there are weaknesses in the department which we should strive
to correct.
- - - - End forwarded message - - - -
27-Sep-82 08:15    John McDermott at CMU-10A    seeking maze generator
I think there's at least one program somewhere in the environment
that generates mazes of different levels of difficulty.  Any
information about the program (like where it is and how to use it)
would be appreciated.

27-Sep-82 09:08    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Kathleen Metz please contact
        the coop. We have a check for $8.00, but can't identify you
        with a cheese ppn and assume you ordered under someone elses

27-Sep-82 09:12    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Kathleen Metz Found!!

27-Sep-82 11:42    Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A    *?\& C L A S H &/?*
From: Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A (C410VS90)
Would you think about rescheduling a talk by Andrew M. Callatay on
'Flow Process Models for Brain Architecture ' to avoid  a *?\& clash &/?*
with an  IC prime-time talk (3.30 p.m. , Tuesday) and many needless
approach-approach conflicts ? Or is this talk strictly for the big boys ?

p.s. : this is no joke ...
27-Sep-82 12:37    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      Enough robot subjects...
I hadn't expected that so few CSD people haven't seen this toy.  I've got
more than enough volunteers for that experiment.  I can still use people
who are HP calculator naive. (I also didn't think so many people were up
at 4am on Monday mornings!)

27-Sep-82 12:41    Joe Mohan at CMU-10A         Hit&Run and Auto Insurance
My car was hit when parked on the street overnight.  The insurance
company claims that this will be considered a "collission" (needless
to say, I have  "comprehensive" coverage but not  "collission").
If you have any experience in similar situations,  I'd appreciate
some advice on how I should handle this.

27-Sep-82 12:48    Carl Ebeling at CMU-10A      I need to borrow wattmeter
The kind you can plug an ordinary appliance into. For a couple of days.

27-Sep-82 12:48    Carl Ebeling at CMU-10A      DoItYourself Teflon coating
Is it possible to buy a Teflon spray that you can apply yourself?
(Presumably with some sort of heat treatment)

27-Sep-82 12:50    Carl Ebeling at CMU-10A      Watt-hour meter needed
I asked for the wrong thing.  Suggestions on how to measure the electical
consumption of an appliance gratefully accepted.

27-Sep-82 13:19    SRIRAM at CMU-20C            Seminar

Professor Herrera from National University of Mexico will lecture on
"Boundary Methods for Elastic Wave Diffraction" on Wednesday, 29th Sept.
in Wean Hall 6220. This seminar is sponsored by the depatments of
Civil Engineering and Mathematics. The seminar is of interest to
Numerical Analysts. 

Coffee and Donuts will be served following the seminar.

27-Sep-82 13:53    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Dr. Ernest Kirkwood
Dr. Ernest Kirkwood, Physical Sciences Editor, Cambridge University Press,
will be in Pittsburgh 5/6 October.  If you are interested in meeting with
him, please send mail to me by the end of the week, bjz@cmux. I have more
information on the Press and its publishing in the area of CS, stop by my
office, 4117 Wean.  

27-Sep-82 15:44    Hiroyuki Nitta at CMU-750R   Perq interface
I'd like to connect a Perq to a camera that has a GPIB output.
Any help / pointer appreciated.
                                 Thank you.
27-Sep-82 16:08    Richard Goldschmidt          Help with foreign tapes
From: Richard Goldschmidt at CMU-10A
I have two magnetic tapes made at a (ssssss) CDC installation,
and I have been unable to read them with BACKUP.  Is there
anyone who could help me read these tapes here?

27-Sep-82 16:41    Alex Waibel at CMU-IUS       words for $$$$
I am currently working on prosodic aspects in speech recognition
and consequently seeking a list of words containing mainly prosodic
difficulties. Thus I am offering  ** 10 cents ** for each interesting word
pair you can give me. Here are some examples:
	good-bye   --   good buy
	to	   --   two
	chip	   --   cheap
	sheikh	   --   chic
etc., etc.
Notice, that I am not interested in phonemic difficulties (e.g., bat - cat)
and marginally (since I can obtain a list of those from a dictionary)
in differences in stress pattern (e.g., p'erfect - perf'ect).
The first N (?) word pairs I receive, will get the money.....
27-Sep-82 16:57    Peter Schwarz at CMU-10A     Help (Still) Wanted
There are still Lieberman Queue points to be earned by a Student
Representative on the Office Assignment Committee.  Come on, out there!
It's really not such a bad job!  Read the description in

27-Sep-82 17:02    Richard Goldschmidt          Help with foreign tapes
From: Richard Goldschmidt at CMU-10A
I have two magnetic tapes made at a (ssssss) CDC installation,
and I have been unable to read them with BACKUP.  Is there
anyone who could help me read these tapes here?

27-Sep-82 17:34    Carl Ebeling at CMU-10A      Come and play soccer
There is an active group of soccer players in the department that plays
twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday) on the Cut.  There is a wide range 
of abilities and we encourage anyone who has any interest in soccer to
join in tomorrow.  We will meet at 5:30 on the Cut for a pickup game.

27-Sep-82 18:11    Lee Brownston at CMU-10A     Road race entry forms
In a previous message, I said I'd keep copies of entry forms for nearby
road races.  A list of the entry forms I have can be found in the file
race.sch[a780lb90] on CMU-10A.  I will keep this list up to date.

27-Sep-82 18:12    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Closing cometh (?) soon......
        so get your order in soon. Order closes 2 PM tomorrow.
        Party Wednesday PM at 7 in the CS lounge and sale (of
        course) Thursday at 9 AM in the CS lounge. Bye........

27-Sep-82 18:13    Jerry Agin at CMU-10A        evolution replies
...are now on EVOLUT.ION[R110JA60] on the A as well as
/usrr0/agin/temp/evolution on the R.

27-Sep-82 18:25    Bell/Chicago Guest           A Spanish book search
From: Bell/Chicago Guest at CMU-750Y
I am looking for this Spanish book: "Intermediate Spanish Conversacion
y Repaso" Copeland Kite Sandstedt. If you have, please phone at 4263
(campus) asking for Isabelle.
27-Sep-82 18:27    Jim Skees at CMU-10A         Appliances Sought
I would like to buy a used refrigerator and gas stove.  Those
who can help me fulfill these needs should call x2607 between
4 p.m. and midnight, Monday-Friday, or send me mail at CMUA.

27-Sep-82 18:47    Feng-Hsiung Hsu at CMU-10A   GO meeting schedule
Because of my wrong wording, people think the meeting will be on NEXT
Monday. No! It was supposed to be THIS Monday--I posted on Saturday.
Since it is too late to make changes to that post, the meeting this
week will begin 6pm Tuesday, Sept. 28.

27-Sep-82 19:17    James Driscoll at CMU-10A    IC After Dark
The second metting of ``Pittsburgh After Dark'' will be this Thursday at
10:00 PM in the CS lounge.  We will be going to Heaven to see the band
R.E.M.  The cover is $3:00, proof of age required.  Mail to me if you
need a ride or can drive.

27-Sep-82 22:38    Pradeep Sindhu at CMU-10A    Cross pencil found
If you can describe it, its yours.

28-Sep-82 09:27    Edith Colmer at CMU-10A      Hoagies
Would anyone like to help a little fella win a 10 speed bike The 
Pitcairn Mohawks football team is sponsoring a hoagie sale, of 
which my grandson aged 10 is a member. The kid that sells the most 
sandwiches wins a ten speed bike. The sandwich is made up of 4 meats,
2 cheese, lettuce tomato on a 12 inch bun. The price is $3.00 pre-
paid, and they will be delivered to you on Oct. 11, just in time for 
lunch. All responses will be greatly appreciated.
        Thanks, Edith Colmer, Main Office    X2612, 2565, 2596

28-Sep-82 09:43    Marc Donner at CMU-10A       Lost Coffee Cup
I have lost my coffee cup.  If you run across it, please let
me know.  It is white and says "WQED-FM" around the outside.

28-Sep-82 10:02    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Next Distinguished Lecture
The next Distinguished Lecture will take place on Thursday, September 30.  Just
ENGINEERING: THE INTEL EXPERIENCE".  The lecture will be at 4:00 in
WeH 7500; coffee and doughnuts at 3:45 in the CS Lounge.

28-Sep-82 12:13    Ed Frank at CMU-VLSI         Alumni Show at Forbes Gallery
See the work of eleven distinguished alumni of the CMU College of 
Fine Arts at the Forbes Gallery.
>From September 28 until October 10.
The artists whose work is being exhibited are:

Hugh Kepets,  Lynne Markovsky,  George Morris,  George Nama,  James Nelson, 
Shalom Noiman,  Philip Pearlstein,  Richard Rappaport,  Teresa Rozewski,  
David Shirm,  Andy Warhol,  

The opening is tonight (Tuesday), 7 to 9pm. The Forbes Gallery is
located at the corner of Margaret Morrison and Forbes Ave.
28-Sep-82 12:33    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Next Distinguished Lecture
Don't know what happened to my other message, but here's the information:
Thursday, September 30
4:00 PM
Wean Hall 7500
JUSTIN RATTNER, Intel Corporation
Coffee and doughnuts in the lounge at 3:45

28-Sep-82 12:33    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      DLSeries Schedule
A complete (almost) list of the Distinguished Lectures for the year may
be found in DLS.MSS[C910SB40].  A poster is forthcoming.  You will find
a couple of titles missing, but the lecturers are set.

28-Sep-82 15:30    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       
        The order is closed for everyone for the month of
        September. Don't forget to come to the cutting party
        tomorrow night at 7 PM in the CS lounge. Sales
        Thursday beginning at 9 AM in the CS lounge.

28-Sep-82 15:39    Earl Mounts at CMU-10A       CS Rating
The 9/29/82 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education
has a rating of selected doctoral programs, including
CS.  It is on page 9 and a copy of the CS rating is on
the bb outside the lounge.

28-Sep-82 16:00    Jill Bidwell at CMU-10A      Personnel Audit Forms
All Robotics people should turn in the forms sent by the
Personnel Office to either me or Jill Ivill (room 8116). If
the information is correct, do not throw the form away. Simply
sign it and turn it in. (This is the form for the University

28-Sep-82 16:17    SRIRAM at CMU-20C            Natural Language Processing book for sale

A brand new book on NL processing by Naomi Sager is for
sale at $27.00. The book store price is $37.50. If
you are interested in buying it send mail to SRIRAM@CMUC.
28-Sep-82 17:26    Michael Mauldin at CMU-780G  AI Triumph of the Year

*** Announcement *** Announcement *** Announcement *** Announcement ***

Happy Hackers, Inc. is pleased to announce that Rog-O-Matic VIII (called the
"AI Triumph of the Year" by Jim Reed) has been admitted to the fighter's 
guild after becomming a total winner on Level 26 of the Dungeons of Doom
with a final score of 14655.

Top Ten Adventurers [780G]:
Rank	Score	Name
1	14655	Rog-O-Matic VIII: A total winner on level 26.
2	10079	Beer Hunter: killed on level 30 by a giant ant.
3	8546	Rog-O-Matic VIII: killed on level 24 by an umber hulk.
4	7543	Raven: quit on level 21.
5	7445	Rog-O-Matic VIII: quit on level 23.
6	7245	Rog-O-Matic VIII: killed on level 21 by an umber hulk.
7	6483	Rog-O-Matic VIII: killed on level 22 by an umber hulk.
8	6088	Rog-O-Matic VIII: killed on level 18 by an umber hulk.
9	6082	Zotz: quit on level 16.
10	5982	Flash Gordon: killed on level 24 by an umber hulk.

*** Announcement *** Announcement *** Announcement *** Announcement ***
28-Sep-82 18:44    Mike Rychener at CMU-10A     Life, the Universe, & Everyth
Douglas Adams' latest book, allegedly concluding the Hitchhikers's
Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy is in CMU Bookstore. Hardcover, $9.95.

28-Sep-82 21:26    Feng-Hsiung Hsu at CMU-10A   GO Lessons
Fred Hansen will start the first GO lesson at 7pm Thursday, Sept. 30. The
first lesson will be on Opening--the first phase of the game. It is aimed
for beginners, but it may also be of help to more advanced players. The
meeting place will be CS lounge.

28-Sep-82 21:32    Gary Feldman at CMU-10A      popcorn
I have deposited half a bag of very old popcorn in the cabinet above the
stove.  It pops just fine, in spite of age.  In addition, there is a small
jar of imitation butter flavored salt.  Someone else will have to supply the
butter (real or imitation).  Enjoy!!
PS The hinged plastic platform on top of the popper, labelled "put corn here"
is a simple measuring device.  NEVER fill this section above the level of 
the surrounding rim, ALWAYS empty unpopped corn from the popper when you are
done, NEVER make more than one batch at a time, ALWAYS give the popper a
chance to cool off between batches.  The plastic top is fragile, so please
be careful.  A full measure of popcorn is a lot, so chances are you will only
want to make less than full measures.

28-Sep-82 22:07    Gary Feldman at CMU-10A      Register to vote
This is the last week to register to vote in Pgh. in the Nov. elections.
Eligibility requirements include US citizenship, being at least 18 years old
as of 2 Nov 82, and being a resident of Allegheny county for at least 30 days
prior to 2 Nov.  Students who aren't sure where "home" is may
register either where they live or where their parents live, as long as they
are not registered in two places at once.
Anyone willing to listen is welcome to hear my spiel on the advantages of
voting locally (and one or two disadvantages, maybe).  In addition,
there are strong pratical advantages (independent of ideology) for registering
in one of the major political parties, no matter what your political philosophy
may be.

29-Sep-82 00:34    Edmund Clarke at CMU-10A     Programming Systems Seminar
The first meeting of the Programming Systems Seminar will be on Monday,
October 4 at 3:30 pm in room 5409.  The speaker will be James Morris of
Xerox PARC. A short abstract of his talk is given below:
        Cedar was developed over the past three years at Xerox PARC.
It is based on the Mesa programming language and provides an integrated
environment not usually found in compiler-based languages. A film will
be shown.
        Oct 12 (Tuesday, 1:30pm)   R.P. Van de Reit
        Oct 18 (Monday, 3:30pm)    Roy Levin
        Oct 22 (Friday, 2:00pm)    David Gries
If you would like to be included on the mailing list for future seminars,
send mail to Ed Clarke@CMU-10A.

29-Sep-82 00:53    William Birmingham-59        68000 Manual
From: William Birmingham-59 at CMU-EE1
I would like to purchase a 68000 manual- anybody got one to sell?

29-Sep-82 01:01    Matt Reilly at CMU-780G      ipc performance measures
Can anyone point out a reference (or provide info) concerning relative
speeds of different UNIX ipc (ala R. Rashid) for different message types
and sizes?  Please reply to the GP vax.

Are there any hardcore UNIX IPC users out there?  Help would be appreciated.

29-Sep-82 01:34    Alex Waibel at CMU-IUS       word pairs for $$ ...
Thanks to all who responded !!!  Having neglected to provide a good
definition of "prosody" and "prosodic difficulties" I have received
quite a variety of interesting responses (to be found in CMUA:
WORDS.TXT[A610AW60] ). From "Suprasegmetals" by I. Lehiste (MIT-Press),
one of the classics in the field, here's one definition:
"In American linguistics the term [prosodic features] is used more or less
synonymously with suprasegmental features. ... are usually listed as the set
of features consisting of pitch, stress [duration, rhythm, loudness, pitch]
and quantity or defined as features whose domain extends over more than
one segment."     In summary,
most of the responses I received include mainly homographs (can-can,rose-rose)
or homonyms (too-two), which can only be disambiguated semantically or
syntactically but not acoustically (neither on the basis of segmental nor
prosodic features). Some word pairs have segmental differences.  I have in fact
a list of all such incidences from an on-line Webster's pocket (20,000 words)
dictionary (there is a remarkable number of them, so one wonders whether there
is anything non-ambiguous in speech). Responses, however, include a number
of pairs that will be good samples for further study. How -at the absence
of syntax or semantics (imagine an isolated word recognition task) -
for instance (iff at all), do we (and how could a machine) disambiguate :
	lightning - lightening
	tailor	  - tail or
	gram      - graham
	line	  - lion
	ice cream - I scream
well, anyway, grab me in my office sometimes, ..." Fort Dallas, scents,
african of pep sea, ore a tree tough Emanem "

29-Sep-82 04:16                                 
Mail-from: ARPANET site CMU-10A rcvd at 27-Sep-82 2035-PDT
Date: 27 September 1982 2333-EDT (Monday)
Attention: InfoLaw bboard
From: Michael.Shamos at CMU-10A
Subject: Important Software Copyright Case [long message]
Message-Id: <27Sep82 233351 MS20@CMU-10A>
Remailed-date: 27 Sep 1982 2336-PDT
Remailed-from: Jon Solomon <JSol at USC-ECLB>
Remailed-to: INFO-LAW: ;

The following Federal District Court decision should be of interest to
readers of this mailing list.  It is GCA Corp. v. Chance, No. C-82-1063,
(N.D. Cal., July 12, 1982).  Three former employees of GCA left and took
with them the EPRO
29-Sep-82 11:12    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Pgh Nat. Bank having sale
Pittsburgh National Bank (at least the 5th & Craig Street Branch)  is having
a sale on Safety Deposit Box rentals.  If you are a PNB customer and have
never rented a box before, you get it 1/2 price for the first year.  The
prices vary.
29-Sep-82 12:12    Earl Mounts at CMU-10A       Sensor review
Five issues of Sensor review are missing from the Library.
If anyone has them, we'd appreciate their return.

29-Sep-82 12:40    Richard Korf at CMU-10A      Billy Price and the Keystone
Rythm Band will be playing in the Skibo Ballroom this Friday, from 9 PM
to 2 AM. Free admission. Sponsored by Common Grounds (AB Dance).

29-Sep-82 14:44    Dorothy Josephson at CMU-10A Mailing Lists
Would someone who has had experience in maintaining mailing lists
that generate labels on the computer be kind enough to instruct me
on how to do this?  If you call me on x2619, we can set up a time
for the lesson.  Thanks in advance.

29-Sep-82 14:54    Nathaniel Borenstein         A New bboard system
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
There is now a bboard system available at CMU which is *better* than the 
TOPS-10 bboard system.  This system is actually a bboard package for UNIX 
Emacs.  It duplicates virtually all of the capabilities of the CMUA bboard 
system, mostly with the same command names, and adds several helpful features.
For example: The "type" command will type files from any Ethernet host, not 
merely from the machine you are on.  The system keeps track of the last notice
you actually looked at on each bboard, rather than the time you last checked
that bboard; thus you can quit halfway through a bboard and later resume
reading it without missing anything.  Also, there is a "post" command that 
allows you to post something without leaving the bboard system.  As maintainer
of the CMUA bboard system, I strongly recommend that everyone who currently
uses that system (and isn't afraid of UNIX Emacs) should switch over to the 
new system at their earliest convenience.

Some instructions for new users of the system can be found in the file 
/usrg0/nsb/maclib/bb.howto on the GP VAX.  The package is now part of the
Emacs library on all of the CMU UNIX systems.  If you have an old copy of
the prototype, please delete it.  I will maintain only the library version.

Bugs, comments, and kudos to nsb@g.
29-Sep-82 14:59    Nathaniel Borenstein         A new bboard system
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
There is now a bboard system available at CMU which is *better* than the 
TOPS-10 bboard system.  This system is actually a bboard package for UNIX 
Emacs.  It duplicates virtually all of the capabilities of the CMUA bboard 
system, mostly with the same command names, and adds several helpful features.
For example: The "type" command will type files from any Ethernet host, not 
merely from the machine you are on.  The system keeps track of the last notice
you actually looked at on each bboard, rather than the time you last checked
that bboard; thus you can quit halfway through a bboard and later resume
reading it without missing anything.  Also, there is a "post" command that 
allows you to post something without leaving the bboard system.  As maintainer
of the CMUA bboard system, I strongly recommend that everyone who currently
uses that system (and isn't afraid of UNIX Emacs) should switch over to the 
new system at their earliest convenience.

Some instructions for new users of the system can be found in the file 
/usrg0/nsb/maclib/bb.howto on the GP VAX.  The package is now part of the
Emacs library on all of the CMU UNIX systems.  If you have an old copy of
the prototype, please delete it.  I will maintain only the library version.

Bugs, comments, and kudos to nsb@g.
29-Sep-82 15:58    Nathaniel Borenstein         10bb executable
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
The 10bb program on the VAXes, described in the new bboard system 
documentation, is now executable on the GP and will be executable on
the other machines tomorrow.  Sorry about that.
29-Sep-82 17:04    Hook at CMU-10A              Ticket to Gang of 4
I have an extra ticket for the Gang of Four concert being held tonight
in the Skibo Ballroom.  It's yours for what it cost me: $8.00.  Call me
at 578-3056 or 362-0296 or send me mail on the A.

29-Sep-82 18:40    Gary Feldman at CMU-10A      City Income Tax:clarification
First, it is clear that income earned during the summer months is NOT
NECESSARILY taxable.  Plan I jobs are technically an extra three months
of grad school (tuition free), so that income constitutes a continuation of
our stipend, and is not taxed by the city, state, or federal governments.
Secondly, the city tax is technically a WAGE tax, not an income tax.  Income
such as interest on bank accounts, which is taxable by the state and federal
governments, is not taxed by the city, and will not necessitate the filing of a

29-Sep-82 19:57    Ed Frank at CMU-VLSI         income tax: clarification
As I understand it, the PGH tax is an EARNED INCOME tax, not simply
a wage tax. Thus both wages (as noted on your W-2 form) and
other income (consulting, etc., as is sometimes reported on 1099 forms)
are potentially taxable. 
29-Sep-82 20:39    Hook at CMU-10A              Ticket to Gang of 4
I have an extra ticket for the Gang of Four concert being held tonight
in the Skibo Ballroom.  It's yours for what it cost me: $8.00.  Call me
at 578-3056 or 362-0296 or send me mail on the A.

29-Sep-82 20:40    Norm Pleszkoch at CMU-10A    A Quick Quiz
   Match the words in column 1 with the appropriate word, phrase or
name from column 2.
   These words were the theme of a crossword puzzle in New York
magazine a few years ago. The puzzle was compiled by either
Steven Sondheim or Richard Maltby.
   See DSKC:QUIZ.ANS[X400NP90] for the answer and a few more
examples of the relationship.
.     column 1                        column 2
.  1) wonder                       a) ole
.  2) root                         b) obey
.  3) phallus                      c) underway
.  4) bow                          d) assay
.  5) where                        e) Alice Faye
.  6) low                          f) x-ray
.  7) sass                         g) airway
.  8) wrecks                       h) outre

29-Sep-82 20:41    Mark Stehlik at CMU-10A      City Income Tax
>From the instructions to the 1981 Pittsburgh City Income Tax:
Who must file a tax return:
    Every resident individual receiving taxable income during 1981
    Every non-resident (e.g. grad students) individual receiving taxable
    income for 1981 from sources within Pittsburgh.
It is clear that money that is earned in Pittsburgh during the summer is
taxable income (since the Fed thinks it is), while it is also clear that
stipends are not taxable income.
This is a public service announcement, since the deadline for filing
for 1981 is midnight Thursday.  The reason that the deadline is so late is
due to the fact that this is a new form and procedure for the city and they
wanted to give people the most time possible to file.  Some forms are in the
lounge, more can be obtained from the City-County building downtown.
Note that even if tax was withheld, you still must file if you fall under
one of the above categories for 1981.  Be warned, the penalty for not filing
is $500.00 plus interest on the tax owed.  The city claims they will pursue
all who do not file.  They claim that they will find out if you should have
filed by cross-checking with state returns.

29-Sep-82 21:57    Aravinda Sistla at CMU-10A   THESIS TYPING
************THESIS TYPING*********THESIS TYPING************************
        I am looking for somebody to type my thesis on the computer
probably using Scribe. It will be about 200 to 250 pages. It has to be
completed approximately by the end of NOVEMBER. Interested people are
requested to send me a message on CMUA giving their phone number and
other details like how much they charge.

29-Sep-82 22:39    SRIRAM at CMU-20C            Scribe Bibliography Builder

If you want to build bibliography files on CMUC 
type Run <sriram>sbb
This program was written by a friend of mine (N. Holtz)
and is used extensively on TopsC
For further documentation see <sriram>Sbb.doc
29-Sep-82 23:59    Daniel Leivant at CMU-10A    Logic of Programs course
A short graduate course on Logics of Programs will start coming
Monday, October 4, and end November 4.  Course number is 15-855,
course credit 5 units.
Classes will be held Mondays 1:30 to 2:45 and Thursdays 12 to 1:15.
Both days at 5409.
In the first half of the course we will discuss Dynamic Logics
with very high expressive power.  We shall then study Hoare
Logics as a fragment of Dynamic Logics enriched with
additional programming constructs.
The course will be formally self contained, and the basic concepts and
results of First Order Logic will be presented.  However, previous
exposure to Logic will be realistically necessary to assimilate all
the material.

30-Sep-82 02:41    Doug Philips at CMU-10A      Pancake Kitchen has new hours
Fellow PK Frequenters,
        Pancake Kitchen has changed its schedule.  It is now open until
9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, staying open until 3 or 4 a.m. only on
Friday and Saturday.  I don't think the opening time has changed
P.S.  Yes, I found out the hard way.

30-Sep-82 07:39    Mary Shaw at CMU-10A         One sup pun at I'm
A few years ago, a fairy tale (ferret ale?) called "Ladle Rot Writing
Hut" or something like that was circulating in the department.  If
anyone out there still has a copy, could you send it to Alex Waibel?

30-Sep-82 10:14    Nathaniel Borenstein         Future UNIX bboard notices
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-10A
Future notices about the new UNIX Emacs bboard system will only appear
on the unix bboard.  If you're interested in the new system, you should
make sure you're reading that bboard, which is only available on the
UNIX systems.
Sorry about the duplicate postings yesterday; that was my fault, not
the fault of the new software.

30-Sep-82 10:25    Nathaniel Borenstein         Element 109 created
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
A group of German scientists have reported the fabrication of the 109th
element.  It hung around for 5 whole milliseconds.  As far as I know, it
doesn't yet have a name.
30-Sep-82 10:26    Siemens1 at CMU-750X         City Tax
The City does have access to state tax information.
They got my address from them.
Thus, we can expect crosschecking.
30-Sep-82 11:10    Jaime Carbonell at CMU-10A   IC programming contest
This is an indirect announcement. The winners of the IC programming
contest will be announced at this friday's IC-closing TG. The two
64-dollar questions as to who's the most elegant and who's the fastest
will finally be answered.

30-Sep-82 11:39    Sesh Murthy at CMU-750M      Pittsburgh Tax returns.
For which time period is the filing  deadline expiring today.  Does this
period include 82 summer.  Where  can I get the forms if I have to file
a return.
						Thanks Sesh
30-Sep-82 13:32    Nathaniel Borenstein         Taxes for non-residents?
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
Does anybody know whether we suburbanites who already pay local taxes
(e.g. to Wilkinsburg) need to register with the Pittsburgh folks at all?
I had assumed that we didn't, but am starting to wonder.
30-Sep-82 13:48    Nathaniel Borenstein         Taxes for non-residents?
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
Does anybody know whether we suburbanites who already pay local taxes
(e.g. to Wilkinsburg) need to register with the Pittsburgh folks at all?
I had assumed that we didn't, but am starting to wonder.
30-Sep-82 14:23    Jerry Agin at CMU-750R       Food raffle
Once again I am able to offer tickets for the "Family Food Basket" raffle.
A ticket entitles you to one chance in a thousand of winning 130 pounds of
meat, 100 pounds of staples, 12 cases of canned goods, and 6 cases of
beer, whiskey, and wine.  The complete list is in RAFFLE.TXT[R110JA60],
/usrr0/agin/temp/raffle.txt, and <Agin>Raffle.Txt.  Tickets are two dollars,
and the proceeds benefit the Junior Tamburitzans of the South Hills.
30-Sep-82 14:40    Jerry Agin at CMU-750R       Ladle Rat Rotten Hut
... see /usrr0/agin/archive/rotten.hut, ROTTEN.HUT[R110JA60], or
30-Sep-82 14:42    Daniel Duchamp at CMU-780G   Qual readings
   I am in process of collecting all of the readings for this year's
 qualifiers.  I will assemble them so that Sharon can copy them 
 wholesale and save people the grief of having to run to the library
 to get papers one by one.  I understand that this same trick
 was done last year, and I would appreciate it if someone who has 
 last year's batch would loan me their readings.  I am assuming that
 the readings will not change much from year to year; if I can get a
 copy of last year's material, then this year's students can get their
 qual readings much more quickly.
   Please contact me if you have a set of last year's readings.
30-Sep-82 16:39    David McCarty at CMU-10A     Logic Lunch
There will be another logic lunch tomorrow, Friday, at 12.45
in the cafeteria of Carnegie Library! If you're into food
poisoning and ultrafilters, stop by.

30-Sep-82 16:39    David McCarty at CMU-10A     Free furniture!
I have a spacious wooden dresser that desperately needs a new
home. The dresser is in fair condition; it has six large
drawers and four small. I would be delighted to give this
sublime example of unremarkable design to anyone willing to
come and get it. If you're interested, send mail.

30-Sep-82 16:40    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Further City Tax Info
        I called downtown (donton), and the additional piece of information
I got is that the $500 penalty is for not filing at all, whereas the
interest penalty is for any lateness.  So if you wait until Monday and
they don't catch you first, you won't get the $500 fine.  The other
information was confirmed.

30-Sep-82 18:38    Michael Browne at CMU-780G   NOMIC
	Has anyone out there ever played NOMIC?  I would like to
hear about anyone's experiences with the game, particularly if the
game was played using a computer to store the rules.  (NOMIC is a
game in which each move is to change a rule, which makes it difficult
to totally computerize.  I forget the inventor's name, but the game
was written up in the June 1982 Scientific American. A copy of the
initial set of rules in press format can also be found in NOMIC.PRE[C410MB90]
on the A or /usrg1/mcb/letters/ on the GP VAX if anyone
is interested.)
	Any suggestions about how to modify the rules to make computer
play feasible would be appreciated. 
	Please mail to browne@cmua.
30-Sep-82 19:15    Ivor Durham at CMU-10A       Attention Tylenol Users!
CBS news reports that there is a contaminated batch of Tylenol capsules on the
market.  It is contaminated with cyanide and so far four people have died in
the Chicago area.  The batch number is MC 2880 and refers to 50-count bottles
(I think).  They say that the inside of un-contaminated capsules is dry and
white white power.  The contaminated ones are moist and crystalline inside.
Although drug stores in 30 states have been checking their shelves I don't know
if this area is affected.

30-Sep-82 19:54    David Lamb at CMU-10A        new program: DRAT
DRAT is a program to maintain listings, intended as a replacement for
the older AT program.  It is available on NEW: on CMUA and CMUC.
Documentation is available on DOC: on CMUA and soon on CMUC.  At the
moment the principal advantages of DRAT over AT are its improved user
interface and its ability to create listings suitable for the Xerox
9700.  Eventually (i.e. when the authors need it for their own
purposes) it will be able to print DoubleSided listings for the 9700
and TwoUp listings for the 9700 and Dover.  To convert old AT LRC
files to new DRAT control files, run the program ATCONV on S200DL10
on CMUA, or on PS:<LAMB.DRAT> on CMUC.
Brought to you by David Lamb and Ivor Durham.

30-Sep-82 20:03    Operator at CMU-10A          Found Keys
A set of keys was found in the terminal room on Thursday.  Identify them
and they're yours.

30-Sep-82 20:26    Hans Moravec at CMU-10A      Non-resident Pgh taxes
The first page of the tax form says the honor of filing the form
goes to residents of Pgh (defined as people domiceled here, who
have their permanent home here - not those just living here
temporarily) and to non-residents who derive income in Pgh.
The back of the form further points out that residents of Pgh.
pay 1.25% city taxes and 1.5% school taxes on all earned income,
whereas non-residents who work here pay 1% city taxes and no
school taxes.  Warner hall seems to have the withholding for
all this figured out, with student labor, for instance, usually
taxed as non-resident.    BUT - I, for instance, am an alien
here on a visitor's visa, and Warner hall withheld no Pgh taxes
at all.  I'm also a late riser, and didn't get a chance to call
anybody, so I mailed in my last year's 1%.  Now is there a clause
not duplicated on the tax form re foreigners which would have
been good for me to be aware of

30-Sep-82 20:40    Tom Lane at CMU-10A          City taxes on consulting
Consultants do have to pay the business privilege tax (leastwise, I paid
it last year). It's possible that you can escape it if your consulting
is done ONLY for customers outside Pgh. 
  The B.P. tax is rather peculiar in that it is levied in a lump sum at
the beginning of each year, based on the @i(previous) year's profits.
  The best way to ask questions about consulting taxes is to call the
City Treasurer's office (see the back of the phone book). The person
who answers the New Business Registration number is usually helpful.

30-Sep-82 20:41    Rick Gumpertz at CMU-10A     Pgh. Tax returns
The Pgh. tax returns due today cover earned income for 1981.  The 1982 ones
will be due on April 15, 1983.  Note, however, that consultants may have to
register NOW with the city (form WTER).  They will then be required to pay the
city and school wage tax on self-employment income incrementally (rather than
at the end of the year).  In addition, they may have to pay a business
privilege tax (and maybe the $10 occupation tax, if not paid somehow else).
The definition for the business privilege tax is:
        All persons, partnerships, associations and corporations
        carrying on or exercising for gain or profit or otherwise,
        within the City of Pittsburgh, any Trade, Business, Financial
        Profession, Vocation, Service, Construction, Communication,
        or Commercial Activity, making sales to a Pittsburgh Office
        or place of business, are required to register with the City
        Treasurer and pay a 5 Mill [that's 0.5%] Tax on each dollar
        of volume of the gross annual receipts.
That seems to me to include consulting, but I would sure appreciate
confirmation or refutation by someone better versed in the law than I.  When I
provide consulting, for example, am I "making a sale" or does that apply only
to property?

30-Sep-82 20:42    Csfsu at CMU-10A             DRC Election
David Nichols is the new student member of the Departmental Review
Committee.  Talk with him (or any other DRC member) concerning
departmental and Ph.D. program matters.

30-Sep-82 21:35    eddie caplan at CMU-10A      jelly beans for sale
i have some 30 pounds of gourmet jelly beans for sale.  price is $2.00/lb.
these are pretty good reagan beans, in assorted flavors.  send mail, or
just see me.

30-Sep-82 22:10    Feng-Hsiung Hsu at CMU-10A   GO Mailing List
I have sent mail to all persons on the GO mailing list. If you didn't
receive it, then you are not on the list. Send mail to me, if you want to
be added.

30-Sep-82 22:19    Peter Andrews at CMU-10A     Free kitten
The kitten is housebroken, healthy, black, cute, and free to whoever can 
offer it a good home. It will almost certainly be a good mouser. Call me
at 578-2554 or 963-9514, or send mail, if you would like it.

01-Oct-82 02:10    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Square Dance Tonight
Dolores Heagy will call to the music of the Coal Country Cloggers Band.
Beginners welcome, as always.  Details in SQUARE.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA.

01-Oct-82 07:05    BUNDY    HPS  <bundy@edxa>   Edinburgh Abstracts List
The Edinburgh Artificial Intelligence Department produces a series of
research memoranda (Research Reports) and one of teaching notes
(Occasional Papers).  A list of abstracts is regularly circulated.  If
you would like to get on the mailing list for this list then contact
Margaret Pithie, Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of
Edinburgh, Forrest Hill, Edinburgh, EH1 2QL, Scotland.
01-Oct-82 08:32    Chuck Thorpe at CMU-IUS      Wig Wad Bolf
The recent notices about Rotten Hut reminded me of a couple of stories.  One
is about the Pee Thrigs and the Wig Wad Bolf.  The other ends with "The
storal of the morey is don't get your cail taught in a trox fap".  Does
anyone have a pointer to the complete versions of these?
01-Oct-82 10:07    James Morris at CMU-10A      Statistical Package?
Who can help me find and use a local statistics package

01-Oct-82 10:07    Jill Fain at CMU-10A         Life, Universe et al.
While I was vacuuming the living room the other day, I inadvertently
disturbed our local improbability field: the result is that I now
own TWO copies of Douglas Adams' latest -- Life, the Universe and
Everything. Would anyone like to buy one? They are both in perfect
condition and for those of you still recovering from the Pretty
Good Race, this will save you a walk to the bookstore. Send mail
to jill@cmua.

01-Oct-82 10:21    Barry Silverman at CMU-10A   Info on 68000 needed
I am searching for price and specification information on 68000 based
computers in various configurations (with a UNIX implemetation in mind).
Price lists and spec sheets are what I'm after and would gladly come by
and copy the information.
Thanks in advance.

01-Oct-82 10:28    Gary Strohm at CMU-780D      ? post-dating checks ?
Before leaving for vacation, I wrote a post-dated check to my landlord for
the first of the month knowing funds will be direct deposited the day
before. Three days before the date on the check, the landlord successfully
cashed the check, of course it bounced, and bank sends me the bill. Who is
(ir)responsible?  I thought a bank would not cash a check before it's date,
the bank says it is illegal to write post-dated checks, someone else tells
me the casher is responsible. After a long discussion with the bank they
said, "We'll overlook it this time, but don't do it again." What is the law? 
01-Oct-82 11:03    Nathaniel Borenstein         Suburban tax answer
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
According to City Hall, people who work in Pittsburgh but live in a suburb
that charges a wage tax have nothing to worry about with the Pittsburgh wage
tax.  The only thing we are liable to Pittsburgh for is the $10 annual
occupation tax, which is deducted from our paychecks each January.
01-Oct-82 11:16    Philip Wadler at CMU-750Y    More Tylenol
The report I heard (NPR's Morning Edition) said that two different
batches of Tylenol were contaminated.  (Sorry, I don't remember the
number of the second batch.)  The manufacturer agreed to pull the first
batch from the shelves, but would not admit that the second batch was
contaminated because there is only one death attributed to it so far.
01-Oct-82 11:48    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Tylenol 2nd number

The number associated with the second batch of Extra Strength Tylenol is
MD1910 (the number can be located in the upper right portion of the label).
All fatalities have occurred in suburbs of Chicago. Nine people in Pittsburgh
have been admitted to local hospitals.  Call Pgh Poison Control if you
are suspicious, 681-6669.

01-Oct-82 11:48    Mark Stehlik at CMU-10A      The Restaurant at the End...
of the Universe is now (finally) available in paperback.  The bookstore
had a few copies left this morning when I went over to pick up the Times.
They can be found on the table with new books (right next to the hardcover
edition of Life, the Universe & Everything), in the humor section and in
the science fiction section.  Share and Enjoy.

01-Oct-82 14:08    David McCarty at CMU-10A     Dresser departs
My thanks to all those kind people who wrote in response to my 
plea for housing for my dresser. The dresser has now been

01-Oct-82 14:11    Alfred Spector at CMU-10A    Processes or Coroutines
I am doing some experiments involving process synchronization.  They
require the use of a Pascal-like language, usable here, that provides
either a rudimentary notion of process, or else some type of coroutine
facility.  I would appreciate suggestions as to what language and
environment would be easiest to use.  

01-Oct-82 14:21    Decfive at CMU-10A           last ic tg!
come join us at the last ic tg for bagels and beer!

01-Oct-82 15:46    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Line Printer Etiquette
        Until the Dover works, a number of us will be forced to return
to the Dark Ages of line printers.  This will require slightly
different actions on the part of those who produce output.  One example
is that the line printer prints a banner page at the beginning that
says BEGIN all over it, and one at the end that says END.  If you
"burst" (i.e., separate) a print-out, and the names on the two banner
sheets disagree, this indicates that there is at least one more
print-out in there that needs to be bursted (needs bursted?).  Please
burst output that came out before yours, just as you do with Dover
output.  (Of course, there may be output sandwiched between two by the
same person.)
        There was a huge back-log of unburst output, which is now
burst, and distributed between the top of the LPT (a bad thing to do)
and the rack on top of the LPT behind it (the right thing to do).
        There is now quite a lot of output waiting to be picked up.  Please
come get it.  To see if your output is out, do a "sys q", which will list the
line printer queue.

01-Oct-82 16:18    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Qualifier Syllabi
Syllabi are available for Artificial Intelligence, Programming Systems,
and Artificial Intelligence in the Computer Science Main Office, WeH 4212.
The syllabus for Theory will be available on Monday, Oct. 4.

01-Oct-82 16:28    Jill Fain at CMU-10A         Universe Sold
Thanks for all the replies, Victor M. is the proud owner of my spare
copy; sorry, but the rest of you will have to walk to the bookstore.

01-Oct-82 18:46    Zellich at OFFICE-3          List of Mailing-Lists Updated
From: Zellich at OFFICE-3 (Rich Zellich)
OFFICE-3 file <ALMSA>INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT has been updated and is ready
for FTP.  OFFICE-3 supports the net-standard "ANONYMOUS" Login within
FTP, using any password.

INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT is currently 981 lines (or 39,511 characters).
Please try to limit your FTP jobs to before 0600-CDT and after 1600-
CDT if possible, as the system is heavily loaded during most of the


      Coordinator name corrected.
      New mailing-list added (Timex/Sinclair 1000/ZX80/ZX81).
      New mailing-list added (there are now 2 separate TCP-IP mailing-lists).
      Name of archive file corrected.
01-Oct-82 19:00    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    AI Programming book for sale
I'd like to sell a brand new copy of "Artificial Intelligence Programming" by
Charniak, Reisbeck, and (Drew) McDermott.  The book offers a good introduction
to writing nontrivial AI programs in Lisp.  Having acquired it by tieing for
first place in a Lisp programming contest, I think I can safely say that the
cash would do me more good.  Any reasonable offer considered.

01-Oct-82 19:01    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    book gone

01-Oct-82 19:04    Michael Mauldin at CMU-780G  Touretzky's Book Gone
Sorry folks, but that's what you get for relying on computer messages. 
The human mind (and mouth) are a clearly superior system.  Fuzzy
01-Oct-82 19:23    Jaime Carbonell at CMU-10A   Last word on the IC contest
Winner of the Speed contest: Dave Touretzky
Second place: James Morris
There was no clear winner for the elegance contest, but a 3-way tie for 
second place: Michael Brown, Robert Stockton & Dave Touretzky.
The specific results & timings are posted on the physical BB.
The programs of the winners reside in a110nl01 under their PPNs 
on CMUA. ("dir dt50*[a110nl01]" will tell you Dave's programs).

01-Oct-82 22:31    Bill Russell <RUSSELL@NYU>   A fond goodbye
retired serial #4, a Control Data Corporation 6600.  This computer
system has been in use here at NYU since May of 1965.
Remailed-date: 01 Oct 1982 2211-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML
Remailed-To: BBOARD at CMU-20C,
             :INCLUDE: "DSKB:BBLIST.DST[F100BB00]" at CMU-10A
Remailed-From: Bboard.Maintainer at CMU-10A
Remailed-Date:  1 October 1982 2227-EDT

As far we know it was oldest CDC 6000 series machine still operating.

We hope that we get as much productive use of our newer machines
as we have received from serial #4.

I was a CDC CE for this machine before converting to systems
programming.  I have many fond (and not so fond) memories of
this system.  May all of the newer systems serve as well as
serial #4.

For your information, serial #1 CDC 6600 is currently on display at
the Digital Computing Museum in Marlboro, Massachusetts.
02-Oct-82 10:35    David Lamb at CMU-10A        DOD Arpanet newsletter
DOD Arpanet Newsletter #16 appears as TEMP:ANWS16.TXT[C410DL10]
on CMUA and /usr/lamb/anws16.txt on CMUG.  This note talks about
the cutover to IP/TCP on January 1, 1983.  I copied it from
the SCORE bboard.

02-Oct-82 10:42    Karsten Schwans at CMU-10A   Systems Programmer Job
The Computer and Information Science Department at the Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, is looking for a systems programmer.
You will be working with Vax Unix systems, with a Dec2060, and with
standalone PDP-11/34 and 11/70's. You will be working with a young,
energetic group of faculty doing research in software engineering,
operating systems, artificial intelligence, and data base systems.
Please send me a note if you are interested in the job (as of tomorrow
or in the near future). Salary is competitive. Karsten Schwans@cmua

02-Oct-82 14:24    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    writing fast MacLisp code
Those interested in writing fast MacLisp code (or in winning MacLisp
programming contests) should see the file WIN.TXT[C410DT50], where all my
secrets are revealed.

02-Oct-82 17:00    Paul Reiber at CMU-780G      sinclair zx-Spectrum
Does anyone know if they are available in the states yet?
What about the 3-inch hi-density diskdrives? <I am not
a micro-freak but may become one... if it can fit in
my budget>   Thanx in advance.
			Paul Reiber
02-Oct-82 22:34    ka:ren <kew at MIT-MC>       Important international meeting
			International Conference on

		      Office Work and New Technology

			    Oct. 28 and 29
			      Boston, MA
			  Parker House Hotel

The International Conference on Office Work and New Technology will
bring together European and North American office workers, scholars,
trade union representatives, policy makers, and corporate users and
manufacturers of office technologies to discuss the social impacts of
office automation.

The Goals of the conference are:

1) To inform concerned constituencies and the North American public
about the problems and potentials of office automation, relevant
findings, and government, trade union, and management efforts in this
area on these issues.

2) To demonstrate, by sharing European and North American experiences,
that alternative approaches to automation are both possible and

Speakers will include labor, academic, government, and employer
representatives from Norway, Sweden, England, France, Germany and
Italy who are experts on employment impacts and policies, job design
and job stress, career training and equal opportunity, and computer
systems design.

Featured panels will examine:

	Automation and Office Employment
	Occupational Health
	Effects on Quality of Work, Skills, and Training, and Equal
	Alternatives for the Future

Participatory workshops will follow each panel to explore the issues
and alternatives in greater depth, and to provide for consultation
with European experts.

The Working Women Education Fund is a non-profit corporation
conducting research and education programs in the interest of women
office workers.  Many of the programs of the Working Women Education
Fund are carried out by 9 to 5, National Association of Working Women,
a national association of clerical workers working to win rights and
respect on the job.

For more information on fees and registration, please write or call:

International Conference
Working Women Education Fund
1224 Huron Road, 3rd floor
Cleveland, Ohio  44115
02-Oct-82 22:35    Anthony Stentz at CMU-780G   Study Group

I am organizing a study group for the Theory Qual in the Spring.
If you're interested, send mail to STENTZ@CMUA.

03-Oct-82 03:03    Michael Leibensperge         'Fridge needed...
From: Michael Leibensperge at CMU-10A
Anyone out there know where I can find a functioning
refridgerator, relatively cheap  The key word is
"functioning" (the one I've got no longer does).
        == Mike Leibensperger

03-Oct-82 13:49    Paul Birkel at CMU-10A       Cheese paraphernalia lost!
        The Cheese Coop used to own 4 large and distinctive knives
        for cutting cheese as well as at least 3 cheese cutting
        boards. All of these items were kept in the CS lounge, and
        were thus available to other users. Over the past year the
        number of cutting boards has diminished to @i(one) and we
        are reduced to using the bottom of the metal pans or the
        table tops themselves. Another knife has also disappeared,
        leaving us with three and the few steak-type knives floating
        This past cutting party was thus made more disorderly than
        normal by a lack of equipment.
        Unless these items make their re-appearance soon the coop
        will be forced to replace them by raising the cheese prices
        or eliminating tgs, as well as keeping them in a less accessable
        Please help out for the benefit of all.
                                Paul, Jeff and Robin

03-Oct-82 15:56    David McCarty at CMU-10A     Nonclassical logics
Various members of the community had asked to be notified of the times
at which I will be discussing alternative logics during my course on
Model Theory. I plan to introduce derviation systems for intuition-
istic and modal logics and discuss very generally the conceptual
feasibility of alternatives to classical logics tomorrow, Monday,
at 11.30 in room 6423. The course meeting should last approximately
fifty minutes. 

03-Oct-82 16:08    Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A    help me move...
If someone has a small truck/pick-up van , will he spare some
time to help me move some newly acquired furniture to my 
apatment ? Please call X3827 or mail @A.

03-Oct-82 17:53    Bboard Maintainer at CMU-10A List of Lists Updated
The list of mailing lists from OFFICE-3 has been updated and is available
on CMUA as the ARPABB bboard.

03-Oct-82 18:13    Ellis Cohen at CMU-10A       My Engagement
I am happy to announce my engagement to Julia Lerner.  Julia is originally
from Russia and has been in this country for 5 years.  Though she had obtained
a degree in Russia, she decided to attend college in the U.S. and took a
course from me at Brandeis.  We will be married next June in Boston.

03-Oct-82 18:59    James Muller at CMU-750Y     ET and chainsaw
Does anyone have a picture of ET holding a chainsaw (in press file format)
that I could use? If so, please send me a pointer to it.

03-Oct-82 19:34    Wilson Harvey at CMU-IUS     For anyone interested ...
I have a picture of ET holding a chainsaw in .press file format.  The file
exists in /usr/wah/public/ on the IUS.
03-Oct-82 19:36    Scott Fahlman at CMU-10A     Rumor of the Week :-)
The person singing the theme at the start of each Star Trek episode is
in fact Slim Whitman.
Special bonus rumor: Slim Whitman has just been hired by Tartan Labs.

03-Oct-82 21:47    Wilson Harvey at CMU-IUS     For anyone interested ...
I have a picture of ET holding a chainsaw in .press file format.  The file
exists in /usr/wah/public/ on the IUS.
03-Oct-82 23:43    Guy Jacobson at CMU-780G     Holding a chainsaw??    :-)
Does anyone have a picture of R2D2 holding a seed auger in TeX format?
Or how about a rendering of Yoda with a lathe for use with nroff?
Any pointers to digitized images of short, cute aliens holding power
tools would be greatly appreciated.
04-Oct-82 08:54    Howard Gayle at CMU-780G     Bliss for IBM 370?
Does anyone know of a Bliss compiler for the (humble apologies) IBM 370?
04-Oct-82 10:06    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Computer Systems Syllabus
The syllabus for Computer Systems is also available in the main CS office.
My earlier post should have said so, rather than two doses of artificial
Happy qualifying!!!

04-Oct-82 10:08    Mary Shaw at CMU-10A         DOVER output
People with output filed as EFG, LM, QR, ST: please pick up output; your
bins are overflowing.  People desiring picture of ET with chainsaw: please
photocopy one of the copies on top of the Dover instead of running off more.

04-Oct-82 10:23    Roberto Bisiani at CMU-10A   need pgh income tax form
Do you have one extra form? I just got back and "discovered"
this "feature" of living here. THANKS.

04-Oct-82 10:28    Jan Zubkoff at CMU-10A       Algorithms I
15-756, taught by Jon Bentley, will begin on Friday, October 8.  Meet
in WE 5409 at 1:30.  There after it will be held Wednesday and Friday,
same time same place.

04-Oct-82 10:32    Michael Browne at CMU-780G   NOMIC
If anyone is interested in joining in a game of NOMIC that will start
shortly, please send mail to me either at A or G.
04-Oct-82 11:31    Randy Pausch at CMU-780G     Study Group for Prog. Systems
I'm looking into the possibility of a study group for the 
Programming Systems Qual, for those people who plan to take it
in the Spring.  If you'd be interested, send mail to rfp@g

04-Oct-82 12:57    Lars Ericson at CMU-10A      Oct. 82 IEEE Spectrum
This issue just came out.  If anybody would like to sell or give me their
copy when done with it, please send me mail.
        Thanks very much,

04-Oct-82 13:10    Rick Rashid at CMU-750X      UNIX jobs available
PARSEC, a new startup company in Dallas, is interested in systems people with
UNIX and UNIX kernel experience to work on a project to build a
UNIX system (hardware and software) which will be "20 to 60 times faster
than a VAX 780 for the same price".  I don't personally know anything about
the company and thus cannot recommend or endorse them.  Those interested 
should contact Ken Czajka at (214) 386-0547.  
04-Oct-82 13:25    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    items on the physical bboard
Items on the physical bboard are there for you to read but not take, unless
they're obviously intended for consumption (e.g., theater tickets, coupons,
merchandise order forms.)  Last night I posted a photograph that was clearly
marked "return to DT50 in room 4103."  It disappeared some time this morning.
If you "borrowed" it, GIVE IT BACK!

04-Oct-82 13:29    Charles Forgy at CMU-10A     Computer Architecture News?
Could anyone lend me the issue of CAN that contains the article
about the Intel 80286?  I need it for only a few hours.

04-Oct-82 13:33    Edith Colmer at CMU-10A      Hoagies
I would like to thank everyone who ordered hoagies from me. I will 
have them for you on Monday, Oct. 11th, so you can enjoy yours for
lunch. Also, the money is to be turned in tomorrow. Thanks again 
everyone, I will let you know if we won the bike.
             Edith Colmer

04-Oct-82 14:15    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Real last word on IC Contest
        The file icblurb.doc[c410rf60] contains the final results of
the IC Contest, plus instructions on how to test your version of the
matcher, in case you're one of those who wouldn't enter.   Hardcopy
will soon appear on the non-electronic bulletin board.  I'd like to
hear if anyone's program successfully navigates all of our tests.  Thanks.

04-Oct-82 14:55    Marc Donner at CMU-10A       Fallingwater
DEC/5 is sponsoring a trip to visit Fallingwater, the country retreat
designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for department store king Kauffman. The
visit will be on either Tuesday 26 October or Wednesday 27 October.
If there are enough interested people we will consider renting a bus,
otherwise we will try to arrange carpools.  Fallingwater is about
1.5 hours by car from CMU.  Please respond asap, because we must
make our group reservation extra early since we have to prepay the
admission fee.  Dec/5 will help with part of the cost ... your price
isn't yet known but probably won't exceed $3.00.  Send me mail if you
are interested, and specify which date you prefer.

04-Oct-82 15:04    Andrew Wilson at CMU-10A     Projects in CS Hardware Lab
Once again many of the students taking 15-741 will be using the CS
Student Hardware Lab to build their class projects. Because of the
number of students involved, we will need to use all of the prototyping
boards and other equipment in that room. If anyone is presently using
a board for a project, could they please send me mail. Otherwise the
boards will soon be reclaimed for use by the class. -- Drew

04-Oct-82 15:10    Frank Pfenning at CMU-10A    Game of Bridge
A friend of mine (Manil Suri) is interested in playing bridge.  Is there
anyone out there lookin for partners to play bridge, or is there 
something like a bridge club

04-Oct-82 15:19    Dorothy Josephson at CMU-10A Seminar
Friday, Oct. 8, 1982
3:30 P.M.
Wean Hall 4605
Laboratoire d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliquees
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Grenoble, France
"VLSI Design and Test"

04-Oct-82 16:01    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Formal Languages, Automata ...

... Formal Languages, Automata & Computability, taught by Merrick Furst,
will begin Tuesday, 5 October.  Meet at 1:30 in room 5409.  This course
will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

04-Oct-82 17:29    Lars Ericson at CMU-10A      October IEEE Spectrum
Got it, thanks.

04-Oct-82 17:31    Brian Reid                   disarm bullets?
From: Brian Reid <reid@Shasta at SU-Score>
I have some bullets (for a .38 police revolver) that I would like to
disarm, while preserving as much of their original appearance as
possible. Can anybody tell me how to do this (or where to pay somebody
to do it) without endangering life and limb?
04-Oct-82 17:54    Wilson Harvey at CMU-IUS     Disarming bullets ...
is pretty easy, I'm told.  If you just pull real hard on their little arms,
they come right off.
04-Oct-82 18:28    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Word after last on IC Contest
Now that we have heard the last word on the IC Programming Contest, I thought
some of you might be interested to know that the problem used in the contest
is (when appropriately recast as a language-recognition problem) NP-complete.
Hint:  Think about the  &  operator and the Hamiltonian Path problem.

04-Oct-82 18:32    Bill Scherlis at CMU-10A     Logic Clarification
If you were confused at the end of the IC Logic lecture
on Induction, you can become even more confused by reading
the clarifying remarks in LOGIC.TXT[C397BS71].

04-Oct-82 18:41    Jim Skees at CMU-10A         Refrigerator Sought
I'm looking for a used refrigerator.  See apartments bboard for

04-Oct-82 20:14    Anthony Stentz at CMU-780G   disarming bullets...
I've found that if you just rip their little arms off, they
get real mad.  The safest strategy is to talk calmly to them
and assure them that if they surrender their arms no one will
get hurt.
04-Oct-82 20:30    Mary Shaw at CMU-10A         Prog Systems Readings
I loaned someone my copies of Guttag & Horning's "Formal Specs as a
Design Tool", DeRemer & Kron's "Programming-in-the-large...", and possibly
some other papers.  Could you return them, please?  

04-Oct-82 21:25    David Nason at CMU-10A       disarming bullets... not as easy as some people might think.  In truth, they
will not even consider disarmament without a mutual agreement
that will not insure they can't violate it.  In addition, they
will require that you remove your arms first ( and everyone knows
how hard it is to rip off little arms without fingers of your own).

04-Oct-82 21:40    Nathaniel Borenstein         Paper from 9/24 ?
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
If you have a copy of the Post-Gazette, Press, or any other newspaper from
September 24, I'd be grateful if you were willing to part with it.  (It just
occurred to me, rather late, that my daughter might some day enjoy owning a
newspaper from the day she was born.)  Thanks in advance.
04-Oct-82 23:15    Marc Donner at CMU-VLSI      Disarming Bullets
There are some quite charming bullets that I find totally
disarming.  On the other hand, most ballots are completely
boring, tedious, and dull.
05-Oct-82 07:57    Rick Rashid at CMU-750X      7SOSP proceedings needed
Could whoever I lent my copy of the 7SOSP proceedings please return
it?  I need it asap. Thanks. 
05-Oct-82 08:25    Nora Lederle at CMU-10A      For Sale
Guitar and refrigerator. See [P100NL0F]SALE.TXT

05-Oct-82 08:59    Mary Shaw at CMU-780G        PS Core course
10:30 in 5409.
No surprises.  The PS Core course (15-710) will start today as scheduled.
10:30 in 5409.
05-Oct-82 10:43    Nora Lederle at CMU-10A      Refrigerator sold

05-Oct-82 11:04    Michael Greenberg            Missing (or stolen) coke glass
From: Michael Greenberg at CMU-780D
I had a coke glass on my desk (in the cave) (The type skibo was selling).
It is no longer there and I never removed it from the desk.  I am implying
that it was removed for me...

If anyone finds a coke glass it may be mine and I would appreciate having it
05-Oct-82 11:35    Malcolm McRoberts            TI59
From: Malcolm McRoberts at CMU-780D
Is there anyone out there interested in buying a used '59.  I never really
used it much but I may have lost some of the accessories.  I do have the A.C.
power unit and a supply of mag cards.  I haven't been shopping for
calculators for a while but I think it should be worth $150.  I will take
the best offer.  If you are interested please send me mail. (mdm@cmu-780d) or
the ISL vax to some.  
05-Oct-82 15:21    Rafael Bracho at CMU-750R    Mock-LISP question
Does anyone know of a way to execute a sequence of Mock-LISP commands
on exit from emacs?  Thanks.
05-Oct-82 15:22    Cynthia Elm at CMU-780G      Seminar

The second meeting of the Programming Systems Seminar will be on Tuesday,
October 12 at 1:30  in Doherty Hall, room #121.  The speaker will be R.P. 
van de Riet of Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. A short
abstract of his talk is given below:

                      HOW TO HIDE A SECRET

      A database, together with its collection of semantic integrity
constraints, may contain information which must not be disclosed to certain
to certain persons, who are interrogating the system with queries.  These
persons may however apply logical deductions thereby using positive and
negative responses of the database system.  Two strategies will be discussed
which may be used by the system, which on the one hand give as many answers
as possible but which on the other hand do not reveal any secret in two cases:
one in which the interrogator already knows what the secret is about and one
in which he is assumed to know nothing about the secrets.


	Oct 18 Monday		 3:30pm Roy Levin
	Oct 22 Friday		 2:00pm David Gries

If you would like to be included on the mailing list for future seminars,
send mail to Ed Clarke@CMU-10A.

05-Oct-82 15:40    Paul Rosenbloom at CMU-10A   Quote from "Science"
"Not surprisingly, larger departments tend to produce the most
publications and to publish in the more influential journals.  But there
are some intriguing exceptions.  In computer science, for example,
Stanford, M.I.T., and Carnegie-Mellon are all highly rated and have
similar-sized departments, but Carnegie-Mellon's computer science
department produced only half as many papers as each of the other two
in 1978-79."  (from "Who's who in physics and math", by Colin Norman.
Science, Vol.  218, 8 October 1982, p.  140)

05-Oct-82 16:03    Cynthia Elm at CMU-780G      Seminar Time Change

The Programming Systems Seminar, featuring R.P. van de Riet will now be
held at 1:00 (rather than 1:30), Tuesday, October 12, in Doherty Hall
room #1217.
05-Oct-82 16:57    Michael Young at CMU-780G    Multi-precision arithmetic
Does anyone know of or have a multi-precision arithmetic
integer arithmetic package that I would be able to use
under Unix?  Anything written in C is preferable, but
I'm now contemplating re-writing, so if you know of one
in another language, that's of interest too.

I'm already looking at such things as 'bc, and 'dc'
that come with 4.1BSD -- I'm interested in a (subroutine)
package that I can bind into applications.
05-Oct-82 17:21    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      Publications
Perhaps CMU simply keeps its collective thoughts to itself until it has 
something important to say.  One is reminded of the comparison between
bright and noisey children vs brilliant and quite ones.

05-Oct-82 18:19    Gregory Hood at CMU-10A      Textbooks for 15-997
As most of you know, the CMU bookstore gives a 5% discount on textbooks
(which are tax-free), whereas ordinary technical books are full price and
are taxed.  Thus, it has been a tradition each year to send over a list
of books which will be designated as textbooks for 15-997 so that we may
take advantage of the standard textbook discount.  I am soliciting
suggestions for books which are worthwhile and of interest to CSD grad
students so that they may be included on this list.  If you have a
suggestion, please send the author & title of the book(s) to Hood@CMUA.

05-Oct-82 18:27    Michael Shamos at CMU-10A    Art Law Seminar
If you are an artist or performer and have an interest in the legal
issues impacting the fine arts, you will be interested in the free
seminar being held at the GSIA Auditorium this Saturday, October 9,
from 9AM till 5PM.  The session will be conducted by lawyers but is
oriented toward non-lawyers in the arts community.  Topics to be covered
include tax issues, insurance, copyright and reproduction rights and labor
issues in the performing arts.  Contact me for more details.

05-Oct-82 18:37    Sylvia Hoy at CMU-10A        John J. Mrofchak Jr.....
Your wallet is in the Computer Science main office.  Please come pick
it up.   

05-Oct-82 21:18    Stephen Hancock              Fingerprint Scanner
From: Stephen Hancock <SFH at CMU-20C>
The November issue of Popular Science has an interesting article on
a fingerprint scannermanufactured by Fingermatrix Inc.  Sandia labs
and the Defense Intelligence Agency are among the first users. I've
posted a physical copy on the 4th floor BBoard.

I'm interested in any comments you might have about this system and
will compile and make the available if there is sufficient interest.
05-Oct-82 21:39    Joseph Mattis at CMU-10A     Stolen Coke glass
Someone also stole mine from my desk in the Robotics Cave.  Nice place we
have here, hmm?

05-Oct-82 21:45    Peter Schwarz at CMU-10A     Auto Burglar Alarms
Does anyone know of reputable suppliers/installers?  I have a stable
that needs to be locked before I buy a replacement horse.

05-Oct-82 22:25    Louis Monier at CMU-VLSI     Car for sale (fast)
A Renault Le Car 1978, yours for $1700. The car is fine, and the owner leaves
for Europe, so he must sell NOW. Call Joe 362-4651 evenings only.
Don't call me!!!
06-Oct-82 00:16    James Driscoll at CMU-10A    Pittsburgh After Dark task #1
The first task for the Pittsburgh After Dark qual is this Thursday.  The
task will cover ``The Decade'' and the band ``Revenge.''  Be in the
lounge at 10:00 PM.

06-Oct-82 03:42    Jonathan Dwork at CMU-10A    Oscilloscope needs new home.
For sale a B&K 1474 Dual-trace 30MHz Triggered Sweep Oscilloscope.
With 3 probes and many interesting connectors.  Fairly new in very
good shape never driven above 30MHz uses regular gas.  Send mail to
me at the A or leave a message at 422-9811.  Goes to highest bid,
cost me 1250.00 new today equivilents sell for much more.  I'm buying
new one with 100MHz.

06-Oct-82 09:57    Dyane Harris at CMU-10A      HELP WANTED
Grad student in Computer Science to assist in running an HP 125 out 
of the home.      (close to campus)
If interested call 421-2606 between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

06-Oct-82 10:57    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A How do you reach Xerox Wbst?
        Is there a way to get to Xerox's Webster installation through the
ARPAnet?  Mailing to <name>.wbst@MIT-AI was suggested to me, but this doesn't 
seem to work (at least in the obvious way).  Any MIT folklore I need to know?

06-Oct-82 11:56    Nathaniel Borenstein         Livermore PR chief quits
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
It seems that the Director of Public Affairs for Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory has quit his job to make a new career of "writing and speaking
out against the dangers of the nuclear threat."  You can read all about it
and much more in the special election issue ("Greening Congress") of 
Not Man Apart, now in the CS lounge.
06-Oct-82 12:00    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Got answer, -> PARC-MAXC

06-Oct-82 12:09    Randy Pausch at CMU-780G     mailing to uucp addresses
If I know the uucp address I want to send mail to, can anyone tell me
exactly what I should type in the To: field to get the mail
routed there? 
06-Oct-82 13:05    Marc Donner at CMU-10A       Fallingwater
Seven voted for Tuesday, three for Wednesday (including me), and
nine expressed no preference.  Even my creative arithmetic can't
fix that, so the trip to Fallingwater is going to be on Tuesday
the 26 of October.  We don't have enough people to make a bus 
worthwhile, so it will have to be cars.  Maps will be provided
so that drivers can get there.  I will make reservations for
an extra four people, so we will be able to accomodate that many
late reservers.  All future communication will be by mail.

06-Oct-82 13:37    Michael Young at CMU-10A     multi-precision found
Library /usr/lib/libmp.a has some multi-precision routines
for the "classical algorithms".  Not documented in the manual --
see dc(1) or xsend(1) for examples of how to use it.
Thanks to all who answered.

06-Oct-82 13:45    David B  Anderson            novel/play/movie/series
From: David B  Anderson <Anderson at Cmu-20c>
For several days now I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to think of any story
that meets these 4 criteria:

	(1) Has been printed as a novel or short story.
	(2) Was a Broadway play or musical.
	(3) Was a motion picture.
	(4) Was made into its own TV series (with new material).

The closest I have come is with Little Women, which has been made into a play
and a movie - but which only appeared on TV as a series of episodes on
Masterpiece Theatre (more like a long movie, shown in segments).  Other
examples that come close are:

		novel/story	play	movie	  series
MASH		     x			  x	    x
The Odd Couple			 x	  x	    x
Peter Pan	     x		 x	  x

Can you think of a winner?  Replies to Anderson@Cmuc.
06-Oct-82 14:30    Nathaniel Borenstein         Free file cabinet
From: Nathaniel Borenstein at CMU-780G
Our office no longer needs its lovely 4 drawer file cabinet, which is why it
is sitting in the hall now.  You can have it if you can grab it.  Wean 4205.
06-Oct-82 14:36    Joseph Ginder at CMU-10A     babysitter needed
We need a dependable, full-time babysitter for our five-month old
daughter as soon as possible.  Hours would be approximately 7:30 AM
to 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday.  We prefer that our babysitter
live as close to us as possible; we live in Squirrel Hill.
Salary negotiable.  Please send mail to Ginder@cmuc or call
me at 521-9294 during the evening.

06-Oct-82 14:52    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Newark for $19!

Peoples Express lowered the price of a one-way ticket to Newark to $19 and
US Air has matched that price. The only limitation is that you must fly on
a night flight (the earliest flight is 7:45pm).  Flying to Newark in prime
time, 7:30am - 6:30pm, will cost you $29 (highway robbery).

06-Oct-82 15:48    Gary Bradshaw at CMU-10A     Night Volleyball
The regular CS/Psych volleyball practice is scheduled for tomorrow
evening at 8:00 in the Women's gym.  Players of all levels of ability
are welcome to battle the white orb around the court.

06-Oct-82 17:04    Larry Matthies at CMU-10A    Hardware qual readings
I would like to gather together copies of the readings for the
hardware qual to duplicate for people taking the qual this year.
If you have copies that you could lend to me, please let me know.
Also, if anyone is already collecting readings with the same goal,
let me know so that I don't duplicate your effort.

06-Oct-82 17:23    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A IC Contest test fixed
        If you attempted to test a matcher recently using my /test
file, try it again.  Several minor inconsistencies (generated after the
contest was over) have been cleared up.

06-Oct-82 17:27    Wanda Keppler at CMU-10A     BASIC instructor wanted
WANTED:  Fillin instructor for introductory computer science course,
teaching Basic, at Parkway West, 11:15-1:00.  Instructor needed immediately
and will be compensated for the teaching of the course.  If interested
call Director of General & Technical Studies, Marilyn Kappis at Community
College of Allegheny County/North, at 366-7000, ext.13.

06-Oct-82 20:53    poggio at SRI-TSC            Wanted: Package to run TOPS20 programs on TENEX

Yes, we know it is largely a dead issue.  Nonetheless, we are looking
for an existing JSYS compatibility package so that we can run some
TOPS20 programs under TENEX with little modification.  Leads, pointers,
actual source or object files much appreciated.

--Andy (poggio at sri-tsc)
06-Oct-82 21:17    Randy Gobbel at CMU-780G     Need ACM TOMS, 9/77
just long enough to photocopy an article.

The library's collection is disgustingly poor!
06-Oct-82 21:51    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    Nerd Chic
The cover story of the latest issue of Science '82 is about nerds and the
hacker syndrome.  The article describes in reverent terms the huge amounts
of money that good computer jocks earn despite their painfully obvious lack
of social skills.  Just think, many of us can now say that we were nerds
before it was fashionable!

06-Oct-82 22:20    Masaru Tomita at CMU-10A     huge on-line text needed
Does anyone know any huge on-line English text (i.e. novel, fiction;
NOT technical document) around here?   Thanks, --Tommy

07-Oct-82 00:22    Mark Wright at CMU-10A       The same sad story
You've all heard heard it before, a coffee cup that has strayed from
its desk and not known who to turn to.  This one is no different from
most cups, brown with a white band, like you might pick up in Shadyside
(arts festival that is).  If you have taken this cup in, just tell it 
its owner still cares very much for it.  Things will be different this 
time. I'll clean you. I promise.

07-Oct-82 00:23    Michael Jones at CMU-750X    Spell for VMS
Does anyone have any information on a spell program which runs under VMS?
If not, what language is the Tops-10/20 spell written in, and are sources
publicly available?		-- Mike
07-Oct-82 08:56    John Schlag at CMU-750R      Perq pucks
    I'd like to interface a digitizing tablet to our 68000 system. How
do the Perq tablets communicate? Are there any extras lying around? Does
anyone have any other kinds?

07-Oct-82 09:36    Lydia Stepita at CMU-10A     Robotics T-Shirts
The T-Shirts have come in!  (Black with a Robotics Logo). 
Please stop by my office 4630 Wean to pick them up.  Thank you.

07-Oct-82 10:17    Gregg Lebovitz at CMU-EE1    coke glass not stolen     :-)
Will the person who stole my desk out from underneath my
coke glass please return it as it contains some senimental
07-Oct-82 10:20    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Fellowship Applications
I have a few copies of the Hertz and NSF Fellowship applications in
my office.  If you are interested in applying, please come by.

07-Oct-82 10:30    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Faculty Research Guides
I have a few copies of the 1982 Faculty Research Guide in my office.
If you would like one come by.

07-Oct-82 10:58    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      AI Seminar Speaker
Professor John Luh, from MIT AI Lab, will be the AI Seminar Speaker on
Tuesday, October 12.  If you would be interested in talking with him please
let me know asap.

07-Oct-82 11:33    Ellen Borison at CMU-10A     Liebermann Queue Job
Mary Shaw needs a grader for 15-710 (the Programming Systems Core Course).
To Volunteer:  Reply to me @CMUA...

07-Oct-82 11:37    Jaime Carbonell at CMU-10A   Early call for 15-413 TAs
15-413, the project-oriented software engineering course previously
called 15-311, will need some people to act as advisors to each 
project group in the course and to perform some related TAing this
spring. By acting in this capacity you gain experience analogous
to managing software teams, Liberman points, my gratitude, and
so on, but, unfortuntately, no teaching requirement waiver. Please
let me know if interested, or even if curious.

07-Oct-82 11:56    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Les Valiant Visiting
Leslie Valiant, of Edinburgh University, currently on leave at Harvard, will
be the next distinguished lecturer -- on October 14.  He will speak on
the subject of "Parallel Algorithms".  If you would be interested in talking
with him please let me know asap.

07-Oct-82 12:52    Paul Birkel at CMU-10A       Identities and Addresses
        Can anyone identify these folks?
        If so, can you supply a net address, USPO address, or phone number?
        If so, send me mail!
        DE0H    Erzen, Dave
        JH2B    Howell, Jeff
        EO10    Ostrom, Eric
        GR92    Riley, Glenn
        LS61    Stoehr, Loretta
        Sorry, no rewards for you bounty hunters out there (dead or alive).

07-Oct-82 13:14    Paul Birkel at CMU-10A       Erzen,Howell,Ostrom,Stoehr fo
        und! But not Riley as of yet.

07-Oct-82 15:16    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Martin Marietta visiting
Six representatives from Martin Marietta, including Don Rudisill, will be
visiting the department on Tuesday, 12 October.  They are interested in
meeting with people to discuss:  Networking, Spice, Perqs, Zog, Scribe,
Accent, Database Management, Speech and Robotics.  They will be available
all day on Tuesday beginning at 9:00am.  I will need to know if you are
interested in meeting with them and what times are convenient for you.
I am coordinating this schedule with Three Rivers Computer and would like this
information by Monday morning.  Thanks!
07-Oct-82 16:28    Stephen Brookes at CMU-10A   Course announcement
The Theory Advanced Course titled "Semantics of concurrency"
will begin on November 8. The course will consist of 9 lectures and is
for graduate students of all levels, although some mathematical
maturity will be assumed. Glynn Winskel and I are giving the course,
so any questions should be directed to us. Lecture times are
Monday at 1:30 and Thursday at 12:00, in 5409. Course outlines
have been posted on the physical bboards.

07-Oct-82 16:42    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Ordere Time Againe
        Yup. And around we go.
        Order closes for Nonshareholders on Friday the 15th at 2 PM
        Order closes for Shareholders on   Tuesday the 19th at 2 PM
        Cheese Cutting                   Wednesday the 20th at 7 PM
                                                in the CS lounge
        Cheese Sales                      Thursday the 21st at 9 AM
                                                in the CS lounge
        Next Sales                        Thursday the 18th of November
                                        (Thanksgiving is following Thursday)
        See you soon!

07-Oct-82 16:47    Rudy Nedved at CMU-10A       UDel-Relay and mail
UDel-Relay is currently having network problems and their coordinator
expects problems to clear up soon (several days).
Previously working hardware and software stopped working a few days
ago after their IMP was rebooted.  They are currently doing manual
"mail pickups" for CSNet sites and using other IMP connections to
send mail.
At least once a day we receive mail from UDel-Relay but because the
actual IMP "port" is not UDel-Relay, we can not send them mail.

07-Oct-82 17:45    Tom Wood at CMU-750R         info needed on emitters and detectors
I am looking for general information on infared emitters and detectors, and
on ultrasonic detectors for a rather interesting remote control application.
I am especially concerned with effective range (about 20 feet) and power
requirements (low).  Any and all suggestions would be welcome, and I will
gladly supply more detailed information about this particular application.
This is supposed to make you curious.

Replies to taw@r or wood@cmuc.  Thanks.
07-Oct-82 19:22    James Gosling at CMU-VLSI    Yellow Comet, Lic. CRX 306
Your lights are on...
08-Oct-82 02:46    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Square Dance Tonight
Ron Buchanan will call to the music of Swinging on the Gate.  Details in
SQUARE.TXT[c410js30] on CMUA.

08-Oct-82 02:58    Bruce Leverett at CMU-10A    Breakthrough!
(from the APnews bboard):
    HYDROGEN FUEL: Texans Find New Way to Split Water
    COLLEGE STATION, Texas - Texas A&M scientists announce that they
have developed a way to produce hydrogen by splitting water molecules
which is far more efficient than previous methods and which they say
could someday lead to production of an inexpensive, pollution-free
fuel. Slug AM-Hydrogen Fuel. New.
[What they are producing can be used as fuel, if it is first dried
 into chips.  --BL]

08-Oct-82 10:50    Jerry Agin at CMU-750R       Hydrogen fuel
I don't see what's so ridiculous about the concept.  Obviously it takes
energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, and a fraction of that
energy is recovered when the hydrogen is burned.  Suppose you had a
source of cheap hydroelectric power which you could use to make hydrogen.
If the efficiency of the process were sufficiently high, you'd have a
clean and portable product competetive with gasoline.
08-Oct-82 12:12    Jan Zubkoff                  COGSCI Seminar
From: Jan Zubkoff <J-Zubkoff at CMU-20C>
Speaker:  David Homa (Visiting Faculty, Psychology)
Date:     Tuesday, October 12
Time:     12:00
Place:    BH 340a
Title:    Catagorical Structure and Processing
08-Oct-82 12:16    Paul Birkel at CMU-10A       Good Cheap Knife Sharpener?
        Can anyone recommend an inexpensive but professional place
to get knives ground/sharpened. The cheese knives are pretty beat
with all that pounding on metal pans instead of wooden boards and
are really in nead of some refurbishing. Pointers and personal
comments appreciated. Thanks.

08-Oct-82 13:04    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Marriages
The marriages are complete.  If you are a first-year student a letter is
in your mailbox announcing the results.

08-Oct-82 13:35    Gary Feldman at CMU-10A      H2O -> H2 + O2
There is an article in today's Times describing the announcement.  
Apparently the importance is due to using solar energy, at a claimed 10%
efficiency, and using relatively inexpensive materials.  Hence a better 
headline would be "New Solar Energy System".

08-Oct-82 14:36    James Gosling at CMU-VLSI    Byte magazine
I'd like to look through the past few issues of Byte magazine for an
advertisement that I vaguely recall.  If you have them at school and would
be willing to let me rummage through them, please let me know.
08-Oct-82 15:33    Dorothy Josephson at CMU-10A Visitor Talk
Just a reminder that MADAME GABRIELE SAUCIER of IMAG, Grenoble, 
France will speak on "VLSI and Testing" at 3:30 P.M. in Wean Hall
4605, today.

08-Oct-82 15:33    Linda Bucciarelli at CMU-10A Robotics Refridgerator
The refridgerator in the Robotics kitchen has been turned off for
defrosting.  If you have any food in there please remove it 
sometime soon if possible.

08-Oct-82 16:30    Randy Gobbel at CMU-780G     Concurent Euclid Compiler?
Does anyone know of a copy of the University of Toronto Concurrent Euclid
compiler (for the VAX) available locally?

08-Oct-82 16:34    Donald Schmitz at CMU-750R   Universal Truth Series: 1
If you have 4 EE's design a circuit, you breadboard it and find it works 
to perfection, and then very neatly build 6 more of the same it will not
only not work, but all 4 EE's will be able to tell you why it doesn't.
08-Oct-82 16:42    Michael Matsko at CMU-IUS    Chic Contest
Following hot on the heels of Dave Touretzky's post on Hacker Chic, and
only incidently corresponding to the Mr./Miss Varsity elections is the
contest. You now can vote for the man/woman/sentient-life-form who you
think typifies hackers everywhere. You should try to justify your choice
in 5000 words or less. There are two divisions of the contest:
	CS: Hackers in the CS community, and
	CC: Hackers from Comp Center
Send replies to msm@IUS. 
The winner will appear on the cover of the new album Saturday Night Hacker
(in the classic Travolta pose, but, holding a Coke bottle), which will
feature such classics as:
	Stayin' On-Line (from Staying Alive),
	Hacking Fool (from Dancing Fool), and
	I Love Writin' Code (from I Love Rock & Roll).
Remember, that's msm@IUS. Replies will sorted and made aviailable at a later
date. Names will be witheld on request, but, not forgotten.
08-Oct-82 18:36    Mario Barbacci at CMU-10A    Car Rally on Sunday
There will be a road rally this Sunday.  Meeting place is the Miracle
Mile Shopping Center (Monroeville).  Registration starts at Noon.  FCO is
1 pm.  If you are curious about rallying and would like to try an easy
one, this is your chance. Bring a friend as driver or navigator (solo
novices tend to get lost)

08-Oct-82 19:59    Paul Hilfinger at CMU-10A    Posting things
Helpful hint to users of POST:  A number of folks seem to
end their messages with an <escape> on the last line of
text.  This LOSES the last line of text.  End your messages
with <return><escape>E<return>.  Otherwise, your message
just sort of trails off into hyperspace rather like

08-Oct-82 20:28    Steve Hoffmann at CMU-750X   PASCAL cross-compiler for Apple?
Does anyone out there have (or have a pointer to) a Pascal cross-compiler
which will run on one of the CMU machines and produces code for an Apple
Computer or a Z-80?  Reply to ssh@cmux.  Thanks.

08-Oct-82 20:31    David B  Anderson            novel/play/movie/series
From: David B  Anderson <Anderson at Cmu-20c>
Thanks to all who responded to my query.  The results have been tallied, and
the "winner" is "Life with Father," which was also a radio series!  The
following have also appeared in the 4 media of print, stage, film, and TV:

	Please Don't Eat the Daisies
	Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

There must be more, but ...
08-Oct-82 20:33    Steve Hoffmann at CMU-750X   PASCAL cross-compiler for Z-80?
Does anyone out there have (or have a pointer to) a Pascal cross-compiler
which will run on one of the CMU machines and produces code for a Z-80
or an Apple Computer?  Reply to ssh@cmux.  Thanks.

08-Oct-82 20:41    Peter Brown at CMU-10A       Need Math Macros for Scribe
Does anybody have a set of Scribe macros for making mathematical expressions?

09-Oct-82 02:31    Minker umcp-cs at UDel-Relay 
     As you know, Anatoly Shcharansky who wrote a Master's Thesis in chess
is serving a prison sentence in the Soviet Union.  There is fear for his
life as he has embarked on  a hunger strike to protest the repeated
confiscation of his mail to his family.  Soviet law permits him to send and
to receive mail.  Over the past year-and-a-half, he has  survived nine
months of special punishment in solitary confinement for failing to meet
unreasonable work quotas, for resisting censorship of letters to his
elderly mother, and for attempting to observe religious rituals.  The
effects of a hunger strike on Shcharansky's already poor health may lead to
irreparable damage and possible death.
     I urge all my colleagues in artificial intelligence and computer
science to write or send telegrams in support of Mr. Shcharansky to:
     Academy of Sciences of the USSR
     Leninsky Prospekt 14
     Moscow B-71

     Academician G.I. Marchuk, Chairman
     State Committee for Science and Technology
     Ulitsa Gorkova 11
     Moscow 229236

Please send a copy of your letter to Soviet Ambassador A.  Dobrynin in
Washington, D.C.  If you can, send me a copy of your letter.  Mrs.
Shcharansky, who is in the United States attempting to obtain support for
her husband, would appreciate knowing who has sent letters.
     Thanks for your support.
     As I write this note, I have heard an unconfirmed report that Tatiyana
Osipova, another computer scientist imprisoned in the Soviet Union is now
on a hunger strike.
                                JACK MINKER
                                 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND
09-Oct-82 02:46    Zellich at OFFICE-3          List of mailing-lists updated
From: Zellich at OFFICE-3 (Rich Zellich)
OFFICE-3 file <ALMSA>INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT has been updated and is ready
for FTP.  OFFICE-3 supports the net-standard "ANONYMOUS" Login within
FTP, using any password.

INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT is currently 1010 lines (or 40,613 characters).
Please try to limit any weekday FTP jobs to before 0600-CDT and after
1600-CDT if possible, as the system is heavily loaded during most of
the day.


      New list added.
      HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST contact address added.
      Moved from MIT-AI to MIT-MC.
   TCP-IP (the NIC list)
      TCP-IP-REQUEST contact address added.
09-Oct-82 08:10    Bboard Maintainer at CMU-10A List of lists updated
The new list from OFFICE-3 is available as the ARPABB on CMUA,
and as the CMUA file ARPABB.BBD[F100BB00].

09-Oct-82 19:42    Gary Bradshaw at CMU-10A     Terminal Room Documents
    In the new terminal room, finding documentation is harder than ever,
because of all the new desk space to hide things.  I would like to
suggest that we attach helium-filled balloons to all the interesting
documents, such as the SCRIBE manual, SCRIBE database, dictionary, and
font book.  The balloons could be labeled to make the search easier.  
     This technique has the added advantage that it would make it more
embarassing to steal these documents from the terminal room.  After all,
who wants to walk around with a balloon under your shirt?

09-Oct-82 19:51    Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A    ride to monroeville...
Can anyone give me a ride to monroeville any evening this 
week  thanks .. I'm @A.

09-Oct-82 23:35    Louis Monier at CMU-10A      Wanted: Terminal and modem
A friend of mine is looking for a modem and a terminal. I don't have
more details, so call Dana 421-2095 (NOT ME) if you have something
to sell.

10-Oct-82 15:49    Marc Donner at CMU-VLSI      Seminar Thursday October 21
Chris Stephenson of IBM's Yorktown Heights Research Center will be
here on Thursday 21 October and will speak at 3:30 PM in 5409
on "Root Insertion -- A novel algorithm for sorting and searching".
"It is possible to construct a binary search tree by inserting items at the
root instead of adding them as leaves.  When used for sorting, the method
has several desirable properties, including (a) fewer comparisons in the
best case, (b) fewer comparisons in the worst case, (c) a reduced variance,
and (d) good performance when the items are already nearly sorted or nearly
reverse sorted.  For applications in which the tree is searched for existing
items as well as having new items added to it (e.g. in the construction of a
symbol table), the tree can be made to exhibit stack-like behaviour, so that
the fewest comparisons are required to locate the most recently used items."
Dr. Stephenson involved in many projects at Yorktown, including single
user operating systems, command language design, and algorithm design.
If you are interested in speaking with him during his visit Thursday,
please send me mail.
10-Oct-82 18:39    Jim Crowley at CMU-10A       Robotics Seminar
                "An Introduction to Video Tex, 
          and the Role of the Frame Creation Terminal"
                   Bash Sanakkayala 
                  Bell Telephone Labs.
                Thursday Oct 14 at 3:30 
        Wean Hall 4623 ( The video conference room ).
The presentation will include a demonstration of the Video Tex

10-Oct-82 20:36    Peter Angeline at CMU-10A    Output in Snobol
Is there a Snobol hacker out there who can tell me how to
output an escape character to a file in Snobol? 

10-Oct-82 22:38    Alfred Spector at CMU-10A    Scribe Advice Needed
I often need to put examples of trees in my 15-212 course notes.
Does anyone know of simple ways of doing this in Scribe

11-Oct-82 02:08    Ravinder Chandhok            de dover
From: Ravinder Chandhok at CMU-750Y
BE varned, de dover is rollink paper off its end, that is
if you find your printout in random order, it probably isn't missing pages,
just lack of purpose.
11-Oct-82 10:43    Lydia Stepita at CMU-10A     Desparate for Tour Guide
If anyone is available to give a tour of the Computer Science
Department this morning at l0:30am, please call me at x38l9.
Thank you...

11-Oct-82 11:52    Dorothy Josephson at CMU-10A Visitor's Talk
DATE:           Monday, Oct. 18, 1982
TIME:           1:00 P.M.
PLACE:          Wean Hall 4605
SPEAKER:        Nobuhiro Hamada
                Hitachi Research Laboratory
TOPIC:          "Custom LSIs in the Industrial Field" and
                "Highly Reliable Distributed Controllers"
Dr. Hamada was a visiting scholar in our department during 1977-78.

11-Oct-82 13:24    James Wendorf at CMU-10A     Paper Recycling Drive
This coming Friday morning, 15 October, we will be collecting used Dover and
line printer paper from your offices throughout Wean Hall.  Please place the
paper (preferably in boxes) in the hall outside your office door by 9:00 AM
on Friday.  Perhaps if you put it out Thursday evening with a sign on it so
the janitors don't throw it away it will be more convenient.  Proceeds from
the paper recycling go to DEC/5.  If you have any questions, send me mail

11-Oct-82 13:36    Catherine Cole at CMU-10A    Hopcroft & Ullman
I seem to be missing my copy of "Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages, and Computation." I vaguely remember loaning it to
someone; if you are that person, could you identify yourself
Thanks, --Cathy

11-Oct-82 13:48    Richard Korf at CMU-10A      Nominations for GSO Rep.
I am accepting nominations for the position of Computer Science representative
to the Graduate Student Organization. There are two positions to be filled, and
all full-time grad students in the department are eligible. The 
responsibilities are to attend the monthly GSO Assembly meeting, and to serve
on a GSO committee. This is your chance to serve the department and to meet
other grad students. You may nominate yourself. Nominations will close this
Friday, and the election will be next week. Please contact me if you have
any questions about the job. I recommend it highly.   -rich

11-Oct-82 14:25    Lee Brownston at CMU-10A     Book For Sale
For sale: "The Mythical Man-Month" by Frederick Brooks.  It's on the
supplementary reading list for the Programming Systems qual.  It goes
for $9.50 new.  Does anyone want to buy it at about half price

11-Oct-82 15:04    Jack Mostow                  Spend a week at a Florida Keys resort!
From: Jack Mostow <MOSTOW at USC-ISIF>
I can't use my week this year (Dec. 11-18) at Key Lime Resort & Marina Club, a
waterside timesharing resort in the beautiful Florida Keys, so I'd like to
rent it out to a responsible party for a moderate rate.  The unit sleeps 6;
facilities include boats, fishing and snorkeling equipment, jacuzzi, pool,&c.
Please mail TODAY to MOSTOW@ISIF as tomorrow is deadline for spacebanking it
with my week-swapping timeshare organization.  Thanks.  - Jack
11-Oct-82 15:49    Sandy Esch at CMU-10A        New Dept. Photographer
How would YOU like to be the new Photographer for the department.
You'll get to meet almost all of the people in the department and
then some. If you're interested send me mail, ESCH @CMUA.

11-Oct-82 16:01    eddie caplan at CMU-10A      jelly beans revisited
i still have eleven (11) pounds of gourmet jelly beans which i'd like to
sell.  these are high quality jelly beans in an assortment of flavors,
including banana, cherry, grape, lime, and coconut.
the price is $2.00 per pound, and well worth it.

11-Oct-82 16:25    Lee Brownston at CMU-10A     Brooks book sold

11-Oct-82 19:15    Peter Schwarz at CMU-10A     Looking for Proceedings...
...of the SIGACT/SIGMOD Symposium on Principles of Database Systems,
March '82.   Anyone have a copy I could borrow?

11-Oct-82 22:19    Matt Reilly at CMU-10A       Female needs apartment
See apartments bboard.

11-Oct-82 23:54    Craig Everhart at CMU-10A    Chem question: anti-bleach?
This afternoon a brand-new bottle of (chlorine) bleach leaked out of my grocery
bag onto my new velour car upholstery.  Is there any common household chemical
that I could have used to neutralize it?  I presume this would be something
easy to oxidize, i.e. a reducing agent.  My chemical intuition fails me.
I used a little vinegar and lots of water.  I'll publicize any good responses
I get if there's a demand.
Many thanks!

12-Oct-82 09:41    Rafael Bracho at CMU-750R    GIGO
My wife's cousin (high school) was given this question for extra credit
in her computers course: What is the meaning of GIGO? She doesn't know
anything else except that it has to do with computers. Her cousin's
husband (me), being an "expert" in computers, will probably know.
Can anyone help me save my reputation and marriage?
12-Oct-82 10:16    Rafael Bracho at CMU-750R    GIGO
Thanks for all who responded. I should have known.
12-Oct-82 11:37    Jerry Agin at CMU-750R       ftping remote directories?
Is there an easy way to use ftp to examine a directory on a remote unix machine?
12-Oct-82 13:21    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Swedish Visitors
On October 25-26 we will have some visitors from the Royal Institute of
Technology, Department of Manufacturing Systems, in Sweden.
They are engaged in an interdisciplinary research program on computer
aided design and process planning and operations planning systems design
for mechanical applications.  They would be interested in meeting people
in order to discuss:
-design issues for development of information systems
-design issues for development of systems presenting and manipulating graphic
-design issues for the representation of engineering knowledge
-cognitive aspects of the use of computer support
If you would be willing to talk with them please let me know.  Thanks.

12-Oct-82 13:27    Takeo Kanade at CMU-10A      AI seminar today
        There will be an AI seminar talk today at 3:30 in 5409 WeH
by John Y. Luh, Purdue, on the subject of robot control scheme.

12-Oct-82 13:58    Andrew Appel at CMU-VLSI     GIGO
Garbage In, Garbage Out.  That is to say, if the input data don't mean
anything, then the output of even the most excellent computer program
won't mean anything either.
     A friend of mine was once attending a lecture by a sociologist.
The lecture was both boring and bogus.  At one point, the lecturer brought
up the acronym GIGO, and explained that it meant "Garbage In, Gold Out,"
meaning that a computer could transform the most useless of statistics
into relevant and interesting knowledge.  At this point my friend quietly
exited the lecture hall.
12-Oct-82 14:16    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Theory Seminar
The Theory Seminar will be held on Thursday, 14 October at 3:00pm in
room 4605 (Wean Hall).  Peter Widmayer, University of Karlsruhe, will
lecture.  The title of his talk is:  Generalizations of the Guibas-Yao 
Translation Algorithm.  Abstracts are posted on the physical bboards.

12-Oct-82 14:33    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A GIGO
        Often unnoticed these days is the parallel between FIFO (First
In, First Out) and GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out), which undoubtedly
inspired the acronym.

12-Oct-82 15:12    Jerry Agin at CMU-750R       remote ftp commands
Thanks to all who responded to my query.  The best way seems to be:
	ftp qr gp "-=|ls /usr/hqb"
'|' as the first character in a filename indicates a shell command to be
executed on the remote machine.  The shell file /usrr0/agin/bin/on (thanks
to Bob Walker) allows the briefer form:
	on gp ls /usr/hqb
12-Oct-82 15:18    WULF at CMU-20C              Kielbassa
One of our west coast alumni is in desperate need of a Kielbassa fix, and so
a care package will be carried by special courier this weekend. The question
is, who makes the best Kielbassa in town??
I, for one, have always gone to Tom's Butcher Block (behind Monroeville Mall)
for the really "good stuff", but (a) it's a long drive, and (b) I'm not an
expert. Nominations for closer/better sources to Wulf@cmua. I'll make the
results available.
12-Oct-82 17:55    Lawrence Paulson             Lisp Parser Generator
From: Lawrence Paulson <CSL JLH LARRY at SU-SCORE>
Some people at INRIA are trying to find a parser generator written in Lisp.
It should handle a large set of grammars, such as LALR(1), and be able to
recover from syntax errors.  We indent to port the parser generator to
Franz Lisp and Multics Maclisp.  Ideally, it should be well-documented,
robust, efficient, cleanly written, etc.  Is there anything out there???

Larry Paulson (University of Cambridge)

12-Oct-82 20:47    Steven Romig at CMU-750X     Furniture for sale
Howdy.  A friend of mine has a couch and a vanity (deskish thing 
with a mirror on the back).  Wanna buy it?  Call 621-3321, and ask 
for Wendy or Debbie.  You can probably get help moving it from me, 
my roommates, or her, or her roommate.  Please don't send me mail,
I don't know prices.

12-Oct-82 21:15    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Order in Progress!
        Don't forget to order. Closing to Non-shareholders on
        this Friday at 2 PM (the 15th) and to Shareholders on
        next Tuesday at 2 PM (the 19th). Cutting party Wed.
        Pm the 20th and sales at 9 AM Thurs. the 21st-CS lounge.

12-Oct-82 23:12    Joelle Raymond at CMU-750Y   Back to France
Alas, it's time to say good bye to you. 
It's time to say how I did appreciate your friendliness and your helpfulness.
So, if by chance you come to Grenoble, please let me know. I would be happy
to welcome you (my address is in my plan file). Hope to see you some time.
12-Oct-82 23:51    Merrick Furst at CMU-10A     Logic + Theory Seminar
Dexter Kozen will speak at a joint Logic and Theory seminar this
Friday at 2:30 in Scaife Hall, room 220.  
Title: "Towards an optimal algorithm for the theory of real closed fields"

13-Oct-82 00:34    Jim Crowley at CMU-10A       Shipping Wine from Overseas
Somehow, this reminds me of a Robert Benchly Shortstory, but...
A friend in France would like to send me a bottle of rare 
Armagnac. The Treasury department clerk insists that it is 
illegal to mail alcohol. Does anyone out there know of any 
"legal" way to receive such an item ?

13-Oct-82 04:27    James Saxe at CMU-10A        Contra Dance Tonight
Brad Foster, director of the Bay Area Country Dance Society, will call to the
music of Laurie Andres and Cathie Whitesides.  Details in CONTRA.TXT[c410js30]
on CMUA.

13-Oct-82 08:20    Malcolm McRoberts            TI 59 for sale
From: Malcolm McRoberts at CMU-780D
It has come to my attention that my earlier price was too high.  I'm now
ready to take the best offer provided I get at least one reasonable one.
Send me mail at mdm@cmu-ri-780d.
13-Oct-82 10:29    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Joint Logic/Theory Seminar
Dexter Kozen will lecture at the Joint Logic & Theory Seminar this Friday,
15 October in Scaife Hall, room 220 at 2:30pm.  Title and abstract are on 
the way.

13-Oct-82 10:47    James Wendorf at CMU-10A     Paper Recycling Reminder
Just a reminder that we will be collecting used Dover and Line Printer paper
from offices beginning 9:00 AM on Friday 15 October.  Be sure to have your
paper out in the hall by that time.  If possible, keep the Dover paper and
line printer paper in separate boxes or piles, since we are paid considerably
more for the line printer paper.

13-Oct-82 14:57    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Spice Mailing List update
If you want to be on the Spice mailing list (or are and don't want to be)
send mail to me, bjz@x, with your mailing address.  Thanks.

13-Oct-82 15:06    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Degree Cards
If you received a card in the mail to be filled out for graduation,
only fill it out if you are SURE you will finish the Ph.D. by May.
If you plan on getting a M.S., just come and tell me when you are
ready.  We will handle the rest from this office.

13-Oct-82 15:09    Jim McQuade at CMU-750R      68000 Manual

Did you borrow my 68000 User's Manual??

        I need it back.
13-Oct-82 15:14    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Old Coke price returns
        Terminal room Coke is again 35 cents a bottle.  This has been 
its regular price since we first started vending 16 ounce bottles.  Our
intent is to hold this price as long as possible, despite recent
increases by Quaker State Coke.  In order to do this, you must continue
to bring back your empties, so we don't have to buy them.  
        Share and enjoy.

13-Oct-82 15:17    Tom Wood at CMU-750R         Edmund Scientific Catalog
Does anyone have a recent edition of the famed Edmund Scientific Catalog
that I could borrow for a couple of days?  Thanks.
13-Oct-82 15:17    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Coke loaders wanted
        Short hours, good exercise, fringe benefits, no pay.  Gain
experience in electro-mechanical devices.  Enjoy dealing in a legal
addictive substance.  Send no money!  Act now!  Mail before midnight
tonight to Frederking@cmua.

13-Oct-82 15:21    Dario Giuse at CMU-10A       Found coffee cup
If you forgot a coffee cup in WeH 4603 (Giuse, Moore, and Sobel), come
and take it. It's got a turtle on it.

13-Oct-82 15:25    Walter VanRoggen at CMU-10A  "Same Time Next Year"
The Alpha Omega Players Repertory will present "Same Time Next Year"
tonight (Wednesday) at 8:00 PM in the Skibo Ballroom. Free admission.

13-Oct-82 15:31    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Pink Card Addendum
If you DO NOT intend to complete a M.S. or Ph.D. this semester
throw the pink card in the garbage!!

13-Oct-82 15:34    Joe Mohan at CMU-10A         Save-A-Life Swim
I am participating in the American Cancer Society Save-A-Life Swim 
by swimming lenghts to raise money for the battle against cancer; this is
done as part of of my swimming class activity at the gym this week.  
I urge all friends and people concerned about cancer control to pledge.
If you decide to pledge, bless your heart, please send me your name and
the amount you wish to pledge (either a total sum or amount per length
for a maximum of 40 lenghts).  I'll reach you for the money next week.

13-Oct-82 15:41    DAVID LEWIN                  Function-level programming
A writer at Business Week is interested in finding out
who is working in "function-level programming" and what it means.
If you are or know someone working in this field, whether at CMU or
elsewhere, send me mail (LEWIN@CMUC) or call me at 578-3751.


Dave Lewin
13-Oct-82 16:18    Barbara Zayas at CMU-750X    Phone Problems!
One of the local radio stations was having a contest for a $100,000
giveaway.  The circuits in most of the city were jammed as a result 
of so many callers.  The telephone company complained and the station
hurried the contest along.  
13-Oct-82 16:24    Anthony Stentz at CMU-780G   study group meetings

The four meeting times for the Theory study groups are:

WHEN                   WHERE
3:00 on Tues           WEH 8020
4:00 on Tues           WEH 8123
11:00 (A.M.) on Wed    WEH 8404
3:00 on Wed            WEH 8307

13-Oct-82 20:13    Richard H  Gumpertz          testing again
From: Richard H  Gumpertz <Rick Gumpertz at CMU-10A>
1 2 3 4
13-Oct-82 22:22    WMartin at Office-8          UNIX DBMS Inquiry
From: WMartin at Office-8 (Will Martin)
We are in the process of initially looking for a DBMS to run
under UNIX, initially on a VAX 11/750, eventually on a wide
variety of UNIX hosts.

This DBMS will be used to support an extensive office automation
project for the Department of the Army, and this system may
eventually run on many hosts, supporting over 100,000 users all
over the country and probably overseas, also.  Efficiency and
reliability are therefore important.

We solicit comments and evaluations regarding any and all UNIX
DBMS's, either commercial products, public domain, or still in
design or development.  We would like to hear from UNIX DBMS
users, UNIX system administrators or maintainers, database
managers, vendors, and designers.  If you have been involved in
the creation or implementation of any office-automation type of
system which was based on a DBMS or interfaced to one or more
DBMS's, we would especially like to solicit your comments,
experiences, and opinions.

We are currently particularily interested in comments about
INGRES.  Since it comes with our Berkeley software (which we are
in the process of licensing; we do not have it yet), we want to
know if it is as good as anything else around (we have literature
on a handful of commercial products, picked up at USENIX), or is
it better or worse, and in what ways.

I and your country thank you in advance.

If you are a vendor who wants to send me literature, or anyone
who wants to USMail me anything in regard to this inquiry, my
USMail address is:
ATTN: DRXAL-FD, William G. Martin
PO Box 1578
St. Louis, MO  63188

ARPANet address: WMartin@Office-8  USENET Address: wmartin@brl-bmd

Will Martin

Date:     8 Oct 82 11:13:59-EDT (Fri)
Attention: general bboard
From:     Minker.umcp-cs at UDel-Relay
To:       ARPANET-BBOARDS at Mit-Ml
cc:       AAI at Sri-Ai
Via:  UMCP-CS; 8 Oct 82 19:55-EDT
Remailed-date: 09 Oct 1982 0215-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

     As you know, Anatoly Shcharansky who wrote a Master's Thesis in chess
is serving a prison sentence in the Soviet Union.  There is fear for his
life as he has embarked on  a hunger strike to protest the repeated
confiscation of his mail to his family.  Soviet law permits him to send and
to receive mail.  Over the past year-and-a-half, he has  survived nine
months of special punishment in solitary confinement for failing to meet
unreasonable work quotas, for resisting censorship of letters to his
elderly mother, and for attempting to observe religious rituals.  The
effects of a hunger strike on Shcharansky's already poor health may lead to
irreparable damage and possible death.
     I urge all my colleagues in artificial intelligence and computer
science to write or send telegrams in support of Mr. Shcharansky to:
     Academy of Sciences of the USSR
     Leninsky Prospekt 14
     Moscow B-71

     Academician G.I. Marchuk, Chairman
     State Committee for Science and Technology
     Ulitsa Gorkova 11
     Moscow 229236

Please send a copy of your letter to Soviet Ambassador A.  Dobrynin in
Washington, D.C.  If you can, send me a copy of your letter.  Mrs.
Shcharansky, who is in the United States attempting to obtain support for
her husband, would appreciate knowing who has sent letters.
     Thanks for your support.
     As I write this note, I have heard an unconfirmed report that Tatiyana
Osipova, another computer scientist imprisoned in the Soviet Union is now
on a hunger strike.
                                JACK MINKER
                                 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND
Date:  6 Oct 1982 at 1116-PDT
To: arpanet-bboards at Mit-Ml
Cc: roode at Sri-Nic, worthington at SRI-TSC
Subject: Wanted: Package to run TOPS20 programs on TENEX
Attention: general bboard
From: poggio at SRI-TSC
Remailed-date: 06 Oct 1982 1947-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

Yes, we know it is largely a dead issue.  Nonetheless, we are looking
for an existing JSYS compatibility package so that we can run some
TOPS20 programs under TENEX with little modification.  Leads, pointers,
actual source or object files much appreciated.

--Andy (poggio at sri-tsc)

ELLEN@MIT-MC 10/06/82 05:15:42 Re:  Forwarded for POURNE
To: arpanet-bboards at MIT-ML
(He sent it to ARPANETS-BBOARDS...)
Date: 6 October 1982 05:05-EDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE at MIT-MC>
Subject:  I musta got the address wrong.  Sigh

    POURNE@MIT-MC 10/06/82 04:52:02 Re: Anthology announsement
    	Short (preferably under 4000 words) articles written for
    the general public are needed for SILICON BRAINS, an anthology
    on intelligence (artificial and otherwise) in the future.

    Needed may be astrong term; we have a lot of good stuff.  But we
    could use more.  Probably best to inquire first about subject.

    SILICON BRAINS is about half fiction and half non-fiction, much

    John F. Carr, Associate Editor
    Pournelle & Associates
    12051 Laurel Terrace Drive
    Studio City, CA 91604

Date:  2 Oct 1982 1138-EDT
Sender: ka:ren <kew at MIT-OZ>
Attention: general bboard
From: ka:ren <kew at MIT-MC>
Subject: Important international meeting
To: arpanet-bboards at MIT-ML
cc: jw at MIT-OZ
Remailed-date: 02 Oct 1982 1713-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

			International Conference on

		      Office Work and New Technology

			    Oct. 28 and 29
			      Boston, MA
			  Parker House Hotel

The International Conference on Office Work and New Technology will
bring together European and North American office workers, scholars,
trade union representatives, policy makers, and corporate users and
manufacturers of office technologies to discuss the social impacts of
office automation.

The Goals of the conference are:

1) To inform concerned constituencies and the North American public
about the problems and potentials of office automation, relevant
findings, and government, trade union, and management efforts in this
area on these issues.

2) To demonstrate, by sharing European and North American experiences,
that alternative approaches to automation are both possible and

Speakers will include labor, academic, government, and employer
representatives from Norway, Sweden, England, France, Germany and
Italy who are experts on employment impacts and policies, job design
and job stress, career training and equal opportunity, and computer
systems design.

Featured panels will examine:

	Automation and Office Employment
	Occupational Health
	Effects on Quality of Work, Skills, and Training, and Equal
	Alternatives for the Future

Participatory workshops will follow each panel to explore the issues
and alternatives in greater depth, and to provide for consultation
with European experts.

The Working Women Education Fund is a non-profit corporation
conducting research and education programs in the interest of women
office workers.  Many of the programs of the Working Women Education
Fund are carried out by 9 to 5, National Association of Working Women,
a national association of clerical workers working to win rights and
respect on the job.

For more information on fees and registration, please write or call:

International Conference
Working Women Education Fund
1224 Huron Road, 3rd floor
Cleveland, Ohio  44115

Date: Fri 1-Oct-1982 11:57-EDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Bill Russell <RUSSELL@NYU>
To: arpanet-bboards@MIT-ML
Subject: A fond goodbye
Message-ID: <27441A96C.00570028;1982@CMCL1.NYU.ARPA>
On October 1st, New York University and the Department Of Energy
retired serial #4, a Control Data Corporation 6600.  This computer
system has been in use here at NYU since May of 1965.
Remailed-date: 01 Oct 1982 2211-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

As far we know it was oldest CDC 6000 series machine still operating.

We hope that we get as much productive use of our newer machines
as we have received from serial #4.

I was a CDC CE for this machine before converting to systems
programming.  I have many fond (and not so fond) memories of
this system.  May all of the newer systems serve as well as
serial #4.

For your information, serial #1 CDC 6600 is currently on display at
the Digital Computing Museum in Marlboro, Massachusetts.

Return-path: @USC-ISID,@UCL-CS,bundy@edxa
Via: USC-ISID ; Thursday, September 30, 1982 03:55:53-PDT
Via:  Ucl-Cs; 24 Sep 82 11:27-BST
Date:       Friday, 24-Sep-82  10:28:03-BST
Attention: general bboard
From:       BUNDY    HPS  <bundy@edxa>
To:         arpanet-bboards%mit-ml@ucl
Reply-To:   bundy%edxa%ucl-cs@isid
Subject:    Edinburgh Abstracts List
Remailed-date: 01 Oct 1982 0649-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

The Edinburgh Artificial Intelligence Department produces a series of
research memoranda (Research Reports) and one of teaching notes
(Occasional Papers).  A list of abstracts is regularly circulated.  If
you would like to get on the mailing list for this list then contact
Margaret Pithie, Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of
Edinburgh, Forrest Hill, Edinburgh, EH1 2QL, Scotland.

Date: 26 Sep 1982 17:31:20-PDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Kim.fateman@Berkeley
To: arpanet-bboards@mit-ml
Subject: Mathematical Representation and Manipulation
Remailed-date: 27 Sep 1982 0154-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

 Representation and Manipulation of Mathematical Knowledge

                      Richard Fateman
        Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
          Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics
             University of California, Berkeley

     We are starting a newly-funded multi-year research pro-
ject   to  study  the  representation  and  manipulation  of
mathematical knowledge, and related research areas.  In par-
ticular,  we  will be addressing problems which arise natur-
ally in building computer programs  to  deal  with  symbolic
mathematical  notation  and  algorithms, and establishing an
advanced environment for scientific computation.

     Positions are open for

(1)  several  full-time   distinguished   researchers   with
     records  of  high productivity in the field of symbolic
     and algebraic computation.

(2)  a number of short-term visitors (1 to 6 months) who are
     expert  in applied mathematics, mathematical physics or
     other existing or potential applications areas of  com-
     puters  to symbolic computation.  These visitors should
     have a strong desire to learn more about such  systems,
     and  should  be  willing  to  contribute  to the design
     phases of a new system.  Some  visitors  will  be  con-
     sidered  whose  major  expertise  is  in the design and
     implementation of algebraic manipulation algorithms and

     We  will  also  consider  support  or  other   research
     involvement  for participants located outside Berkeley,
     especially those who have initially participated in the
     visitor program.

(3)  support staff who would assist in maintaining  existing
     equipment  and  software, and specify and configure new
     hardware.  Current facilities at UC Berkeley include  a
     large  number  of  DEC  VAX 11/780 and 11/750 computers
     running the UNIX  operating  system  in  a  distributed
     (Ethernet)  environment,  joined to a variety of 68000-
     based graphics and computation workstations.  We expect
     that  most work in the future would be on (more) power-
     ful networked personal scientific  workstation  comput-

     The objective of this research is  to  provide  insight
into  the basic information science problems in mathematical
representation and algorithms that have emerged in the  past
15  years  of  work  on such systems as Macsyma, Scratchpad,
Reduce, etc.

     We expect to produce, as a consequence of this work,  a
system or systems which are

(a)  explicitly suited for further research  in  mathematics
     and knowledge representation,

(b)  coordinated with pedagogical  and  reference  material,

(c)  engineered to provide clean and  convenient  access  to
     graphics and numeric facilities.

     We are developing further details on project plans, and
will  provide  these  to  interested  parties on request. We
expect that researchers will have  considerable  flexibility
in  establishing priorities within a broad range of research

Salaries will be commensurate with experience.

We will carry out our research principally at the University
of  California,  Berkeley.  It will involve interaction with
students, faculty, visitors, and short-term  consultants  in
computer  science,  mathematics,  physics, and perhaps other
disciplines.  We will be supporting a number of new and con-
tinuing  graduate  students  and distinguished undergraduate
students in mathematics, programming languages and  systems,
algebraic manipulation systems, algorithms, graphics, numer-
ical analysis, and artificial intelligence.

     If you are considering applying for graduate school  in
computer  science  or  mathematics,  have interests in these
areas, and appropriate credentials to warrant  admission  to
UC  Berkeley,  please  get in touch with us regarding assis-
tantship support.

Some visitors may wish to plan their first visit as soon  as
winter  quarter  (Jan. 1983) at Berkeley, when Prof. Fateman
will be teaching a graduate course on Algebraic Computation.
Spring and Summer quarters should also be considered.

Major funding for this effort is being provided by the  Sys-
tem  Development Foundation, and is expected to continue for
at least five years.  Additional funding is  being  provided
by the U.S. Dept. of Energy.

If you wish to apply for any of the above positions,  please
forward a resume and brief statement of interest to:

Prof. Richard Fateman
Computer Science Division, EECS
573 Evans Hall
University of Calif.
Berkeley, CA 94720.

(arpanet: fateman@berkeley, uucp: ucbvax!fateman, phone (415) 642-1879)

Date: 24 Sep 1982 0945-PDT
Attention: general bboard
From: King at KESTREL (Dick King)
Subject: a banking & EFT group
To:   arpanet-bboards at ML
cc:   king
Remailed-date: 24 Sep 1982 1948-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

	Would anyone be interested in a group to discuss the banking industry,
including but not limited to EFT?  I can't afford the time to moderate such
a group, but I sense an interest out there.


Date: 20 Sep 1982 1856-PDT
Attention: general bboard
Subject: VLDB refunds -- update
To:   arpanet-bboards at MIT-MC
Remailed-date: 21 Sep 1982 0003-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

As the treasurer for VLDB-82 let me set a couple of things straight
about the refunds, of which I have seen a couple of messages now.

(1) Only people who paid for the entire package (air and hotel) through
    Almaden Travel should expect any refunds.  The remainder of you
    have already received a refund in the form of a reduced hotel rate
    if your reservation was made through Almaden.

(2) Checks for those owed refunds should be going out within the next
    week or so.  These will be handled by Almaden, but please give
    them a chance to get things wrapped up.  If anyone has a problem,
    you can reach me through my Net mailbox, or by Ma Bell at
    (415) 941-3912.  Please give us a little time to get caught up
    before you get frustrated and call.

I am also interested in comments from all of you regarding the organization
of the conference, technical content, etc.  For those who have not heard,
the official decision is to hold the next conference in Italy. Specific date
and location are still being worked out.


Date: 20 September 1982  16:06-PDT (Monday)
Attention: general bboard
Subject: "free" credit cards - do they still exist?
To: arpanet-bboards at mc
cc: King at KESTREL
Remailed-date: 20 Sep 1982 1924-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

	Many banks are charging consumers for bank credit cards.  I'd
like to avoid this if I could, and I understand many banks still offer
free cards.  Is anyone out there using a bank that still offers "free"
cards?  If not a California bank, would they be willing to offer out
of state?

	I will compile a list of responses and mail it to anyone
interested - send me a request.

	Requests and responses to KING@KESTREL, please.

Date: 20 Sep 1982 1434-EDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Brady J. Michael <BRADY at MIT-OZ>
Subject: Robot hackers wanted at MIT
To: arpanet-bboards at MIT-ML
Remailed-date: 20 Sep 1982 1926-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology invites applications for the following positions:

RESEARCH SPECIALIST:  Individual will develop and maintain PDP11 and VAX
software supporting exotic peripherals; will determine the nature of and localize hardware failures; will assist researchers in the development of system-
software interfaces; and will perform picture and sensor input and output operations for the computer robotics and vision groups.  Individual will report to
the Laboratory's Robotic Systems Coordinator and will assist approximately 15
research scientists and graduate students.  Individual must have experience
with PDP11 Assembly language, PDP10 Assembly language, and DOS operating system.  Person must have considerable knowledge of PDP11 and VAX architecture,
UNIBUS, process-control computer methods, and photographic techniques.  This
position requires a bachelor's degree in a related field or a combination of
related education and substantial experience.  Interest in computer vision and
robotics and eagerness to collaborate with researchers is essential.  The annual salary is $20,000.

RESEARCH SCIENTIST:  The Laboratory has a new program that requires several 
kinds of creative people, such as the following:  imaginative mechanical designers to work on new arms and hands featuring dexterity and speed coupled with
force and touch sensors; experts in manipulator control to work on new control
ideas; experts in vision to apply ideas about two and three-dimensional perception to inspection, parts acquisition, and assembly; specialists in high-level
programming languages, with a thorough understanding of LISP and artificial-
intelligence work on programming languages, to work on languages, problem-solvers, and spatial-reasoning packages.  Applicants in these areas must be strongly motivated to work on problems with practical importance, such as the problem of locating, identifying, retrieving, and installing parts.
Position requires a minimum of a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence, or a field closely related to robotics, in addition to at least two years of
directly related experience doing high-level research in Robotics for a university or industrial research laboratory.  The yearly salary is $24,000.

Contact Michael Brady at (617) 253-5868 or (617) 646-6815 or Brady@MIT-AI.

Date: 11 September 1982 19:44-EDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Hal Abelson <HAL at MIT-MC>
Subject:  staff position at MIT
Remailed-date: 11 Sep 1982 2115-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

The MIT Laboratory for Computer Science has an immediate opening for a
permanent research staff position in the Educational Computing Group.

Our group is developing an integrated computational tool for
non-expert users, which will serve as a successor to the Logo system,
suitable for the personal computers of the late 1980's.  This will be
a powerful general-purpose programming environment, which includes
capabilities for text-editing, programming, data manipulation and
inter-user communication, and yet is integrated and coherent, that is,
in which all of the basic capabilities can be assimilated to a single,
uniform, easily understood computational scheme.  Our system is
Lisp-based, but differs from other attempts at integrated systems
(Smalltalk, Interlisp, Lisp machine) in making the user interface much
more integral to the meaning of the system than any previous language.
The language also makes use of a pervasive spatial metaphor in which
linguistic structures and relations are mirrored in the spatial
relations shown on the screen.

The new staff member should be able to assume primary responsibility
for the continued implementation of this system, which is being done
on Lisp machines.

Applicants should be knowledgeable about Logo and have substantial
experience with large-scale systems development in Lisp.  Previous
experience with Lisp machines would also be highly desirable.

Interested parties should contact:

Prof. Hal Abelson
Laboratory for Computer Science
Cambridge, Ma. 02139


Date:  7 Sep 1982 1448-MDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Gary Lindstrom <Lindstrom at UTAH-20>
Subject: Faculty Openings
To: arpanet-bboards at MIT-ML
Remailed-date: 07 Sep 1982 2131-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

                            UNIVERSITY OF UTAH

                    Computer Science Faculty Positions

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Utah solicits
applications at all professorial ranks.  A candidate for Assistant Professor 
must earn the Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related field prior to December
1983.  A candidate for Associate Professor must have, in addition, at least
three years of teaching or research experience in Computer Science.  A
candidate for the rank of Professor must have a well-established research
record in Computer Science.

The department currently has 12 tenure-track faculty members, as well as an
additional 6 serving in research capacities.  The student population includes
approximately 400 undergraduate majors, 52 Master's degree students
(27 MS and 25 ME), and 34 PhD students.

Faculty research projects include algebraic computation, computer-aided
geometric design, data-flow and multiprocessor architectures, functional
programming languages, graphical software development tools, design 
methodologies for special-purpose architectures, robotics and computer vision,
software portability, text-searching machines, computer aided instruction and

Department research equipment includes a DECsystem 2060 (on Arpanet and
Telenet), three VAX-11/750's, and an HP3000/33, all interconnected via a local
network.  Other equipment includes an E&S Picture System, E&S PS300, Megatek
Whizzard 7250 system, Grinnell color frame buffer, and a ComputerVision
Designer system.  The department also operates a Small Computer Laboratory
consisting of several personal work stations utilizing two Apollo Domain
systems, a Perq, an Intel i432 development system, and a Lilith machine.
Instructional facilities include various models of DEC PDP-11, each running 
Unix.  Special output devices include a Barco high resolution color monitor
for the production of color pictures and computer generated movies, a four
color plotter, and a Mergenthaler Omnitech/2000 Photocomposer.  The department
also has the use of a VLSI fabrication laboratory within its college.

Starting date for appointments is 1 July 1983.  Direct vita, along with the
names of three or more references, by 1 February, 1983 to:

                     Professor Gary Lindstrom
                     Chairman, Faculty Search Committee
                     Department of Computer Science
                     University of Utah
                     Salt Lake City, UT  84112

The University of Utah is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.

Date: 4 September 1982 18:34-EDT
Attention: general bboard
From: V. Ellen Golden <ELLEN at MIT-MC>
Subject: VDT Usage Query
Remailed-date: 04 Sep 1982 1839-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML

A contributor to the Boston Globe "CONFIDENTIAL CHAT" has asked for a
survey of VDT (Video Display Terminal) Users.  This person uses the
pen name of "BLUE BUTTONS".  You may reply directly via U.S. Mail with
a letter to "Blue Buttons" addressed to

        Confidential Chat
        Boston Globe
        Boston, MA 02107

or you may reply by electronic mail to me, ELLEN@MC, and I will collect
the messages in a file, MC:ELLEN;VDT SURVEY and then print them out to
forward them to the Chat.  The file will of course be available for FTPing
and if or when "Blue Buttons" should choose to present the results of
the survey, I will undertake to make it available on-line.

Here is the text of "Blue Buttons"'s letter:
-----------------------Begin text of Blue Buttons's letter
Something has just come to my attention that I'd like your help in looking

I am sure many of us work with video display terminals.  I would like to 
conduct an informal survey of VDT users and health problems, or lack thereof.
I would appreciate as many replies, covering as large groups as possible,
to the following questions:

(Please answer completely so that duplication can be minimized)

1. Name of company:

2. Initials of operator:

3. Job title:

4. Sex:

5. Type of system used:

6. Average hours used/week:

7. How long working at any VDT:

8. Involvement during pregnancy:

    If yes:  Please include all the above information for the
             other parent and note that the two entries are paired.

           8a.  What was the outcome:
                              (1) normal:
                              (2) miscarriage:
                              (3) birth defects:

9. Do you have any health problems which you feel may be VDT-related?

I would be pleased to have answers from entire groups - an office,
a floor, etc.  I will try to to compile them and let you know what 
sort of results we get.

This is such a large and growing part of our lives, and its so new,
that it's a little frightening to thing how little we know about
possible effects.  Does anyone know whether there have been studies
using rats under intense association with VDT's?

---------------------------- end of Blue Buttons's Message

Return-path: @USC-ISID,@UCL-CS,bundy@edxa
Via: USC-ISID ; Friday, September 3, 1982 12:03:20-PDT
Via:  Ucl-Cs; 3 Sep 82 14:44-BST
Date:       Friday, 3-Sep-82  14:23:54-BST
Attention: general bboard
From:       BUNDY    HPS  <bundy@edxa>
To:         arpanet-bboards%mit-ai@ucl
Reply-To:   bundy%EDXA%ucl-cs@isid
Subject:    Another Job Advert
Remailed-date: 04 Sep 1982 1838-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML


                     UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH


                         Research Fellow

     Applications are invited for the above SSRC funded post, tenable  from
1st  November  or  some  mutually  agreed date.  The fellow wil explore and
evaluate methods for teaching the programmming language, PROLOG, as a  tool
for  Artificial  Intelligence.  Experience of educational research and com-
puter programming is essential.  Experience of PROLOG or  other  Artificial
Intelligence languages would be an advantage.

The post is tenable for 2 years and on the R1A scale ( 6375-11105).  Appli-
cations,  which  should  include  a  curriculum  vitae and the names of two
referees, should be sent to:

                     Mrs. J. Lee
                     Dept. of Artificial Intelligence,
                     University of Edinburgh,
                     Forrest Hill,

from whom further details can be obtained.


Return-path: @USC-ISID,@UCL-CS,bundy@edxa
Via: USC-ISID ; Friday, September 3, 1982 12:01:35-PDT
Via:  Ucl-Cs; 3 Sep 82 14:40-BST
Date:       Friday, 3-Sep-82  14:23:04-BST
Attention: general bboard
From:       BUNDY    HPS  <bundy@edxa>
To:         arpanet-bboards%mit-ai@ucl
Reply-To:   bundy%EDXA%ucl-cs@isid
Subject:    Job Advert
Remailed-date: 04 Sep 1982 1838-EDT
Remailed-from: Arpanet-BBoards-Request at MIT-ML


                     UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH


             Progamming Assistant/Research Assistant

     Applications are invited for the above SERC funded post, tenable  from
1st  October  or  some  mutually agreed date.  The programming assistant is
required to give software support to an SERC funded research group building
computer  programs  which model aspects of mathematical reasoning.  A first
degree in Computer Science, or similar qualification, is essential. Experi-
ence of PROLOG or other Artificial Intelligence programming languages would
be an advantage.

The post is tenable for 4 years and on the R1B scale ( 5550-8085).   Appli-
cations,  which  should  include  a  curriculum  vitae and the names of two
referees, should be sent to:

                     Mrs. J. Lee
                     Dept. of Artificial Intelligence,
                     University of Edinburgh,
                     Forrest Hill,

from whom further details can be obtained.


Date: 18 June 1982 16:46-EDT
Attention: general bboard
From: CCS at MIT-MC
Subject: CStacy

Christopher C. Stacy is a loser and needs to be flushed from
the ARPANET. His uname is CStacy@Mit-Ai. He in general hurts the

Date: 15 Jun 1982 02:21:32-PDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Michael Chastain <>
Subject: Computer Addiction Survey

I don't want to address the question 'What EXACTLY is an addict'.
I'd like to ask some objective questions:

[1]  Have you ever pulled an all-nighter without telling the person(s)
     you live with?

[2]  Have you ever randomly poked around other people's or system
     files, with no particular goal, for longer than 30 minutes?

[3]  Have you ever skipped a homework assignment or other deadline
     in favor of nonessential computer activities (playing games,
     reading news, twiddling unimportant things)?

[4]  Have you ever experienced neurotic symptoms traceable to your
     computer activities (undue frustration, anger, etc.)?

[5]  Have you ever broken a date or other romantic engagement in
     favor of nonessential computer activities?

[6]  Have you ever fainted from lack of food or sleep in ANY
     computer activity?

[7]  Have you ever spent substantial amounts of time doing pointless
     things (watching the load average or the queues, waiting for
     the process numbers to cycle through 0, etc.)?

[8]  Have you ever made yourself tremendously unhappy through your
     computer activities?

BE HONEST!! A survey like this is no good if you lie.  Just to start
the ball rolling, I'll answer first: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no.

Personal comments, flames, etc., are welcome.  Answers will be held
in confidence if desired.

Send responses to by July 1, and I'll summarize.

Michael Chastain

Date: 23 May 1982 15:50:19-PDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Cory.erik at Berkeley
Subject: Organization Query
Cc: C70:csd.McGrath@Score

	There is an organization starting up called American Associated
University Students (or something like that). I have been told that the
following institutions are members through their student gov'ts:

Stanford	UCLA		UC Berkeley	Cornell
Brown		Duke		Harvard		U of Penn.
Tufts		Purdue		Princeton	Case Western Reserve
U of Virginia	U of Michigan	Caltech		Vanderbilt
U of Colorado	U of Oregon	Washington U.	Johns Hopkins

	What occurred to me when I read this list is that a number of these
institutions are on either uucp/usenet or ARPAnet, and electronic mail being
what it is, it might not be such a bad idea to have these places talking to
each other over the networks. Are you (yes, you reading this message) involved
or do you know someone involved? If this is the case, I'd like to hear from
you, by Mail, of course.
				Erik E. Fair
				Cory.erik@Berkeley	(ARPA)
				ucbvax!ucbcory!erik	(UUCP)

Date: 17 March 1982 1353-PST (Wednesday)
Attention: general bboard
From: lauren at UCLA-Security (Lauren Weinstein)
Subject: Mailing lists
In-reply-to: Your message of 17 Mar 1982 11:18:26-EST
To: z at CCA-UNIX
CC: list1:

I'm sorry, but I'm going to strongly recommend that no mailing lists
be forwarded into the usenet by the mechanism you suggest.  The Berkeley
action is very negative, and particularly troublesome due to its
sudden nature with NO warning.  

Gateways have historically been a 2-way street, with both sides taking
some responsibility for the benefits and problems associated with
their use.  Unilateral actions destroy the sense of cooperation necessary
to successful gateways and interchange of information.  I rely heavily
on material from the USENET that comes to me via ARPA, and feel that
the most appropriate action in this case is to remove the risk and load
that feeding the USENET brings to the ARPA community.  If Berkeley feels
it can't handle the load and the "risks" of sending in the material,
I don't think the ARPA sites really can either.  

If Berkeley delivered netnews to 400 ARPA sites, I could see a problem.
But they don't, they only send to a few.  On the other hand, the ARPA
sites, in some cases, must send to MANY hundreds of users directly.
And I might add that ARPA is concerned about gateways in both directions,
since material flowing from the net to the outside might badly reflect
on its operations.

Until Berkeley realizes that the gateways require consideration from
both sides, and are a TWO-WAY street with benefits for BOTH sides,
I strongly recommend the immediate cutoff of all ARPA digest and mailing
list material from USENET insertion.  Any attempt by an individual
to provide this service on an "underground" basis should be considered
illegal use of ARPA resources.

I am tempted to bring this whole issue up officially to DCA and get
it settled once and for all -- I will probably do so shortly.  Berkeley
gets money from ARPA just like everyone else, and a number of rather
important people are affected by their action...

And by the way Z, thanks a bunch for sending your message to all the
lists directly instead of the -request addresses.  Your move cost
the ARPA machines a bunch of time (and money) while distributing
your messages to hundreds of people.


P.S.  In case anyone can't tell, I am ROYALLY pissed about this.


Date: 17 Mar 1982 11:15:43-EST
Attention: general bboard
From: z at CCA-UNIX (Steve Zimmerman)
To: arms-d at mc, arpanet-bboards at ai, digest-people at mc, editor-people at su-score,
    energy at mc, human-nets at ai, info-cpm at ai, info-micro at ai, info-terms at mc,
    info-vax at ai, poli-sci at rutgers, printers at ai, railroad at ai, sf-lovers at ai,
    space at mc, tcp-ip at brl, telecom at rutgers, teletext at ai, unix-cpm at udel,
    works at ai
Subject: Mailing lists

With no advance warning, Berkeley has just announced a policy of not
sending news to the Arpanet, starting immediately.  Therefore, to
continue receiving your digests, we need to be put directly on your
mailing lists.  When we receive the digests, we will be inputting them
to the news program, and probably later relaying them to other Arpanet
sites as well.

Each digest needs to send to a different address at CCA-UNIX.  For
example, if you are the HUMAN-NETS digest, please put
HUMAN-NETS@CCA-UNIX on your mailing list; similarly for other digests.
For the WorkS mailing list, we would like to receive undigested
articles.  Since it appears that we will be relaying this mail to other
sites as well, we would appreciate being somewhat high up on the mailing

Also, I'm not sure I have all the addresses right for the various groups
to whom I'm sending this message.  If you see an address which you know
to be incorrect in the "To:" line of this message, could you send the
the correct address?

Thank you very much.

					Steven Zimmerman

Date: 17 Mar 1982 1417-EST
Attention: general bboard
From: TMPL at BBNG
Subject: Query -- Modula compiler for 8086?
To: Human-Nets at MIT-AI, info-micro at MIT-AI
Cc: Weissman at ISI(Attn: JosiAlthouse)
Message-ID: <[BBNG]17-Mar-82 14:17:36.TMPL>
Redistributed-To: arpanet-bboards at MIT-AI
Redistributed-By: TMPL at BBNG
Redistributed-Date: 19 Mar 1982
Remailed-date: 19 Mar 1982 1549-EST
Remailed-from: Glenn S. Burke <GSB at MIT-ML>

[[The  attached  message  was  sent  to  me  for inclusion in the
Compvter-Secvrity-Forvm.  After discussing it with the author, we
agreed that it made sense to also send it to any other lists that
might be able to help.  Feel free  to  forward  it  elsewhere  as
well.  -- TMPL]]

Begin forwarded message
Date: 8 Mar 1982 1321-PST
Attention: general bboard
From: JosiAlthouse
To: tmpl at BBNG(Attn: forvm)
Subject: Modula Compilers

The Systems Security Branch of SDC's Research and Development Division
is currently working on a security application that will run on an
Intel 8086 embedded in an intelligent terminal.  One important goal of
the project is source code-level formal verification.  A Verification
Condition Generator for the Modula programming language is currently
under development at SDC; this VCG will be used in conjunction with
SDC's Ina Jo (T.M.) specification language processor and Interactive
Theorem Prover.  Thus, we are planning on implementing the system in
Modula.  If anyone in the Forvm community knows of a Modula compiler
that generates 8086 object code and is available for distribution,
please notify us at WEISSMAN@ISI(Attn JosiAlthouse).
End forwarded message

14-Oct-82 00:01    Glenn S  Burke               [Arpanet-BBoards:  Apology]
From: Glenn S  Burke <GSB at MIT-ML>
I apologize to those of you inconvenienced or offended by an earlier
message to arpanet-bboards, which came under header from WMARTIN
at OFFICE-8, and appeared to be an arpanet-bboards archive.  He
is in no way responsible for the screwup.  The offending sofware
will be attacked with a hatchet.

On the lighter side, what went out was not exactly an archive;  it
was partly "new material", including things not intended to be posted...
14-Oct-82 10:42    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Space Walk-Through
Nico wanted those of you who are awake this early in the morning to know
that Provost Berg and Dean Sekerka will be coming to visit the department
this morning to inspect our space situation.  We are trying to convince
them that Computer Science is badly in need of more space.

14-Oct-82 14:09    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Only 28 hours for non-share..
        holders. Order closes at 2 PM Friday, to shareholders it
        closes at 2 PM Tuesday the 19th. Party Wed. Pm the 20th at
        7 PM. Sales Thursday at 9 AM, CS lounge.

14-Oct-82 18:04    Takeo Kanade at CMU-10A      AI seminars
        The next AI seminar talk (Tuesday, Oct. 19  3:30, 5409 WeH) will be
"A Universal Week Method" by John Laird and Allen Newell (CMU)
The talks coming up include:
Oct. 26: Eric Grimson (MIT)
Nov.  2: James Allen (Rochester)
Nov. 16: Joe Traub (Columbia)
The abstract will be posted on CogSci BB.

14-Oct-82 18:21    Elizabeth Grgurich           Roy Levin Visiting
From: Elizabeth Grgurich at CMU-10A
Roy Levin, from Xerox PARC, will be visiting tomorrow, October 15 and Monday, 
October 18.  He is giving a talk at 3:30 Monday afternoon titled "A Simple 
Version Control System".  (Note abstract below.)  Doughnuts will be served 
at 3:00 in the lounge.  If you would like to meet with him, send me mail @cmua 
or call x3853.
                    A Simple Version Control System
When a software system becomes large enough that more than two or three people 
participate regularly in its development or maintenance, careful management 
of the versions of components of the system is necessary.  The degree of 
formality of the management controls depends upon many factors including: the 
size of the system, the number and geographical distribution of the 
implementors, and the frequency of integrations or releases.  In selecting the 
technique to be applied to a particular project, one must understand where that
project lies along these dimensions.
I will describe a simple version control mechanism that is used to manage the 
development of components of the Cedar system.  The Cedar project has between 
8 and 12 full-time implementors and involves about 4500 files of software and 
documentation.  The version control mechanism provides a rather strong 
guarantee of consistency and completeness in each release while minimizing the 
burden on the implementors.  Without compromising that guarantee, the mechanism
also minimizes the complexity and time required to perform a release, thereby 
streamlining the development process.

14-Oct-82 18:21    James Wendorf at CMU-10A     Final Reminder
This is the final reminder to put your used paper out in the hall sometime
between now and 9:00 AM tomorrow morning.  Try to have it stacked neatly,
preferably in boxes, so that it will be easier to manage.

14-Oct-82 18:23    Mark Stehlik at CMU-10A      How others see us
The following appears under the title, 'Carnegie-Mellon Gets Wired', in the
Periscope section in the current issue of Newsweek:
    Carnegie-Mellon University is about to become the first university in the
world to make the computer standard equipment for students.  CMU will sign a
contract this fall with IBM or the Digital Equipment Corp. to install a 
network of personal computers throughout its Pittsburgh campus.  By the time
the system is fully wired in 1986, students will be expected to purchase their
own computers (they will have four years to pay) just as they now buy books.
Graduating students will be able to take their computer terminals with them
and plug into the Carnegie-Mellon system from anywhere in the country.

14-Oct-82 18:26    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Spring Theory Qual Signup
As you know, tasks for the spring theory qual begin in the fall semester.
The schedule for tasks in the fall is:
#1 FLAC   October 28 - November 4
#2 FLAC   November 18 - November 24
#3 ALG I  November 29 - December 1
Students taking the spring theory qual will sign up for a new
identifying number for each task.  Sign-up sheets for the first
task are in my office now.  You must sign up for the first task

14-Oct-82 18:26    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Distinguished Lecture Today
Leslie Valiant, from Edinburgh University, currently on sabbatical
at Harvard, will be the Distinguished Lecturer today.  He will speak
at 4:00 in WeH 7500 on the topic of PARALLEL ALGORITHMS.  Doughnuts and
coffee in the lounge at 3:45.

14-Oct-82 18:26    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Joe Traub Visiting
Joe Traub will be visiting the department on November 16-17.  If you
would be interested in talking with him just let me know and I will try
to get you onto his schedule.
He will give a lecture on November 16 at 3:30 pm on the subject of
INFORMATION, UNCERTAINTY, COMPLEXITY.  An abstract will be posted on
the physical bbd on Monday.
There will be coffee and doughnuts in the lounge at 3:30.

14-Oct-82 18:27    David Bourne at CMU-10A      Apt. for rent (Apt. bboard)

14-Oct-82 20:12    Peter Highnam at CMU-10A     Cheap Silk.
The "Silk Road" company from China are currently performing in Heinz
Hall downtown.
They will also give a one night showing on Friday the 22nd October
at Carlow College in Oakland.  This will not involve more than about
20% of the whole company but it only costs $5.
A poster with details is on the physical bboard by the CS lounge.

14-Oct-82 21:09    Thomas Kong at CMU-10A       Pa. A25-332 lights on
Silver Chevette parked at Porter Hall lot.

14-Oct-82 21:57    Tom Wood at CMU-RI-FAS       Edmund Scientific Catalog
(The R-Vax seems to be having problems with the general bboard so I am
posting this again.)

Does anyone have an Edmund Scientific Catalog that I could borrow for a day
or two?  Thanks.
15-Oct-82 00:47    Jeff Eppinger at CMU-10A     I have extra Clash Tickets
I have three tickets to the Clash Concert which will be held
in the CMU Gymnasium on Saturday, October 15 at 8:00.  One or
all of the tickets can be yours for $8.50 each (the original
cost when purchased with a CMU ID).  Send me mail if you are

15-Oct-82 10:07    Sylvia Hoy at CMU-10A        PS syllabus readings
You lucky students can now pick up your PS readings so you can have
BIG fun over the weekend.   They are in the main office by the mail

15-Oct-82 10:29    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    Scribe macros for math?
Having started on that fateful document THESIS.MSS, I find I am in need of
some help in getting Scribe to format mathematical stuff nicely.  Anyone out
there have useful macros they'd like to share?  Send me a pointer; I'll post
the results.  Please:  DO NOT send mail telling me to use TEX.  I haven't even
mastered MIXAL yet.

15-Oct-82 12:16    Randy Pausch at CMU-CS-G     joining IEEE
I'm interested in joining the IEEE, but can't find a form that mentions
student rates.  Since I don't want to spend big bucks, I'd appreciate any
pointers to application forms that mention student rates.
15-Oct-82 12:49    DAVID LEWIN                  Replies on "function-level programming" query
Thanks to all of you who answered my query on functional programming.
The Business Week interest was stimulated by an article by Backus in
IEEE Spectrum.

Replies are in file <LEWIN>FUNCTION.TXT on CMUC.

--David Lewin
15-Oct-82 12:52    Jeff Eppinger at CMU-10A     Clash Tickets Gone

15-Oct-82 14:19    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Non-shareholders out of luck!
        But you shareholders still get untill Tuesday the 19th
        at 2 PM to buy those goodies. Cutting party needs people
        in CS lounge on Wed. PM at 7 as always. Sales on Thursday
        the 21st at 9 AM CS lounge. See you there!

15-Oct-82 14:23    Brad Allen at CMU-RI-ISL     Query: dependencies in frames
Is anyone out there aware of work on using data dependencies in 
frame-based knowledge representations? Send pointers, however vague,
to bpa@isl. Thanks in advance.
15-Oct-82 15:07    Randy Pausch at CMU-CS-G     IEEE question answered
I've been told it should cost $15 dollars/year, and the way to join up is
to see Prof Hoburg, Porter Hall 18K.

Thanks to all who responded.
15-Oct-82 15:09    Sandy Esch at CMU-10A        New Dept. Photographer
I'm still looking for someone to take over the position as 
Department Photographer. This would be a great opportunity for
some 1st year grad student to get to know everyone. And this 
does qualify as a lieberman queue job. If your interested send
me mail, ESCH @CMUA.

15-Oct-82 15:20    Craig Stevenson              Capture the Flag
From: Craig Stevenson at CMU-RI-ISL
     I am attempting to organize a capture the flag game for saturday night 
(16 Oct 82).  This will be a great time (or at least, it will beat going to
the clash; or sitting around moping because it is another Sat. night, and
you still haven't had a date...).
     Will we be meeting at 7:00 pm on saturday, in front of baker hall 
(near hunt library), and will be walking enmass to the battle field in 
Schenly Park.
     Dress appropriatly (dark clothes)!

p.s. bring your friends...
15-Oct-82 15:20    Marc Donner at CMU-10A       Fallingwater
Due to a few cancellations, there are now a few untaken reservations for
our trip to Fallingwater on Tuesday 26 October.  If you missed the first
call, send mail.  We will be leaving here at about 10AM, picnicking at
Ohiopyle State Park, and touring Fallingwater at 2PM.  We should be back
in Pittsburgh by 4:30 or 5:00 PM.

15-Oct-82 15:44    Mark Sherman at CMU-10A      US Air Tour
The IEEE Student Branch at CMU is sponsoring a tour of the US Air
facilities at Pitt Int'l Airport this Monday, leaving Skibo at 4:30
(they provide transportation). $1 IEEE members, $2 non-Members. Call
Jackie Cochrane x2342 for more information.

15-Oct-82 16:18    Steven Romig at CMU-CS-SPICE 1200 baud modems
Could anyone having info on 1200 baud modems for rent please send it
to me, smr@x.  Thank you VERY much...
15-Oct-82 19:05    Tokuji Okada at CMU-RI-FAS   Car Wanted
Car Wanted.  Moved in Pittsburgh.  I am now looking
for a good and chiep one.
Call (412)578-3281.   

15-Oct-82 21:11    Hank Walker at CMU-CS-VLSI   warmth
Does anyone know where the thermostat is that controls the heat to
8105?  Or alternatively, does anyone have some old Theory quals that
we can burn?
16-Oct-82 11:18    J-MILLER at CMU-20C          Hitchiker's Guide
     Has anyone been listening to HHGG on WDUQ ? Two weeks ago
they were supposed to air the final episode (part 12) but someone
at the station screwed up and they played to wrong part. I called
the station and they told me they had "technical difficulties" and
would play the final episode the following week. They didn't. I called
the station again and nobody at the station was sure if they would ever
air the final episode. 
     Does anyone know if and when the final episode will be aired, or
does anyone have a tape of the final episode that I could borrow ?

                                  Jeff Miller
16-Oct-82 11:20    Hans Moravec <HPM at SU-AI>  around once ...  
Date: 15 Oct 1982 1809-PDT
Attention: general bboard
From: Michael S. Kenniston <CSD.MSK at SU-SCORE>
Subject: We've been around once ...
To: su-bboards at SU-SCORE

Today is the 400th anniversary of the Gregorian Calendar, which was first
used on October 15, 1582.  Since it runs on a 400 year cycle, we have
just completed the first go 'round.
16-Oct-82 11:39    Tokuji Okada at CMU-RI-FAS   ** Car Wanted **
Concerning with the bb on 15-Oct-82, Phone number was incorrect.
Please call the correct number;



16-Oct-82 21:02    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    answers to Scribe query
are in TEMP:MATH.MSG[C410DT50] on CMUA.  Many people sent pointers to
Louis Monier's MATHLM package.  See [VLSI]/usr/lmm/math/ for
details.  Other helpful suggestions came from Phil Wadler, Gerry Agin, 
Bruce Lucas, and Don Cohen; all may be found in the aforementioned file.

17-Oct-82 12:48    Chuck Weinstock              Test Message
From: Chuck Weinstock <Weinstock at CMU-20C>
Please excuse this message if it ends up on the general bboard.  I am trying to
post it on the test bboard.
17-Oct-82 16:06    Randy Trigg                  Knowledge Acquisition Systems
From: Randy Trigg <randy umcp-cs@UDel-Relay>
     Does anyone know of any Knowledge Acquisition Systems with
"natural language" front ends that are either in the public domain 
or that the author is marketing at "cheap" rates?

     Please send any info to randy.umcp-cs@udel-relay.

			     - Randy
17-Oct-82 17:02    Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A    used furniture needed...
From: Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A (C410VS90)
If you have (pointers to) used furniture you could do away with ,
have a peek at the apartments bboard.
17-Oct-82 22:18    J-MILLER at CMU-20C          computers standard equipment for students
Oct. 17, 1982    7:09 PED

(UPI)	In a move described as a "revolution in education,"
Carnegie-Mellon University officials Sunday outlined a unique program
requiring every student to own a personal computer wired to the
school's system.  With the program, school president Richard M. Cyert
said, CMU will become the first university to make computers standard
equipment for students.  A decision is expected later in the week on
whether IBM or Digital Equipment Corp. will install the computer
network.  Cyert said research will continue on the program unitl 1985,
when he expects the campus to be completely wired.
	"What we want is a computer-saturated environment," he said.
"I think this will be looked back on as the greatest revolution in
education during the 20th century." 
	"Every major institution will be following us in a few years,
if they are able," he said.
	As planned, by 1985 all of CMU's 8000 to 9000 students and
teachers will own terminals wired into the school's main computer and
library.  Students will buy the terminals at a cost of about $750 a
year and keep them when they graduate.  Graduates will be able to plug
into the university system from anywhere in the nation, Cyert said.  He
said students will be able to use the computers for normal class
assignments and special programs.
	"There are just innumerable ways to use it, most of which we
haven't even come up with yet.  That's part of what the research
program will do," he said.  Cyert estimated the system will allow CMU
to give students 50 percent more information over a four-year period
and "increase a student's productivity."
	Another benefit, he said, is that graduates can stay in the
system and "we will be able to keep them up to date on their
	Cyert said all students should be able to afford the terminals
because of their relatively low cost and high resale value.  He said
he expects most students to keep the computers.  "We believe that in
four or five years, every professional will have a personal computer,"
he said.
	Cyert said about 25 universities, including Stanford and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have expressed interest in
forming a consortium to learn from the Carnegie-Mellon experiment.
"This is a logical development of computer systems," he said.  "We
think this will be the education of the twenty-first century."

18-Oct-82 01:19    Marc Donner at CMU-CS-VLSI   Seminar Thursday
Remember the talk 'Root Insertion - A Novel Algorithm for Sorting and
Searching' by Chris Stephenson of IBM Yorktown Heights on Thursday 21
October at 3:30 PM in 5409.  Chris is an excellent and entertaining
Wine and Cheese afterwards.
18-Oct-82 01:25    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      Knowledge Acquisition
What's a knowledge acquisition system?  Is that a technical term (beyond
just some sort of general purpose learning program)?  Work study students
make fine knowledge acquisition systems and some of them have reasonable 
Natural Language front ends.  They go for about $3.50/hr on the black

18-Oct-82 12:22    Sylvia Hoy at CMU-10A        Grade reports
The grade reports are due TOMORROW Oct. 19. 1982 at 9:00am.   If you
want yours to be there on time, bring them signed to the main office
today before 2:00. Someone will be carrying them over about 2:30.

18-Oct-82 12:26    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      PS Seminar Today
Just a reminder that the Programming Systems Seminar speaker today
is Roy Levin, speaking on the topic of A SIMPLE VERSION CONTROL SYSTEM.
The seminar is at 3:30 pm, in Wean Hall 5409.  Coffee and doughnuts in
the lounge at 3:00.

18-Oct-82 13:36    Neal Friedman                Geometry
From: Neal Friedman at CMU-CS-GANDALF
What is the name of the 4-dimensional projection of a cube?  - Thanks.

18-Oct-82 13:49    Richard Korf at CMU-10A      New GSO Representatives
Steve Minton and Murray Campbell were nominated to be GSO representatives.
Since the supply of candidates equals the demand, we will dispense with a
formal election, and Steve and Murray will be the new representatives, unless
seious objections are raised.

18-Oct-82 14:00    Neal Friedman                Geometry
From: Neal Friedman at CMU-CS-GANDALF
	The answer is a Tessaract.  Thanks to Steve Hoffman.

18-Oct-82 14:31    Judy Rosenberg at CMU-10A    FAC meeting
There will be a Facilities Advisory Committee meeting tomorrow afternoon.
If there are questions you would like asked or problems discussed,
contact one of the committee members (fac.dst[c410fc1l]) prior
to the meeting.

18-Oct-82 15:26    Edmund Clarke at CMU-10A     Programming Systems Seminar
  The next meeting of the Programming Systems Seminar will be on Monday,
October 25 at 3:30 pm in room 5409. The speaker will be Marc Donner of this
department. An abstract of his talk is given below:
The Design of OWL: Language Design Issues and a Robotics Problem
This summer we addressed some of the issues involved in programming the
six-legged walking machine.  As a consequence we decided to design a
programming language capable of concisely expressing some of the
control constructs which we felt were necessary.  In this talk I will
describe some of the programming scenarios that we considered and the
language structures that we selected to handle them.  
David Gries will speak on Friday October 29 instead of Friday October 22 as
previously announced. Anthony Wasserman will talk on November 29.

18-Oct-82 15:39    Ed Gehringer at CMU-10A      Tax break for pers. computers
A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education outlined the
circumstances in which tax deductions for personal computing equipment might
be allowed.  I have posted a copy on the 4th-floor physical bulletin board.

18-Oct-82 15:46    Joseph Mattis at CMU-10A     21st century education
O, Brave New World...

18-Oct-82 16:09    David Hornig at CMU-10A      E,F,G pick up Dover output

18-Oct-82 16:10    Gregg Podnar at CMU-10A      Need SCRIBE help.
I need to set up a fairly complicated document.  It will be one page
but will have single @i[and] double columns.  I'm looking for a fluent
user who is willing to sit down and point out the obvious.  Thanks.

18-Oct-82 16:45    Kevin Dowling at CMU-10A     SPICE CAD simulator
Does anyone have info on running the SPICE circuit design simulator
(Not the Project!) or pointers to information?
Respond to gdr@cmud  Thanks.

18-Oct-82 17:50    J-MILLER at CMU-20C          Computers standard equipment for students
Oct. 17, 1982    7:09 PED

(UPI)	In a move described as a "revolution in education,"
Carnegie-Mellon University officials Sunday outlined a unique program
requiring every student to own a personal computer wired to the
school's system.  With the program, school president Richard M. Cyert
said, CMU will become the first university to make computers standard
equipment for students.  A decision is expected later in the week on
whether IBM or Digital Equipment Corp. will install the computer
network.  Cyert said research will continue on the program unitl 1985,
when he expects the campus to be completely wired.
	"What we want is a computer-saturated environment," he said.
"I think this will be looked back on as the greatest revolution in
education during the 20th century." 
	"Every major institution will be following us in a few years,
if they are able," he said.
	As planned, by 1985 all of CMU's 8000 to 9000 students and
teachers will own terminals wired into the school's main computer and
library.  Students will buy the terminals at a cost of about $750 a
year and keep them when they graduate.  Graduates will be able to plug
into the university system from anywhere in the nation, Cyert said.  He
said students will be able to use the computers for normal class
assignments and special programs.
	"There are just innumerable ways to use it, most of which we
haven't even come up with yet.  That's part of what the research
program will do," he said.  Cyert estimated the system will allow CMU
to give students 50 percent more information over a four-year period
and "increase a student's productivity."
	Another benefit, he said, is that graduates can stay in the
system and "we will be able to keep them up to date on their
	Cyert said all students should be able to afford the terminals
because of their relatively low cost and high resale value.  He said
he expects most students to keep the computers.  "We believe that in
four or five years, every professional will have a personal computer,"
he said.
	Cyert said about 25 universities, including Stanford and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have expressed interest in
forming a consortium to learn from the Carnegie-Mellon experiment.
"This is a logical development of computer systems," he said.  "We
think this will be the education of the twenty-first century."

18-Oct-82 19:14    Andrew Appel at CMU-CS-G     M&M's
Why are the M&M dispensers in the terminal room all empty?  I would be
willing to take on the responsibility of keeping them filled.  Who's in
charge of them?
18-Oct-82 19:28    Gary Feldman at CMU-10A      Personal Computers
Maybe we can convince the University to loan some sample PC's to the CS grad
students, so that we can pretest them and render our expert opinions.

18-Oct-82 20:20    John McDermott at CMU-10A    the qualifying exams
I got into a conversation this afternoon in which after being reminded
that the Department's handling of the qualifying exams last year
managed to alienate an entire class, I was told that this year's
handling seemed to be moving in the same direction.  I am sorry to
say that my contribution to the conversation probably served to
doubly alienate a subset of that same class.  Several issues were
raised during the course of the conversation that deserve unimpassioned
comment.  See[a312jm01] on cmua.

18-Oct-82 22:11    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      Expert Opinions
Maybe the administration could be convinced to loan some of the PCs to
some of the freshperson fine arts majors so that the people who will have
to deal with them and are likely to have the most trouble dealing with them
can render *their* expert opinions.  No CS grad is an expert in a naive
user's view of a PC.

19-Oct-82 10:31    Paul Birkel at CMU-10A       Cheese Order Closes 2 PM!!!!!

19-Oct-82 11:25    David McKeown at CMU-10A     ARPANETS Tennis
ARPANETS tennis team posted a 5-1 record, losing in the semi-finals to
the eventual winners, G$IA.  Congrats to Merrick Furst, Takeo Kanade,
Jim Morris, Rich Korf.  We are one ringer away from a championship team.
Admissions, please take note.                           -Dave

19-Oct-82 11:40    Robert Wilber at CMU-10A     What is BITNET?
Can it be accessed from any CMU computers?

19-Oct-82 14:09    Marli McDaniel at CMU-10A    Symphony Tickets available
I have two tickets each for two nights at the symphony.  Dates
are October 22nd, and 29th.  Seats are in the gallery, and are
priced at $6.50 each, $13.00 per pair.  Send mail to  McDaniel
or Byrne, both on CMUC, before Thursday the 21st.
                                        --Marli McDaniel--

19-Oct-82 14:37    NECHES at USC-ISIF           You can't go home again
  I just Telnet-ed over to cmua to read their bulletin board, in
a fit of sentimentality.  Pure 24 kt. bland -- all the good flamers
are gone.  Sigh.
-- Bob
19-Oct-82 15:20    Cheese Coop at CMU-10A       Order Closed Floks!
        Remember the cutting Party at 7 PM tomorrow CS lounge and selling
        at 9 AM CS lounge Thursday.

19-Oct-82 15:59    Barbara Zayas                Theory Seminar
From: Barbara Zayas at CMU-CS-SPICE
Lyle McGeoch will be the speaker at the Theory Seminar on Thursday, 21 
October.  Meet in Wean Room 4605 at 3:00pm.  An abstract is posted on 
the physical bboards.
19-Oct-82 15:59    Matt Reilly at CMU-CS-G      Funiture Must GO!
I have a friend who needs to get rid of some old furniture.
This stuff is cluttering her place up, and no offer will be an insult.
Check /usr/mr/sale.txt and make any offer.  
19-Oct-82 16:04    Matt Reilly at CMU-CS-G      Furniture
Sorry, that file is on the GP vax.
The file is also on the A, under sale.txt[x335mr82]
19-Oct-82 16:18    Marc Donner at CMU-CS-VLSI   Seminar Thursday
Thanks to the miracle of modern scheduling (Merrick tells me that scheduling
is  probably NP-hard), there is a conflict between the regular Theory
Seminar and Chris Stephenson's talk this Thursday.  As a compromise, we are
moving Stephenson's talk back fifteen minutes.  It now starts at 3:45
instead of at 3:30.
19-Oct-82 21:09    Guy Steele at CMU-10A        Geometry - pedantic note
For those who care, the name for a four-dimensional cube is spelled
"tesseract" (not "tessaract").  A 4-D cube is sometimes also called
a "hypercube", but that word is less specific; "hypercube" is often
taken to include any cube-analogue of four or more dimensions, and
sometimes those of any dimension whatsoever.  The word "tesseract",
however, coming from the Greek "tessares" ("four") through Latin
(two meanings of the Latin word "tesserae" are "cubes" and "dice"),
means specifically the four-dimensional variety.
Another note:  the word "projection" has a technical meaning, and as a
rule the operation of projection never increases the dimensionality of
a geometric figure, but often reduces it.  The tesseract is better
spoken of as an "analogue" of the cube than as a "projection".  (On the
other hand, one possible (parallel) projection of a tesseract into
3-space is a cube.  There are other, more complex projections, just as a
cube can be (parallel-)projected into a plane to form a square, but
also to form a rectangle with sides 1 and sqrt(2), or even to form a
regular hexagon (look straight at one corner of a cube to see this).)
Pedantically yours,

19-Oct-82 21:29    Lee Miller at CMU-CS-GANDALF SCRIBE question
The sequence of characters "add_call" normally takes up 8 spaces but only 
takes up 7 if it is inside a verbatim environment.  Specifically it ends up 
with the "c sitting on top of the _".  Is it wrong for me to expect this 
sequence of 8 characters to always take up 8 characters?  How might I get the 
desired result inside a verbatim environment?
19-Oct-82 23:33    David Dill at CMU-10A        I need a paper
Does anyone have a copy of:
"Static Determination of Dynamic Properties of Recursive Procedures",
by Patrick and Radhia Cousot, in IFIP Working Conf on Programming Concepts,
August 1977 (Erich J. Neuhold, ed.)?  The library does not seem to have it.

20-Oct-82 00:05    Andy Hisgen at CMU-10A       Death of Pierre Mendes-France
Pierre Mendes-France, a former prime minister of France, died Monday.
Briefly, he was a pilot in the free French air corps in WWII, after
escaping from a Vichy prison.  He is one of the good guys in "The
Sorrow and the Pity"; perhaps the film will be shown soon on French
television, as originally scheduled.  As prime minister in 1954,
Mendes-France negotiated the end of French rule in Vietnam and
granted independence to the French colony of Tunisia.  P.S. The next
time you see "The Sorrow and the Pity", listen carefully to his
description of his escape from the Vichy prison.

20-Oct-82 02:03    Jonathan McElravy at CMU-10A Pc's for the campus
   The best way for the university to choose which PC's to use 
is to let the students. It would be something like the way you
choose a calculator. The PC that the common user finds most
appealing or easy to use will get the most sales. The problem
is to coordinate the nessisary networking so either or any
PC can hook up to the net with minimal hassels. (Perhaps a
small black box of sorts to handle the interfacing)  I do
not care for the idea of the university telling me that I will 
have to use a peticular PC that is over priced and not as good
as others on the market because THEY signed the contract. In the 
end it can be no worse than the situation with terminals now.
There was a time when there was only one brand  of terminal on
campus. Now look at how many there are. Trouble is, PC's are
a hell of a lot more expensive than terminals.

20-Oct-82 06:02    Stephen Hancock              CMU and PC's
From: Stephen Hancock <SFH at CMU-20C>
Yes, I agree that CMU probably should allow students to select thier own
PC's.  Even though CMU supposedly will have the developer of the PC (IBM
or DEC) foot all of the devolopement costs and the students will only pay
for the hardware.

It would make sense for CMU to support the machines at the software level,
at either application or operating system level (ala UNIX or such).
CMU could then endorse any PC that would support that enviroment.

The issues of supporting a distrubuted computed enviroment with 5-10
thousand PC's are complex and many.  I do not mean to critize the
administration for thier efforts.  These are my personal preferences.
20-Oct-82 08:37    Chuck Thorpe at CMU-CS-IUS   White Ford Escort wagon
... in Skibo lot, your lights are on.
20-Oct-82 09:37    Dan Klein at CMU-10A         Car for sale
1970 Buick Skylark,  69,000 mi.  No rust at  all, Excellent Engine, Current
inspection  sticker,  A/C, Power  brakes/steering,  Good  heater (handy  in
Pittsburgh), has snow tires and regular tires.
A friend of mine is selling her car to  buy a new one. As far as I can tell
from having  ridden with her, all  of this info is  true, and that it  is a
fine  automobile:   Her dad  is  an auto  mechanic,  and is  a fiend  about
maintenance (and  her safety).  Call: Arlene Shubock  @ 963-4821  (work) or
521-3056 (home).

20-Oct-82 10:45    Marc Donner at CMU-CS-VLSI   McElravy and PCs
I know that it is contrary to the time-honored tradition of
flaming, but I would commend a knowledge of the facts to
Mr. McElravy.  As a wise friend of mine used to say, "Put brain
in gear before engaging mouth."
20-Oct-82 10:50    Marc Donner at CMU-CS-VLSI   McElravy and PCs
I know that it is contrary to the time-honored tradition of flaming, but I
would commend a knowledge of the facts to Mr. McElravy.  As a wise friend of
mine used to say, "Put brain in gear before engaging mouth."
20-Oct-82 11:43    Leonard Hamey at CMU-10A     Spelling flame
What has happened to the spelling flamers?
Here are some real bloopers from recent BB messages
        nessisary       (That's my favourite)
        peticular       (Not bad either)
        hassels         (Perhaps forgiveable)
        thier           (Atrocious)
Of course, obvious typographical errors are forgiven.

20-Oct-82 11:49    David Lamb at CMU-10A        conference proceedings?
Does anyone have a copy of the proceedings of the AIAA (American
Institute of Aerospace and Aeronautics, I think) Conference on
Computers in Aerospace III, October 26-28, 1981, San Diego?  I need
to photocopy an article.  The library doesn't have it.

20-Oct-82 11:58    Robert Wilber at CMU-10A     PC Flame :<
If I were a CMU undergrad I would be distressed (to say the least)
about being forced to shell out $3000 for a box of questionable
utility.  PC's are great for people who have to write for a living
(and don't have access to EMACS) or who are running a small
business, but for almost everyone else they are toys.  Even as a
CS & EE undergraduate I don't think I would have got my money's
worth from one.  What meager funds were left after tuition were
better spent on books.  As for what the fine arts majors are going
to do with a PC, that's anybody's guess.

20-Oct-82 12:13    Jill Bidwell at CMU-10A      Trivia Question
Does anyone out there know who sang the original version of
"Dirty Water"? For that matter, do you know who did the remake?
Send mail to me at the A. 

20-Oct-82 13:37    Michael Leibensperge         Yet another PC flame
From: Michael Leibensperge at CMU-10A
Soon we will have an infinite supply of PC flame topics, because
rumor has it that the Warner Hall-ites will sign with IBM.  I can't
wait to check out the menu driven user interface and JCL pocket
handbook.  Gag me with a spoon.

20-Oct-82 13:55    Paul Fussell at CMU-10A      Devon Road parkers Beware!
For any of you who park on Devon Rd (cobble-stone road up the hill from
Skibo):  Beware!
Someone living on Devon has taken umbrage at all the CMU cars that regularly
part there.  They went to the police Superintendent and he invoked the Law.
The street is posted for no more than 2 hour parking, 8 am to 6 pm.  The
police are ticketing ($25!) all the cars that are on the street.  Tickets
were written around noon today.  A rather nice police Sargent (at 255-2839,
division 6 operations) says they will continue to ticket "for as long as it
takes to get the situation [sic] under control." Living on Devon is not a
sufficient excuse to avoid the tickets (groan).  This isn't as important as
the PCs but 25$ per day is more immediate...

20-Oct-82 14:10    Gregg Podnar at CMU-10A      CMU goes IBM PCs
According to The Pittsburgh Press (20-Oct-82) CMU has signed
a contract with IBM to develop 
        ... an innovative system of up to 10,000 interconnected
        personal computers, each 20 to 100 times as powerful as
        home computers now available.  IBM has committed more than
        $10 million to develop both the computers and the
        sophisticated software ...
It goes on to say that CMU will open an Information Technology Center
in December, "staffed by 30 CMU computer scientists".  IBM will 
deliver 100 current personal computers immediately.  Work will begin
on a PC to run at 1 MIPS, "roughly 20 times as powerful as the 
Apple II...".  Starting in 84, CMU will string every office and
dormitory with Cable TV cable and Fiber Optic cables for communication.
"The system itself will become the property of IBM ..."

20-Oct-82 15:03    Michael Young at CMU-10A     More PC comments
Although we may all gripe with the administration's choice
of a manufacturer/supplier of the PC's on campus, we should all
at least realize that supporting various types of PC's  is
not a very feasible thing to do.  That is, just because
the administration might pick a lemon (either because
it started out ill-designed, or it just goes out of date,
or whatever) of a system to design around, it'd be ludicrous
to accept students' choices of PC's and then try to build
"black boxes" to connect them.  [Maybe 10-20 years down the line,
but not now.]  Just look at the kinds of trouble you
get when you want to get Dec-10-line machines to talk to
Vaxen in a smooth way -- we have no concept of a distributed
filesystem here, yet we only run a handful of machine architectures.

20-Oct-82 16:35    DAVID LEWIN                  IBM-CMU Agreement news release
Here is the text of the news release on the personal computing
environment agreement.

Contact: Don Hale                  For release: 1 p.m., Wednesday,

Carnegie-Mellon and IBM Sign
Joint Development Contract

PITTSBURGH--A prototype distributive computing project designed to
give every student at Carnegie-Mellon University direct personal
access to the full information resources of the university will be
developed jointly by CMU and International Business Machines
Corporation (IBM).

Dr. Richard M. Cyert, president of Carnegie-Mellon, said the goal
of the three-year agreement signed today is to lay the technological
foundation, in equipment and programming, for powerful computer
workstations and communications services to be available to students
and faculty, whether at home in an office or in a laboratory. The
development effort will build on existing software research done by
the CMU Department of Computer Science.

By 1986, several thousand personal workstations for the
university's staff, faculty and 5,500 students will be in place, CMU
officials predict.

"The comprehensive computing environment planned by the university
differs greatly from the traditional way computer facilities have been
used in higher education," Dr. Cyert said.

"For example, in 1991, we expect to have about 7,500 personal
workstations, each with its own powerful computer and graphics
display, all interconnected through a high-speed local area network.
In addition to communications between every workstation, there will be
a unified data file system and a central computing facility available
to all workstations.

"Our objective is to extend this computing system and supporting
network for faculty and students beyond the CMU campus to the greater
Pittsburgh area through cable television or telephone lines," he said.

The agreement with IBM, which involves a commitment through a
three-year development phase, calls for the establishment of an
Information Technology Center (ITC) at the university. It will be
staffed by both IBM and CMU personnel. The agreement also expresses
the intent of IBM to continue its support through 1987, based on
progress of the project.

IBM will provide funds and equipment for the ITC. IBM and CMU
personnel will work together at the center to develop the programming
for the prototype computing environment.

"Carnegie-Mellon is aware that it now costs more than $10,000
annually for someone to attend college," Dr. Cyert said. "We want to
provide students with a competitive edge, and this is the next step in
meeting the challenges of the future.

"The university remains committed to a financial aid policy that
makes it possible for any qualified student to attend the university."

"Carnegie-Mellon is an appropriate campus for this prototype
computing environment because it is a leader in computer science and
technological innovation," said Dr. Lewis Branscomb, IBM vice
president and chief scientist. "The university is large enough to test
this concept in all disciplines, yet small enough to make the test
economically feasible."

The agreement with IBM provides for the establishment of a
consortium of universities, with each university designating a person
as primary liaison with the CMU-IBM project. Regular meetings of these
designated individuals will be held and, as elements of the integrated
computing environment become operational, they may be made available
to members of the consortium.
20-Oct-82 16:38    DAVID LEWIN                  Technical details of personal computing plans
This is the technical backgrounder issued at the press ocnference
on the IBM-CMU personal computing agreement. The probable transition machine
is IBM Instruments Division's CS9000 workstation.

Carnegie-Mellon University's Personal Computing Environment

The personal computing environment at Carnegie-Mellon University
will be implemented in two stages, a two-year transition phase

introducing personal workstations into the CMU computing environment,
and an advanced phase, introducing a distributed computing

To get experience in working with personal workstations, a
substantial number of existing machines will be brought into the
Carnegie-Mellon computing environment over the next two years. These
transition machines will be linked to the current computing

Currently under evaluation as the transition machine is a
workstation with a 16-bit (Motorola 68000) processor and a bit-mapped
graphic display, manufactured by the IBM Instruments Division.
Initially, over a hundred transition machines are expected to be
available on campus in the fall of 1983, growing to several hundred in
following years. Software, including an editor and text processing
facilities, will be developed at the Carnegie-Mellon Computation
Center to function in an environment based on the UNIXtm operating
system. It is expected that FORTRAN, Pascal and the C programming
languages will be supported.

While the transition system is implemented and evaluated, work
will be in progress within the joint CMU-IBM Information Technology
Center on software for the second phase of the university's personal
computing plan. During the transition period, IBM will work on
networking and advanced workstations.

Carnegie-Mellon's objective is to begin deploying the computing
environment resulting from integrating all these elements, including a
new operating system environment for distributed personal computing,
in late 1985.

The workstations will have a 32-bit processor with virtual memory
capable of executing 0.5-1 million instructions per second (MIPS),
from 500,000 to 1 millions bytes of random access memory, a
high-resolution bit-mapped graphics display, and a graphics tablet and
keyboard input. Both an on-board disc memory and color display will be

Rather than using built-in disc storage, clusters of 50 to 100
workstations will share a file server through a local area network;
the clusters will be linked together--and to the university's
mainframe computers--through a backbone network. Users will be able to
access files from any workstation in the network.


20-Oct-82 16:51    DAVID LEWIN                  Personal Computing
The overall design of the personal computing plan is a direct outgrowth
of CMU-CSD's SPICE Project, though I'm sure this is clear from the official
20-Oct-82 17:06    Peter Pirolli at CMU-10A     New Tyre--fur sail cheep
I have a new Goodyear glass-belted radial (under 100 mi. on it).
Mounted and balanced in cost me $70+ and its going for $50 or best
offer.   Tire # p225/75r15.

20-Oct-82 17:06    Steven Elkind at CMU-10A     rider to symphony
I  would  like  to  find  someone  to  carpool  down  to  the  Friday
performances of the Pgh.  Symphony.  Presumably, the parking fee ($2)
would be shared with the rider(s).  The prototypical pooler should be
from  the  Oakland/Shadyside/Sq.   Hill  area.    Any takers?    Mail

20-Oct-82 17:07    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Bboard boredom
        Neches just didn't realize that he caught the bboard in a
transient quiescent state, resting up from the elevator/joke flames
before plunging into CMU-brave-new-world flames.

20-Oct-82 17:16    Neal Friedman                PCs
From: Neal Friedman at CMU-CS-GANDALF

	Here is the latest info on the PCs:   CMU has NOT signed any
contract with anyone as of this morning, although it should happen soon
(days or weeks).  My reasonably educated guess is that IBM will be the vendor.
President Cyert formally proposed the venture to the University Trustees this
weekend, and the news leaked.  That is the reason for all the noise.   
	A couple of notes:  The first large batch of the new machines is
planned for the freshman class of 1986.  Before then, several hundred of the
machines may be phased in, some as public machines, say in the terminal rooms.

	The machine the plan calls for does not really exist yet.  The proposal
mentions state-of-the-art hardware and software, all networked together.  Some
of the work done here in CS (Accent for example) was used as a model.  If the
ultimate scenario comes about, the machines will be a steal at $750/year.
20-Oct-82 19:09    Neal Friedman                PCs
From: Neal Friedman at CMU-CS-GANDALF
	Mr. Lewin's post supercedes mine: it appeared as I typed in
my last post.  My info only came from Warner Hall this morning. 
20-Oct-82 20:56    Brad Allen at CMU-RI-ISL     What! No Lisp for PCs?
I hesitate to sound like a fanatic, but I'll chain myself to the fence in
protest if they don't support Lisp on the PCs.
20-Oct-82 21:50    David Shenton at CMU-10A     PC's
Will someone please tell me what a PC is ?

20-Oct-82 22:19    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    CMU saves IBM from oblivion
People who appreciate that DEC software is better than IBM software should
realize that DEC acquired all its good software from universities (most
notably MIT), except for TOPS-20 which it bought from BBN.  IBM has been
churning out trash for years, it's true, but take a look at VMS if you
think DEC's in-house products are so wonderful.
This PC (Personal Computer) deal is the best thing that ever happened to us
and IBM, because CMU is loaded with top notch undergrad hackers who will
rewrite anything they don't like anyway.  Just let them try and stick us
with a typical piece of IBM cruft like the software they sell for 5100
desktop computer.  (An unlikely event if you look at the qualifications of
the in-house committee that's overseeing this deal -- a committee that DOES
include student members.)  We can rewrite anything we don't like.  We can
bring up three flavors of Lisp if we want, and we can make those
brain-damaged chewers of punched card chaff support them, too.  IBM does
build better hardware than DEC, and if their magical-sounding workstation isn't
developed yet, that's fine.  All that means is that we have the opportunity
to help them get it right the first time.

20-Oct-82 22:21    Ravinder Chandhok            PC
From: Ravinder Chandhok at CMU-CS-GANDALF
I believe all this discussion about "PC's" has to do with 
program counters or something, but I only get my information from 
Warner Hall. Or perhaps it is a typo and should really be "WC".
21-Oct-82 01:45    Alex Waibel at CMU-CS-SPEECH PC ????
"PC"  stands for Para-Commander. It is a round parachute with modifications
which make it a steerable parachute that can be flown very accurately to a
specific target.  PC's were and still are quite popular for accuracy sport
parachuting jumps.  They are not as much fun jumping though as square
parachutes (RAM-AIR).  Hope this answers your question.  Please don't ask me
though what IBM has got to do with it all....

P.S. I almost forgot:  :)(: /*joke*/ "HAHA" or whatever the convention was.
21-Oct-82 01:50    Guy Steele at CMU-10A        Spelling/pedantry: 2 in 1!
Okay, people, once and for all: these words are so important
to computer scientists that there should be no excuse for misspelling
any of them:
        RIGHT           WRONG           WRONG
        precede         preceed
        preceding       preceeding
        proceed         procede
        procedure       proceedure
        proceeding      proceding
        supersede       supercede       superceed
   "precede" is from Latin "praecedere" = "prae" before + "cedere" to go.
        Thus "precede" = "to go before".
   "proceed" is from Latin "procedere" = "pro" forward + "cedere" to go.
        Thus "proceed" = "to go forward".
[In the light of the derivations, the difference in spelling is admittedly
anomalous, but English contains many such anomalies.]
   "supersede" is from Latin "supersedere" = "super" above + "sedere" sit
        Thus "supersede" = "to sit above/on".
[Thus "supersede" is etymologically unrelated to the other words above.]
P.S. Coming soon: the difference between "affect" and "effect", both as verbs
and as nouns.  SPELL won't catch those!

21-Oct-82 09:34    James Muller                 pedantry
From: James Muller at CMU-CS-GANDALF
This word is so important to bboard readers that there should be no excuse
for not knowing its etymology:
    "monotonous" is from Greek "monotonos" = "mono" single + "tonos" tone.
	Thus monotonous, having one tone.
P.S. Coming soon: getting the zipper into the pillowcase.

21-Oct-82 09:35    Daniel Duchamp at CMU-CS-G   PCs: beaten to the punch
   It seems that Clarkson College and Stevens Institute of Technology
 have come up with the idea of required PCs before we have.  The
 October 20 issue of Electronics reports (p. 50) that, as of this fall,
 all 80 freshmen at SIT are required to own PCs.  They use Atari 800s
 with 16K memory; this choice was made because of the low cost ($747)
 to the students.  At Clarkson, all 1000 freshmen will be required to
 own PCs beginning in fall 1983.  They are required to have 8085/8088
 based Zenith Z-100 systems which cost $200 per semester.
   The salient differences between these programs and CMU's are:
  1) Their programs do not include any networking concepts.
  2) Their PCs are not wonderful, top-of-the-line, soon-to-be-outdated
     (what's a MIP going to be worth in the late 80s?), $3000 PCs.
  3) Since these schools are technological schools (Clarkson is actually
     Clarkson College of Technology), the administrations there are not
     faced with the problem of forcing the majority of students to
     shell out $3K for some box which they can't, don't want to, and 
     probably never will use.
21-Oct-82 10:32    Daniel Duchamp at CMU-CS-G   PC flame
   This one is different from the rest.  I am pro-PC.  My comments:
 1) Standardization of PCs is a must.  As has been pointed out, this
    venture is already a trail-blazing research project; if the
    "universal interface" problem were tackled also, then there would
    simply too much new ground being covered for the system as a whole
    to be usable and efficient within any reasonable time span.
 2) In reference to the implied flame of Podnar (Oct. 20, 14:05), the
    fact that the system will belong to IBM frees CMU from the most
    obvious legal/ethical question of how much a university should
    accept from a corporation.  In this case, we are (to a great extent,
    but not completely) buying an IBM product.
 3) As Touretzky has pointed out (Oct. 20, 22:14), while some may decry
    IBM software that comes with current products, at least we have a
    chance to influence how the software for this product turns out.
 4) The potential advantages for the scientist that standardized
    personal computing offers are many and well documented.  This
    department obviously feels this way, since we are supporting SPICE.
    I suspect other departments which have significant experimental
    computing needs are damn glad that the network is coming.
   My reservations about the project:
 1) I question whether requiring the purchase of a $3000 piece of
    equipment by all is a good idea.  Conceivably, 1 MIP will not be
    enough for cpu hogs, while being overkill for a liberal arts type
    who just wants to write a paper.  Hopefully, there will be some
    method for processor hogs to access some real computing power
    without losing all the advantages offered by the PCnet.
 2) I question whether the increased use of computers for teaching
    liberal arts will be revolutionary in scope, as the administration
    thinks, or whether it will be merely evolutionary.  If the only
    things that a liberal arts major will need from a computer is
    mail, bboard, word processing, and database access, then perhaps money
    is better spent by supplying those people bare-bones terminals
    with which to access a timesharing system that is a gateway to
   These ideas were formulated somewhat hastily (I have class in 3 minutes).
  If anyone cares to tell me why I am full of bull, feel free.
21-Oct-82 10:48    Daniel Duchamp at CMU-CS-G   PC flame
   This one is different from the rest.  I am pro-PC.  My comments:
 1) Standardization of PCs is a must.  As has been pointed out, this
    venture is already a trail-blazing research project; if the
    "universal interface" problem were tackled also, then there would
    simply too much new ground being covered for the system as a whole
    to be usable and efficient within any reasonable time span.
 2) In reference to the implied flame of Podnar (Oct. 20, 14:05), the
    fact that the system will belong to IBM frees CMU from the most
    obvious legal/ethical question of how much a university should
    accept from a corporation.  In this case, we are (to a great extent,
    but not completely) buying an IBM product.
 3) As Touretzky has pointed out (Oct. 20, 22:14), while some may decry
    IBM software that comes with current products, at least we have a
    chance to influence how the software for this product turns out.
 4) The potential advantages for the scientist that standardized
    personal computing offers are many and well documented.  This
    department obviously feels this way, since we are supporting SPICE.
    I suspect other departments which have significant experimental
    computing needs are damn glad that the network is coming.
   My reservations about the project:
 1) I question whether requiring the purchase of a $3000 piece of
    equipment by all is a good idea.  Conceivably, 1 MIP will not be
    enough for cpu hogs, while being overkill for a liberal arts type
    who just wants to write a paper.  Hopefully, there will be some
    method for processor hogs to access some real computing power
    without losing all the advantages offered by the PCnet.
 2) I question whether the increased use of computers for teaching
    liberal arts will be revolutionary in scope, as the administration
    thinks, or whether it will be merely evolutionary.  If the only
    things that a liberal arts major will need from a computer is
    mail, bboard, word processing, and database access, then perhaps money
    is better spent by supplying those people bare-bones terminals
    with which to access a timesharing system that is a gateway to
   These ideas were formulated somewhat hastily (I have class in 3 minutes).
  If anyone cares to tell me why I am full of bull, feel free.
21-Oct-82 12:16    Neal Friedman                PCs
From: Neal Friedman at CMU-CS-GANDALF
	The proposed system may, in one incantation, permit idle PCs to
'loan' part of thier CPU to other machine on the network that need the
extra cycles (al la ACCENT).  Also, the network will probably have several 
large machines (DEC-20s, IBM ??s) that can provide additional crunching power.

	While us hackers may object to mere mortals (fine arts students)
interfering with our work, some professors in fine arts and design can't wait
to bring CAD into the set design classes, animate in real-time, and teach
music with a real hands-on computer solfege (CS is already co-operating with
Music on that one).   Originally, I objected on this point to, but after 
finding out what the system can be, I think even the fine arts students can

21-Oct-82 12:19    Gregg Lebovitz at CMU-EE-1   PC
I can't say that I'm as unimpressed with the IBM deal as other people.
My guess would be that the reason IBM was chosen over DEC was
IBM's willingness to make a technical commitment, and to provide
staff for the TECHNICAL COMPUTER CENTER or whatever it is called.
As for the comments about using Atari's or Apple's. Id rather have a
slice of a Vax then have to use one of those things.
21-Oct-82 12:45    Daniel Duchamp at CMU-CS-G   read this
   If you have a set of the required PS readings, please send me mail.
21-Oct-82 12:48    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      DT50: Wedgedness incarnate
Dave, I must disagree with you on almost every count.  I tried to post
a flame in response to yours but the message was too long and the BBoard
program blew out of the water in a very ugly way!  I take it that that
is an example of the way any one of your "three flavors of lisp" would
work, right?!  Please see: PC.FLM[A310JS1E].

21-Oct-82 12:49    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      Pedantry
Bravo, Jim, but I think that you'll find that Guy speaks for himself:
(From Webster's 2nd:)
        Pedant: (2) A person who overrates the importance of minor
                    or trivial points of learning, displaying a 
                    scholarship lacking in judgement or sense of
                (3) A narrow minded teacher who instists on exact
                    adherence to a set of arbitrary rules.

21-Oct-82 12:49    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      PC
(From Redstbew's 33rd:)  [Note the hidden smiley face]
PC: Personal Computer.  NS.  
A particular kind of toy popularized by various companies during the
late 1970s through the early 1990s.  A PC could be found in almost every
home and almost every school child was given one by the school in the
hopes that they would improve education [a particular form of PC called
"DynaBook" was, in fact, said by some to have accomplished this goal].
A PC was a "computer no bigger than a bread box".  They continued to be
made more and more powerful eventually surpassing their predecessors
(the TSS c.f.)  in power.  It should be noted that during the 20th
century some computers were still used for purposes other than The
Games.  Older systems still manipulated numbers and lexical objects
rather than graphics objects and so were used by some (very few by the
late 1980s) to perform various sorts of scientific research.  However,
most of this of interest only to the antiquarian since none of that
knowledge has survived.  It is believed that the PC was the greatest
contributor to The Realization and that primative forms of The Games
were actually written for the more powerful of these toys.  Most of
the technology known to The Keepers of The Games is said to have been
public domain during the time of the PC.  Some believe that The Games
as we know them today developed as a result of the Divine Inspiration
of St. Ibm, The Unpronouncible -- saint of Hackers -- when he (or she?)
collaborated with a now defunct university in attempting to educate
its students by giving them each a PC.  Now that The Games have been
devised, however, there is no need for such primative pastimes as education
and so the legacy of St. Ibm is accounted as The Games primarily.  
(c.f., TSS, Hacker, Ibm, Computer, and various subtopics)

21-Oct-82 13:26    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Prof. Aiso's Lecture ....
will be on Monday, October 25, at 1:30 pm in WeH 5409.

21-Oct-82 13:28    Philip Wadler                PC and Big Biz
From: Philip Wadler at CMU-CS-GANDALF
A different perspective on the PC matter ...

Why is CMU doing this?  To gain prestige and new markets.  If this works, it
will attract more and better people to CMU.  If it doesn't, it may drive
them away.  Cyert is taking a brave and shrewd gamble.  I hope he hasn't
been taken in.  We all know how easy it is for us software people to promise
more than we can deliver.

Why is IBM doing this?  To gain prestige and new markets.  If this works,
many universities will be clamoring to buy the same product from IBM;
and many students will graduate with a familiarity with IBM, and therefore
a greater tendency to buy from them in the future.  If it doesn't work,
IBM is left where it was before, merely the biggest manufacturer of
computers around.  CMU takes the bigger risk, IBM reaps the bigger profits.
That's capitalism:  IBM puts up the capital, so it deserves the profits.

Why not DEC?  CMU abandoned its long and friendly relationship with DEC
for a very good reason -- we got a better offer elsewhere.  Of course,
it's easier for IBM to offer a $20 million development project then
it is for DEC to do so; $20 million is a much smaller fraction of IBM's
budget.  Would IBM still be making this offer if the Reagan administration
had not canned the anti-trust case against IBM?

Why PC's?  Cyert has several choices as to how to improve CMU's reputation.
Better technology is one choice.  A different choice would be a massive
commitment to improving faculty, library facilities, etc.  Probably one
reason for the technology choice is that it looks "sexier".  It's easier
to convince people to spend $3000 more for "the wave of the future"
than for traditional facilities.  (Similarly, it's easier for DoD to
convince the American public to spend more on fancy high-tech weapons than
to spend more on, say, pay and training to get better soldiers.)

The above is not intended as an attack on CMU, IBM, or anyone else.
They do the best they can in the given system.  I am just trying to
point out some implications of that system.

As always, @i[thoughtful] comments are welcome.  Mail to Wadler@y.

21-Oct-82 13:29    Robert Frederking at CMU-10A Not about PCs! Really!
        A Hollywood movie is being filmed behind the downtown Post
Office, and has been for a couple of days.  In case anyone would like
to take a peak at it,  the best way to get to where the action was is
to go through the parking lot where Grant meets Liberty, across the
street from the Federal Building.  They're using Pittsburgh because
it's a film about a female construction worker, and we have the highest
construction site/square foot in the world.

21-Oct-82 13:32    Paul Kram at CMU-CS-CAD      programing by fine arts people
It is unrealistic to assume that all good programing
will be done by CS people.  Some fine arts people 
have the aptitude to become very adept at
programing within their area of interest. 
Ready access to pc will encourage these people
to develope their skills.  Because of their
knowledge of their major field (fine art)
they will be able to develop useful
application programs for their own fields
that cs people might not have the insight to
imagine.  Afterall the strengths of fine arts
people are imagination,intuition, and
spontanaity. Temper these qualities with
a little mathmatical precision and disipline
and the result may be some very inovative

21-Oct-82 13:59    Steven Shafer at CMU-CS-IUS  PC bboard time?
Is it perhaps time to start a PC bboard so people can discuss this
issue without swamping the general bboard?
21-Oct-82 14:33    Steven Shafer at CMU-CS-IUS  PC bboard time?
Is it perhaps time to start a PC bboard so people can discuss this
issue without swamping the general bboard?
21-Oct-82 15:19    Steven Shafer at CMU-CS-IUS  PC bboard time?
Is it perhaps time to start a PC bboard so people can discuss this
issue without swamping the general bboard?
21-Oct-82 16:21    don provan at CMU-10A        even more about PCs
look: fine arts majors aren't all technically incompetent.
in each of the fours years i was in the music department, there was
at least one freshman music major who could program well by the
end of her first year.  given the difficulty of a music major
finding a computer AND getting access to it, i think this is
a remarkably high number.   i'm sure more competent programmers
would be developed if each music major had a computer in
her room.
maybe i'm missing something; are these computers disposable
or something?  persumably you'd get most of your investment
back when you sold your PC to an incoming freshman.  and
couldn't you buy a used one cheaper than the $3k figure?
wouldn't roommates be able to share one PC?  and that
reminds me: where do commuters plug in?  and where do they
store this expensive piece of equipment where they won't be
afraid it'll get ripped off?  do they carry it around under their

21-Oct-82 16:58    Daniel Duchamp at CMU-CS-G   read this
   IMPORTANT info about PS readings:
   1) There are 15 new copies of the required readings in the CS main
      office.  If you are legitimately entitled to one (you are
      following or taking the course), and don't have a copy, then
      pick one up.  Please send me mail to tell me that you have picked up
      a copy.
   2) There are 11 copies of the supplemental readings available from
      Betsy in room 8117.  You are asked to check them out with her
      and be reasonable about returning them.
   3) If you already have a copy of the required readings and have not
      yet identified yourself to me, then please send me mail.  So far
      only 4 of 30 have sent mail to me.
   4) Known errors in the set of required readings:
      a. the article by Saltzer which is listed as missing from the
         set IS in the set
      b. the article by  Morris "Types are not Sets", is missing but
         is not listed as missing; the reference to it in the syllabus
         is wrong--it should be "POPL 1973" NOT "POPL 1978"
      c. the article by Rothnie et. al. "Introduction to a System..."
         is missing but is not listed as missing; it can be found at
         the end of the supplemental readings
      d. the article by Gray "Notes on Database OS" is unreadable
         because the original had extensive yellow highlighting; it
         should not be difficult to find a copy of this article, it is
         a classic
21-Oct-82 17:42    Daniel Duchamp at CMU-CS-G   Fifth Generation
   Let me call attention to the lecture at 1:30 Monday to be given by
 Mr. Aiso.  He will give perspective on the Japanese Fifth Generation
 project.  It is a very ambitious attempt to create a user-friendly,
 intelligent, high-powered computer.  The Japanese are blunt about
 their expectation to conquer the computing world with it.  Gordon Bell
 has said that the 5G project will be the most serious challenge yet for
 the domestic computer industry.  Whether the Japanese succeed or not,
 the 5G project will undoubtedly be one of the largest and most influential
 research projects of the decade.
21-Oct-82 17:46    Doug Jensen at CMU-CS-G      PC flames
Apparantly a lot of people are not aware that CMU's PC network plans have
been receiving considerable input from just about all the obviously
appropriate CSD teaching and research faculty, plus our facilities staff.
One would get the false impression from the BB that the project is a kludge
devised and forced upon us by high level CMU and IBM management.  Thoughtful
consideration has occurred, and facts exist which will emerge as
appropriate--more of both are needed. However, the IBM proprietary product
aspect will impact the way in which progress and publicity occur. Note too
that this project will be exploring new pedagogical paradigms for the
effective use of PC's in nontraditional contexts (e.g., fine arts).
21-Oct-82 18:40    Craig Everhart at CMU-10A    Courtesy in postings
Messages posted on the general bulletin board are read by literally hundreds
of people in the CMU environment and elsewhere.  It behooves the poster to take
a little time and put a message in reasonable shape before asking this enormous
audience to put up with it--a simple courtesy.  Another simple courtesy is to
think about what you want to say before saying it, so these same hundreds of
people don't have to figure out how your mind works every time they read a
message of yours.  Get to the point; keep it short!

21-Oct-82 18:43    Richard Korf at CMU-10A      C.S. I.M. X-country Victory
The Computer Science and Friends Cross-Country team has captured the 
intramural cross-country meet team trophy. Congratulations to Peter Highnam, 
John Pane, Kevin Clark, Larry Matthies, Paul Clifford, Phil Miller, and
Gary York.

21-Oct-82 18:44    Michael Young at CMU-10A     PC & liberal arts
... don't always match so well.
I think a point many people are overlooking when they expound
upon the wonders of letting artsy and other non-CS majors
diddle with their own machines, or even let professors instruct
with them, is that someone has to sit down and write all of this
software.  All of the good CAD or CAI software I've ever seen
has been written by CS-type people, not liberal arts majors.
To say that music majors will be using complex sound-recognition/processing
is not too realistic, when you look at where the pros are in the
As others have said: I'm fully in support of the PC idea, but there
are loopholes, and I don't think it'll be nearly as successful
as planned, primarily due to lack of programming staff (not
hacking staff, although that certainly will help).

21-Oct-82 18:46    Michael Young at CMU-10A     a clarification
Maybe I should clarify myself with regards to my last post about the
PC situation: I didn't mean to imply that there are no good
liberal arts programmers, just that they are not the norm.  I'd
love for liberal arts majors to write lots of programs, but I don't
think they should attack the computing equipment while leaving
their other concerns in the background... and I don't think
that's likely anyway.
At this point, I'd like to get out of the discussion, as I claim
no special knowledge of the PC proposal, or how IBM plans to
handle it... let those in the know speak up.

21-Oct-82 19:03    Ed Gehringer at CMU-10A      Spelling, again (sigh!)
Maybe CS people just can't do humanities.

21-Oct-82 19:44    Jeff Shrager at CMU-10A      BI bboard time?
I think that there should be a Boring Information bboard for anyone 
wishing to discuss seminars and program updates.

21-Oct-82 19:48    Dave Touretzky at CMU-10A    thirty flavors of PC
If I were an instructor intending to integrate the computer into my course
curriculum the way President Cyert suggests, I would want to be assured of
a few things.  First, all my students had better own a computer of adequate
capacity.  Second, the machines they use have to be able to run the software
I write (including those nifty graphic routines I worked so hard on to
illustrate my material), talk to the network servers I use, and generate
files I can read.  It would be REALLY nice if they used the same kind of
machine I do, so when they screw up I can help them.  Third, if one of my
students' machines breaks down, we had better have people and spare parts
around to fix it so he or she doesn't have to mail it to Texas or
California like some God-awful brand-x pocket calculator.  All of these
requirements are most easily met if we settle, for the time being, on a
single brand of machine.
If I were a Fine Arts student, I would get bored by a $500 personal
computer pretty quickly.  On the other hand, a machine with .5-1 MIPS of
power and a bitmapped display could be pretty interesting.  It would have
enough crunch-power to let me do polyphonic music synthesis or realtime
animation, for example.  And it would run a nifty user-friendly language
like maybe Smalltalk or Lisp, instead of a some cheapo 16K Basic or Pascal
that is only fit for nerds.
Shrager does have one good point:  this is a humongous project and it's
going to need a lot of good people.  Perhaps he doesn't think 30 are
enough.  In that case, if I were Jeff Shrager, I would volunteer to help.

21-Oct-82 19:49    Jonathan McElravy at CMU-10A McElravy on the rebound
  First off, allow me to apologize for my spelling. I promise to proof
read my future posts twice from now on. 
  Second, My fellow undergrads and I hate getting things shoved down our
throat. Only those that need the full power of these proposed PC's will
be getting what they paid for. In other words, a drama student could get
all he needs out of a Apple size PC while a Comp Sci major will always
be looking for a little more power. Any PC power that is not used will
in effect be waisted. It would be nice to be able to choose a Personal
Computer that is matched to my needs like I pick a calculator. I would
not want to be the one to tell the drama people that they must buy a 
$3000 system when a $500-$1000 would do just as fine. I'm just not that
much of a thief.
  There are other things to think of though. Read Jeff Shrager's  BBpost
and related flame file if you passed it by. I enjoyed it and tend to agree
with him. Please don't take that against him though. We are due to break
away from Dec at any rate.

21-Oct-82 19:49    David Nason at CMU-10A       Entomology of PC
Very apropos....I thought it interesting that Mark should
research the entomology (study of bugs) of PC;  everyone else
seems to be talking about that very thing.  However, the
etymology of entomology is:  from the Greek entomon, an insect.

21-Oct-82 19:49    Robert Thibadeau at CMU-10A  A famous PC
In Atlanta there is a fast-food outfit called "The Varsity" which
is old and venerable to most Ga. Tech. People.  Ask for a PC and
you get 'the varsity's own' chocolate milk in ice.  
  There is also the PC Vision project in Robotics ... hmm ... for
fear of getting deludged by the Touretzky hoards I suppose that 
PC is due for the ol' worm hole treatment.

21-Oct-82 19:50    Hans Moravec at CMU-10A      1 Mip IBM PC
Hmmmm.  I read an Electronics article a few months ago that described
an effort by an IBM team  to redo the micro-code on the 68000 chip so
it would make like an IBM 370.  They decided they needed about twice
the microcode space, and were eagerly awaiting a new version from
Motorola.    (ah, probably nothing to worry about).

21-Oct-82 19:50    Sylvia Hoy at CMU-10A        Need help
There is a book missing from the E & S library called,
Tutorial - Microcomputer Networks       by Thruber and Freeman
        yr. 1981
Would whoever has it please return it to the library, for another soul
would like to obtain knowledge from it.  It would be greatly appreciated

21-Oct-82 19:51    Mike Rychener at CMU-10A     Observations on PCs
     1.  One of the tenets of SPICE is that it be very easily portable
among a variety of machines.
     2.  We should factor into PC discussion the computerized library
being planned.
     3.  What about computer-aided instruction?  This would be of
universal utility, I would think.  The first step is probably a tutor
to help people learn how to deal with the PCs - a research problem.
     4.  Fine Arts people will use computers for radically different
purposes than we do, e.g., voice and music synthesis; liberal arts
types do things like statistical analyses of word frequencies, etc.
Our own warped 'hacking' view of the computing world will not apply
to the rest of the university.  They can certainly use more power
than will be available, just like we can - especially if provided with
tools that allow them friendly and fun access.
     5.  I am opposed to more than one flavor of LISP, or anything
else, for that matter.  Extensibility of languages provides everyone
with his or her own dialect, but everyone should start with the same
common core.

21-Oct-82 21:17    Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A    Jim Gray's DBOS paper (PSQual)
From: Vijay Saraswat at CMU-10A (C410VS90)
Fine , it's a classic ;more important , it seems elusive . 
If anyone has a version of the paper guarenteed to come
through a Xerox without vivid black censor slashes ....
please let me know . thanks .
21-Oct-82 21:20    Gregg Podnar at CMU-10A      PCs / IBM / my 2c
The best thing about IBM is their excellent service reputation.
But I think their methods of software development are what caused
so many problems in the NASA shuttle program.
Where will they get 30 computer scientists, enough of which are
multi-processor, network, widely-varied-user interface, and
applications experts?  How much will they be Paying?
Is the Pgh.Press innacurate because it reports different information
than the CMU press releases?
I believe in DEC; sorry fellas.

21-Oct-82 22:41    Sharon Burks at CMU-10A      Craig Mudge Visiting
Craig Mudge, from CSIRO Australia, will be visiting the department on 
Friday, October 29.  He will lecture at 3:30 pm in room 5409 on the
SILICON.  If you would be interested in talking with him let me know.
